HomeMy WebLinkAboutP&Z Minutes 2003-12-04 Regular1
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Minutes of a Regular Meeting
of the
Friendswood Planning and Zoning Commission
December 4, 2003
A regular meeting of the Friendswood Planning and Zoning Commission was held
Thursday, December 4, 2003 at 7:00 p.m. in the city hall council chambers located at 910
S.Friendswood Drive, Friendswood, Texas. The following members were present:
Bob Bertrand
David Brakebill
Tom Burke
Jim Gibson
Kevin Holland-7:05 p.m.
Steve Y eretsky
Diana Steelquist-City Planner
Cheri Skelton-Development Coordinator
With a quorum present, Commissioner Brekke absent, Chairman Bertrand called the
meeting to order to discuss the following:
Call to order:
Communications from the Commission
Chairman Bertrand stated that he, along with Commissioner Burke and
Commissioner Y eretsky had attended the special workshop with City Council on
December 1, 2003. There were several items discussed during that workshop.
The items discussed were as follows:
1.Changes to the Entryway Overl ay District/Downtown Overl ay District.
2.Recommendations from the DPS Committee regarding
approval of Commercial Site Plans, Amended Plats, and
Administrative Plats.
Chairman Bertrand stated that he was unable to attend the last scheduled
Community Economic Dev elopment Committee (CEDC) meeting. Chairman
Bertrand said he would try and bring information from that meeting to the next
Planning and Zoning meeting.
Chairman Bertrand announced that he and his wife would be providing dinner for
the Commissioners at the scheduled retreat on January 5, 2004.
Communications from the public
Jineyt Yasin, 2255 W. Parkwood, Friendswood, TX. addressed the Commission.
Mr. Yasin operates a gas station in the Community Shopping Center district
(CSC). Mr. Yasin expressed his concerns that the permitted use table is inconect.
:t\-1r. Yasin would like to sell one or two used cars off of his lot. The permitted use
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table indicates that new cars, boats, motorcycles, and recreational vehicles can be
sold in CSC but not used cars. He would like to know why new motorized
vehicles could be sold and not used.
Chairman Bertrand stated that Mr. Yasin should talk with staff about putting his
topic on a future agenda as discussion topic. Going th.rough the process of
making this an agenda item would allow the Commission to discuss his concerns
and the permitted use table.
Tabled Items:
3.Consideration and possible action regarding the Commercial Site Plan for Sonic
Restaurant located at 806 S. Friendswood Dr. ( 45 minute time limit)
Holland-to remove from table for discussion.
Kent Ballard, 331 East Parkwood addressed the Commission. Sonic seeks
approval of the Commercial Site Plan presented to the Commission. Sonic's lease
has expired at its current location and due to expansion needs; Sonic must
Staff stated that a revised elevation plan was presented that indicated mechanical
equipment on the roof of the proposed building could be screened.
Gibson-to approve with staff conditions.
Commissioner Holland asked if a photometric layout has been provided.
Staff stated that a photometric layout has been requested, but at this time one has
not been provided.
Commissioner Burke asked about note #2 of the staff recommendation memo that
stated the layout of the tract appeared to not include the entire tract.
Staff stated that photometric layout did not include the entire property, and the
requirement is that the photometric l ayout must extend to the property boundary.
The way the photometric layout was shown, the photometric plan did not comply.
Commissioner Burke stated concerns regarding glare from the wall-mounted
lights on the back of the proposed Sonic. Commissioner Burke then asked staff to
assist him with the glare ordinance in regards to the Single Family Residential
(SFR) area located at the back of the proposed site.
Staff stated that the lighting 'of commercial property abutting SFR is required to
be no more than 0.25-foot candles at the property line. The current photometric
layout for this proposed site indicates 0.00 foot candles at the prope1ty line.
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Commissioner Burke stated that the person who is selecting lighting for the back
of the building should be aware of the SFR requirement, and should consider the
glare that the light would give off, so that the lighting does not create a nuisance
to theresidents.
Commissioner Burke stated that, on the Site Plan, the sidewalk indicated a
construction width of six foot. Commissioner Burke stated that the current
ordinance does not require six-foot sidewalks.
Staff stated that per TXDot requirements the sidewalks should be constructed at
five foot.
