HomeMy WebLinkAboutP&Z Minutes 2003-02-20 Regular! 1 v I l I l Minutes of a Regular Meeting of the Friendswood Planning and Zoning Commission . February 20; 2003 A reguJar meeting of the Friendswoo� Planning and Zoning Commission was held Thursday, February 20, 2003 at 7:00 p.m. in the city hall council chambers located at 910 S, Friendswood Drive, Friendswood, Texas. The following members were present: Bob . Bertrand Niels Aalund Michele Brekke Tom Burke Jim Gibson Zekie Mc Veigh Tom Samson Diana Steelquist -CD Coordinator Dan Johnson --, Deputy Director CD Loren Smith -City Attorney" Shannon Kimmeil -Council Liaison ·With a quorum present, Chairman Bertrand called the meeting to order to consider the follov.ring: . . Public Hearing 1.To receive public input, either oral or written regarding the following: A.Requesting the final plat of the Repl ?,t of a Portion of Restricted Reserve ''A" of the Final Plat of Friendswood Plaza, Galveston County, Texas. James Torres of Texas First Bank located at 102 W; Parkwood, addressed the Coffin!.ission. Mr. Torres stated that the request for the replat was to allqw Texas First Bank a location for a permanent fadlity in Friendswood. ,4is'"JU�,,.-(-,, ,.,, \.�\. Jf.1 / .?·" <�I., if No one else spoke· either for or against the replat. 'k{ ,4p �l .v.1! . �� �; ,C'\:.i '1 <fir, " ·.. . tf'--J. CJ, hl Vt}J ©,), Regular Items:It""'. 'lyOf' fCt;ft.'Q � � CJr;, J;frf r*oortJ @J]/ ·2. Communications from the Commission.·\f'�,, •l,'l¼;;y'IJOg ��g,, . . . . ��. �Chairman Bertrand prefaced the comments from the Comm issioners by pro,1i<lib.�� guidelines for the use of this agenda item. It should be used in the· same manner as the City Council for reporting on· Commissioner's acth1ities or topics _for later discussions: It should not be used to bring up issues for Code Enforcement. Following his comments, Chairman Bertrand invited each Commissioner to speak if they hag anything to report. Tom Samson stated that the final report from the Development Process Steering Committee was nearing completion. There are 8 recommendations. 1 of.5 02/20/03 P&Z Neils Aalund repo1ted some information ·on sidewalk studies which indicate increased widths promote safe pedestrian traffic. He suggested the Commission consider increasing sidewalk ·width requirements and consider what the imp act on existing sidewalks might be. { . Both Michelle Brekke and Zekie Mc Veigh had nothing to report at this time. Jim Gibson noted that he ·would be attending th� Galveston County Consolidated Drainage District meeting Tue�day as the P &Z liaison. Tom Burke requested that a copy of the final DPS report be given to the Commission. He also suggested that the CEDC have a liaison present at P &Z meeting as P&Z is represented at their meetings. He asked for a follow-up on his comments about the status of residential tree sun,eys. The Deputy Director responded that residential tree sun,eys were now being enforced for new home sites. Burke also requested copies of the newly adopted Design Criteria Manual. Burke was also concerned about approving the replat of Friendswood Plaza without first discussing the site plan. 3.Communications from the Public None. 4.Consent Agenda: A.Approval of 01-16-03 special meeting minutes. B.Approval_ of Q2-06-03 regular meeting minutes . C.Approval of the final plat of a Replat of a Portion of Restricted Reserve "A" of the Final Plat of Friendswood Plaza located offW. Parkwood Ave. ·D. Approval of the final plat of the Baywood Medical Center Subdivision located . off FM 518 and Winding Way._ Because of Commissioner's Burke concerns, Items 4. C&D were pulled from the consent agenda for consideration after the Texas First Bank site plan could be discussed. Motion: Second: Vote for: Aalund-to approve the consent agenda items A & B. Samson Unanimous Motion Carried 5.Consideration and possible action i:egarding the commercial site plan for Texas First Bank located offW. Parkwood Ave., Reserve 'Al' of the replat of Friendswood Plaza Subdivision. Motion: Brekke-to approve the c?mrnercial site plan with staff conditions 2 of5 02/20/03 P&Z [ l I Second: Vote for: Amended Motion: Second: Vote for: Samson Unanimous Motion Carried Brekke-to approve the commercial site ·plan with following additional conditions: 1) Conect the ali gnment on the site plan for the com mon access between the dry cleaners and the bank property; 2) Add a 4 foot sidewalk along the frontage of FM 528; 3)Provide copies. of. the reciprocal parking· and driveway . agreements between Texas First Bank and Clover Gate, Inc. Agreements should be written as to be binding on future property owners. 