HomeMy WebLinkAboutP&Z Minutes 2003-06-05 Regular[ 1
Minutes of a Regular Meeting
of the
Friendswo od Planning & Zoning Commission
June 5, 2003
A regular meeting of the Friendswood Planning & Zoning Commission was held Thursday, June
5, 2003 at 7:00 p.m. in the city hall council chambers located at 910 S. Friendswood Drive,
Friendswood, Texas. The following members were present:
Bob Bertrand
Niels Aalund
Tom Samson
Zekie Mc Veigh
Jim Gibson
Diana Steelquist-Pla:nner
fyfike Hodge-Director of C.D. and P.W
Loren Smith-City Attorney
Cheri Skelton-Development Coordinator
Tracy Goza-Council Liaison
With a quorum present, Commissioner Brekke and Commissioner Burke absent, Chaiiman
Be1irand called the meeting to order to consider the following:
Commissioner Bertrand welcomed Tracy Goza, the new Council Liaison to the Planning &
Zoning meeting. Also, Commissioner Bertrand reminded members of the Commission to be
aware of the microphones, so that staff can get all ideas and concepts that are discussed
incorporated into the minutes.
Call to order:
1.Communications from the Commission
Commissioner Gibson expressed that he has a renewed interest in speeding up the tree
ordinance due to what has occuned to some trees at the Medical Center located between
FM 518 & Winding Way. Commissioner Gibson also announced that he would not be
able to attend the 6-19-03 Planning & Zoning meeting.
Commissioner Be1irand info1med the Commission that he attended as liaison the
Economic Development meeting. A large portion of the meeting was devoted to
discussion of the Main Street Implementation Task Force; there was no new information
about the Main Street Project that the Commission had not already heard. There was also
some discussion about the wet/dry issues. One other item of discussion was the CEDC
goals that are being prepared for the 2003-2004. Some items of interest to the Planning
& Zoning Commission on the Economic Development Committee's list would be down
zoning properties, change zoning from commercial_ use to non-commercial use,
recommendations to City Council on how to deal with approaching build-out of the city,
and a strategy to review all ordinances that are related to economic development. As
time progresses, Commissioner Bertrand feels that the Co mmission will be working
ciosely with the Economic Development Committee on these items.
2.Communications from the Public
No one from the public spoke at this time.
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3.Consent Agenda:
A.Approval of the 5-15-03 regular meeting minutes.
B.Approval of the 11-11-02, 11-25-02, & 12-09-02 special meeting minutes.
Motion: Samson-to approve the consent agenda.
Second: McVeigh
Vote for: Unanimous Motion Carried
4.Consideration and possible action regarding a request for Zone Classification Change of
property located at # 8 Queens Lane, a 2.04 acre tract out of Lot 1, Block 3,
Friendswood Subdivision, Abstract 151, Vol. 254, page 37, Galveston County, Texas,
from: Single Family Residential (SFR) to: Planned Unit Development (PUD).
Motion: Mc Veigh-removed items # 4 and item #5 off table to allow for discussion.
Second: Aalund
Vote for: Unanimous
Motion: Samson-to appro ve item #4.
Second: Aalund
Voted for: Unanimous
Motion; Samson-to approve item #5
Second: McVeigh
Voted for: Unanimous
Motion Carried
Motion Carried
Motion Carried
·Amended Motion: Be1trand-to attach the Preliminaiy Plat as a supporting document to
the Specific Use Permit (SUP)
Second: San1son
Voted for: Unanimous Motion Carried
Commissioner Be1trand explained that there were items of interest that the Commission
wanted to see on a Preliminary Plat of the property with regai·ds to access to and within
the proposed tracts, driveway paving material, and effects on drainage to Maiy Queen
Catholic Church's detention pond, and access for construction traffic.
John Jolly, 2015 Abilene Dr., League City, Texas addressed the Commission for the
applicants. Mr. Jolly explained that at one time the church had authorized the use of its
property as a constrnction entrance, but since then that decision has changed. The use of
the church property would be convenient but is not necessaiy, instead Mr. Jolly will enter
the prope1ty off of Queen's Lane.