Commissioner Burke asked if an area at the front of the proposed Sonic would be
used for a common access drive to be shared with the adjacent lot. He was
concerned that the underground electrical utilities would prohibit the possibilities
of such a drive. To ensure a common access drive to the adjacent lots,
Commissioner Burke asked to make this a stipulation for approval of the Sonic
Site Plan. Mr. Ballard stated that a common access drive would be installed to
accommodate the lots next to the proposed Sonic.
Commissioner Brakebill asked Mr. Ballard how the entry bays were designed.
Mr. Ballard stated that the construction drawings are not complete yet; however,
the construction of the bays would be a standard Sonic b ay .
Chairman Bertrand asked if the Main Street Task Force had looked at the
Commercial Site Plan for the Sonic.
Staff stated that a representative for the Main Street Task Force has reviewed the
Site Plan and it was acceptable to the Main Street Task Force.
Chairman Bertrand stated that a letter was received from Carol Jones, president of
the Friendswood Chamber of Commerce, recommending the approval of the Site
Plan of Sonic.
Voted For:
Regular Meeting:
Gibson-staff conditions to be met, change sidewalks from six foot,
to meet minimum design standard set forth by TxDot, do not allow
any underground electrical that would prohibit the ability to have a
common drive with the adjoining lot.
Unanimous Motion Carried
4.Consideration and possible action regarding the Commercial Site Plan for Cagle
Plumbing located 207 Laurel Drive. ( 45 minute time limit)
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Holland-to approve Site Plan
Randy Liska, with JKC & Associates, spoke on behalf of Cagle Plumbing. Mr.
Liska indicated that the owner of the property, Mr. Cagle, wants to build a garage
at the back of his property to store company vehicles during the off hours of his
Commissioner Burke asked why the three proposed pine trees were located at the
back of the property instead of the front.
Mr. Liska stated that the ordinance required the trees and there was no other place
to locate them on the property.
Commissioner Burke asked if any tree could be located on the five-foot strip of
grass at the front of the prope1ty, along the prope1ty line, as indicated on the Site
Mr. Liska said he did not see why a tree could not_ be located there, however there
were·overhead power lines there.
Commissioner Burke then asked if Mr. Cagle would have any objection to placing
crepe myrtles on the five-foot strip instead of placing the pine trees at the back of
the prope1ty.
Mr. Liska did not believe that Mr. Cagle would have any problem with the crepe
myrtles being located there.
Commissio ner Holland asked if the exterior of the proposed garage would be the
same as the current office building.
Mr. Liska commented that he did not have any information what type of material
will be used for the garage.
Chairman Bertrand asked staff if a photometric layout was required.
Staff stated that a not e on the Site Plan reflected that no additional lighting would
be installed on the site. Since no additional lighting was pl aced on site, then a
photometric layout was not required.
Voted For:
Holland-to approve Site Plan with conditions that proposed pine
trees not are installed at the back of the prope1ty but crepe myrtles
be put in their place at the front of the property along the five-foot
strip of grass near the property line.
Unanimous Motion Carried
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5.Discussion and possible action regarding factory-built industrialized housing.
( 45 minute time limit)
Staff reported that new state laws allow factory-built industrialized housing in
Single Family Residential (SFR) areas. It was suggested by staff that the
Commission review the ordinance to see if any changes to the ordinance need to
be made. Staffpresented a sample ordinance prepared by City ofHempstead's
City Attorney.
Chairman Bertrand and other Commissioners wanted to get more information
regarding facto1y-built industrialized housing. The Commission requested staff
collect more information regarding this and place it on a future agenda for
6.Staff Report
A.Lakes at San Joaquin Safety issues.
Staff reviewed with the Commission a list of concerns that the homeowners at the
Lakes at San Joaquin presented. They are as follows:
2.Open Ditches
3.Lot Density Requirements
4.Safety Issues:
B.Emergency access gate
Staff has audited previously filed Plats and determined that no sidewalks have
ever been required in an open ditch subdivision. Staff did indicate that the above
listed safety concerns should be addressed, and can be, during the construction of
Section Two of the Lakes at San Joaquin.
With no further comment, the regular meeting adjourned at 8:50 p.m.
� W1u' �Uocn ,Ch;{_skelton
Development Coordinator
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