HomeMy WebLinkAboutP&Z Minutes 2002-04-18 Regularr
Minutes of a Re gular Meeting
of the
Friendswoo d Planning and Zoning Commiss ion
April 18, 2002
A regular meeting of the Friendswood Planning and Zoning Commission was held
Thursday, April 18, 2002 at 7:00 p.m. in the city hall council chambers located at 910 S.
Friendswood Drive, Friendswood, Texas. The following members were present:
Tom Burke
Bob Bertrand
Mark Clark
Frank Frankovich
Tom Samson
Neils Aalund
Mike Dominguez- City Planner
Dan Johnson -Deputy Director CD
Diana Steelquist -CD Coordinator
Loren Smith -City Attorney
Mel Measeles -Council Liaison
With a quorum present, Mc Veigh absent, Chairman Burke called the meeting to order to
consider the following:
Call to order:
Communications from the public.
Ms. Grace Edwards, 121 St. Andrews, asked if when the golf course was zoned in
1984 to Single Family· Residential and if proper notice had been given to the
residents. She was concerned that any development on the golf course would
devalue her property. Chairman Burke stated he would look into her request.
Jack Warner, 141 St. Andrews, voiced his concern with the proposed
development around Sun Meadows stating its affect on the drainage along
Chigger Creek and drainage into his home. He stated there is currently a drainage
problem from the 8th fairway. Also the proposed development is preventing home
. sales in Sun Meadow. Chairman Burke noted that a discussion on the proposed
development was on the agenda that evening and that the Commission would ask
the applicant to discuss the drainage issues. Also that these same issues had been
discussed at len�h at the last conceptual plan presentation. The City has
contracted with an engineering firm to devise a plan to . help the existing
development in Sun Meadow with its current drainage problems. The proposed
development would be providing a separate drainage plan for the area it proposes
to develop.
Discussion regarding the Conceptual plan of the Lighthouse Addition Section 2
located at Sun Meadow Blvd. and FM 528.
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Janis Lowe addressed the commission for the applicant, Nadar Karjoy. This is the
last piece of property in the area which has not been platted and it is located next
to the Lighthouse Addition, Section One. Staff comments have been provided to
the applicant. Chairman Burke asked for clarification on the staff notes regarding
water capacity and requirements of adjacent tracts. Ms. Lowe noted that there are
water lines along FM 528 and the applicant was aware of some shared drainage
issues with regards to Lighthouse Addition, Section One. The 40 foot drainage
easement along the back of the tract relates to the joint agreement and the overall
drainage plan for development of both sections.
3.Discussion regarding the revised Conceptual plan of the River Oaks at
Friendswood Subdivision located in the Friendswood Golf Course and the area of
Sun Meadow.
Janis Lowe addressed the Commission for the applicants. The notable changes
from the last presentation included a change to Planned Unit Development
(PUD/SUP) zoning in the "horse shoe" area due to the many drainage concerns
for this area. This area may also be maintained for sometime as a nine hole golf
course which would be allowed under PUD zoning. The second change was the
addition of a second bridge across Chigger Creek along River Oaks Blvd. The
existing southerly bridge will now also be improved. A third change was a
redesign of the multi-family area to increase the size of the detention lakes.
In response to questions raised dming communications from the public, Al Flores
with Dannenbaum Engineering addressed the Commission. Mr. Flores stated that
22 lots had been eliminated from the earlier plan in order to improve the existing
bridge. Also the area around Hole #8 w1ll see significant reduction of sheet flow
by grading the property in the opposite direction. The water detained will be held
and released at the current 100 year storm rate required by the Ga lveston County
Consolidated Drainage District (GCCDD) rules.
Chairman Burke clarified that the GCCDD has crite1ia which must be met by all
developers. The City or the Commission can not hold any particular developer to
different levels of that criteria. He also noted that GCCDD periodically updates
their drainage criteria and suggested that citizens lobby the GCCDD to change
their rnles.
