HomeMy WebLinkAboutP&Z Minutes 2004-04-01 Regularr 1 li l l Minutes of a Regular Meeting ofthe Friendswood Planning and Zoning Commission April 1, 2004 A regular meeting of the Friendswood Planning and Zoning Commission was held Thursday, April 1, 2004 at 7:00 p.m. in the city hall council chambers located at 910 S. Friendswood Drive, Friendswood, Texas. The following members were present: Bob Bertrand David Brakebill Tom Burke-7:03 p.m. Kevin Holland-7 :04 p.m. Loren Sniith-City Attorney Mike Hodge-Director of C. D. & P.W. Diana Steelquist-Planner Cheri Skelton-Development Coordinator With a quorum present, Commissioner Y eretsky resigned; Commissioner Brekke and Commissioner Gibson absent, Chairman Bertrand called the meeting to order to discuss the following: Call to Order: Regular Meeting: 1.Communications from the Commission. Commissioner Burke asked Staff if the reason was known why Texas Station Bank removed their signage. Staff stated that the sign was not in compliance with height regulations for signage and was removed. Chairman Bertrand rep01ted on the status of the Tree Preservation Committee. He and Staff met with Texas Forestry Service (Mickey Merritt). Mr. Merritt was. asked to provide more specifics on various trees in and around Friendswood so that a recommendation may be made. Chairman Be1trand also stated that he is preparing a letter for the Tree Preservation Committee announcing that there will be no meeting in April; the next meeting will take place in May. Chairman Bertrand announced that he has communicated with Mayor Brizendine his interest in serving one more te1m on the Pl�ing & Zoning Commission. Commissioner Holland stated that he had also expressed interest to Mayor Brizendine in regards to staying on as a Commissioner. 2.Communications from the public. No one spoke from the public at this time 3.Consent Agenda: A.Approval of 3-11-04 regular meeting minutes. B.Approval of 3-11-04 special meeting minutes. Page 1 of 6 4/1/04 P & Z Motion: Second: Holland-to approve the consent agenda Brakebill Commissioner Holland stated that a revision be made to the March 11, 2004, regular meeting. The revision is to item 1 page 1, third paragraph. This paragraph should read: Commissioner Holland and Commission Gibson turned in their assignment on sidewalks. Commissioner Holland was discussing the goal of interaction with other groups with Commissioner Brekke. Commissioner Burke stated that another revision to the March 11, 2004, regular meeting should be made. The revision is to item five, page 3, paragraph 6. This paragraph should read: The Chair invited Commissioner Bmke to amend the motion and take Used Cars off the table for recommendation if he felt uncomf01table with it. Commissioner Burke stated he was okay with taking it off the table and it was voted on. A.mended Motion: Second: Voted For: Regular Items: Holland-to include revisions Brakebill Unanimous Motion Carried 4.Consideration and possible action regarding the Commercial Site Plan for Wrinkle, Gardner & Company located at 3231 FM 528.Motion: Second: Holland-approve with Staff commentsBrakebillCody Owens, 2904 Mandale Road, addressed the Commission. Mr. Owens explainedthat this project is to complete the Autumn Creek Commercial development. Mr. Owensstated that he has received comments from Staff and all comments have been correctedexcept the comments from the Fire Marshall's Office.Commissioner Brakebill stated his only concern would be getting the fire lane issuesaddressed.Voted For: Unanimous Motion Carried 5.Discussion regarding Conceptual Plan for miniwarehouse/office park development offFM 518.Charles Anders, 1408 S. Friendswood Drive Suite 202, addressed the Commission. Mr.Anders spoke to the Commission regarding a Conceptual Plan for a miniwarehouse/officepark at FM 518 and Leisme Lane. Cun-ently the zoning is Office Park District (OPD).Mr. Anders explained that in OPD the miniwarehouse/office park would be required toPage 2 of 6 4/1/04 P & Z I 1 I j l have 400 parking spaces based on the square footage of the building. In addition, the coverage in OPD only allows 30% and cunently the plan indicates the coverage to be 39%. Mr. Anders asked about the possibility of going to a Planned Unit Development (PUD). Staff recommended that the Conceptual Plan be brought before the Commission for discussion of a PUD. Chairman Bertrand stated that at the last meeting the Commission made a recommendation that the parking requirements