HomeMy WebLinkAboutP&Z Minutes 2001-06-21 RegularMinutes of a Regular Meeting
of the
Friendswood Planning and Zoning Commission
June 21, 2001
A regular meeting of the Friendswood Planning and Zoning Commission was held
Thursday, June 21, 2001 at 7:00 p.m. in the city hall council chambers located at 910 S.
Friendswood Drive, Friendswood, Texas. The following members were present:
Tom Burke
Bob Bertrand
Mark Clark
Neils Aalund
Tom Samson
Zekie Mc Viegh
Mike Hodge -CD Director
Diana Steelquist -CD Coordinator
Mel Measeles -Council Liaison
With a quorum present, Chair Burke called the meeting to order to consider the
1.Public Hearing
To receive public input, either oral or written, regarding:
A.A request for the final plat of Friendswood Lakes Garden Homes and partial
replat of Friendswood Lakes, Section 1 Unrestricted Reserve "B", being a 10.61
acre tract out of the George W. Patterson Survey, Abstract 645, Friendswood,
Galveston County, Texas.
Keith Hendricks from Huitt-Zollar, represented the developer. The final plat
required a public hearing as the access road into the new garden home
development intersected Reserve "B" of Friendswood Lakes Section One. No one
spoke for or against the plat.
Close Public Hearing
Tabled Items:
2.Discussion and possible action regarding changes to the tree preservation
The sub-committee had not met to discuss possible changes since the last meeting.
Therefore, the discussion was tabled.
New Business:
3.Communications from the public.
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Ms. Faye Roberson presented additional signatures to a petition circulated in the Sun
Meadows Subdivision requesting that no new residential development be allowed to
. occur in the area of the golf course. Ms. Roberson also displayed several photos
showing flooding in the Sun Meadows subdivision during past flood events. She
requested the Commission consider drainage issues in Sun Meadow and that they
work with CCDD.
4.Consideration and possible action regarding a request for a zone classification
change for 1301 W. Parkwood, 3.0322 acres out of Lot 1, Burgess Subdivision,
Book 119, Page 14, Galveston County Map Records, Friendswood, Galveston
County, Texas, from : Specific Use Permit -Drainage District (SUP-Drainage
District) to: Business Park (BP).
Vote for:
Aalund -to recommend City Council approve the zone
classification change request
Unanimous Motion Carried
Mr. Al Lentz represented the Clear Creek Drainage District. Chairman Burke
summarized the request and stated that the underlying zone is Single Family
Residential. The tract currently has a specific use permit to allow its use as the Clear
Creek Drainage District's office. Commissioner Bertrand requested cla1ification on
any effects .on the SUP. Staff stated that the current SUP usage would be allowed in a
Business Park. The Drainage District has made this request for the zone change to
Business Park in order facilitate any future sale or lease of a portion of the tract as
commercial property with similar uses.
5.Consideration and possible action regarding the final commercial site plan for the
Children's Lighthouse located on Lot 1, Lighthouse Addi tion.
Vote for:
McVeigh -to approve the final site plan with staff conditions
Unanimous Motion Carried
Ms. Janice Lowe represented the owner/developer. Prior to the meeting, the
developer delivered a set of final site plans which met the conditions on the staff
memo although the Fire Marshal has yet to review the site plans due to Emergency
Management priorities. Staff does not anticipate any additional comments from the
FMO. The applicant conceded the fence issue discussed during preliminary approval. An eight foot opaque fence was added along the back property boundary adjacent to
the SFR zone, however, the developer does not agree with the ordinance. Ms. Lowe
repo1ted that the Boca Raton homeowners did not want an eight foot fence next to
their six foot p1ivacy fences. This will be more of an issue dming the development of
lot 2 and Ms. Lowe would like some resolution on how to handle the commercial,
opaque, eight foot fence requirements against residential zones. -2 -06/21/01 P &Z
The applicant has selected Bronze as the architectural metal to be used in accordance
with the Entry Overlay Dish1ct requirements. Chairman Burke noted that the
selection of bronze could mean a metal product coated or anodized to look like
bronze, bronze, or bronze paint on a metal standing seam metal roof which in his
view was acceptable per the EOD ordinance.
Due the possibility of lengthy discussion regarding item 6 on the Permitted Use Table,
the consent agenda was moved up on the agenda list at this time.
7.Consideration and possible action regarding the following:
Consent Agenda:
A.approval of six months extension for the preliminary plat of the Lakes of Falcon
B.approval of the final plat of Autumn Creek, Section Eight.
Vote for:
Bertrand -to approve
Unanimous Motion Carried
6.Consideration and possible action regarding amending the Zoning Ordinance, Section
7, P. Permitted uses table.
