HomeMy WebLinkAboutP&Z Minutes 2001-12-06 RegularMinutes of a Regular Meeting
of the
Friendswood Planning and Zoning Commission
December 6, 2001
A regular meeting of the Friendswood Planning and Zoning Commission was held
Thursday, December 6, 2001 at 7:00 p.m. in the city hall council chambers located at
910 S. Friendswood Drive, Friendswood, Texas. The following members were present:
Niels Aalund
Tom Burke
Bob Bertrand
Mark Clark 7 :05 PM
Frank Frankovich
Zekie Mc Veigh
Torn Samson
Mike Hodge -Director CD and PW
Mike Dominguez-City Planner
Diana Steelquist -CD Coordinator
Dan Johnson -Deputy Director CD
Mel Measeles -Council Liaison
With a quorum present, Chair Burke called the meeting to order to con sider the following:
Call to order:
1.Public Hearing:
To receive public input, either oral or written, regarding:
A.A request for the final plat of the Church of Christ in Friendswood, 9 .267
acres located at FM 528 and Desota Drive, being a partial re-plat the
Berean Baptist Subdivision and the Burgess Subdivision, Friendswood,
Galveston County, Texas.
Chairman Burke opened the public hearing to discuss the Church plat. Chuck Davis
representing the church, stated that the purpose of the replat was to remove lot lines
and create one reserve.
Mr. Gary Harris spoke in favor of the replat and displayed some conceptual
development plans for the construction of a new church complex. The site plans will
require a Specific Use Permit which the church is working on. Commissioner
Bertrand asked if the proposed detention would be shared with any other
development. Mr. Harris stated that detention would only be developed for the
church property.
Mr. Gary Bagett, 1911 Desota also spoke in favor of the replat.
Chaitman Burke asked Mr. Davis to clarify conflict information on the face of the
plat. Mr. Davis stated that the conflict regards the R.O.W. of FM 528 and does not
effect the Church.
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With no further comment the public hearing portion of the meeting was closed:
Tabled Items:
2.Discussion and possible action regarding amending the zoning ordinance with
regards to the time limit of a Specific Use Permit for all applicants.
Vote for:
Vote for:
Bertrand -to recommend a change in the zoning ordinance
regarding SUP time limits as presented by staff.
Unanimous Motion Carried
Bertrand -to delete phrases in proposed wording including 1) "date
of' 2) "This shall apply" 3)."However" and 4) to add the words"
Flood Prevention Ordinance". The proposed change should read
as follows: " Time limit. A specific use permit issued under this
section shall have no expiration after its date of issuance. +his
shall app½' Where the development is based on a long-term, multi
phased master plan However, any significant changes to the master
plan in the future will require the developer to apply for an
amended Specific Use Petmit from the City Council after a
favorable recommendation from the Planning and Zoning
Commission. The applicant will be required to adhere to the
Building, Subdivision, and Zoning, and Flood Prevention
Ordinance requirements in place when each phase commences."
Unanimous Motion Carried
Commissioner Frankovich asked staff to explain the intent of this change. The City
Planner stated that the intent had been to allow non-profit schools and churches to
build multi-phased developments without having to start constrnction before the
SUP expired. Past discussion by the C::ommission directed that the removal of the
time limi� be inclusive of non-profit and for-profit entities.
Chairman Burke noted that the proposed language addressed Commissions'
concerns regarding significant changes to a master-plan. He also thought that the
Flood Ordinance should be listed a requirement for each phase of development.
The CD Director noted that the City Manager can amend an SUP if the amendment
does not change the density or adversely affect surrounding properties.
Regular Items:
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3.Communications from the public.
4.Discussion and possible action regarding amending the Zoning Ordinance by
amending" the Permitted Use Table striking "Accessory Residential Use, Garage
Apartment and Single Story" from the Table and providing setback requirements
for Accessory Buildings.
Vote for:
Vote for:
Clark -to recommend city Council approve amendment to
ord inance as proposed.
Unanimous Motion Carried
Clark -to add words "or side" so sen tence will read " may be
located in required rear or side yard in residential districts" to
proposed amendment.
Unanimous Motion Carried
Chairman Burke noted that the issues from the Joint Public Hearing had to do with
clarifying rear yard set back requirements and having the ordinance be specific in its
language. He sugg ested striking the word "required" from the phrase 'may be
located in required rear yard in residential district'. It was also recommended that
side yards be included as a location for an accessory structure. Discussion regarding
striking the word required was resolved by instead adding side yard as a possible
location. Rear yard is clearly defined in the zoning ordinance. Chairman Burke
clarified that the intent of the amendment was to allow the use of a garage as an
apartment, workshop, play room, etc. Commissioner Bertrand stated that there may
be a problem in the future with regards to interpreting the definition of a front yard
and the placement of an accessory building thereon.