4) The angle of the parking stalls and aisle widths shall adhere to City parking requirements. Samson Unanimous Motion Carried Commissioner Burke asked staff if the loading dock question had been �ddressed. The Dep_uty Director stated that the_drainage/detention plan had been conected to show the loading dock as a parking area. Commissioner Burke· also asked about the parking requirements for the site plan. He was concerned about the aisle widths and parking space angles being in conformance with city requirements. One of the one-way aisles appeared to be too narrow. Burke also noted the site plan did not accurately reflect the location of the common access driveway with the dry cleaners next door. Additional concerns raised included possible ADA parking and sidewalk requirements. -With this re-development taking· place, the Commission· stated it was time to connect to the existing sidewalks along FM 528. There was some additional discussion regarding the shared parking requirements. The Commission stated the need for reciprocal parking and driveway agreements to be in place should property ownerships change. . At this time, the Chai _rman re-addressed Items 4 C. and D. on the agenda.· • • . f • . C. Approval of the final plaf of a R�plat �fa Portion of Restricted Reserve "A" of the Final Plat of Friendswood Plaza located offW. Parkwoo"d Ave. D.Approval of the final plat of the Baywood Medical Center Subdivision l�cated off FM 518. _and Winding.Way. . Motion� Second: Vote for: Burke-: to approve the consent agenda items C & D. Samson Unanimous Motion Carried · 6. Consideration and possible �ction regarding the commercial site plan for the Thornton Law office located at #8 Oak Tree. Motion: Second: Mc Veigh-to approve with staff conditions. Samson 3 of 5 02/20/03 P&Z Vote for: Amended Motion: Second: Vote for: Unanimous Motion Canied Mc Veigh-to approve the site plan with staff condit ions and not to require a sidewalk Samson Unanimous -Motion Canied Commissioner Mc Veigh asked for clarification on the drainage plan requirement. Staff responded that the drainage plan had been approved by GCCDD prior to the site plan submittal to the City. Because of landscaping and parking requirements, the site plan had changed which affected the parking lot detention being provided. Commissioner Burke noted that the sidewalks shown o_n the plan lead to nowhere on this private street. The Commission agreed that sidewalks were not necessary for this development as it is located on a private street. The Commission also wanted the records to reflect that the tract was located in an Office Park District. 7.Consideration and possible action regarding the revision of the commercial site plan for the Samson Office Warehouse Complex located at 17130 Townes Rd. Motion: Mc Veigh-to approve the site plan with staff conditions Second: Samson Amended fy'fotion: Burke -to continue to require sidewalks therefore Item 3 of staff conditions is not required Second: Samson Vote for: Mc Veigh, Samson, Be1trand, Burke, Brekke, Aalund Vote Against: Gibson Motion Canied :tv1 r. Marty Samson; 1003 Middle Creek, addressed the Commission. Mi. Samson has a previously approved site plan which shows a sidewalk. He did not see a need for a· sidewalk and also would like to redesign the drainage plan to allow for parking lot detention, rather than a separate detention pond. Staff has reviewed the drainage pla n a.rid it will be feasible to use parking lot detention. Most of the - Commission saw a need for_ sidewalks should future development take place along FM 528 or if sidewalks were added in the Subdivision for the safety of school children. Commissioner Gibson felt that sidewalks constructed now would lead to nowhere. 8.Sta.ff Rep01t A.Status of the revision to the Comprehensive Plan. The Development Coord_inator addressed the Commission stating that a very preliminary draft had been received from the UT Arlington consultant. Staff is : 4 of5 02/20/03 P&Z , ! ' .... [ 1 IL l l continuing to work with him fo make necessary revisions. A new outline should be forth coming which should better represent the ob jectives of the revised plan. B.Status of the recommendation on revision to Cluster Home Developments The Development Coordinator stated that initial feedback had been received on the pro posed revision to the ordinance. The overall impressions are good however, there was some concern expressed :regarding the street modification section. The City Council will workshop changes to the Zoning Ordinance in June. The Commission has an opportunity to re-address this section if desired before then. 9.Adjournment. With no further comment, the meeting was adjourned at 8:15. P.M. iana Steelquist Development Coordinator 5 of 5 02/20/03 P &Z