HomeMy WebLinkAboutP&Z Minutes 2001-04-19 Regularr-l
Minutes of a Regular Meeting
of the
Friendswood Planning and Zoning Commission
April 19, 2001
A regular meeting of the Friendswood Planning and Zoning Commission was held Thursday,
April 19, 2001 at 7:00 p.m. in the city hall council chambers located at 910 S. Friendswood
Drive, Friendswood, Texas. The following members were present:
Tom Burke
Bob Bertrand
Zekie Mc Veigh
Neils Aalund
Tom Samson
Mark Clark
Mike Dominguez -City Planner
Mike Hodge -CD Director
Diana Steelquist -CD Coordinator
Kim Mickelson -City Attorney
Mel Measeles -Council Liaison
Frank Frankovich 7:05 P.M.
With a quorum present, Chair Burke called the meeting to order to consider the following:
1.Communications from the public.
There were no communications from the public.
Due to the possibility of lengthy discussions on other agenda items. The agenda order was
modified to move up the consent agenda items and the discussion on the thoroughfare plan
for Greenbriar.
Commissioner Frankovich arrived at this time.
5.Consideration and possible action regarding the following:
Consent Agenda:
A.approval 4-2-01 special meeting minutes.
B.approval 4-5-01 regular meeting minutes.
C.approval 4-9-01 special meeting minutes.
D.approval of final plat of H.E.B. Friendswood located on FM 528 at Sunset.
Motion: Samson -to approve
Second: McVeigh
Vote for: Unanimous Motion Carried
4.Consideration and possible action regarding the major thoroughfare plan for
Motion: Clark -to recommend to City Council a revision to the Major Thoroughfare
plan regarding the extension of Greenbriar.
Second: Samson
Vote: None taken Motion Tabled
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Motion: Bertrand -to table discussion until more information could be gathered from
Second: Frankovich
Vote for: Unanimous Motion Carried Mr. Peter Gorman addressed the commission regarding his request to modify the
major thoroughfare plan by not having Greenbriar extend to FM 528. Mr. Gorman would
like to develop a tract of land for Garden Homes in the area of the planned road
extension. He also expressed safety concerns which would result from the placement of
an additional traffic light on FM 528. Similar concerns were expressed in memos from
Captain Luke Loeser and the CDD staff. Commissioner Frankovich felt an additional
light would not be a hazard but rather beneficial in slowing traffic along FM 528. He also
suggested that the cmTent alignment plan for Greenbriar could be modified to have the
intersection ali gn with Layfair Place in the Fox Meadows Subdivision. Based on his
DRC meeting, Mr. Gorman did not think re-aligning the road way would be feasible as it
would then be in the floodway along Chigger Creek. Other questions that were raised
included what the Texas Department of Transportation's standards would be for changing
the speed limits and for installing traffic signalization in this area and if any h·affic count
data was available. A motion was made to table fmther discussion until more
information could be obtained from staff on the issues raised.
2.Discussion and possible action regarding amending the zoning ordinance with regards
to tree preservation.
Aalund -to recommend to City Council a revision to the zoning ordinance
regarding tree preservation
Unanimous Motion Carried
This item will be work shopped by City Council on May 14th. The ordinance
revisions were prepared by a sub-committee in an effort to address the loss of trees which
are located in areas outside the cmTent tree survey requirements. Cun-ently, tree surveys
are required for the first 20 feet of depth along R.O.W.'s and streets frontages. The
purpose would be to preserve the value of trees in each property developed, the value of
trees to the city and the value to the people of the city. It would also provide a means
were trees could be moved or replaced off site along with establishing a fund to replace
trees if they could not be saved during the site devel opment process. Per the City
Attorney, the proposed penalties for illegally destroying or removing trees could not be
enforced. Fees for penalties are already established in the zoning ordinance. It was
recommended that many of the procedures on how trees will be protected during site
development should be included in the Design Criteria Manual. Other suggestions
included a tree registry, an Arbor Plan for the city, a coalition with su1Tounding
municipalities for a c_omprehensive Arbor Plan, grants for funding of enforcement,
combining tree preservation with the EOD and DOD, future involvement from the
Community Appearance Board and Downtown Beautification Committee. Ms. Doris
Heard offered comments regarding the city's cu1Tent qualified tree list which addresses
the types of trees which would be prefe1Ted in the city. It was suggested that this list be
added to the Desi gn Criteria Manual rather than be a part of the Zoning Ordinance. - 2 -04/19/01 P &Z
The City Attorney will review other municipalities' ordinances regarding tree
preservation with regards on how to implement a tree fund and when the ZBOA might
get involved with exceptions to the ordinance to allow for more "flexible zoning"
particularly when the aesthetics of a development are involved. The City Planner will
also be contacting other municipalities to dete1mine where they obtained grants to fund
their urban forester or arbotist. He also noted that at least one city used 4b sales taxes to
fund a forester. Concern was also expressed regarding enforcement where p1ivate
property starts and ends patticularly right-of-ways in single family re sidential areas. The
terms used regarding development will also need to be more defined so interpretation
will be on a broad scale to initiate a tree survey early in the development process. In
addition, the city attorney will investigate the use of any tree fund established thorough
the ordinance revision for the maintenance of existing trees. Although, she did not
believe that such a use would be defensible as tree maintenance on public areas is
currently a city responsibility and maintenance of trees on private lots was not.
