HomeMy WebLinkAboutP&Z Minutes 2004-03-11 Special[ I l Minutes of a Special Meeting of the Friendswood Planning and Zoning Commission March 11, 2004 A special meeting of the Friendswood City Council, the Planning and Zoning Commission, the Community and Economic Development Committee and the Main· Street Steering Committee, was held on Thursday, March 11, 2004 at 4:00 pm at the Friendswood City Hall Council Chambers, 910 S. Friendswood Drive, Friendswood, Texas. The following Planning & Zoning Commissioners were present: Bob Be1trand Tom Burke Jim Gibson Kevin Holland Loren Smith-City Attorney Diana Steelquist-City Planner Dan Johnson -Deputy Director CDD 4:00 PM-WORK SESSION 1.Call to order. 2. 3. Mayor Brizendine called all committees present to order. The Mayor gave a brief overview of the development projects. The City Manager also asked the presenters to identify specific issues with the current city development processes that may need to be addressed to aid in the implementation of the projects. Although only two projects were being discussed, both the West prope1ty and the Mainstreet project could be affected. He also encouraged everyone to think outside the box and look at the projects with fresh eyes. Discussion and presentation proposed development plans in the Industrial -Zoned area of FM 2351 in the panhandle area. Mr. Dan Rucker presented a project overview with maps of the area. The proposal was to create a commercial street which would extend up from Blackhawk,·parallel FM 2351 and exit off Beamer, This ,will create additional com!llercial frontage in the are�, which could be used for office parks, retail, hotel/conference area and multi-family development. In order to proceed, Mr. Rucker will need clear specific wording as to what is allowed, a clear understanding what is acceptable use of this property, and then a development program that is defined and adhered too. He asked if mixed-use zoning was possible for the development. His company has purchased most of property in this area, and he believes this development project could be an outstanding front door for the city. Discussion and presentation regarding proposed development plans for a 138-acre parcel of land located near the intersection of FM 528 and Bay Area Boulevard. Mr. David Goswick, President of Goswick Marketing introduced Mr. Richard Brown, internationally known planner. Mr. Brown planned the Woodlands' first 25 years, and has created 14 master planned communities around the world. The proposed development will have 4,000 ft. of road frontage, a mile of frontage on Clear Cree k. Market studies have shown that there are enough rooftops in Friendswood to suppo1t this development. Mr. Brown prepared a series of land use patterns and has created a land use plan. He will be bringing this plan to the city for approval. The plan will require an overlay district with multi-use zoning. Page 1 of 2 3/11/04 P & Z Special Meeting Mr. Brown has also been working with the Galloway School regarding the location of their facilities in conjunction with the extension of Blackhawk. Mr. Brown has also contacted Clear Creek Independent School District regarding the relocation of their school sites. The Whitcombs have also offered to purchase property back from CCISD in order to facilitate the extension of Blackhawk. Mr. Brown envisions an informal joint venture with the city and the developer. If the project moves forward, the city would be looking at $3 mil in tax revenue. The cun-ent development plan includes: ente1tainment areas, office block, retail, open air mall with mixed use, apartments and townhouses, open air restaurants, with everything within walking distance. This will be a one-stop place. Mr. Brown stated it cannot be built overnight, and the development will be breaking new ground here in Friendswood. He believes if the project can move fo1ward, people will come. The development will need Public Works and Engineering to ensure that the Blackhawk major roadway goes tlu·ough immediately. It will need planning and zoning to develop an overlay district for mixed-use and Mr. Brown will work with them to help develop an ordinance. He would also like to pa1tner with the City for infrastructure needs. Any assistance that is offered by the city would be helpful, including changing the name of FM 528 to Nasa Rd. 1 Parkway. The project needs to be public/private vision. Demographics support this project and he sees this as a complement to the main street plans which raises the bar for future development for the whole area. Future developments will benefit from the synergy created. This project has everyone super excited as it what city is looking for: tax diversity, maintaining green space. The Mayor pledged to work together on the project. The City Manager also stated his support and pledged staffs' supp01t and challenged each committee to help make these developments happen. 4.Adjournment The meeting was adjourned at 5 :52 p.m. /bz:}!