HomeMy WebLinkAboutP&Z Minutes 2001-05-03 RegularMinutes of a Regular Meeting
of the
Friendswood Planning and Zoning Commission
May 3, 2001
A regular meeting of the Friendswood Planning and Zoning Commission was held Thursday,
May 3, 2001 at 7:00 p.m. in the city hall council chambers located at 910 S. Friendswood
Drive, Friendswood, Texas. The following members were present:
Tom Burke
Bob Bertrand
Mark Clark
Neils Aalund
Tom Samson
Frank Frankovich.
Mike Dominguez -City_ Planner
Mike Hodge -CD Director
Diana Steelquist -CD Coordinator
Mel Measeles -Council Liaison
With a quorum present, Chair Burke called the meeting to order to consider the following:
Call to order.
Old Business -Tabled Items:
1.Consideration and possible action regardi ng the major thoroughfare plan for
Motion: Aalund -to recommend to City Council a revision of the Major
Thoroughfare plan by abandoning the planned extension of Greenbriar
to FM 528.
Vote for:
Vote against:
Aalund, Bertrand, Burke, Clark, Samson
Frankovich Motion Carried
Captain Jimmy Holland addressed the Commission regarding several of the questions
raised during the previous discussion. No traffic study has been conducted. The Police
Department recommends that the Greenb1iar extension be eliminated to protect public
safety. Captain Holland stated that there is already a light at Briarcreek and Falcon Ridge
Blvd., in addition there is a curve near the proposed intersection, and there has already
been a influx of additional traffic in the area. The Police Department had requested the
State Highway Department reduce the speed in this area to 45 mph. However, the State
wants the speeds changed from 55 to 50 mph along FM 528 from Sun Meadow to
Chigger Creek, and to 45 mph from Chigger Creek and beyond to Plymouth Colony.
According to Captain Holland, most accidents in the area of the proposed extension are
caused by speeding and driver inattention. PD cannot guarantee that the state would
install a traffic light should the proposed extension of Greenbriar occur.
Mr. Peter Gorman addressed the Commission regarding his plans to develop the tract
that would be intersected by the proposed extension of Greenbriar. Gorman's
development would include private streets with a one way entrance off FM 528 using a
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gated entry. The enh·ance to Go1man's development from FM 528 would require a right
turn only designation on FM 528's road shoulder.
Commissioner Frankovich expressed concern for the loss of a major thoroughfare
which could relieve traffic congestion on Sunset and other development occurring in the
area. He believes Biittany Bay will help the development of the western portion of the
city, but it will not provide traffic relief for Sunset and Greenbriar. Staff recommends
eliminating the proposed extension of Greenbriar to FM 528 for safety reasons.
Mr. Bud Goza, property owner affected, stated to the Com mission that his tract is
undevelopable if the proposed extension of Greenbriar takes :place. In discussing his
situation with staff, he believes the issue could be resolved when a plat with proposed
development is presented to the Commission.
New Business:
2.Communications from the public.
Ms. Faye Roberson, 422 W. Castle Harbor, presented a petition from the Sun
Meadows home owners requesting that no residential development be allowed in the
adjacent Golf Course. The proposed Green Village Phase I & II subdi vision plat
indicates the removal of the number 4 hole and number 5 tee in order to develop 27 lots
with access to W. Castle Harbor. The residents do not believe W. Castle Harbor could
withstand the additional traffic congestion and usage.
Chainnan Burke stated that at this time no development has been presented to staff or
the Commission. The previous Green Village plat was withdrawn. Mrs. Roberson says
the golf course manager has told her that the development was moving forward.
The City Planner will give Mrs. Roberson an update on the dirt problem affecting her
yard. Legal action has been initiated.
3.Consideration and possible action regarding the preliminary site plan of H.E.B.
Friendswood located on FM 528 at Sunset Drive.
Vote for:
Bertrand -to approve with staff conditions
Unanimous lVlotion Carried
David Keel with Terra Associates, representing the developer, addressed the
Commission regarding staff comments. The final site plan submitted will include details
on the additional proposed lease spaces. The Commissioners expressed concern
regarding traffic patterns in and out of the parking lot. HEB will have a traffic engineer
study traffic patterns within their parking lot and on FM 528 and FM 518 near their
location. The traffic study will be taken in to account on the final site plan.
Commissioners also informed the applicant that the parking bonus plan could be used in
order to facilitate additional green space and trees in the parking lot.
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4.Consideration and possible action regarding the preliminary plat of Friendswood
Lakes Garden Homes.
Motion: Frankovich -to approve with staff conditions
Second: Samson
Vote for: Unanimous lVIotion Carried
Motion: Frankovich -to approve with condition that Reserve "C" be labeled as
a drainage/recreational reserve
Second: Samson
Vote for: Unanimous lVlotion Carried
:tvir. Steve Gardner, representing the applicant; addressed the Commission regarding
staff comments. Commissioner Frankovich requested clarification on the use of a private
storm easement. The developer would like to control the usage of the storm system and
have add itional-users help defray the installation costs. Future storm capacity was
calculated into the development. The proposed private street entry gate type is not yet
known however, it will meet the 20 ft. wide opening requirement from the Fire Marshal's
Office. The gate on Red Rock will be for emergency access into the subdivision.
Easements widths on the plat meet the ordinance requirements according to staff.
Reserves A,B & D are noted as recreational reserves, the developer would like to have
Reserve C be labeled for recreational use if the city and Drainage District will approve.
CCDD may not allow recreational use. Commissioner Bertrand wanted clarification on
the use of "recreational reserve" from staff to establish a policy on what constitutes a
recreational reserve.
5.Consideration and possible action regarding the following:
Consent Agenda:
A.approval 4-19-01 regular meeting minutes.
Vote for:
Vote for:
Clark -to approve
Unanimous Motion Carried
Clark -to approve with corrections to minutes regarding the
Commissioners' request to the City Attorney regarding tract size
limitations in the proposed tree preservation ord inance.
Unanimous Motion Carried
Commissioner Frankovich stated that he was not in agreement with the April 25,
2001 memorandum prepared by the Chairman and forwarded to the Mayor and City
Council. He is not in favor of changing the commercial site plan approval process.
The City Planner provided some additional information regarding the status of the
Robin's Nest site plan. Chaitman Burke also stated that he had received copies of the
letters exchanged between the City Attorney and Robin's Nest.
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A motion was made and seconded to adjourn the meeting at 8:40 P.M.
Diana Steelquist -
Community Development Coordinator
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