3.Discussion and possible action regarding amending the commercial site plan approval
Chairman Burke asked the Council Liaison to discuss the reasons why council wants
to change the commercial site plan approval process. Ivlr. Measeles stated that at the
recent council retreat the topic came up during discussions on economic development.
The consensus was that by having staff perform the review and approval, the process
would be streamlined. Chairman Burke noted that multi-family residential developments
were currently included in the commercial site plan approval process and wanted to know
if these would still be reviewed by P&Z. Multi-family residential developments were not
discussed at the retreat and it was assumed they would be excluded from staff approval of
commercial site plans. The Chairman and Liaison were both interested in what all the
commissioners thought about the proposed change to the site plan process and wanted to
present those comments to City Council.
Commissioner Bertrand stated that staff was now capable of performing site plan
approval, however; he felt the change from P&Z to staff approval should be a graduated
process wherein ce1tain types of site plans based on the zoning are initially given to the
staff to approve. Other types could be added as the staff got more expetience. He was
also concerned that the new approval process would not allow citizens to comment and
view commercial site plans. He recommended that commercial site plans have a five day
period in which the public would be allowed to view and comment upon new commercial
development before staff approved a site plan. Notice of the site plan's viewing could be
posted on the City's web site.
Commissioner Frankovich did not think the process should be changed. His opinion
was that the more eyes that looked at a site plan, the better compliance with the city
ordinances would be obtained. He is aware that a developer has a limited time frame. His
suggestion was to sho1ten_ the time frame for the approval process. The P&Z review of
site plans has been beneficial in the past by detecting areas where the ordinances were
not addressed. Citizens have also come to P&Z with valid comments on commercial site
plans and they need to have a fmum to continue to do so.
Staff estimates four to six weeks time would be saved if the site plan approval was
done on a staff level. Currently, staff reviews commercial site plans three times, for the
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preliminary approval, the final approval and again when the permitting process begins. The new process would have one submittal for site plan and construction permitting. Plans would be reviewed, comments would be addressed and a permit could be issued. Commissioner Mc Veigh noted that the larger commercial developers never had problems with their developments, were always prepared and went through the process quickly. It was other smaller developers who were not prepared, were not familiar with the ordinances and who had multiple comments on their site plans who took longer to go through the process. If the change to the site plan process was complaint driven, as the Council Liaison felt it was, how would changing the process assist these types of developers? Commissioner Clark felt that the citizens still needed an opportunity to speak to commercial developers in a public fornm so that any concerns they might have could be addressed directly. He also felt the public needed an advocate in the approval of commercial site plans and that P&Z served that role. Final site plans still come to P&Z with problems and the commission has been able to make developers comply where staff could not or were staff did not see the problem. The comment that he has heard from developers was that the problem with commercial development was in the construction plan review and not site plan approval. Additionally, by allowing the P&Z commission the oppo1tunity to review and approve site plans, it provides ideas for additional ordinances to improve the aesthetics of the city. Landscape ordinances, tree preservation, lighting, and EOD ordinances evolved from the review of commercial site plans. The Commissioners serve as planners as well as zoning commissioners and should continue to review commercial site plans to build the city in the direction of the views of its citizens. Commissioner Aalund is in favor of expediting the approval process, however; the Commissioners bring additional eyes and ears to the process. Additionally the discussions which take place with the developer and citizens at the meetings are beneficial to all. Each applicant is treated fairly during the process. Commissioner Samson noted that he has spent a lot of time on a committee to revise the Permitted Use Table. The revisions are aimed at speeding up and aiding the development process in Friendswood by reducing the types of specific use permits required, and expanding other permitted uses. He sees the P&Z commission not as a barrier to development but as a filter. It is a fornm for public discussion which should remain intact. He wants the development process to be thorough and fair rather than speedy. Commission Bertrand clarified the commercial site plan process with staff. The new concept would be to cut down the number of reviews done by staff. Commissioner Frankovich suggested that the construction plan review begin with site plan approval in order to speed up the permitting process. Chairman Burke noted that the preliminary approval process was implemented to· guide developers in creating site plans which met city ordinances. That process has been taken over by the Development Review Committee meeting. The Commission cmTently relies on staff's recommendation memos to be accurate although at times the commission will add or delete items, and trnsts staff to see that the comments are addressed on the - 4 -04/19/01 P&Z
final submittal. Therefore, since staff is performing the preliminaiy approval via DRC
and the review of the final site plan submittal, why not take P&Z prelimina1y site plan
approval out of the process. Because of the issues discussed earlier, particularly the need
for public input, make final approval of commercial site plans a P &Z consent agenda
item. The commission still needs to be involved in planning actions and the approval of
commercial site plans is that means. The staff saw no legal or procedural reasons why
Chairman Burke's suggestion could not be implemented. As no ordinance has been
drafted, the Chai1man will forward the commissions' comments to City Council for their
A motion was made, seconded and approved to adjourn the meeting at 9:20 P .M.
Diana SteelquisL
Community Development Coordinator
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