HomeMy WebLinkAboutP&Z Minutes 2003-05-15 Regularr :
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Minutes of a Regular Meeting
of the
Friendswood Planning & Zoning Commission
May 15, 2003
A regular meeting of the Friendswood Planning & Zoning Commission was held
Thursday, May 15, 2003 at 7:00 p.m. in the city hall council chambers located at 910 S.
Friendswood Drive, Friendswoo�, Texas. The following members were present:
Bob Bertrand
Niels Aalund
Tom Burke
Tom Samson
Zekie Mc Veigh
Jim Gibson
Diana Steelquist-Planner
D_an Johnson-Deputy Director CD
Loren Smith-City Attoiney
Cheri Skelton-Development Coordinator
Shannon Kimmell-Council Liaison-arrived 9:00 p.m.
With a quorum present, Commissioner Brekke absent, Chairman Bertrand cal-led the
meeting to order to consider the following:
Call to order:
1.Communications from the Com mission
Commissioner Burke asked that staff do research for Multiple Family density
concepts of other cities in comparison to Friendswood.
2.Communications from the Public
No one from the public spoke at this time.
3.Consent Agenda:
A.Approval of the 5-1-03 regular meeting minutes.
Motion: Mc Veigh-to approve the consent agenda.
Second: Gibson
Vote for: Unanimous Motion Carried
4.Consideration and possible action regarding a request for Zone Clas sification
Change of prope1ty located at# 8 Queens Lane, a 2.04 acre tract out of Lot 1,
Block-3, Friendswood Subdivision, Abstract 151, Vol. 254, page 37, Galveston
County, Texas, from: Single Family Residential (SFR) to: Planned Unit
Development (PUD).
To facilitate the discussion process, Chairman Be1irand asked that both requests be
combined into ·one discussion.
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5.Consideration and possible action regarding a request for a Specific Use
Permit/Residential for property located at# 8 Queens Lane, a 2.04 acre tract out
of Lot 1, Block 3, Friendswood Subdivision, Abstract 151, Vol. 254, page 37,
Galve ston County, Texas.
Motion: Burke-talce items # 4 and item #5 off table to allow for discussion
Second: Samson
Vote for: Unanimous Motion Carried
Motion: Gibson-table again with sending report memo to Mayor and City Council.
A June 5, 2003 deadline has been set for the appl icant to come back to the
Second: Samson
Voted for: Unanimous Motion Carried
The applicant had not been able to fully prepare the requested information.
Therefoi·e, per the Rules and Procedures of the Commission, a second motion to
table was made. Per that motion, the applicant has been given a deadline to provide
. the requested information for the June 5, 2003 regular meeting.
6.Consideration and possible action regarding the Commercial Site Plan for JSC
Credit Union located at 1320 S. Friendswood Drive.
Motion: Burke-motion to approve.
Second: Mc Veigh
Vote for: Unanimous Motion Carried
Michael Po1terfield, with Randall, Pmterfield Architects, Inc. spoke in regards to
the expansion to JSC Credit Union. Due to the increase in activity, the Credit
Union feels that there is a need to expand the drive thru area. The drive thru will
have a vacuum operated system and will include an ATM machine. There will also
be enhanced landscapi ng with additional landscap ing along Silverstone. The
detention pond will be maintained by the owners, not by the Galveston County
Consolidated Drainage District (GCCDD).
Regular Items:
7.Discussion regarding the residential development of 1001 W. Parkwood.
George Ulbrich, 1001 W. Parkwood, Friendswood, TX. Mr. Ulbrich was
recommended by staff to bring a conceptual plan of his prope1ty with the proposed
sub-divide changes to Planning & Zoning for ideas and comments from the
Commissioners. Mr. Ulbrich's would like to subdivide his property into three lots.
Lots two and three meet all requirements of the City of Friendswood; however, for
lot one, the frontage is in question. The commiss ioners suggested that staff revisit
the cul-de-sac setback requirements for proposed lot one of this prope1ty. If lot one
meets the cul-d e-sac setback requirements, then l\1r. Ulbrich may proceed with
platting of this property instead of rezoning this prope1ty to Planned Unit District
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(PUD). If Mr. Ulbrich's property does not meet the requirements for cul-de-sac
setbacks then Mr. Ulbrich must rezone in order to sub-divide the property. :tv1r.
Ulbrich's property meets the requirements for utility availability.
8.Di�cussion and possible action regarding the Main Street Enhancement Plan.
Bill Finger, Vice Chairman of the Main Street Implementation Task Force,
addressed the Commission in regards to the concept of a Main Street Area Project.
Citizen surveys as well as a marketing study of the main street area, have lead the
Main Street Task Force to arrive at" a concept for enhancing the main street area.
