HomeMy WebLinkAboutP&Z Minutes 2003-12-18 Regular1 [ l l Minutes of a Regular Meeting of the Friendswood Planning and Zoning Commission December 18, 2003 A regular meeting of the Friendswood Planning and Zoning Commission was held Thursday, December 18, 2003 at 7 :00 p.m. in the city hall council chambers located at 910 S. Friendswood Drive, Friendswood, Texas. The following members were present: Bob Bertrand Michelle Brekke Tom Burke Jim Gibson Kevin Holland Steve Y eretsky Loren Smith-City Attorney Dan Johnson-Deputy Director of C.D. Diana Steelquist-City Planner Cheri Skelton-Development Coordinator With a quorum present, Commissioner Brakebill absent, Chairman Be11rand called the meeting to order to discuss the following: Call to order: Regular Meeting: 1.Communications from the Commis sion Chairman Bertrand stated the Commissioners should be receiving a list of goals from City Council and recommends that the Commissioners' read through them before the Planning & Zoning retreat scheduled for January 5, 2004. Chairman Bertrand wished everyone a happy holiday. 2.Communications from the public No one from the public spoke at this time. 3.Consent Agenda: A.Approval-of special meeting minutes on November 20, 2003 B.Approval of regular meeting minutes on November 20, 2003 C.Approval of special meeting minutes on December 1, 2003 D.Approval of special meeting minutes on December 8, 2003 Commissioner Burke asked to have item "B" removed from the consent agenda· for discussion. Chaiiman Be11rand asked to have items "C" and "D" removed from the consent agenda for discussion. Page 1 of 10 f2/18/03-P & Z Motion: Second: Voted For: Motion: Second: Holland-to approve item "A" of the consent agenda. Gibson Unanimous Motion Carried Holland-to approve item "B" of the consent agenda. Yeretsky Commissioner Burke stated that in paragraph 1 of page 2, first sentence should read: Commissioner Burke requested that the land abutting the newly annexed land on FM 528 be brought before the Commission in the future as a discussion item. Commissioner Burke stated that in paragraph 2 of page 3, the spelling of eifs should be corrected. Commissioner Burke also stated that in paragraph 5 of page 3 that the second sentence in that paragraph should read: After realizing there were two versions of the Re-plat, it was determined that the correct signature block would be used. Chairman Bertrand stated the time the meeting started was incorrect and should be changed to 7:00 p.m. Chairman Be11rand also stated that in paragraph 5 of page 4, the third sentence should read: Additionally, the added review by the Commissioners results m identification of ei:rors not previously noted by staff. Amended Motion: Second: Voted For: Motion: Second: Holland-to approve the 11-20-03 minutes with changes. Yeretsky Unanimous Motion Carried Burke-to approve item "C" of the consent agenda. Holland Commissioner Burke stated that in paragraph 2, page 1, the fourth sentence should reflect that Councilmember Ewing, not Councilmember Goza, recommended the modification to the language. Page 2 of 10 12/18/03-P & Z [ 1 I l 4. j Chairman Be1trand stated that a statement should be added to paragraph 1, page 1; this statement should read: It was pointed out to the Council that the proposed process will give Council final say over density of cluster homes areas on large acreage. Amended Motion: Second: Voted For: Motion: Second: Burke-to approve with changes Holland Unanimous Motion Carried Holland-to approve item "D" of the consent agenda. Burke Chairman Bertrand stated that in paragraph 2, page 1, there was a key phrase missing that he wanted added. That phase should be: The City Manager said if the city staff handled these current proposals there would not be input. Chairman Be1trand stated that in paragraph 5, page 1, the main point that he made should be added; that point was: He felt it is a bad process if Planning & Zoning disagree after staff has approved the plan. Chairman Bertrand stated that his response after paragraph 6, page 3, to Mayor Brizendine regarding the negative recommendations be submitted into the minutes. That should read: Chairman Bertrand noted to the Council, that due to the process, the recommendation appeared to be negative. However, out of respect for Commissioner Holland, who chaired the DPS Committee, he was ·permitted to make the original motion recommending approval. After discussion, it was voted down five to one. Amended