HomeMy WebLinkAboutP&Z Minutes 2003-03-06 Regularl l Minutes of a Regular Meeting of the Friendswood Planning and Zoning Commission March 6, 2003 CC: M & CC CITY MGR A regular meeting of the Friendswood Planning and Zoning Commission was held Thursday, March 6, 2003 at 7:00 p.m. in the city hall council chambers located at 910 S. Friendswood . Drive, Friendswood, Texas. The following members were present: Bob Bertrand ·Niels AalundMichele BrekkeTom BurkeJim GibsonZekie Mc VeighTom Samson·Diana Steelquist -CD Coordinator Dan Johnson -Deputy Director CD Loren Smith-City Attorney Shannon Kimmell � Council Liaison With a quorum pi'esent, Chairman Bertrand called the meeting to order to consider the following: Call to order: 1.. Communications from the CommissionCommissioner Gibson reported his attendance at the recent GCCDD meeting. Therewere no items of special interest discussed, however, he did note that there was a repo1tregarding the Clear Creek Drainage project and Representative Tom Delay's efforts to re­establishing funding for the project. He also reported that the Brazaria, Hanis andGalveston Counties were looking at conforming their individual criterias.The City Attorney reminded the Commission to be aware of the Open Meetings Act. Nodiscussions or debates should be taking place outside a posted meeting. This includes e­mail correspondence.Chairman Be1trand reported on his attendance at the CEDC meeting. He was not able toget on the CEDC agenda to re-discuss the proposed tree ordinance. with regards to the·value of trees. The CEDC had extension discussion regarding the wet/dry issue inFriendswood as .well as repo1tiiig the hiring of a marketing consultant.2.Communications from the publicNone.3.Consent Agenda:A.Approval of the 02-20-03 regular meeting minutes.Motion: Second: Aalund-to approve the minutes Gibson Page 1 of 3 03/06/03 P&Z J ·,) �: ... ; \\ .,.., Vote for: Unanimous Motion Carried 4.Discussion regarding feasibility of Sun Meadows Townhomes I, fo1merly known as Woodville Townhomes I, located off Sun Meadow Blvd. Mr. Charles Anders, 1408 S. Friendswood Dr., addressed the Commission. This project received preliminary approval in 1997 or 1998. The tract is located next to the 9th tee box on the Friendswood Golf Course. Mr. Anders has previously built 4 tovmhome units next to the proposed area. He has met with Mr. Cox and staff, and can not find any records indicating the zoning for the tract was multi-family. His other property has a Specific Use Permit to allow townhomes. Mr. Anders asked what the chances would be to rezone this 0.62. acre tract to a multi-family use. He would like to build five 2-story townhome units. Mr. Anders recalled that prior to platting this tract, the City had requested an easement. He did not know if the easement had been recorded. Ms. Denise Merideth, 504 Glen Eagle, asked what the adjacent zoning was and if any drawings of the proposed townhomes were available. Mr. Anders responded that the townhomes will resemble the existing units. Also there is a 30 ft. golf cart path adjacent to the tract that is zoned Single Family Residential. Mr. Ronald Johnson, 300 St. Cloud, stated that there was currently a problem with the golf course's other developer. He was concerned that by allowing the rezoning of this tract, it would set a precedent_ for the other developer. The Chaiiman stated that each zoning request is evaluated on its merit. He did not see a linkage between projects but added that the zoning should be consistent in the area. The Chairman recommended Mr. Anders meet separately with the Home Owners Association to discuss his project. Commissioner Burke asked what impact the development would have on the golf course. Mr. Anders responded that the hole in the vicinity of the development would remain intact. Commissioner Burke added that the use of a Planned Unit Development would require the submittal . of a full site plan and _would allow. more control on the development's appearance. He also expressed concerns with drainage issues. Mr. Ralph Blaugh, 650 W. Castle Harbor, stated that the Home Owners would like to meet with Mr. Anders. Some of his concerns regarded the development blocking the view of the ·golf course and drainage. He did feel if the development's appearance fit in with the com munity, he did not think there would be public opposition. Mr. Anders recalled that he had previously met with the H.O.A. when he built his other four existing units. 5.Discussion regarding revisions to the Sign Ordinance with regards to off-site homebuilder signage in the public right-of-way. The Deputy Director lead this discussion by presenting a concept for sign plazas which are placed in the right-of-way. Currently, Code Enforcement spends many hours on the weekends picking up various bandit signs which have been placed in our right-of-ways. Desig nating a sign plaza for these types of signs eliminates clutter and could be a source of Page 2 of 3 03/06/03 P&Z [ I ! revenue. Individual companies could lease space on the sign plaza. The sign plazas would have the City logo and space for several adve1tisements. These could be utilized by home builders. Commissioner Burke recalled there had been some discussion on the use of centralized locations for signs in the past. Issues he recalled included were in six main entrances of the City the sign plazas could be placed and what impact they would have on TxDot regulations or requirements. He suggested this issue be discussed at a Builder's Forum meeting to see if there was a need or if the current sign ordinance was sufficient. Many of the Commissioners liked the concept but expressed concern on what to do with the sign plaza after build out. Long term uses would need to be looked at or the plaza would have to be removed. Chai1man Be1trand suggested a similar presentation to the CEDC and perhaps for use in the entire Clear Lake area. 6.. Discussion and possible action regarding Cluster Home Developments (30 minutes). With the pe1mission of the Chair, Commissioner Burke led this discussion. After hearing some feedback, he was concerned about the language in paragraph e. regarding street width modification. The intent of this section was to allow some flexibility with the arrangement and orientation of houses. He prepared a revised paragraph to clarify this intent. The Development Coordinator suggested re-arranging the order of the paragraph to place the last sentence at the beginning of the section. Motion: Second: Vote for: Burke-to revise the recommendation on Cluster Homes as proposed with a modification to place the last sentence first McVeigh Unanimous Motion Carried 7.Discussion and possible action regarding a request for a Community and Economic Development Committee (CEDC) Liaison (30 minutes). The Chai1man stated he had requested this discussion based on his paiticipation as P &Z liais_on to the CEDC. As a liaison, he does not feel comfo1table giving input for the entire Commission at CEDC meetings. He is interested in rotating the liaison position with other P&Z members. The Council Liaison, Shannon Kimmel, stated he would ask the Mayor if the position of P&Z Liaison to CEDC was appointed for only the P&Z chairman or if other Commission members could attend. 8.Adjournment With no fmther comment the meeting was adjourned at 8:45 P.M. o�JDianaSt� Development Coordinator Page 3 of 3 03/06/03 P&Z