HomeMy WebLinkAboutP&Z Minutes 2004-04-15 RegularI. 1 I
Minutes of a Regular Meeting
of the
Friendswood Planning and Zoning Commission
April 15, 2004
A regular meeting of the Friendswood Planning and Zoning Commission was held
Thursday, April 15, 2004 at 7:00 p.m. in the city hall council chambers located at 910 S.
Friendswood Drive, Friendswood, Texas. The following members were present:
Bob Be11rand
David Brakebill
Tom Burke
Jim Gibson.
Kevin Holland
Loren Smith-City Attorney
Dan Johnson-Deputy Director of C.D
Randy Mason-�uilding Official
Diana Steelquist-Planner
With a quorum present, Commissioner Yeretsky resigned; Commissioner Brekke absent,
Chairman Bertrand called the meeting to order to discuss the following:
Call to Order:
Public Hearing:
1.To receive public input, either oral or written regarding
A.Re-plat of Sun Meadow Professional Reserve "A" located at the comer
of FM 528 and Sun Meadow Blvd.
No one spoke for or against.
Regular Meeting:
2.Communications from the Commission.
No information from the Commissioners to present at this time
3.Communications from the public.
No one from the public spoke at this time.
4.Consent Agenda:
A.Approval of the 3-18-04 regular meeting minutes.
B.Approval of the 4-5-04 special meeting minutes.
C.Approval of the Re-plat of Sun Meadow Professional Reserve "A"
located at the corner of FM 528 and Sun Meadow Blvd.
Burke-approve consent agenda
Commissioner Gibson stated that on item "A" of the consent agenda, page 4 of 5,
the motion should read:
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Gibson-for use #531 the parking requirement to be changed to
TBD (to be determined)
Commissioner Holland stated that on item "A" of the consent agenda,_ page 2 of 5,
first paragraph, next to the last sentence should read:
Staff stated that a permit would be issued, but it would be up to the
HOA to regulate the actual allowance of the structure to take place.
Commissioner Holland also stated on item "A" of the consent agenda, page 4 of
5, third paragraph should read :
Commissioner Holland stated that the prope1ty is a difficult one to
develop and he felt that a good job had been done to design the
Item "A" of the consent agenda, page 4 of 5, fifth paragraph should read:
Staff stated that filling in the curb cut, since it is in the rights-of
way, would possibly be the city's responsibility; however, Staff
will research to verify.
Commissioner Brakebill stated that on item "A" of the consent agenda, page 3 of
5, third paragraph, first sentence should read:
Voted For:
The Commission believes the official map should be updated and
adopted every 18 months when possible in conjunction with a land
use change request.
Burke-to approve consent agenda with changes to the minutes
Unanimous Motion Carried
5.Di°scussion of Conceptual Plan for Friendswood Mixed-Use Village located on
FM 528 (134 acres).
Richard Brown, 15 Harbor Cove Dr., The Woodlands, Texas, addressed the
Commission. Mr. Brown stated that he has been working on this project for a
year. It has approximately one mile of frontage along FM 528. Mr. Brow�
outlined the concept of an open air mall with big box and retail oppo1tunities.
The master plan will be built in phases and has the potential of 600 mulit-family
residential units with $ 3 .5 million in tax income for the City of Friendswood.
Commissioner Burke asked Mr. Brown if he had spoken to the Galloway school
regarding the proposed project and the extension of Blackhawk road. Mr. Brown
stated that he had met with the school and its board of directors. All of the board
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members except one favorably received the possibility of a road extension
through the School's site. Mr. Brown also stated that th_e board was excited about
the extension of Blackhawk allowing more ac cessibility to the school.
Commissioner Gibson stated that he felt that the proposed project seems very
exciting and he is looking fo1ward to seeing more about the mixed-use concept.
Commissioner Brakebill stated he was concerned about the length of time it was
going to take to build out the project. Mr. Brown stated that several different
commercial entities have shown an interest in the Clear Creek area and this
project for their businesses. He also stated with the level of interest he is
receiving about the project, he could finish the project within 5 to 10 years.
Commissioner Brakebill stated that he also had a concern about desi gn control
and he asked Mr. Brown what type of design control is he was going to establish.
Mr. Brown stated that he will set up architectural design controls to meet the
proposed facade and landscaping requirements of the Master Plan. They will
help create a pleasurable effect and will tie all the areas of the project together.
Chairman Bertrand asked if there were thoughts of buffering between the
proposed amphitheater and the residential area. Mr. Brown stated that the sound
will be directed away from the residential areas and there will also be a decimal
maximum for concerts. In addition to concerts, the amphitheater will be used for
theater performances and ballets. The amphitheater project will be similar to the
Woodland's but with more controls.
The Chairman stated that he felt all the Planning & Zoning Commission members
were excited about seeing this project develop.
6.Discussion and possible action regarding possible amendments to the Sign
Chairman Bertrand stated that a revision to the sign ordinance was one of the
Commission's goals for 2004.
Randy Mason, Building Official for the City of Friendswood, stated that a list of
definitions as well as the existing and proposed sign matrix has been provided to
each of the Commissioners. Chairman Bertrand also noted that three letters had
provided to the Commission in opposition to electric signage.
Ron Hindt, pastor at Calvary Chapel located at 3700 FM 528, addressed the
Commission. Mr. Hindt, presented several letters expressing positive
endorsements for electric signage. Mr. Hindt, stated that he feels electronic
si gnage is a positive concept for Friendswood. He also did not understand how
there are distractions involved in having electronic sign age. He also felt if
electronic signage were to be allowed, there should be some controls to ensure the
electronic signs do not get out of hand.
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The Commission and Staff reviewed the definitions and proposed changes for the definitions in the sign ordinance. Some changes were recommended; however, it was determined that another meeting must be held between Staff and the Commission to complete the review and discussion. 7.Discussion regarding removing parking requirements from the Permitted UseTable (PUT).Staff recapped the Planning and Zoning Commission recommendation to removethe parking requirements from the PUT and place them in the Design CriteriaManual. Staff presented some options in how the information could be presentedin the Design Criteria. Staff also recommended that if a developer needs adifferent parking amount, then the Design Criteria modification process be usedand an engineered study be required. By placing the parking requiremen ts in theDesign Criteria Manual, changes to those requirements can more easily be madethus allowing for more flexibility.8.Status rep01t from the Commissioners. regarding 2004 goals.Chairman Be1trand requested all Commissioners turn in a status report regarding .their assigned goals. These goals will be discussed as an agenda item at a latermeeting.9.Staff Repo1tStaff provided the Commissioners with a repo1t on the Development ReviewCommittee meetings (DRC's) for the month of April. Staff also stated that at the4-19-04 workshop with City Council, a discussion regarding non-conforming lotsand how they relate to the Entryway Overlay District (EOD) and DowntownOverlay District (DOD) will take place. Staff repo1ted that the mixed-use projectis moving forward and will be presented at the May 3 joint workshop.10.AdjournmentWith no finther comment the meeting was adjourned at 10:10 p.m.�,lM, cJ&j-6I!Chri Skelton Development Coordinator Page 4 of 4 4/15/04 P & Z