The Galveston County Consolidated Drainage District (GCCDD) has conditionally
approved Mr. Jolly's Preliminaiy Plan. The applicants submitted letters from the
Galveston County Consolidated Drainage District indicating the site was a candidate for
sub-regional detention. Mr. Jolly also stated that the proposed site plan would not impact
the drainage for the Church. He also stated that the material makeup of his proposed
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driveway will not cause a drainage issue, nor will Mruy Queen Catholic Church be
affected by the drainage of his prope1ty.
The City of Friendswood's Fire Marshall Office provided a letter to staff with a
recommendation to Mr. Jolly that a sprinkler system be installed in the dwellings that will
be located on the prope1ty. This was only a recommendation. Mr. Jolly's Preliminruy
Plat does.reference a fire hydrant located on his prope1ty, which will be installed at his
expense. While a potential fire hydrant location distance issue was noted with regru-d to
cunent and planned activity, all of the potential points of concern fell outside of the ru·ea
of the'SUP being considered and thus technically not germane. The City should however
continue to monitor developments in this regard in this ru-ea.
5.Consideration and possible action regru-ding a request for a Specific Use
Permit/Residential for prope1ty located at# 8 Queens Lane, a 2.04 acre tract out of Lot
1, Block 3, Friendswood Subdivision, Abstract 151, Vol. 254, page 37, Galveston
County, Texas.
Discussed and voted upon with item #4.
Regular Items:
6.Consideration and possible action regarding the request for Zone Classification Change
for property located at 500 West Parkwood, a 9.409 acre tract ofland out of Lots 9,10 &
11, Whitney Subdivision, Galveston County, Texas, from: Single Family Residential
(SFR), to: Multi-Family Residential-Garden Home District (M FR-GHD).
Motion: Samson-to approve
Second: Aalund
Vote for: Unanimous Motion Carried
Peter Gorman, 522 Pine Ridge Comi, Friendswood, TX. Mr. Gorman apperu-ed at the
joint public hearing on June 2, 2003. At that joint public heru-ing citizens concerns were
items such as flooding, density, what kind 9f sound wall ru·ound perimeter of property,
traffic, and trees.
Mr. Gorman explained that flooding is a Site Plan issue and that he will meet the
requirements that ru-e set fo11h by the City and the Galveston County Consolidated
Drainage District. \Vith regru'ds to density, the project will have 24 new home sites over
a total of 9.4 acres. This is equal in density to what would currently be allowed under the
SFR zone. There will be a sound wall of an eight-foot high brick wall that will run along
FM 528 and at the entrance of the subdivision. The entrance to the subdivision will be a
reru· access entrance off of Greenbriar, so that traffic on to FM 528 will not be an issue. In
prior developments tree preservation has been a concern for Mr. Gorman and he has
attempted to preserve as many trees as possible. He explained his intentions were to also
preserve as many trees as possible in this subdivision.
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All Commissioners commended Mr. Gmman for staying after the public hearing and speaking with the concerned citizens as well as addressing all of their concerns in a timely manner. 7.Consideration and possible action regarding amending the Specific Use Permit/Churchfor property located at 1207 Winding Way (Good Shepherd Church), a 4.773-acre tractout of Lot 14, Harvey and Stout Subdivision, Galveston County, Texas.Motion: Gibson-to approve Second: Samson Voted for: Unanimous Motion Carried Tom Grace, 211 Leisure Lane, Friendswood, Texas addressed the Commission. Mr. Grace presented a two-phase Master Plan of the church that had not originally been presented two years prior. The sancturuy will be expanded from approximately thirfyfive hundred squru·e feet to eighty-five hundred squru·e feet. The Master plan shows the additional phases including the Family Life Center that may be built approximately five yeru·s from now. The boundruy area of the existing Specific Use Permit/Church (SUP) is the same ru·ea as what the Master Plan proposes. 8.Discussion regarding the Conceptual Plan for Mary Creek's Development (M ruyCreek Professional Park and Mruy's Creek Town homes) located in the 500 block of N.
