HomeMy WebLinkAboutP&Z Minutes 2001-09-20 RegularI Minutes of a Regular Meeting
of the
Friendswood Planning and Zoning Commission
September 20, 2001
A regular meeting of the Friendswood Planning and Zoning Commission was held
Thursday, September 20, 2001 at 7:00 p.m. in the city hall council chambers located at
910 S. Friendswood Drive, Friendswood, Texas. The following members were present:
Neils Aalund
Tom Burke
Bob Bertrand
Mark Clark
Frank Frankovich
Tom Samson
Zekie Mc Veigh
Mike Dominguez-City Planner
Diana Steelquist -CD Coordinator
Mike Hodge -CD Director
Kim Mickelson -City Attorney
Mel Measeles -Council Liaison
With a quorum present, Chair Burke called the meeting to order to consider the
Call to Order:
1.Continuation of the Public Hearing from August 6, 2001 to receive public input,
either oral or written, regarding the following:
A.Request for Amending Specific Use Permit -Church for Mary Queen Catholic
Church located at 606 Cedarwood Drive, a 14.188 acre tract of land out of Lots
1 and 15, Block 3, Friendswood Subdivision, Galveston County, Texas.
Chairman Burke read a September 19, 2001 letter received from Ken Sykes
requesting that the public hearing and action again be tabled until the next regular
meeting. An agreement between the Church and its neighbors is still not complete.
Chair Burke also read a letter received September 191h from residents along Cedar
Oak, a private lane, stating they had not been contacted nor involved in the Church's
discussions with area residents. The public hearing was again recessed.
2.Consideration and possible action regarding the request for Amending Specific Use
Permit -Church for Mary Queen Catholic Church located at 606 Cedarwood Drive,
a 14.188 acre tract of land out of Lots 1 and 15, Block 3, Friendswood Subdivision,
Galveston County, Texas.
Vote for:
Clark -to continue to table the item
Unanimous Motion to table Carried
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Commissioner Bertrand would like staff to send a letter to the applicant advising
them that the item can only be tabled for one more meeting before action must be
At this time the order of the published agenda was modified to allow the City Attorney,
who had not yet arrived, to be present during the consideration and discussion on the
three amendments to the zoning ordinance regarding the Permitted Use Table,
Landscaping an Commercial Site Plans.
3.Communications from the Public. (Published as item 6)
4.Consideration and possible action regarding the preliminary plat of Coward Creek
Crossing located at Baker Road and FM 2351. (Published as item 7)
Vote for:
Aalund -to approve with conditions
Unanimous Motion Carried
Mr. Randy Liska, representing the developer, addressed the Commission. The
CCDD has not yet met to approve the preliminary drainage plan although a
mitigation plan is in place for those lots located in the floodplain. Torn Offenburger,
the owner/developer, stated that the majority of the plat lies in the City of
Friendswood. GPS equipment and monuments were used to define the county line.
The floodplain line on the plat was scaled from the FEJ\IIA map and then modified
per FEJ\IIA requirements, along the watershed by actual contours on the ground.
The plat has been marked with a 50 building line at the rear of those lots which abut
the pipeline easement. This building lines corresponds with the City's pipeline
ordinance requirements while still allowing a home to be built on these lots.
5.Consideration and possible action regarding the following (Published as item 8) :
Consent Agenda:
A.approval 09-05-0 l special meeting minutes.
B.approval 09-06-01 regular meeting minutes.
Vote for:
Clark -to approve
Unanimous Motion Carried
6.Discussion and possible action regarding amending the zoning ordinance with
regards to the time limit of a Specific Use Permit for non-profit public institutional
uses and phased developments. (P ublished as item 9)
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Vote for:
Clark -to recommend amending the zoning ordinance with regards
to the time limits for Specific Use Permits for non-profit public
institutional uses and phased developments
Bertrand -to table discussion until staff can confer with City
Unanimous Motion Tabled
The City Planner stated the need to revise the time limitations was based in part
upon a situation where a local chu rch had plans to develop a new church complex
which would require a Specific Use Permit. The development would occur in
phases and could take up to twenty years to complete and they do not want to
amend their SUP each time a new phase is built. Phased development has occurred
in many other churches and schools in our City. Staffs suggestion was to amend
the zoning ordinance and not have a time limit for a non-profit's phased
development but that commercial concerns still have to comply to the two year
The Commission stated concerns with regards to how new phases would conform to
current ordinances which may have changed since the SUP's approval. It was also
brought up that t4e approved site plan may change over a long period of time. Staff
suggested that the ordinance be worded to allow the Commission the opportunity to
approve each phase of the site plan with out going through a formal SUP
amendment process. This would require a detailed 'master site plan' as part of the
original SUP.
Commissioner Bertrand alternately suggested setting a finite time limit of say 10
years for an SUP with the opportunity to extend that period once for the same
length of time. He also stated that any extension or removal of the time limitation
should extend to both non-profit and co�mercial developers. Particularly in the
case of a mixed use development.
Chairman Burke suggested that the limit of only one two year extension be removed
from the current ordinance. This would allow the permit holder to apply for an
unlimited number of two year extensions.
Commissioner Mc Veigh stated she was against letting a non-profit have a SUP for a
large tract when they were not going to develop it for a long period of time. She
felt this would not help the economic development of the City.
Staff was directed to look at what other municipalities have done regarding SUP
time limits and to confer with the City Attorney on the issue.
7.Discussion lead by City Planner regarding meeting and agenda procedures.
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The City Planner noted that the Commission sometimes drifted from the published
agenda during discussion. He asked that if any of the Commissioners had a topic
for discussion or action, that they ask staff to place that topic on the agenda for the
next regular meeting.
8.Consideration and possible action regarding amending Zoning Ordinance 84-15, as
amended, Permitted Use Table. (published as Item ).
Vote for:
Clark-to recommend approval
Unanimous Motion Carried
Several Commissioners commented that this was a good idea and it would
streamline business development.
The City Attorney arrived at this time.
9.Consideration and possible action regarding amending Zoning Ordinance 84-15, as
amended, Commercial Site Plans.
Vote for:
Vote against:
Bertrand -to recommend approval
Aalund, Burke, Bertrand, Clark, Mc Veigh, Samson
Frankovich Motion Carried
Several Commissioners stated that the current site plan approval process was fine.
Many also stated that the City Council did not provide a clear directive regarding
the proposed changes to approval process based on Council's comments at the
Public Hearing.
Chai1man Burke reminded the Commission that they had already recommended the
change to the approval process and that the.proposed ordinance was the result of the
Commission's recommendation. He also stated that although a 'sunset' clause was
not part of the ordinance, staff should look at how the new process was working
after a year.
Commissioner Bertrand also asked staff to regularly advise the Commission
regarding what site plans were in the review process.
Commissioner Frankovich re-iterated his position that public input was important in
the review process and that the proposed amendment only allowed them one
oppo1tunity to comment.
10.Consideration and possible action regarding amending Zoning Ordinance 84-15, as
amended, Landscape requirements.
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Vote for:
Clark-to recommend approval
Unanimous Motion Carried
With no further comment, a motion was made and the meeting adjourned at 9: 10
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Diana Steelquist -_ Community Development Coordinator
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