for miniwarehouse storage (use # 531) be changed to TBD (to be determined). Chairman Bertrand also stated that it was a recommendation to city council to remove the parking requirements from the Permitted Use Table (PUT) to allow more flexibility to developers with regards to parking. Staff suggested going to a Pl anned Unit Development (PUD), but issues with the underlying zone would still remain. Staff stated that the process has been staiied by the recommendation of the Commission to change the parking requirements for use #531 to TBD. Chairman Be1irand stated that the possibility of getting the requirements changed could take as long as August. The re-zoning would take the same amount of time as the parking requirement changes. 6.Discussion regarding the Master-Conceptual Plan of Friendswood West located along FM 528. John Gardner, with Municipal Engineering, addressed the Commission regarding the Master Conceptual Plan for property located south of Friendswood along FM 528 at the city limits of Alvin. The proposal is to develop a three-section subdivision; Section Two being a garden home district, which will go for zone change. The subdivision will contain approximately 155 lots and will be all curb and gutter streets. Commissioner Burke asked if the property in the front of the proposed subdivision that abuts FM 528 is zoned commercial. He suggested if it was not zoned Commercial and the multi-family zone is needed to make the project more profitable for more higher end homes, at the time of re-zoning for multi-family, it would be reas onable to re-zone the property that abuts FM 528 to commercial" and not leave it open as future homes, because that would not go with the land use plan the city has for that area. Staff stated that the original Friendswood West Section One was platted over twenty years ago and does not comply with the current subdivision requirements. In addition, Staff stated that the proposed subdivision does not meet the current Comprehensive Land Use Plan. Commissioner Burke stated that the Comprehensive Land Use Plan is what the City wants for future use of the prope1ty; however, the prope1ty is zoned Single Family Residential (SFR) and can be developed as a subdivision. 7.Consideration and possible action regai·ding the vacating of Friendswood West Section One Plat located along FM 528. Motio•n: Second: Brakebill-to approve the vacating of Friendswood West Section One Plat. Holland Page 3 of 6 4/1/04 P & Z / John Gardner, with Municipal Engineering addressed the Commission regarding the vacating of Friendswood West Section One Plat. The prope1ty is located south of Friendswood along FM 528 at the city limits of Alvin. The property was platted approximately twenty years ago and does not meet the current requirements the city has regarding subdivisions; rather then try to meet those requirements with this plat, it was determined that the best alternative would be to vacate the plat and start over with a design that does meet the city's requirements . . Voted For: Unanimous Motion Carried 8.Discussion and possible action regarding a change to the Major Thoroughfare Plan toextend Blackhawk Blvd. from Beamer Road to Bay Area Blvd.Chairman Bertrand stated the original plan for Blackhawk was to extend to Bay AreaBc;mlevard. At some point in time, the portion that stretches from FM 528 to Bay AreaBoulevard was abandoned on the Major Thoroughfare Plan. Recently, two presentationswere given for possible developments along Blackhawk. The presentations indicated thatBlackhawk should extend from Beamer to Bay Area Boulevard. Chairman Bertrand alsostated that he would like to see the Blackhawk extension and put back onto the MajorThoroughfare Plan. Staff stated that there are two extensions; one from Blackhawk toBay Area Boulevard and the second would extend Blackhawk to Beamer. Staff isrequesting that the extension be put back into the Major Thoroughfare Plan. Theextension would allow interconnectivity between developments. City Attorney statedthat showing the extension on the map is a concept and a statement by the City. It alsoale1ts the prope1ty owners and does give evidence of consideration that the City wants afuture street there and is not just picking and choosing where to put streets. Director ofCommunity Development and Public Works, Mike Hodge, ·stated if the street is indicatedon the Major Thoroughfare Plan, it gives the City and developers the opportunity to getadditional