Motion: Second: Voted For: Holland-to approve item "D" of the consent agenda with changes Burke Unanimous Motion Carried Consideration and possible action regarding request to amend SUP # 96-5 for Melody Plaza located at 300-320 E. Edgewood Dr. to add additional mixed commercial uses. Page 3 of 10 12/18/03-P & Z Motion: Second: Holland-to approve request for amended SUP Yeretsk y David O'Farrell, 300 East Edgewood, addressed the Commission. Mr. O'Fanell would like to amend his current SUP. Mr. O'Farrell has a space leased to a Chiropractor who would like to incorporate with his practice an exercise studio. Mr. O'Farrell stated that technically the exer cise program was listed in the Permitted Use Table (PUT) as Arts, Entertainment and Recreation. The cunent surrounding residents were concerned that perm itting this use would then allow arcades and game rooms. This was neither the desire of the surrounding residents nor the desire of Mr. O'Farrell. Commissioner Burke stated that the Permitted Use Table works by uses only, and if the exercise use were placed under "exercise and fitness", then it would get what the tenant needs without allowing an enterta inment use such as arcades. Commissioner Burke asked staff if the parking space requirements had been computed for this use. Staff stated that the Site Plan was approved with a Mix-Use Site Layout. Mr. O'Farrell stated that he understood Mr. Burke's concern regarding parking. Mr. 0 'Farrell then stated that even though parking spaces are not assigned on the prope1ty, he did not feel that parking would become an issue. Mr. O'Farrell indicated that the research he compiled showed that the majority of the people who intended to exercise, did so around 7:00 a.m. and then again at 7:00 p.m. Chairman Bertrand stated that there was a discrepancy between the origin�! SUP uses established and the prior Permitted Use Table (PUT), in which Mr. O'Farrell's SUP was originally created. In 2001 the Permitted Use Table (PUT) changed. Chairman Bertrand asked if Mr. O'Farrell had any objections with tabling the agenda item, to allow staff to determine if the current SUP uses had any conflicts with what is being purposed. Mr. O'Farrell stated that he would work with staff to review the currently proposed SUP changes. Amended Motion: Second: Voted For: Holland-to table item Yeretsky Unanimous Motion to Table Carried 5.Consideration and possible action regarding request to amend SUP # 2000-7 for 402 E. Edgewood Dr. to add additional commercial uses. Page 4 of 10 12/18/03-P & Z ( 1 6. I l 7. l l Motion: Second: Holland-to approve the request for amendment to the SUP Gibson David Offenburger, 402 E. Edgewood, addressed the Commission. Mr. Offenburger would like to add the use of" Optometrist" to his current SUP. He has a client that would like to locate his business at 402 E. Edgewood. Commissioner Brekke asked if there were any parking issues with the site. Staff commented that currently the required parking is adequate. Mr. Offenburger added that he is in the process of adding additional parking as well. Voted For: Unanimous Motion Carried Discussion regarding the Cluster Home Conceptual Plan of Friendswood Estates located in and around the Sunmeadow Golf Course located off FM 528. Glen Rau, representative for Millennium Group, addressed the Commission. Mr. Rau would like to clarify some areas of the ordinance in regards to Cluster Homes. Millennium Group would like to use the current golf course as open space to meet the requirements to develop a Cluster Home community. Staff asked the Commission; based on the current ordinance, how much of the golf course would be considered open space for a Cluster Home development to meet the requirements. Chairman Bertrand stated the open space could be protected if the golf course was platted as restrictive reserves, then· make it a PUD and specify it as green space within the cluster homes. Commissioner Burke stated that the PUD should specify it as either a golf course or open space, not both. The consensus of the Commissioners was that the golf course could be considered as green space in a Cluster Home development. Consideration and possible -action regarding the approved Commercial Site Plan of Cedar Cove Townhomes located off Cedarwood Dr., dumpster requirement. Staff stated that the Commercial Site Plan of Cedar Cove Townhomes was approved in 2002. The Site Plan was approved with the indication that a dumpster was to be