HomeMy WebLinkAboutP&Z Minutes 2004-05-20 Regularl
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Minutes of a Regular Meeting
of the
Friendswood Planning and Zoning Commission
May 20, 2004
A regular meeting of the Friendswood Planning and Zoning Commission was held
Thursday, May 20, 2004 at 7:00 p.m. in the city hall council chambers located at 910 S.
Friendswood Drive, Friendswood, Texas. The following members were present:
Bob Be1trand
David Brakebill
Tom Burke
Jim Gibson
Roy Klusendorf
Kevin Holland
Sheny Weesner
Kim Mickelson-City Attorney
Dan Johnson-Deputy Director of CD
Diana Steelquist-Planner
Cheri Skelton-Develop ment Coordinator
With a quorum present, Chairman Be1trand called the meeting to order to discuss the
Call to Order:
Regular Meeting:
1.Oaths of Office: Administer the Oath of Office for the appointment of new
Oaths of Office were administered to Sheny Weesner, and Roy Klusendo rf.
2.Communications from the Commission.
Chairman Bertrand, Commissioner's Gibson, Burke, Holland and Co"mmissioner
Brakebill welcomed the new Commissioner's and thanked them for volunteering
their time.
Chaitman Be1trand thanked Commissioner Gibson for chairing the Joint Public
Hearing on May 17, 2004, while he and Commissioner Burke were out of town.
Commissioner Klusendorf thanked the Commission for considering him as a
Commissioner Weesner stated that she was happy to be serving.
3.Communications from the public.
No one spoke from the public at this time.
4.Consent Agenda:
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A.Approval of the 4-1-04 regular meeting minutes.
B.Approval of the 4-15-04 regular meeting minutes.
C.Approval of the 4-19-04 special meeting minutes.
D.Approval of the 5-3-04 special meeting minutes.
E.Approval of the 5-3-04 joint public hearing minutes.
F.Approval of the 5-6-04 regular meeting minutes.
G.Approval of the Final Plat of Fainvay Estates.
Holland-approve the consent agenda
Commissioner Burke stated that on the 5-3-04 special meeting minutes, Item "D"
of the Consent Agenda, the word retail should be added to Staff's definition of a
Mixed-Use development. The sentence should read:
Voted For:
Staff defined mixed-use as a combination of residential, office, and
retail uses with green space connecting together to allow for a
pedestrian-friendly neighborhood.
Holland-to approve consent agenda with changes.
Unanimous Motion Carried
5.Consideration and possible action regarding Zone Classification change for 2.754
acres, and 1.432 acres, property along FM 528, South of Championship Golf-tract
one, section 5 and tract two, section 22, Galveston County, Texas, from Single
Family Residential (SFR) to: Community Shopping Center (CSC).
Holland-to approve
Tom Imber, property owner, addressed the Commission. Mr. Imber would like to
re-zone the property to CSC for a future commercial site. He explained he is
moving into the neighborhood where the property is located and would not allow
any business that might jeopardize the visually pleasant appearance of that prope1ty
and surrounding properties.
Chairman Bertrand asked Commissioner Gibson, who chaired the Joint Public
Hearing, what the public's main concerns were with regards to the re-zoning.
Commissioner Gibson stated that it seemed the main issues were lighting (glare) of
a · commercial business establishment, traffic increase, odors from food
establishments and the visibility of a dumpster.
Some of the Commissioners had mixed feelings about the re-zoning, and all but
one expressed that they would be more comfmtable with the re-zoning if it was
determined what type of commercial facility would be established there. It was
also asked to Staff if the prope1ty could be re gulated through a Specific Use Permit
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(SUP). Staff stated that an SUP would only reflect the underlying zone, which is
currently Single Family Residential (SFR). Mr. Imber stated, that as the lots are
now, they would not be able to be developed as SFR. Mr. Imber would like to re
zone this prope1ty to commercial; however, at this time is unable to specify the
type of commercial establishment that could possibly be built there. Mr. Imber did
ensure the Commission that he is trying to improve the prope1ty not make it worse.
Fencing requirements near a canal or detention area, as well as the landscaping
requirements were also discussed. Chairman Be1trand stated that the Commission
must remember that the City is looking for Commercial development.
Voted For: Be1trand, Brakebill, Holland, and Weesner
Voted Against: Burke, Gibson
Abstained Vote: Klusertdorf Motion Carried
6.Discussion of Conceptual Plan for property located along Quaker Bend.
Pam Moreland, 1407 Pineywoods Friendswood, TX. addressed the Commission.
Mrs. Moreland stated she would like the Commission's help regarding this cunent
legal non-conforming residential lot. The current non-conforming residential lot is
Jocated at the end of Quaker Bend Dr. with frontage to Quaker Bend if-desired.
There is also a lot behind Mrs. Moreland's lot, which does not have frontage to an
approved city street. Mrs. Moreland stated that in the early 1970's these two lots
were bought by metes and bounds with the understanding that eventually a home
would be built there. Per the City's cmTent ordinance, these :two lots are non
confmming and a development cannot be allowed until it is brought up to meet
cunent requirements for a subdivision. Mrs. Moreland would like to know if it
would be possible to develop this prope1ty as a Planned Unit Development (PUD)
or other suggestions the Commission can extend to allow for development of this
lot and the possible development of the back lot in the futme.
The Commission and Staff discussed with Mrs. Moreland various options, one of
which is creating a PUD; however to do that, the Coe Addition must be Re-:-plated
with her prope1ty as well as the land located behind her prope1ty. It was also stated
in order to create a PUD, some additional easement along the existing roadway
would be required. Emergency access is a concern for some Commissioners. Mrs.
Moreland's next step would be to speak with the current residents of the Coe
Addition about Re-platting the Coe Addition as well as the two lots that were sold
by metes and bounds. This would allow Mrs. Moreland to then process with the
PUD process.
7.Discussion and possible action rega rding Mixed-Use Planned Unit Development.
Staff stated how a presentation regarding Mixed-Use has been given the last two
meetings and has explained that creating a Mixed.:.Use Planned Unit Development
in Friendswood would allow for a faster development process.
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Some Commissioners expressed interest in allowing a "mini PUD" or a "residential PUD" in Friendswood, instead of the PUD not being allowed for tracts less than 5 acres. This "residential PUD" or "mini PUD" would be for the purposes of those types of properties. The City Attorney stated that verbiage in the proposed ordinance could address those types of prope1ties. 8.Discussion and possible action regarding parking in the Design Criteria Manual.As this item would be subject of an upcoming public hearing, the Commissiondecided this item would be discussed at a future agenda.9.Discussion and possible action regarding the Permitted Use Table category #531
Real Estate and mini-warehousing.The Commission decided this item would be placed on the next agenda.10.Staff Rep01tStaff stated that to move forward with revisions to the Sign Ordinance anotherworkshop should be scheduled. The Commission decided that the workshopshould be held on Monday, May 24, 2004 at 7:00 p.m.11.AdjournmentWith no fuither comment the meeting was adjourned at 10:27 p.m.� f,t_ (. -� I&:D! IChe·· Skelton Development Coordinator Page 4 of 4 5/20/04 P &Z