HomeMy WebLinkAboutP&Z Minutes 2004-06-03 RegularI
Minutes of a Regular Meeting
of the
Friendswood Planning and Zoning Commission
June 3, 2004
A regular meeting of the Friendswood Planning and Zoning Commission was hel d Thursday,
June 3, 2004 at 6:00 p.m. in the city hall council chambers located at 910 S. Friendswood Drive,
Fi'iendswood, Texas. The following members were present:
Bob Be1trand
David Brakebill-6:15 p.m.
Tom Burke
Jim Gibson
Roy Klusendorf
Sherry Weesner
Kim Mickelson-City Attorney-6:09 p.m.
Dan Johnsori-Deputy Director of CD
Diana Steelquist-Planner
With a quorum present, Commissioner Holland absent, Chairman Bertrand called the meeting to
order to discuss the following:
6:00 P.M. -Special Session
1.Workshop regarding Mixed-Use Planned Unit Development. (35 minutes)
Staff stated that comments from the Planning &. Zoning Commission as well as some
developer's comments had been implemented into a document. This included leaving in
the cunent PUD and adding a third PUD category for Mixed Use master planned
developments. Revisions to the Permitted Use Table were discussed as well as the PUD
modification procedure.
2.Workshop regarding Joint Public Hearing process. (15 minutes)
Chairman Bertrand moved this item to the end of the regular meeting before Staff Report.
7: 00 P .M. -Regular Session
Call to order:
Public He�ring:
1.To receive public input, either oral or written regarding
A.Requesting the Replat of the Martin Samson Special Subdivi sion, a subdivision
out of and a part of Reserve "C" of the Forest Bend Subdivision, Section One,
situated in the Sarah McK.issick Survey, Abstract No. 549, City of Friendswood,
Harris County, Texas
Kathy Denton, of JKC & Associates, representing the owner, addressed the Commission.
The applicant desired to subdivide the building into units for sale.
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Chairman Be1trand clarified that this is not a requirement of the City of Friendswood, but
it was being done at the request of the applicant. No other comments either for or against
the replat were made.
Regular Meeting:
2.Communications from the Commission.
Commissioner Burke is concerned that site plans with multiple buildings on the site were
not being fully considered with regards to the parking layout and traffic flow. These
should be factors when reviewing plans in the future.
Chairman Be1trand announced that Madonna Crame from the Community Appearance
Board (CAB) was visiting the meeting. Chairman Be1trand asked Staff to review
previous meeting minutes regarding the 518/528 Retail Center. He was concerned that
the infrastructure regarding the driveway entrance along FM 528 was not constr ucted the
way Planning and Zoning approved the plan.
3.Communications from the public.
No one spoke from the public at this time.
4.Consent Agenda:
A.Approval of the 5-10-04 special meeting minutes.
B.Approval of the 5-17-04 joint public hearing minutes.
C.Approval of the 5-24-04 special meeting minutes.
D.Approval of the Final Plat of Colonial Oaks.
E.Approval of the Final Plat of Briar Bend Subdivision.
F.Approval of the Re-Plat of Martin Samson Special Subdivision.
Voted For:
Burke-to approve consent agenda
Unanimous Motion Carried
5.Consideration and possible action regarding the Commercial Site Plan of Fairn•ay
Estates. (30 minutes)
Voted For:
Brakebill-approve the Commercial Site Plan
Unanimous Motion Carried
Charles Anders, owner of the property, addressed the Commission. This is the site plan
for his multifamily project, which the P&Z Commission had previously approved the
final plat for. A p01tion of that plat was dedicated for use as future lift station site.
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l 6.Discussion regarding Conceptual Plan of the West Ranch a Master Planned
Development located along FM 518. ( 40 minutes)
Mr. John Hammond of Friendswood Development addressed the Commission. This
project is the last large acreage area owned by a single owner and consists of
approximately 766 acres. Friendswood Development would like to develop this as a
Cluster Home Development with approximately 451 acres of h·aditional single-family
lots, 240 acres of Garden Home lots, 74 acres of Community Shopping Center, and Open
Space. A p01tion of the open space will be located off Bay Area Blvd. The Commission
reviewed a conceptual land plan. There was some concern that a p01tion of the open
space was not adjacent to the majority of the development. The Open Space will be
connected using a hike and bike trail. A po1tion of this development will include the
expansion of Brittney Bay Blvd.
7.Discussion and possible action regarding the Permitted Use Table category #531 Real
Estate and mini-warehousing. (30 minutes)
Commissioner Weesner proposed that use #53113 miniwarehouse be allowed with a
Specific Use Permit (SUP) in Office Park District (OPD), Neighborhood Commercial
(NC), Commercial Shopping Center (CSC), and Original Business District (OBD). The
zones that use #53113 should be pe1mitted by right are in a Planned Unit Development
District (PUD), Industrial (I), Light Industrial (LI), and Business Park District (BP).
Miniwarehouses cmrently fall under the broader category of Use # 531 Real Estate.
Other uses which fall under #531 include real estate offices, prope1ty management
offices, offices of real estate appraisers, listing services, and escrow agencies. These uses
more closely resemble traditional professional office uses. The miniwarehouse and self
storage units component of #531 is not appropriate in those same dish·icts where office
uses would be present. Therefore, the Commission believes it is appropriate to separate
this use from the broader category. The Commissioners concurred and requested that this
recommendation be forwarded to the City Council.
Voted For:
Weesner-to add Use# 53113 Lessors of miniwarehouses and self-storage
units as a separate line to the Permitted Use Table and requiring a SUP in
zoning districts CSC, OPD, OBD, and PUD. It will be permitted without
an SUP in zoning districts LI, BP, and I.
Unanimous Motion Carried
8.Workshop regarding Joint Public Hearing process. (15 minutes)
Chairman Be1trand stated that a public hearing is going to be held on June 7, 2004.
There should be a large attendance for that meeting. Cha irman Bertrand stated that the
purpose of the public hearing is not to create dialog with the people speaking, it is to
listen to the public and get their input regarding the disapproval or approval of a topic
item. Commissioner Burke commented that Chairman Be1trand does a good job
conducting the public hearings.
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Chairman Bertrand asked Staff if parking spaces could be reserved for the Commission
for the public hearing due to the limited spaces available when a public hearing takes
9.Staff Rep01t
Staff stated that the American Planning Association is conducting a workshop on June
23, 2004, and the City of Friendswood will pay for the attendance fee for the
Commissioners if they wish to attend. The subject is the sh01t course for Planning and
Zoning Commissioners. If any Commissioner would like to attend please advise Staff.
With no frnther comment the meeting was adjourned at 9:30 p.m.
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