HomeMy WebLinkAboutP&Z Minutes 2003-02-06 Regularf l l l Minutes of a Regular Meeting of the Friendswood Planning and Zoning Commission February 6, 2003 A regular meeting of the Friendswood Planning and Zoning Commission was held Thursday, February 6, 2003 at 7:00 p.m. in the city hall council chambers located at 910 S.Friendswood Drive, Friendswood, Texas. The following members were present: Bob Bertrand Niels Aalund Michele Brekke Tom Burke Jim Gibson Zekie Mc Veigh Tom Samson Diana Steelquist -CD Coordinator Dan Johnson -Deputy Director CD \ With a quorum present, Chairman Bertrand called the meeting to order to consider the following: 1.Communications from the public. A letter was received-from the Sun Meadow Home Owners Association (H.O.A.) listing the new H.O.A. board members and requestii:ig a meeting with the Commission. The H.O.A. president, Denise Meredith, addressed the Commission stating the board wanted to let the Comm1ssion know who they were and that they were available to assist the Commission if needed. The Chairman informed Ms. Meredith that if the H. 0 .A. had specific issues to discuss, they could be placed as a regular discussion item on a future agenda. He also thanked her for their interest. Commissioner Burke took this opportunity to report on the Galveston County Consolidated Drainage District (GCCDD) meeting he attended in January. An item of note from the meeting was GCCbD's plan to purchase 110 to 114 acres between Coward and Chigger Creeks to be used as a regional detention area. The availability of regional detention areas will affect property development in the future. -GCCDD is also investigating an alternate use of the regional area as soccer practice fields. Also of note was a proposal for a wildlife habitat refuge ·area. GCCDD did not have a suitable tract but there are at least four other sites in the City which might be suitable. A wildlife habitat would promote eco-tourism. Commissioner Burke also repmted on a conversation that he had ·had with the Building Official regarding tree survey requirements for Single Family tracts. The requirements for a residential tree survey are not being enforced. He hopes this issue will be further investigated. Page 1 of 3 02/06/03 P&Z Burke further asked that a regular item be placed on the agenda to allow each Commissioner to make reports to the Commission during regular meetings. This would be in keeping to the format used by the City Council. 2.Consent Agenda: A.Approval of the 12-16-02 special meeting minutes. B.Approval of the 12-19-02 regular meeting minutes. Motion: Second: Vote for: Gibson-to approve the consent agenda Samson Unanimous Motion Carried Amended Motion: Gibson -to approve the consent agenda with correction to page two of the 12-19-02 minutes to correct the spelling of Garlands to Gerlan ds. Second: Samson Vote for: Unanirilous Motion Carried Chairman Be1irand noted the incorrect spelling on page two of the 12-19-02 minutes. 3 .. Discussion and possible action regarding Cluster Home Developments Motion: Second: Vote for: Burke -to recommend rev ision of Cluster Home Ordinance to City Council with amendments as discussed. Aalund Unanimous Motion Carried Chairman Be1irand noted that there was a discussion on this issue at the last meeting. Following that discussion, staff made the suggested revisions to the ordinance and they were presented to the Commission for further discussion or recommendation. Commissioner Burke made a motion to recommend the revision .to City Council with any am endments as discussed. In general; th·e revisions appeared to reflect the Commission's comments from the last meeting. There was some discussion regarding Item 2. j., regarding above ground infrastructure. The-language was revised to allow for some minimal infrastructure such as manholes, fire hydrants or water meters. Commissioner Samson noted a plural word 'records' which should be singular under Item j .( 4) and a capitalized word 'That' in Item 2. e. Commissioner Burke also recommended that the words 'the open area of' be deleted from Item 2.e. For the benefit of those members of the public present, Chai1man Be1irand explained the concept of cluster home development. Commissioner Burke added info1mation on the origin of the ordinance. Page 2 of .3 02/06/03 P&Z r 1 l 4.Discussion and possible action reg arding the Tree Preservation Ordinance Chairman Bertrand stated that although he did not feel any more discussion on the specifics of the proposed ordinance were needed; he did want to discuss any feed back that had been received. Commissioner Samson, who served on the Development Process Steering Committee (DPS), reported that the DPS would not be recommending any changes to the current tree_ preservation requirements. They were not opposed to tree preservation; rather they thought more info1mation was needed regarding the proposed changes. Chairman Be1trand repo1ted that, at the J anuruy Community and Economic Development Committee (CEDC) meeting, he was not able to successfully convey the importance of the proposed ordinance. He will present additional information regarding the economic value of tree preservation to the CEDC again. He asked the Development Coordinator to contact the City Secretruy and ask for a postponement of any presentation or discussion with City Council until more suppo1ting info1mation could be gathered. qj� Development Coordinator Page 3 of 3 02/06/03 P&Z