The studies conducted showed that the tax mix was heavily weighted toward
residential and there was a desire to move toward a more commercial tax base. The
area of interest to begin this project is in and around the City ofFriendswood's
Library and Post Office. The reason this area was chosen was due to the largest
number of public facilities in the area. The concept of the main street area
enhancement project is to work, live, and shop in the same area.
The Main Street enhancement plan is presently not funded but is working with
council to get funding in the budget for next year. Mr. Finger offered that, had an
economic development tax been passed, the Main Street Task Force would not be
asking City Council for funds. The three goal statements, which City Council has
adopted for this project, are preservation oflocal heritage, enhancement of main
street, and the development of a public center of interest.
Commissioner Bertrand added that at the next Planning & Zoning meeting there
would be something in writing to endorse the concept.
Motion: Burke-give general endor sement to the concept of a Main Street Project.
Second: Mc Veigh
Voted for: Unanimous Motion Carried
9.Discussion and possible action regarding Administrative and Amended Plats as
recommended by the Development Process Steering Committee.
Motion: Gibson-to recommend staff approval of Amended Plats to City Council.
Second: Burke
Voted for: Unanimous Motion Carried
The Planning & Zoning Commission has been reviewing the recommendations
made by the Development Process Steering Conunittee. The Commission believes
it is appropriate for them to comment on those recommended changes to the
Subdivision and Zoning Ordinances. Therefore, the Commission discussed staff
level approval of Amended and Administrative plats in d epth.
-The Commission is comfortable with giving Staff the ability to approve Amended
plats due the definition of such a plat. Amended plats are used to conect errors on
a final plat. Also, dens.ity does not increase as no new lots can be created by an
Amended plat.
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The Commission did not feel that Administrative plats should be given staff level
approval at this time. An Administrative plat could be defined as the cmTent sho11
form final plat. A subdivision of land containing four lots or less which does not
require any additional infrastructure. The Commission stated that these types of
plats might be too controversial for Staff to approve. They also believe that public
input and disclosure is still needed in the platting process. Should these type·s of
minor plats become a staff function, it could create a negative perception with the
public. The Commission does not want to create an atmosphere of 'us' and 'them'.
The history of the City of Friendswood has shown that citizen· participation in city
government is a key element of the community. The Commission also views the
approval of sho1t form plats as a learning experience for Commission members and
10.Discussion and possible action regarding accessory buildings and setbacks.
Commission appreciated the approach taken by staff to look for issues that may
need clarification. At this time the Commissioners feel that it was a good learning
experience for staff as well as the Commissioner. No action needs to be taken.
11.StaffRepo11s-Planner's repo1t on implementation of Development Process Steering
Committee recommendations.
The City Planner reported on the current status of the Development Process
Steering Committees recommendations of:
1.Recommend staff level approval for Administrative and Amended plats.
Define Administrative plats based on other local communities' ordinances.
Recommend reduction of plat fees for Administrative and Amended plats to
The Planning & Zoning Commission has requested examples of the proposed
changes to the Subdivision Ordinance. The general consensus was to allow
staff approval of Amended plats but there was resistance to giving staff
approval to Administrative plats. P&Z will make a recommendation to City
2.Recommend reducing conceptual plan fees to $100 to allow developers to
dialogue with P&Z about proposed developments.
The Commission briefly discussed this item when it was presented with the
final repm1. They do not believe they have the authority to set the fee for
Conceptual Plans. The discussion on Conceptual Plan fees could go forward to
City Council.
3.Recommen? staff level approval of commercial site plans.
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The item was presented to the Commission with the final report but no
discussion has been held as of yet.
4.Recommend a separate site plan pe1mit with a fee. Fees should not increase
the cunent level of building pe1mit plan review fees.
The item was presented to the Commission but no discussion has been held as
of yet.
5.Recommend the continuation of the pro-active approach of providing a
development timeline for each individual project as they are received which
includes meeting deadlines and dates.
The staff is continuing to provide this service to all developers.
6.Recommend the review and/or revision of impact fees and the method of
assessment for non-residential developments.
Action is already being taken on this item. The Commission will act as the
advisory board on the proposed changes.
7.Recommendation to leave tree preservation requirements as is until finther
information is provided.
The Chairman of the Planning & Zoning Commission has asked that no action
be taken on this item until the new roster of Commissioners is in place.
8.Recommend consideration of the development of GIS after a review of
similar GIS systems from similar size communities and an evaluation of
their effectiveness.
Staff has begun a review of the Arc View GIS system for compatibility with the
City's needs.
With no finther comment the regular meeting adjourned at 9:35 P.M.
Cheri Skelton
Community Development Coordinator
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