HomeMy WebLinkAboutP&Z Minutes 2001-01-25 Special1: Ii ( ! Minutes of the Friendswood Planning and Zoning Commission January 25, 2001 A special meeting of the Friendswood Planning and Zoning Commission was held Thursday January 25, 2001 at 7:00 p.m. in the City Hall Council Chambers located at 910 S.Fnendswood Drive, Friendswood, Texas. Tom Burke Bob Bertrand Mark Clark Frank Frankovich Tom Samson Mike Dominguez -City Planner Diana Steelquist -CDD Coordinator Mel Measeles -City Council Liaison With a quorum present, McVeigh and Aalund absent, the meeting was called to order at 7:00 P.M. by Chairman Burke to consider the following: Call to orde1· 1.Minutes for approval -01/04/01 regular meeting. Motion: Second: Vote for: Amended Motion: Second: Vote for: Bertrand -to approve the minutes Clark Unanimous Motion Can-ied Bertrand -to amend the minutes to include the following phrase in the discussion of item 5. rv1r. Davis stated that no side walks existed on the south side of F .M. 528 near the development and did not think a side walk was ne eded as one exists on the opposite side of the street. Clark Unanimous Motion Carried 2.Communications from the public. None. 3.Consideration and possible action regarding the preliminary commercial site plan of a Children's Lighthouse located in Autumn Creek Commercial Tract One. Motion: Samson -to approve the site plan with conditions Second: Clark Vote for: Unanimous Motion Carried 1 1-25-01 P&Z Ms. Janice Lowe, represented the owner/developers and addressed the commissioners on staff comments received on January 15, 2001. She believes all of the comments will be addressed on the final site plan, however, item f. requested a sanitaiy sewer cleanout on the property line which can not be meet due to constraints of the lot's characteristics and Autumn Creek Development. She asked for a waiver on that requirement. She is working with staff on a resolution for this item. Commissioner Frankovich asked for some clarification as to what tract this was in the Autumn Creek development and to identify the drive behind the Albertson's shown on the site plan. Frankovich also wanted to know if any curbs existed along the drive on the Albertson's tract next to the children's playground area. Ms. Lowe could not confirm that curbs existed. Chairman Burke wanted to know how many children will be attending the day care. Ms. Lowe did not know at this time. Burke also believed the day care would fall under parking group 14 and therefore would only require 32 parking spaces total. It was also noted by Burke that the landscaping plan submitted by the applicant indicates a wire fence along side of an eight foot ma�onry fence. This is an e1rnr which will be corrected on the final site plan. Commissioner Frankovich noted that the dumpster screening shown on the site plan does not show a gate for the · front of the dumpster enclosure. This item should also be corrected on the final site plan. Commissioner Burke asked if the developer would be agre eable to providing a four foot fence or some type of vegetation screening around the air conditioning units. Ms. Lowe will check with the owner. She also stated that at the request of Autumn Creek Development, no light beacon would be placed inside the lighthouse feature of the development. A photometric plan has been reviewed by staff which meets city ordinances. 4.Consideration and possible action regarding the final commercial site plan of 208 S. Friendswood Drive. Motion: Bertrand -to approve the site plan with conditions Second: Samson Vote for: Unanimous Motion Carried .Mr. Robbie Lyde ad dressed the comm1ss1oners regarding the staff comments requiring CCDD approval of the drainage plan. The applicants are cmTently awaiting TxDot approval before CCDD will approve the plan. The final drainage plan submitted to CCDD will include revisions based on city engineering comments. At this time applicants would like to apply for building permits which involve the remodeling of the building interior. They will not apply for paving permits until CCDD approval has been received. 5.Consideration and possible action regarding the final commercial site plan of Melody Plaza Section II. Motion: Clark -to approve the site plan Second: Samson Vote for: Unanimous 2 1-25-01 P&Z Motion Carried I 'I I I t Ii Mr. Tommy Rives and Mr. Randy Liska represented the applicant. Commissioner Burke reminded the applicant ttat lab uses were not pe1mitted. The applicant is aware of the limitation. The applicant has resolved the driveway width issue raised on the preliminary site plan by agreement with the Fire Marshall and Police departments. The driveway will be marked one way, no parking at any ·time. There was some discussion among the commissioners as to which department would enforce the no parking. Staff will rep01t on this issue at the next regular P &Z meeting. 6.Adjournment. Chairman Burke asked if any of the commissioners had any written comments for his presentation in February to the mayor and city council. None were produced. With no further comment, the meeting was adjourned at 8:00 p.m. 3 1-25-01 P&Z