Commissioner Frankovich stated his confidence in Mr. Flores but was still
concerned that with the current criteria the new development will impact Sun
Meadows. He suggested the developers take the extra steps needed to design for
greater amounts of detention.
Commissioner Samson asked if the constant level of water in the ponds would
affect the volume detained and if the water would be treated to prevent stagnant
ponds. Mr. Flores responded that that thei·e is one foot of free board storage
calculated for the ponds with overflow channeled into Chigger Creek.
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The pond water will also be filtered and treated. Ms. Lowe also noted that the
ponds will be an amenity similar to those in the Friendswood Lakes Subdivision.
Commissioner Frankovich expressed concern with the placement of the overflow
with regards to the existing development. Current sheet flow from FM 528 flows
into Sun Meadow. He stated the City needed to address the current drainage
Richard Jackson, 453 E. Castle Harbor, was recognized by the Chairman and
commented on the unique drainage issues in Sun Meadow. Sheet flow will affect
the existing homes. Any drainage plan will not be effective if it is based on the
existing drainage criteria.
Zeke Silva, 389 Dawn Hill also spoke. He stated that the Windsor Estates
Subdivision, built using the current criteria, had adversely affected drainage in
Sun Meadow. The drainage criteria is unacceptable.
Other citizens expressed concern with the rate of overflow, street flooding, a
building moratorium, and loss of property values.
Commissioner Clark had questions regarding the improvements to the low water
bridge and emergency access. The roadway is being raised over the bridge
necessitating the loss of 22 lots. Also emergency access at the end of Oak Pass
Street will be achieved by leaving a reserve with the option of constructing a 11 grasscrete 11 driveway or paved driveway. The developer will discourage cut thru
by installing a 911 gate.
Commissioner Frankovich was concerned with the area in the "horse shoe" being
a PUD. He would rather have all of the plan presented at one time. Ms. Lowe
stated that the PUD designation was being considered until the results of the
City's drainage study were completed. The area might be needed for more
detention. The developer was also considering leaving this area as a nine hole
golf course.
Commissioner Bertrand inquired about the number of lots lost from the previous
conceptual plan, the use of Dorado Drive, water flow across Country Club and the
area to be donated to GCCDD. The applicants indicated that 24 lots plus 39 in the
horse shoe were not on the current conceptual plan. The developer plans to tie
into Dorado Drive as it is a city street with a stub out. Country Club Drive will
have culverts under it allowing water to flow across the road. If GCCDD does not
want the 6.2 acres, it will be used for green space and to meet park requirements.
The developer and new H.O.A. will maintain all the detention areas proposed in
the new development.
Ms. Lowe attempted to address the question from Grace Edwards regarding the
zoning of the golf course. She stated the first zoning ordinance in the City was in
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1970, the most recent was adopted in 1984. She recalled that the Sun Meadow
area had been annexed by the City sometime in 1973 or 1974.
Other concerns expressed by the Commission included drainage overflows from
the horse shoe area, disposal of fill dirt, the request for Planned Unit Development
zoning and the other rezoning issues and a development timeline. The developer
will make all the zone changes on one request. However, based on tonight's
discussion, the PUD request will not be included and that area will remain as
Single Family Residential. The rezoning should take three to four months,
engineering will then take place and a preliminaiy plat should be submitted
sometime at the end of the year.
4.Consideration and possible action regarding the commercial site plan for the
batting cages at the Championship Golf Center located at 2920 FM 528.
Vote for:
to approve with staff comments
Bertrand -to approve with some staff comments deleted or
modified which relate to pre-existing site conditions; provide a site
plan indicating alternative screening to be approved by the
Building Official.
Unanimous Motion Carried
Mr. Tom Imber, owner, addressed the Commission. Mr. Imber requested that
sidewalks not be required as there are none in the area. Commissioner Clark
asked about staff comment item F concerning the existing concrete parking lot
being located outside of the property line. Mr. Imber felt the removal of this area
of the parking lot would create a safety hazard. Commissioner Clark speculated
that the parking lot was encroached upon by TxDot when the right-of-way was
widened on FM 528.