types of funding.Motion: Second: Holland-to approve extension of Blackhawk from Beamer to Bay Area Boulevard. Burke Staff requested an amendment to the motion to indicate 100-foot rights-of-way instead of 80 feet. Amended Motion: Second: Voted For: Holland-the rights of way are to be 100' and should be included in the major thoroughfare plan. Burke Unanimous Motion Carried 9.Discussion and possible action regarding an invitation letter drafted to the Home Owner's Associations.Motion: Second: Holland-to approve letter.Burke Page 4 of 6 4/1/04 P & Z I 1 l l l After discussion the Commission agreed to make a minor verbiage change to the proposed letter. Amended Motion: Second: Voted For: Tabled Items: Holland-to approve with changes Burke Unanimous Motion Carried 10.,-Consideration and poss ible action regarding recommended changes to Cluster Home Development Ordinance -Density Issues. Motion: Second: Holland-to take off the table for discussion. Brakebill Voted For: Unanimous Motion Carried Motion: Brakebill-to approve with recommended changes by Commissioner Burke and Staff. Second: Burke Commissioner Burke presented a schematic which had been presented to the Cit y of Pearland recently for development. The plan was to develop 43 homes on 10 acres, which would be marketed to the empty nesters. If this were in Friendswood it would be required to be under Single Family Residential (SFR) and only consist of 27 homes. After Commissioner Burke's presentation, the Commission reviewed the Cluster Home Ordinance and the recommended changes supplied by Staff. As one of Commissioner Burke's 2004 goals, he also supplied recommended changes. The Commission reviewed the Cluster Home Ordinance and made the following changes to the verbiage of the ordinance. Section 8, H., 2. a., second paragraph after cooki�g facilities, detention areas will be added. Section 8, H., 2. b., third paragraph shall read: For developments where the total acreage is not significantly greater than 20, 50, or 75 acres, the Commission may reasonably adjust the density regulations. Section 8, H., 2. d., shall read: There shall be no minimum lot frontage requirements. Section 8, H., 2., e., first sentence shall read: Residences need not front on regulation-width streets. Section 8,H., 2., j ., 6. shall read: Proposed elements within the designated open space shall be limited in scope, so as to prohibit development, but may include such low-impact Page 5 of 6 4/1/04 P & Z features such as maintained trails, shelters and playgrounds of limited scope and requiring minimal infrastmcture for maintenance. All other recommended changes made by Commissioner Burke and Staff were acceptable to the Commission. Amended Motion: Brakebill-to include changes made by the Commission. Second: Burke Voted For: Be1trand, Brakebill, and Burke Voted Against: Holland Motion Carried 11.Staff Rep01t Staff reported that the Mayor and City Manager were very excited by the development presentations made by Dan Rucker and Richard Brown on March 11 th . Mr. Brown's Whitcomb project in particular is nearing the final planning stages. This development provides a great opp01tunity to promote balanced growth and economic development in our Community. It has components for the retention of open space; community gathering places, is pedestrian friendly and should be a complement to the Mainstreet initiative, which has similar goals. Each of the proposed developments: Mainstreet, Whitcomb and Dan Rucker's panhandle area have a major component of mixed use. With the Mainstreet initiative and the other proposed developments moving forward, the Mayor and Staff believe it is import for the City to be ready to assist these projects with development. To that end, a Staff Design team has been formed to identify the comp onents nee ded to create a new mixed-use development zone. The team is comprised of Ron Cox -City Manager, Loren Smith-City Attorney, Karen Capps, Mike Hodge, Dan Johnson, Christal Kliewer and Diana Steelquist. The Staff has fmther committed to providing a draft ordinance for the Commission and Council to review in 30 days regarding mixed-use development. On Monday afternoon at 4:00, there will be a joint workshop with City Council, P&Z, CEDC and the library board to get an update on the Mainstreet implementation plan. 12.Adjournment With no further comment the meeting was adjourned at 10: 10 p.m. f&,," 31.Jbn Ch . Skelton Development Coordinator Page 6 of 6 4/1/04 P & Z