HomeMy WebLinkAboutP&Z Minutes 2002-05-02 Regularf I I.. Minutes of a Regular Meeting of the Friendswood Planning and Zoning Commission May 2, 2002 A regular meeting of the Friendswood Planning and Zoning Commission was held Thursday, May 2, 2002 at 7:00 p.m. in the city hall council chambers located at 910 S. Friendswood Drive, Friendswood, Texas. The following members were present: Niels Aalund Tom Burke Bob Bertrand Mark Clark Tom Samson Frank Frankovich -7:10 P.M. Mike Dominguez-City Planner Diana Steelquist -CD Coordinator Randy Mason -Building Official Loren Smith -City Attorney With a quorum present, Chairman Burke called the meeting to order to consider the following: Call to order: Tabled Items: 1.Consent Agenda: A.Approval of the Final Plat of the Sunset Car Wash. Motion: Second: Vote for: Samson­ Clark To remove from the table and approve the final plat Unanimous Motion Carried (Aalund, Burke, Bertrand, Clark and Samson voting) Mike Riggle, co-owner, addressed the Commission. Chairman Burke noted that sidewalks would be required for this plat and that it was located "in the Entry Overlay District and the site plan would need to comply with those requirements. Regular Items: 2.Communications from the public.3. Chairman Burke noted that two letters had been received regarding the proposed development in the Sun Meadow area. Chairman Burke stated that at the last meeting the question of the original zoning of this area was raised and asked staff to follow up. Discussion regarding the Conceptual Plan of the Reserve at Timber Creek located off FM 2351 near Hope Village Rd. - 1 - 05/02/02 P&Z Joel Scott and Kyle Tosh with Horizon Housing Partners, addressed the Commission. The proposal is to develop a 19 acre multi-family development off FM 2351 adjacent to the Timber Creek Golf Course. The master pl�n for the total development will include two separate uses with a shopping center fronting FM 2351 and the multi-family housing located behind. The main entrance will align with the high school entrance across the street. Horizon Housing developed the Reserve at Autumn Creek and is familiar with ordinance requirements for this patiicular use. Commissioner Frankovich a1Tived at this time. Chairman Burke noted that the current zoning for the area is Community Shopping Center and Industrial. Commissioner Be1irand stated the issue regarding the City's Vision 2020 for an increase in the tax base and asked if there were other commercial options for this tract. The developer stated he was familiar with Vision 2020 but felt a multi-family use was more in demand. Mr. Scott noted that there woul d be about 220 high quality units, possibly gated. Mr. Tosh added that the development would increase the tax base as the proposal is for high end units. He also noted that the prope1iy owner had been unsuccessful in marketing the tract for industrial use. Chairman Burke pointed out that the development would be an island in an area of industrial zoning. He also noted there were no sanitary sewer or water lines in the area. A memo from staff also does not recommend a zone change in this area. Concerns mentioned by the Commission included an increased burden on city services, and the impact on neighboring Single Family residents and on Clear Creek ISD. 4.Discussion regarding the Conceptual Plan of Friendswood Estates located off West Bay Area Blvd. Dick Duffy addressed the Commission regarding this proposal for 165 acres off W.Bay Area Blvd. There will be approximately 270 lots with 90-foot frontage to meet ordinance requirements. A portion of the.property is on the west side of Bay Area Blvd. and will be used for detention. The developer proposed to tied in to water lines from Autumn Creek, Section Nine and to provide a sanitary sewer lift station to serve the new development with some additional capacity. The Commission inquired about areas to be used for detention, road connections, wetlands, saving trees, parks, pipeline easements and the conveyance of sto1m waters. Mr. Duffy responded by stating 7 to 9 acres of the development is located in the flood plain and adjoins the Autumn Creek detention areas. As Grissom Rd. is not paved, there will not be a road tie in. A wetlands study has been done and there are some areas in the flood plain that are wetlands. The development will attempt to preserve as many trees as possible because the presence of trees affects the property values. Along West Bay Area, the detention will be set back to leave a natural screening of trees. The pipeline easement located across the tract -2 - 05/02/02 P &Z r 1 5. belongs to Exxon. The plan is to leave 60 to 70 feet of buffer around the pipeline in the detention