Friendswood Dr.Tony Banfield, Greg Banfield, and Brett Banfield, 699 S. Friendswood Dr., Friendswood, Texas representing TGB Development addressed the Commission with regards to this project. Mr. Banfield presented a conceptual plan of three tracts of land located on the north side of Friendswood Dr. Eighty-eight percent of this ten acre tract is currently zoned Community Shopping Center (CSC) with the remaining being zoned Single Family Residential (SFR). TGB development is seeking to rezone this area to a Planned Unit Development (PUD). The PUD would have uses for an Office Park District (OPD) and Multi-Family Residential Housing-Low Density (MFR-L). The front portion of the property will be used for the prof essional building which will be known as the Mruy's Creek Professional Park, with the remaining residential portion proposed for fo1tytown home units. There will be eleven multi-family buildings with approximately three to four units per building. The Commission all agreed that this is an exciting new conc·ept. Commissioner Bertran d asked that TGB development look into the Cluster Home concept with possible feed back to the Commission. 9.Discussion and possible action regarding the Open Space Task Force recommendations.Staff presented an update on the status of recommendations from the Open Space Task Force. They are as follows: a)Public Ownership of Open Space:Page 4 of 6 6/5/03 P & Z I ! !
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Status A Master Park Plan was incorporated into the 1998 Comprehensive. Plan. The revised Comprehensive Plan to continue to use the existing Park Plan with modifications to show existing facilities. Park Plan has also been affected by the implementation of the Park Dedication Ordinance, which promotes neighborhood parks in new developments. No· Open Space Master Plan has been created other than what is incorporated into the Park Plan. b)Private Ownership and Dedication of Open Space:Status: the staff and P&Z Commission are providing some input during platting discussions to encourage private sector acquisition, ownership and development of open space through conservation easements or other suitable means. Additional education to the general public and staff is needed. The Forest Subdivision is utilizing the pipeline easement as part of its walking trail system. c)Land Use and Zoning Regulations:Cluster Housing-Stand Alone Residential Structures:Status: Commission has recently revised the Cluster Housing section of the Zoning Ordinance and has forwarded a recommendation to City Council. Commercial Parking Lot Landscaping: Status: The Zoning Ordinance has been amended to require landscape .islands and perimeter landscaping for commercial projects. It was not known if these standards had increased since the Open Space Task Force's recommendation. Linear Open Space Development Status: With the exception of Brittany Bay Blvd. most major thoroughfares are in place. Staff questioned how additional Right-of-way space could be garnered for use as linear open space. Main Street enhancement plans will affect linear open spaces along FM 518 in the downtown area. Residential Landscaping Status: Proposed rev1s10ns to the Zoning Ordinance regarding tree preservation have been presented to city council. Workshop is needed· with City Council to discuss recommendations that include additional tree requirements for residential lots. Page 5 of 6 6/5/03 P & Z
Existing Tree Replacement
Status: Proposed rev1s10ns. to the Zoning Ordinance regarding tree
preservation have been presented to city council. Workshop is needed
with City Council to discuss recommendations that address protection or
replacement of trees within the interior of prope1ties.
Open Space Master Plan with Density Credits
Status: Staff is cunently reviewing the Comprehensive Plan. An Open
Space Master Plan may be incorporated into Comp. Plan to aid in
development decisions and provide parameters for future development,
which compliment the economic goal of an 80 -20 mix of residential and
commercial development. Density Credits and publicly owned open space
could be incorporated as part of the Master Plan.
A.Planner's report on the GCCDD commercial Site Plan.
The planner rep01ted on the new facility for the Galveston County Consolidated Drainage
District (GCCDD). The GCCDD has met the requirements of the City of Friendswood,
however the GCCDD has not finished the construction of a road, which was shown on
the site plan. The GCCDD asked the City to waive the Site Plan requirement of the road
at this time, but guaranteed the City that the road would be put in at the time of sale of
their current facility. This was granted to the GCCDD, with the understanding that
platting would not be able to take place until the road was completed.
Chaiiman Bertrand noted that as a governmental entity, the drainage district would be
exempt from city regulations.
With no fiuther comment the regulai· meeting adjourned at 8:50 P.M.
Cheri Skelton
Community Development Coordinator
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