µ1qu� Planner Page 2 of2 3/11/04 P & Z Special Meeting l l I l J Minutes of a Regular Meeting of the Friendswood Planning and Zoning Commission March 11, 2004 A regular meeting of the Friendswood Planning and Zoning Com mission was held Thursday, March 11, 2004 at 7:00 p.m. in the city hall council chambers located at 910 S. Friendswood Drive, Friendswood, Texas. The following members were present: Bob Bertrand Tom Burke Michele Brekke Jim Gibson Kevin Holland Loren Smith-City Attorney Diana Steelquist-City Planner Dan Johnson -Deputy Director CDD With a quorum present, Commissioner Y eretsky resigned and Commissioner Brakebill absent, Chairman Be1trand called the meeting to order to discuss the following: Regular Meeting: 1.Communications from the Commission. Chairman Bertrand commented on the previous meeting's two presentations and his excitement with both of the proposed developments. In particular, the second development offered oppo1tunities to think outside of the box. He also rep01ted on the Tree Preservation Super Sub-committee. Due to a critical item that needs to be addressed, the next tree meeting has been moved to April. The Chair also reported that Commissioner Steve Y eretsky has resigned due to his moving from Friendswood. Other Commissioners, including himself, Burke and Holland, were also nearing the end of their terms in July and they should contact.the City Secretary if they were interested in re-appointment. t I O ' Commissioner Holland and Commissioner Gibson turned in his goal assignment on sidewalks and he was discussing the goal of interaction with other groups with Commissioner Brekke. Commissioner Burke asked staff to report on the status of the EOD/DOD recommended changes. Staff reported that City Council had tabled this item. Staff also thought the item had been tabled not because of the recommended changes but because of issues · related to non-conforming lots in the EOD/DOD. 2.Communications from the public. None. 3.Consent Agenda: A.Approval of the 2-2-04 special meeting minutes. B.Approval of the 2-5-04 regular meeting minutes. C.Approval of the 2-16-04 special meeting minutes. Page 1 of 5 3/1 1/04 P & Z D.Approval of the 2-19-04 regular meeting minutes. E.Approval of the final plat of The Forest, Section 13. Motion: Second: Holland -To approve the Consent Agenda Gibson Amended Motion: Holland -To approve the Consent Agenda with changes as discussed to items B and D meeting minutes. Second: Gibson Vote for: Unanimous Motion Carried Regarding the 2-5-04 minutes on page 3, Burke corrected his statement to read "Commissioner Burke stated that our sign ordinance prohibits off-premises signage and since currently one has been allowed by the building official, that that portion of the sign ordinance be re-examined during the upcoming general discussion of our sign ordinance." Commissioner Burke noted that on the 2-19-04 minutes page 2, he had stated that the turning radius should be larger, not smaller. On page 3 of the 2-19-04 minutes he asked that the sentence regarding· the detention be changed to read: "Mr. Burke stated that the drainage distri ct approved the current detention with the future expansion included in the calculations at that time. " Tabled Items: 4. Consideration and possible action regarding Industrialized Housing. No action taken. Remained on the table. Regular Items: 5.Consideration and possible action regarding request to Amend Appendix C of the Friendswood City Code, Same being Friendswood, Texas Zoning Ordinance No. 84-15, by amending Section 7., P., Permitted Uses Table to add use # 713990 All Other Amusement and Recreation Industries with a Specific Use Permit in the Industrial and Light Industrial zoning districts and amend use# 44112 Used Car Sales to allow, with a Specific Use Pe1mit, the used car sales in the Community Shopping Center, Original Business District and Planned Unit Development zoning districts. Motion: Second: Vote for: Holland-To recommend approval. Brekke Unanimous Motion Carried The Chairman explained that this item had been returned to the Cornnussion from City Council. Followi ng the Commission's February meeting recommending approval of the changes, Commissioner Burke had contacted the Chair to express some concerns with allowing the use of used car sales with a Specific Use Permit. The impetus for the Page 2 of 5 3/11/04 P & Z [ [ I l l recommended change to the PUT had come from a gas/convenience storeowner who also wanted to sell used cars at his location. To the Commission, this seemed a synergistic use of the gas/convenience station. However, Commissioner Burke stated his concern to the ·Chair that other properties with the proper zoning could be granted a Specific Use Permit if the PUT was changed. Chairman Bertrand agreed with Burke and when asked, stated it would be appropriate for Burke to send an info rmational memo to the City Council. The Mayor and Mayor Pro-tern interpreted the memo from Commissioner Burke as a minority dissenting repmt and has asked that all issues be resolved by the Commission as a whole before making a recommendation to City Council. Since that time, the Chairman has spoken with the Mayor to assure him that no minority repo1t had been made as the Commission had made a unanimous recommendation. Commissioner Burke clarified that the point he was t�ying to make in his memo ,vas about the Specific Use Permit process. He asked the City Attorney if a Specific Use Pe1mit could be denied and if that denial would stand up in court. The City Attorney said yes. The City Attorney added that additional requirements for the approval of a Specific Use Permit beyond what was specified in the ordinance could be requested as part of the approval process. Commissioner Burke stated his co·ncern that a used car sales lot would be allowed with a Specific Use Permit if it was in the right zone and the site was without a building, proper lighting, or infrastructure. He asked what kind of conditions could be placed on this type of used car lot that would discourage their development, as he did not think that this type of used car lot was a desirable use of land in Friendswood. The Staff Planner responded that