located on the property. The project is nearing completion and the developer would like to have the Commercial Site Plan amended so that Page 5 of 10 12/18/03-P & Z the dumpster is not required. The developer has made arrangements with the waste collection service to pick up the trash along Cedarwood. The developer is waiting to get Ce1tificates of Occupancy for the units. The City is not allowing Occupancy due to the dumpster requirement not being met. Staff indicated that there are approximately 16 units in the development. Chairman Bertrand stated that this could place up to 32 waste cans along Cedarwood. The developer has offered to contact the waste collection service to check if it is a possibility to have the waste cans picked up at the driveway of the individual units. The developer does not know if the waste company will pick up the waste cans at the end of the drivewa ys. Commissioner Gibson asked if staff made a recommendation on this item. Staff's recommendation on this item was that the approved Commercial Site Plan should be upheld. Commissioner Burke asked why the developer does not want to put the dumpster on the property. Staff stated that the developer feels that the noise associated with a dumpster would disturb the residents. Some Commissioners indicate d that the appearance on Cedarwood would not be appealing on the days that the waste sen1ice would collect trash. Motion: Second: Gibson-to go with staffs recommendation, that the Site Plan must be followed. Holland Commissioner Burke asked if the developer has indicated that the turning radius for a waste collection truck is insufficient. Staff stated that the Building Official was also concerned about the turning radius for a waste collection truck not being sufficient. Commissioner Burke stated that the developer should get information on whether the waste collection truck will pickup the waste at a dumpster within the development. Staff stated that the waste is currently being collected on Cedarwood. Page 6 of 10 12/18/03-P & Z l J Chaitman Bertrand agreed with Commissioner Burke that the developer should get more information from the waste collection service as to what requirements they have for collecting waste. Staff asked the Commission if the developer should provide a revised Site Plan to the Commission without the dumpster. Staff indicated at this time the Final Ce1tificate of Occupancy is being withheld until the dumpster is placed on the property. Chairman Bertrand stated that the developer should get with the waste collection company to see what the collection will or will not do in regards to picking up the waste in the subdivision. Voted For: Unanimous Motion Carried 8.Consideration and possible action regarding approval of the Preliminary Plat of the Briar Bend Subdivision located at the intersection of Greenbriar and Briar ·Creek Dr. Motion: Second: Holland-to approve with staff comments. Brekke Peter Gorman, 500 W. Parkwood, addressed the Commission. Mr. Gorman had concerns that he would be responsible for placing a traffic sign with a caution signal outside his original scope of the subdivision. He feels that the City should be responsible for that type of sign, if it was desired. Commission Burke asked Mr. Gorman about landscaping and fencing along FM 528. Mr.- Gorman stated that a brick wall would be constructed along FM 528 for a sound barrier. Mr. Gorman stated that the landscaping plan had been shown on the Conceptual Plan, previously presented to the Commission. Commissioner Burke commented on the proposal to fill in the pond on Lot # 15. He asked Mr. Gorman how the home was to be constructed on that Lot. Mr. Gorman stated that the pond on Lot #15 would be filled in with approximately six feet of fill di1t. In addition, the home that is constructed on that lot will be on piers. Commissioner Gibson asked about the turning radius at the cul-de-sac and if it was adequate. He also asked if a school bus would be able to turn around. Staff commented that the school bus could turn around, but thought that it was the schools policy not to drive down private streets. Page 7 of 10 12/18/03-P & Z Mr. Gorman stated that a 45-foot radius is shown on the plans to be constructed and if a school bus wanted to drive down the street he felt that the turn around would be adequate. However, in another subdivision Mr. G01man developed the children meet the school bus at the end of the street. Commissioner Burke also inquired about the existing home that is located on the property currently. Commissioner Burke wanted to know if the tenants of that home will be entering and exiting through the subdivision. Mr. Gorman stated that the existing home's tenants will continue to enter and exit off of FM 528. That home will not have access to the subdivision. Mr. Gorman stated that at this time the state highway permit has not been issued for the driveway to the existing home. Amended Motion: Second: Voted For: Holland-Revise Item # 5 of the staff recommendation to exclude "Extra signage with caution light may be required". Brekke Unanimous Motion Carried 9.