5.Discussion and possible action regarding amending the Sign Ordinance to provide
for Monument Signs and establishing a maximum height of seven feet for all
Monument Signs, including any concealecl pole base.
Vote for:
Samson -to recommend city Council approve amendment to
ordinance as proposed.
Unanimous Motion Carried
Samson -to delete everything starting at "or other solid structural
feature other than support poles." from the proposed wording; and
add the word "natural" to the phrase: "A sign not more than seven
feet (7 ') in height from natural ground level to the highest
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I Second: Vote for: portion of the sign 11• Ordinance to read as: Monument sign: A sign not more than seven feet (7') in height from natural ground level to the highest portion of the sign. Such signs shall be designed and constructed to substantially appear as a solid mass, such as a block, rectangle, or square, and shall be supported by an internal structural framework or other solid strucmral feature other than support poles. The base of the sign structure shall be on the ground or a maximum of twelve inches (12 ") above the adjacent grade. Clark Unanimous Motion CarriedCommissioner Bertrand expressed concern that an applicant could build up a berm and place a sign up on it thus exceeding the seven foot maximum height as the amendment currently proposes. He suggested that the word "natural" be added to define the grade upon which a sign would built. Commissioner Frankovich expressed concern regarding the use of "other solid structural supports" in the proposed amendment. He felt that as long as the sign looked like a monument sign , what difference did it make what was supporting the internal framework. 6.Discussion regard ing the Conceptual Plan of the Fliendswood Community Churchlocated at FM 528 and Lundy Lane.Paul Keith and Mark French addressed the Commission for the Church. Theypresented a Master Plan for development which they anticipate will take about 25years to fully develop. They are in the process of preparing their SUP request withdevelopment plans for Phase I. There are some drainage issues with regards to theparking layout which are being resolved at the Drainage District. At this time thereare no plans for sidewalks. The CD Director noted that the site is in a rural settingwith open ditch streets. Commissioner Samson noted that the Pearland shootingrange was very close to the site and asked if the Church was concerned about noise.Mr. Keith said it was a lower issue when evaluating the site for purchase. Mr.French pointed out there were also some pipelines in the area which would effecttheir site plan. He also stated that the FM 528, curb cut would line up with WindsorEstates entrance and that a h·affic light was now in place at Moore and Lundy Lane.Commissioner Frankovich stressed the need to be consistent in requirements forside walks along FM 528 and as other sites near the church site had been exempted,the Church should also not be required to have sidewalks. The Director of PublicWorks and Community Development noted that sidewalks would most likely beadded to this portion of FM 528 by the Texas Department of Transportation whenimprovements were made to the road.-4-
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7.Discussion· regarding the Conceptual Plan of Rancho Viejo Lot 11 re-plat located at
the intersection of Rancho Circle and Rancho Drive.
Ms. Janice Lowe, representing the owner/developer, addressed the Commission.
The re-plat is to create two additional lots. The Commission agreed with Ms. Lowe
that no sidewalks would be required for this re-plat. Due to the Drainage District's
December schedule, Ms. Lowe asked if she could request final plat approval with
the condition that it later be approved by Clear Creek Drainage District. The
Chairman stated that final plats need to be approved after they have meet all City
requirements. The CD Director ·did not think the final plat could be approved
without CCDD approval but said he would check with CCDD and the City
8.Consideration and possible action regarding the preliminary plat of the Whispering
Pines Estates Subdivision located at the end of Falling Leaf.
Vote for:
Bertrand -to approve with staff conditions
Unanimous Motion Carried
Commissioner Clark asked if the reverse curve question at the entrance had been
addressed as discussed during conceptual plan review. The developer, Tom
Offenburger, stated that the h·ees along the curve were being preserved.
9.Consideration and possible action regarding the following:
Consent Agenda:
A.approval 11-15-01 regular meeting minutes.
B.approval 11-19-01 special meeting minutes.
Vote for:
Vote for:
Clark -to approve items A&B, the minutes only.
Unanimous Motion Carried
Clark -to approve with changes to 11-15-01 minutes reflecting
Commissioner Bertrand's comments to Ms. Lowe regarding
opportunity to withdraw zone change applications.
Unanimous Motion Carried
Commissioner Bertrand would like the 11-15-01 minutes to reflect his comments to
Ms. Lowe regarding the zone change requests.
C.approval of the final plat of the Church of Christ in Friendswood Subdivision
located at the intersection of FM 528 and Desota Drive.
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D.approval of the final plat of the Coward Creek Crossing Subdivision located
near Baker Rd.
Sec ond:
Vote for:
Clark -to approve items C&D, final plats.
J)r�� Diana Steelquist -
Community Development Coordinator
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Motion Carried