HomeMy WebLinkAboutP&Z Minutes 2003-04-17 Regularr·· ( Minutes of a Regular Meeting of the Friendswood Planning and Zoning Commission April 17, 2003 A regular meeting of the Friendswood Planning and Zoning Commission was held Thursday, April 17, 2003 at7:00 p.m. in the city hall council chambers located at 910 S. Friendswood Drive, Friendswood, Texas. The following members were present: Bob Bertrand Niels Aalund Tom Burke Zekie Mc Veigh Tom Samson Jim Gibson Diana Steelquist -CD Coordinator Dan Johnson -Deputy Director CD Shannon Kimmell -Council Liaison Loren Smith -City Attorney With a quorum present, Commissioner Brekke absent, Chairman Be1irand called the meeting to order to consider the following: Call to order: 1.Communications from the Commission Commissioner Samson reported on his attendance at the Galveston County Consolida ted Drainage District meeting (GCCDD). They have a new general manager and once things settle, GCCDD will again be sending a liaison to the P&Z meetings. Commissioner Aalund reported that he and Commissioner Gibson had met with staff earlier today to discuss set back issues as pait of the task assigned by the Chairman. ·They will be meeting again on May 1st and hope to drive around town to locate specific sites where set backs are an issue. A digital camera will be used to take pictures which he hopes to present to the Commission at a later date. Chainnan Be1irand a4ded.tbat he had spoken to Carl Horecky and he confirmed that the . GCCDD would again be sending a liaison to the P&Z meetings. 2.Communications from the public No one from the public spoke at this time. 3.Consent Agenda: A.Approval of the 03-06-03 regular meeting minutes. B.Approval of the 04-03-03 regular meeting minutes. C.Approval of the 04-07-03 special meeting minutes. Motion: Second: Vote for: Burke-to approve the consent agenda Samson Unanimous page 1 of 5 04/17 /03 P &Z Motion Carried 4.Consideration and possible action regarding a request for Zone Classification Change for property located at # 8 Quee.ns Lane, a 2.04 acre tract out of Lot 1, Block 3, Friendswood Subdivision, Abstract 151, Vol. 254, page 37, Galveston County, Texas, from: Single Family Residential (SFR) to: Planned Unit Development (PUD). To facilitate the discussion process, Chairman Bertrand asked that both requests be combined into one discussion. However, sep arate motions for approval were made for each item. 5.Consideration and possible action regard ing a request for a Specific Use Permit/Residential for prope1ty located at# 8 Queens Lane, a 2.04 acre tract out of Lot 1, Block 3, Friendswood Subdivision, Abst ract 151, Vol. 254, page 37, Galveston County, Texas. Motion: Second: Motion: Second: Amended Motion: Second: Vote for: Samson-to recommend approval of agenda Item #4 · a request for PUD Aalund Samson-to recommend approval of agenda Item #5 a request for SUP Aalund Samson -To table discussion and possible action on agenda Items #4 and #5 Aalund Unanimous Motion Carried Mr. John Jolly, 2015 Aberdeen Dr., League City, addressed the Commission for the applicant who is his father-in-law. The requests regard Mr. lolly's intent to subdivide this 2 acre tract into two separate tracts. A drainage pla n has been prepared and revi�wed by the Galveston County Consolidated Drainage District (GCCDD). At the time the plat is approved, Mr. Jolly will give a large drainage easement to GCCDD. Per Mr. Jolly, this project will help the drainage issues in the neighboring Peny Grove subdivision. Chairman Bertrand asked the City Attorney to verify that a plat could be approved based on the easement issues in accessing the two proposed tracts. The City Attorney said a plat could be approved. Chaiiman Be1trand also noted that a letter from John and·Doris Heard had been received by the Commission as well as a petition dated April 10, 2003. The objections raised in these two pieces of correspondence related to density, erosion, safety and precedence. Mr. Jolly was given copies of the petition and letter and asked by the Chairman to try to address the issues raised. With regards to density, Mr. Jolly noted that the tract was over two acres in size and subdividing for two units would be well in compliance with density requirements for Single Family Residential zoning. Mr. Jolly also noted that the residents of Peny Grove were currently draining their lots across his tract even though there is not a drainage easement in place for them to do so. page 2 of 5 04/17/03 P&Z He also added that if they wanted to continue to keep the area wooded, perhaps they should invest in purchasing his tract. Commissioner Samson inquired what type of service road would be provided to access the new home sites. Mr. Jolly stated that he had spoken with the Fire Marshal and had instructed his engineers to look for types of porous covering which would have a sub­ strate sufficient to support emergency vehicles. He will also be installing a fire hydrant. Mr. Jolly added that by granting the Drainage District an easement, they would be able to maintain the creek and keep the drainage ditch clear. Cun-ently, they cannot adequately maintain this area without an easement. He also wanted to state that the Peny Grove residents were concerned about the drainage plan for the Mary Queen Catholic Church. That drainage plan and his drainage plan are separate as well as the drainage for-the Peny Grove subdivision. His tract is not a paii of the Pe1zy Grove subdivision but his tract does have deed restrictions on file with the County. Commissioner