·Consideration and possible action regarding re-scheduling of regular meeting dates in January 2004 due to holiday conflicts. (20 minutes) Due to January 1, 2004, b�ing a holiday, Staff gave the recommendation to change the Planning & Zoning meetings to Janua1y 8, 2004 and'January 22, 2004. Motion: Second: Voted For: Brekke-to approve staffs recommendation Holland Unanimous Motion Carried 10.Discussion and possible action to recommend changes to the Permitted Use Table with regards to used car sales and paintball recreation centers. (20 minutes) The first of the two recommended changes focuses on what may have been an omission from the 2001 PUT update. A recent comment to the Commission from a citizen during the December 4, 2003 regular meeting brought to the attention of the Commission that Used Car Sales ru·e not permitted in the Community Shopping Center (CSC) zoning district. A review of the PUT indicates that New Car Sales, Boat Dealers, Recreational Vehicle Dealers and Motorcycle Dealers ru·e allowed with Specific Use Permits in the CSC zone. The Commission recommends that Use Number 44112 Used Car Sales also be allowed in the CSC, OBD and PUD district with a Specific Use Permit. This recomm endation is being · made to correct what was probably an oversight in the 2001 PUT update. Page 8 of 10 12/18/03-P & Z r 1 [ l l l The second recommended change regards Amusement and Recreation Industries. Recently the Zoning Board of Adjustment granted the use of a Paintball recreation facility in the Industrial zoning district. The ZBOA granted this use, as there was no definable permitted use category ror this type of recreational service. After a review of the 1997 North American Industry Classification System, the Commission believes that the Paintball use would fall under Use Number 713990 All Other Amusement and Recreation Industries. Further, the Commission believes these types of other recreational and amusement services should be allowed only with a Specific Use Permit under the Light Industrial and Industrial zoning districts. Illustrative examples of the types of uses under 713 990 are: •Amusement ride or coin-operated non-gambling amusement device concession operators (i.e. supplying or servicing in others facilities) •Archery or shooting ranges •Billiard or pool parlors •Boating.clubs (without marinas) •Dance halls •Miniature golf courses •Recreational day camps ( except instructional) •Recreational or youth sports teams and leagues •Recreational sports clubs (i.e. sports teams) not operating facilities •Riding stables The Commission would welcome the opportunity to workshop the proposed revisions with the Council in order to assist in their adoption. Motion: Second: Voted For: Holland-change the Permitted Use Table to allow used car sales in CSC, OBD, and PUD to match with new car sales. Also, include #713990 as a SUP only in Industrial and Light Industrial zones. In addition, paintball recreation is considered by the Commission as a shooting range and will be under# 713990 of the PUT. Brekke Unanimous Motion Carried 11.Discussion and possible action to recommend changes to the Sign Ordinance regarding Reader Boards. (20 minutes) After discussion of the proposed sign ordinance changes regarding electronic reader boards. It was decided that some verbiage changes and clarification should be made to the proposal. Commissioner Burke stated that he thought if changes are proposed for a portion of the sign ordinance then other sections of the sign ordinance should be considered for revision. Page 9 of 10 12/18/03-P & Z Motion: Second: Voted For: 12.Adjournm ent. Brekke-to table discussion. Holland Unanimous Motion to Table Carried With no fmiher comments, the regular meeting adjourned at 10:05 p.m. £�on J)uJ)o71J Development Coordinator Page 10 of 10 12/18/03-P & Z J