Vote for:
Vote for:
Aallund -to recommend to Council approval of an amendment to
the Zoning Ordinance relating to Section 7, P. the permitted use
table as presented by the Permitted Use Table Committee
Unanimous Motion Carried
Bertrand -to amend the revision of the Permitted Use Table with
the following changes:
•Use 323, "Printing and Related Activities" shall include the
sub-category for Use 323110, "Commercial Lithographic
P11nting" which under the CSC zone shall require a Specific
Use Pe1mit
•Use 3391, "Medical Equipment & Supplies Manufacturing"
under the CSC zone shall require a Specific Use Permit
•Use 45431, "Fuel Dealers" under the Industrial Zone shall
require a Specific Use Permit
Unanimous Motion Canied
Chairman Burke suggested that each page of the proposed changes to the pe1mitted
use table as presented by the PUT committee be discussed rather than line by line.
Mike Hodge explained the color coding used on the revised table with pink
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indicating changes made by the PUT committee and red indicating a changes from
the Development Review Committee, recommendations by the-Commission will be
made in green. On page one, Chairman Burke requested clarification on Use 1151
"Fa1m Labor & Management Services" as to why it was not included as an office use
in the LI and I districts. Comm issioner Samson recalled that during committee
deliberations that precluding Use 1151 was recommended due to some remote
possibility for undesirable development.
Commissioner Bertrand had issues with Use 323 "Printing and Related Support
Activities" being pe1mitted in the CSC zones. He stated that printing wastes could be
an issue for SFR zones which are often located next to or near CSC areas.
Commissioner Clark recalled that the differences between commercial printing and
K wick Copy type printing had been discussed many times before and that the current
SIC codes had a gray line between the two. That is why an 'S' had been used in the
past on the table. PUT Committee members, McVeigh, Samson and Hodge indicated
that commercial printing was under Use 511 "Publishing Industries". They also noted
that Use 323 could be further sub-categorized into Uses 32311 and 323110. Since Use
323110 "Commercial Lithographic Printing" could still be have some objectionable
impact on neighboring residential zones, listing the use and requiring a Specific Use
Permit under CSC would be approp1iate.
Again citing concerns for adjoining residential zones, Commissioner Bertrand
objected to permitting Use 3391 "Medical Equipment & Supplies Manufacturing" in
the CSC zone listed on page three. Committee members interpreted this use as clean
type work where items would be assembled, manufacturing would be under Use 334
where it would not be allowed in CSC. Chahman Burke cited an example of a
prosthetics manufacturing facility he had built in Houston which would be allowed
under Use 3391 in CSC. He noted that plaster exhaust was vented outside the
building and the process was fairly loud. Although most shopping centers may not
want medical manufactuting, economics might persuade them to rent or sell space to
such a customer. Commissioner Bertrand proposed a change from "P" to 11 S" in the
CSC zone for Use 3391. His argument being that without some limitations,
unexpected results such as a very large manufactming facility could end up next to an
adjacent residential zone.
On page four of the table, discussion was held regarding Use 453991 "Tobacco Store"
being allowed in the NC zone. The definition was reviewed and none of the
Commissioners had any serious issues with allowing the use in NC zones.
Page five included Use 45431 "Fuel Dealers". Chairman Burke questioned why this
use would not be allowed in LI or I zones. Committee members did not see a reason
for allowing the use nor were there any economic development concerns.
Commissioners wanted to know if propane filling stations would be categorized as
fuel dealers. Discussion focused on the question of propane sales being the primary
use of a business. Staff stated that retail propane sales could be allowed in the City
as long as it was not the primary use of the retailer. Examples were cited where a
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I batte1y store was allowed to sell golf carts. The golf carts were related to battery use
but their sale was not the primary business of the retailer. Chairman Burke
suggested that an "S II be placed under the Indushial zone to allow a propane dealer in
the City in an appropriate zone other than Planned Unit Development.
Commissioner Bertrand questioned the permitted use of 492 "Couriers and
Messengers" in a Neighborhood Commercial district. He was concerned about traffic
and large vehicles being a safety hazard at the enti·ances of subdivisions. The use was
defined as small parcel delivery. Use 484 "Trnck Transportation" would cover the
delivery of large pallets, construction material, etc. and is not allowed in NC or CSC.
Chairman Burke requested clarification on how a business use is categorized. The
Director explained that a determination of which permitted use category a delivery
company would fit in to would be determined with the certificate of zoning
compliance. The applicant must provide details and based on the info1mation
provided, the city would determine what use category a business falls under.
:rvrr. Hodge noted to the Commission mini-warehousing was now classified under Use
531 "Real Estate" where as it had previously fallen under warehousing. The overlay
districts should address any appearance iss ues.
On page 7, Use 712 "Museum, historical sites & like institutions" Commissioner
Bertrand questioned the reasoning for adding "S's" under the Single Family and
Multi-Family Garden Homes districts. Staff stated that there are some sites located in
these areas which may not have specific use permits at this time, but this revision
provides for their application in the future.
A question arose on page 8, regarding Public Administration not being allowed in a
Neighborhood Commercial zone. The Committee felt this would keep some
undesirable uses such as drng rehabilitation centers away from residential areas.
A motion was made and the meeting adj ourned at 8:45 p.m.
�� Community Development Coordinator
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