Gibson asked Mr. Jolly if the Drainage District had approved his drainage plan. Per Mr. Jolly, he will be purchasing detention from the Drainage District from a regional detention facility. Gibson also inquired about the amount of area left to develop after the easements were given to the District. Mr. Jolly stated that the lot sizes would be approximately .75 acres each after the easements were given. Commissioner Mc Veigh stated she did not have a problem with the request and she recalled a similar PUD granted to two brothers. Commissioner Burke asked Mr. Jolly if he was aware that he could build two houses on the tract per the zoning ordinance. Mr. Jolly stated that he had considered building a guesthouse for his father-in-law but because of financial concerns, he needed two separate mo�igages. Commissioner Burke also expressed his concern with a lack of detail on the proposed SUP site plan. He would like to see more detail with regards to the access to the tracts, the type of paving used for the private driveway and it's effects on the drainage for Maiy Queen's property. Burke also questioned the applicant with regards to access for construction traffic along the existing privat·e easements. He wanted to know if the Church would allow construction traffic to access the home sites from their parking lot. The use of the private easements along Queen's Lane and Cedat· Oak were also a concern. Burke questioned whether a plat could be approved wherein the lots did not have access to a public street. Chairman Bertrand echoed many of Commissioners Burke's comments. The Chaitman also stated that the p1:operty rights of the applicant as well as the neighbors needed to be considered. He would like to see more detail on the site plan with regards to the plans for the private access driveway and the type of materials to be used for it as well as it's effect on the Chui·ch's drainage plan. He wants to see all the access easements to the home sites on the site plan, as well as the drainage easement to be dedicated to the Drainage District. He would like Mr. Jolly to contact the Church to find out if construction traffic could service the new home sites across the Church parking lot rather than use the access easement. The Staff needs to provide information with regards to the public or private page 3 of 5 04/17/03 P&Z road status of Cedar Oak. All of the access issues need to be resolved in order to prevent future problems for these proposed tracts. The Deputy Director suggested that a Preliminary Plat could be prepared which would detail many of the items the Chairman wanted to see on the site plan. Due to the additional details the Commission wanted to see, a motion was made to table the items in order to allow the applicant to prepare additional information. 6.Consideration and possible action regarding the Commercial. Site Plan for Friends Knoll Reserve 'B' located ·at 306 Friends Knoll Lane. Motion: Second: Vote for: Gibson-to approve with staff comments Burke Unanimous Motion Carried Mr. Harold Benson, owner/developer, addressed the Commission. Mr. Benson has received staff comments and should be able to meet all the conditions. 7.Discussion regarding the Conceptual Plan for the Briar Bend Subdivision a Garden Home Development located at 500 W. Parkwood Mr. Peter Gorman, 522 Pine Ridge Ct., owner/developer, addressed the Commission. This project is a 9.5-acre tract, which he proposes to rezone and subdivide into a Garden Home Development. Approximately 5 acres will be Garden Homes, 2 acres will remain around the existing house and the remainder will be given to the Galveston County Consolidated Drainage District as a drainage easement along the creek. The Garden Homes section will have 24 homes and be similac in character to Mr. German's other Garden Home development, Parkwood Village. The developer will be looking for some flexibility in the detention pond slope requirements going from 4 to 1 to a 3 to 1 · slope. He plans on having the pond be a permanent landscaped water feature. He will also need clarification on the width requirements for his private gated street and utility easement requirements. This cul-de-sac street is longer than 600 feet and to compensate, the width of the paving will be increased to 28 feet instead of the required 24 feet. Mr. Gonnan also stated that he had attended a Development Review Committee meeting and discussed with . staff other issues such as the private a.ccess gate and its safety requirements. He was also complimentaiy of the staffs professionalism and assistance at the DRC meeting. Ms. Kathy Denton of JKC & Associates, assisted Mr. Go1man in discussing the planned features of the development. These include walking trail access to the pond, which will have a waterfall feature and walking path. All the Garden Home lots will be accessed off Greenbriar. The existing home site will continue to have its access from FM 528. 8.Discussion and possible action regarding Administrative and Amended Pla�s as recommended by the Development Process Steering Committee. ( 45 minute limit) Motion: Second: Vote for: Samson -To table discussion and possible action on agenda Items #8 Gibson Unanimous page 4 of 5 04/17/03 P&Z Motion Carried r I [ l l Due the lateness of the hour and the length planned for the discussion, the Development Coordinator asked if this item could be presented at the next regular meeting. With no further comment the meeting was adjourned at 8:50 P.M. Diana Steelqmst Development Coordinator page 5 of 5 04/17/03 P&Z