·Chairman Burke asked about restroom facilities located on the site. Mr. Imber
stated that the existing business has a restroom. Per staff, a note was to be added
to the site plan indicating the facilities were available. Commissioner Frankovich
noted that the State might require ADA requirements to be met for the existing
restroom facilities. Chairman Burke cautioned the applicant that the State may
not approve the facilities if they do not meet accessibility standards.
Mr. Imber stated that at the end of the year, he will be building a new driving
range facility.
A note to the site plan should be added regarding the curb-side pick up of trash for
the site. Sidewalks will not be required. The pre-existing parking lot in the
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R.O.W. will not be an issue. However, the 10 ft. landscape buffer is not
addressed on the site plan. The Commission asked if the developer had a plan to
mitigate or to compliment the site plan for the lack of the landscape buffer along
FM 528. Mr. Imber stated he would put in a h·opical landscape along the road.
Chairman Burke asked the applicant to put his proposed landscaping on a specific
Chairman Burke recapped the staff conditions which were deleted or modified by
amending the motion including: trash storage issue went away, the sidewalk issue
went away, the parking lot issue went away. Screening is still required.
Commissioner Bertrand asked if the Commission had the authority to not require
the ten-foot landscape buffer along FM 528. The City Attorney stated that
because this was a pre-existing condition this would be allowed. The following
staff comments still apply: A, B, C, D -add a note to the site plan, H, & I. In
addition, the applicant will provide an alternate method of screening being as
close as possible to existing ordinances to be approved by the Building Official.
Chairman Burke reminded the applicant that when he came back with a new site
plan to replace the existing building, the site plan process would revisit the
parking lot issue and screening requirements.
Consent Agenda:
At the request of the Chairman and with the consensus of the Commission the
Consent Agenda was broken out into three sections.
A.Approval of the 03-21-02 regular meeting minutes.
B.Approval of the 04-01-02 special meeting minutes.
C.Approval of the 04-04-02 regular meeting minutes.
Motion: Clark -to approve consent agenda items A thru C regarding
the minutes for approval
Second: Samson
Vote for: Unanimous Motion Carried
D.Approval of the final plat of Friendswood Lakes, Section Two.
Vote for:
Bertrand-to approve the final plat
Unanimous Motion Carried
E.Approval of the final plat of the Sunset Car Wash.
Chairman Burke noted that a written request had been received from the applicant
asking the consideration for this plat be tabled until the following agenda.
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Vote for:
4.Staff Reports:
Clark -to table item.
Unanimous Motion Carried
A.City Planner's report regarding Melody Plaza II.
The City Planner reported that sidewalks would be required for this
development. He also stated that the new Building Official would attend the
next regular meeting to answer any questions. The du mpster will also be
required to be screened. Commissioner Samson presented a sample data base
that he was compiling to track P&Z conditional site plan approval
B.City Planner's report regarding cunent commercial and SUP site plans being
The planner discussed the HEB site plan stating that HEB had provided a
written agreement with the cleaners, and the old HEB site for a common
access. The planner also reported that on the advise of GCCDD, the
additional trees requested by the Commission around the detention pond for
HEB should not be planted. The Drainage Distdct cited concerns regarding
upkeep and equipment access to the pond. The planner stated that this
condition could not be enforced. The Commissioners requested a
representative from GCCDD come in and explain this reversal of the
Commission's recommendation. The Chairman will request Carl Horecky
address the Commission. The other conditions were met by the developer of
HEB by moving trees from NC area to the island behind the additional lease
space, and were revising plans to add additional screening next to the above
ground equipment facing FM 528.
With no further comment, the meeting was adjourned at 10:20 P .M.
Diana Steelquist
Development Coordinator
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