HomeMy WebLinkAboutP&Z Minutes 2001-09-06 RegularMinutes of a Regular Meeting
of the
Friendswood Planning and Zoning Commission
September 6, 2001
A regular meeting of the Friendswood Planning and Zoning Commission was held
Thursday, September 6, 2001 at 7:00 p.m. in the city hall council chambers located at
910 S. Fdendswood Drive, Friendswood, Texas. The following members were present:
Neils Aalund
Tom Burke
Bob Berh·and 7: 10 p.m.
Mark Clark
Frank Frankovich 7:03 p.m.
Tom Samson
Zekie Mc Veigh
Mike Dominguez-City Planner
Diana Steelquist -CD Coordinator
Mike Hodge -CD Director
Kim Mickelson -City Attorney
With a quorum present, Chair Burke called the meeting to order to consider the following:
1.Continuation of the Public Heming from August 6, 2001 to receive public input,
eit her oral or written, regarding the following:
A.Request for Amending Specific Use Permit -Church for Mary Queen Catholic
Church located at 606 Cedmwood Drive, a 14.188 acre tract of land out of Lots
1 and 15, Block 3, Fdendswood Subdivision, Galveston County, Texas.
Chairman Burke noted that numerous letters had been received from both suppmters
and those opposed to the SUP amen dment. A letter dated September 5, 2001 was also
sent by the Church which Chairman Burke read. It stated that a meeting had been
held between the Church and some of the affected homeowners and that an agreement
had been reached regarding the access concerns. The letter requested that action be
tabled until September 20th so that the agreement could be documented and the site
plan revised. Chairman Burke therefore recessed the public hearing until the next
regular meeting.
2.Consideration and possible action regarding the request for Amending Specific Use
Permit -Church for Mary Queen Catholic Church located at 606 Cedarwood Drive, a
14.188 acre tract of land out of Lots 1 and 15, Block 3, Friendswood Subdivision,
Galveston County, Texas.
Vote for:
Burke -to table the item
3.Communications from the public.
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Motion to table Carried
4.Consideration and possible action regarding the following:
Consent Agenda:
A.approval 08-02-01 regular meeting minutes.
B.approval 08-06-01 special meeting minutes.
C.approval of the final plat of the Lakes of Falcon Ridge located off FM 518.
D.approval of the final plat of the Wrightland Subdivision located off Crawford
E.approval of the final plat of the Casa de Grace Subdivision located off Briar
Creek Dr.
F.approval of the final plat of Timber Creek Village located in the Forest of
Vote for:
Clark-to approve the consent agenda
Unanimous Motion Carried
5.Discussion regarding the conceptual plans for the 518-528 Subdivision
(Walgreen's) located at the intersection of FM 518 and FM 528.
Ms. Lynn Dore with Windrose Surveyors, addressed the Commission regarding the
proposed plat. Ms. Dore presented a revised plat based on comments received from
staff and the developer. An additional reserve and access easement was added.
Chaitman Burke recommended that the project engineer contact the Clear Creek
Drainage District regarding questions on the detention pond. The Commission
expressed some concerns regarding access from FM 528. A suggestion was made to
add a median to the drive way. It was also suggested to allow shared parking
between individual reserves to increase overall green space in the development. A
plat note will need to be added about shared driveway access. Mike Bradford,
architect for the Walgreen's, will look into parking space options.
6.Discussion and possible action regarding amending the zoning ordinance with
regards to the height of monument signs in Entry Overlay District and the
Downtown Overlay District.
Vote for:
Aalund -to recommend amending the zoning ordin ance with
regards to the height of monument signs in the Entry Overlay
Dishict and the Downtown Overlay District.
Unanimous Motion Carried
Aalund - to recommend amending the zoning ordinance with
regards to allowing a maximum height of seven (7) feet for
monument signs in the Entry Overlay District and the Downtown
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Vote against:
Vote for:
Overlay District and to re-define the definition a monument sign to
allow a concealed pole base.
Aalund, Clark, Burke, Frankovich, Samson, McVeigh
Motion Carried
The Community Development Director began the discussion by giving a brief history
of the current sign ordinance stating that the last revision had taken out previous
monu ment sign height limits. The building official has noticed that the ordinance as
currently written is being interpreted to allow monument signs of heights up to 15
feet. This is resulting in larger than anticipated monument signs in the EOD and
DOD. The building official has suggested that monument signs be restiicted to a
maximum height of seven (7) feet based on the maximum square footage allowed.
Currently, the definition of a monument sign does not allow for poles in any fmm or
fashion to be a part of a monument sign. Staff suggests that the definition be revised
to state the outward appearance confo1m to the look of a monument sign but that the
concealed structure allow for a pole base. This gives the developer more economical
latitude in building a monument sign.
The Commission asked what the height of signs were before the revision to the sign
ordinance. Staff stated monuments signs were previously constr ucted to a five foot
maximum height. Commissioner Bertrand would prefer that a five foot standard be
enforced. Concern was expressed about a possible safety hazard to pedestrians being
obscured by taller signs. Commissioner Bertrand also noted that larger signs would
not encourage people to walk down the sidewalks.
7.Discussion and possible action regarding amending the zoning ordinance with
regards to set backs for accessmy structures including but not limited to un-attached
garages, storage buildings, work shops, barns, pool houses and un-attached
mechanical/equipment rooms.
Vote for:
Clark -to recommend am�nding the zoning ordinance with regards
to regards to set backs for accessory structures
Motion withdrawn
Bertrand -to recommend amending the zoning ordinance by
deleting the Garage Apartment and Accesso1y Residential Uses
from the Pe1mitted Use Table
Unanimous Motion Carried
Bertrand -to recommend amending the zoning ordinance by
deleting the words "single story" from Section 7, Q., 3., a.
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Vote against: Frankovich
Vote for: Aalund, Burke, Bertrand, Clark, Mc Veigh and Samson
Vote for:
Motion Canied
Be1irand -to recommend amending the zoning ordin ance by
co1recting the language with regards to the location of an accessoty
shucture behind the main strncture in the rear yard to take into
account for deep lots.
Unanimous Motion Carried
The Director stated that the issue regards the change of use in an accessmy strncture
over time which based on the interpretation of the current zoning ordinance may
require the new use to have a greater set back. Currently, the set backs for an un
attached garage are 10 feet from the rear of the property, 5 feet from the main
strncture and 5 feet from the side of the lot. Heights for accessory strnctures are also
restricted to 20 ft. Some homeowners, may want to change the use of their garage to
a living quarters by adding a second floor inside the 20 ft. strncture. As the ordinance
is written now, that is not allowed. Only single stmy unattached accessory buildings
are allowed and garage apartments are not permitted at all. The staff interprets
habitable living space as falling under the same set back requirements as the main
structure: 25 feet from the rear of the property and 10 feet from the side lot lines.
The City Attorney will prepare a memo to the Building Official regarding what has
been defined in case law as customarily incidental uses for accesso1y buildings.
Mother-in-law quarters and garage apartments have been upheld as accessory
building uses.
Jeff Payson, recommended that the location of an accessory structure in the required
rear yard be changed to locate the accesso1y strncture 50 feet from the street R.O.W.,
20 or 25 feet from the front building line or alternatively, a specified distance from
the rearmost point of the main shucture. As currently written and interpret ed, deep
lots require the accessmy strncture to be located 25 feet from the rear lot set back.
A motion was made and the meeting adjourned at 8:35 p.m.
Diana S teelqmst
Community Development Coordinator
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