area. Chairman Burke suggested the developer look a ways to combine the detention areas into recreational reserves and provide a cross walk across W. Bay Area Blvd. to access the wooded detention area. Commissioner Frankovich advised the developer to contact the Corps of Engineers and become familiar with the Clear Creek project. He did not want the development to adversely affect the Corps project. Discussion regarding Planning & Zoning Attendance Rules of Procedure requirements and possible meeting date changes due to attendance conflicts. Commissioner Samson stated he had six conflicts for P&Z meetings held in January, March and May due to his membership in the American Industrial Hygiene Ass ociation. Chairman Burke suggested the possibility of changing the day of the week to hold the P&Z meeting. After some discussion regarding possible meeting dates, and meeting places, it was decided that no change was needed as long as a quorum could attend each meeting. The City Planner stated that acceptable levels of attendance for Commission members were 80 percent of the meetings. Acceptable absences are for work and family so long as the Commissioner calls before hand. 6.Discussion with the Galveston County Consolidated Drainage District regarding detention pond landscaping and maintenance. Carl Horecky, David Kocurek and Al Lentz addressed the Commission. Chairman Burke asked about the GCCDD plat note restricting landscaping in side lot drainage swales. Al Lentz stated that landscaping was restricted because it takes away from the effectiveness of the drainage easements and detention facilities. Chairman Burke asked if this restriction was ever written into Home Owner's deed restrictions and if so could it be enforced there. Commissioner Frankovich noted that although it could be in an H.O.A., the city does not enforce H.O.A. deed restrictions. Mr. Lentz also stated he had not seen the restriction in any recent HOA documents. Chairman Burke asked if the plat note was in place, could the District enforce the repair of the swales. Mr. Horecky stated they had not enforced it in the past, but they now had that authority. Chairman Burke inquired about the H.E.B. site plan wherein the detention is to be maintained by the property owner. The site plan was approved with the contingency to place tree clusters in and around the detention pond. But H.E.B. was not complying with the condition based on GCCDD requirements. David Kocurek stated that the District criteria had to be applied to the landscaping plan so large equipment could access the pond. The District's experience with maintaining ponds has shown at least 20 feet of space is needed around a pond. - 3 - 05/02/02 P&Z The guidelines are provided to the developer so that the ponds can maintained by the City or the District if need be. Mr. Horecky suggested that trees be located within the pond. Chairman Burke stated there is a conflict with the District's criteria and the City's landscaping requirements. He suggested some solutions. 1) When the Development Review Committee meets, the issue of potential conflicts between the Drainage District's criteria, maintaining natural landscaping, and the city's landscaping ordin ances should be on the check list and discussed. 2) If landscaping plans included dimensions around the detention pond, the Commission could determine if there were potential problems with the landscaping next to detention areas. 3) Landscaping plans could also be submitted to the Drainage district and reviewed for potential conflicts in the preliminary stage. Commissioner Frankovich suggested a criteria for landscaping in detention areas be developed. Bem·and suggested adding it to the Landscaping ordinance. Chaiiman Burke asked for a discussion at an upcoming meeting. District representatives suggested a liaison from P&Z attend the GCCDD meetings. 7.Staff Reports: A.Building Official's report. The City Planner introduced the new Building Official, Randy Mason. He will investigate site plans for complete compliance particularly Melody Plaza. Copies of the P&Z approved site plans will be kept on the constrnction site to ensure compliance. Chairman Burke asked what is the code enforcement officer was. Mr. Mason stated the code enforcement officer was the clean up person who makes sure all loose in the process are taken care. They also address complaints from the average person with regards to junk cars, weeds, those items which disturb the neighbors. Most action is complaint driven for those things other than police matters. 8.Adjournment. With no further comment the meeting was adjourned at 9:30 P .M. �� Diana Steelquist Development Coordinator - 4 - 05/02/02 P &Z