all commercial businesses in Friendswood must operate out of a pe1manent structure that meets all the requirements of a commercial site plan. Commissioner Burke asked if there were any exceptions to these requirements such as for the paintball facility. The Planner again responded that the paintball facility was required to meet the zoning ordinance requirements and that although they had not yet complied; the Community Development Division was pursuing the issue. I I t I 1 Commissioner Burke stated his memo to Council was not intended as a minority repmt and that his questions and concerns had been answered. The Chair agreed with Commissioner Burke's statements but added it would be up to the Commission and Council involved in a Specific Use Permit approval to regulate if the use and site plan were app ropriate. Commissioner Burke wanted to make it clear, that per the comments of the City Attorney, the Commission could impose additional requirements, never fewer requirements, for a Specific Use Pennit. He commented that in the earlier joint workshop, the developers stated they wanted hard and fast rules and did not want the Commission to ask for additional requirements. The Chair invited Commissioner Burke to amend the motion and take Used Cars off the table for recommendation if he felt uncomfo1table with it. Commissioner Burke stated he was okay v,1ith taking it off the table and it was voted on. 6.Consideration and possible action regarding recommended changes to Cluster Home Development Ordinance -Density Issues. Page 3 of 5 3/11/04 P & Z Motion: Second: Amended Motion: Second: Vote for: Holland -to recommend approval Gibson Burke -to table item Brekke Unanimous Motion Tabled The Staff Planner reported on her conversation with Friendswood Development regarding Cluster Homes. Friendswood Development felt the increase in density was a non-issue, rather it was more imp011ant to get a reduction in building set backs which were closer to that of Garden Home Developments. Also, Staff has not been able to create a cost analysis/feasibility study for various densities beyond what they have already provided. Commissioner Burke reminded the Commission that the City Council was uncomfol1able with the increase in density recommended. Burke added that he had been unable to find any density formulas that would work with small, medium or large developments. He would like to look at two cluster home developments in the area and repo11 back to the Commission. He also noted that the Council has scheduled a joint workshop on this issue for April 5 th. As there were two regular meetings scheduled before the workshop, Commissioner Burke asked that the item be tabled to allow additional info1mation to be gathered. 7.Consideration and possible action regarding a recommendation to adopt an updated official zoning map. Motion: Second: Amended Motion: Second: Vote for: Holland -to recommend approval Burke Holland -to tab'le the item. Burke Unanimous Motion Tabled The Planner repo11ed that the Zoning Ordinance requires the adoption of an official zoning map each time a change is made. However, since this may prove to be impractical, she recqmmended the adoption on an annual basis. This task has not been done since 1994. The exhibit prepared has places for the Mayor and City Secretary to attest to the official recognition of the map. ·The official map will indicate zones by using a color-coding system. In addition, a list of all the zone changes that have taken place will be attached to the map. An electronic version will be created and kept on-line. Commissioner Gibsqn recommended the official map be adopted on a biannual basis or after a specified number of zoning changes had taken place. Page 4 of 5 3/11/04 P & Z \ l l l The Chairman was aware of some additional rezoning that was being requested by the Community Economic Development Committee (CEDC) and would like to see those changes on the zoning map before making a recommendation to adopt a new official map. As both the zone change and the map will require a public hearing, both could be done at one meeting. He suggested the item be tabled to allow the rezoning to move forward. There was some discussion regarding the timeline for the process of the zone change and the adoption of the official map. The Chair will contact CEDC to get a status report on the zone change. 8.Status report from Commissioners regarding 2004 goals. Each of the listed goals was discussed and the status rep01ted. The goal matrix will be updated. Most items appeared to be on schedule. The goal to anange a joint retreat assigned to Commissioner Y eretsky was given to Commissioner Holland. 9.Staff Repo1t As discussed during the goal status report, the Planner restated her desire to prepare a monthly DRC report to be presented to the Commission during the Staff Repo1t po1tion of the regular agenda. The Planner then repo1ted that, recently, a couple of projects had been reviewed in the DRC that had non-conforming issues. The Staff will now be preparing letters to these developers outlining-the non-conforming issues associated with · the individual projects so that clarity would exist between the City and the developer about what the non-confonning issues were. Staffs goal is to try to assist developers in finding resolutions to these issues. Staff also rep01ted on last month's ZBOA meeting which denied a variance request for the construction of a canopy into the EOD 30 ft. front set back. 10.Adjournment \\Tith no fi.uther comment the meeting was adjourned at 8:30 p.m. �°' J;_HJJcp;gDiana Steelquist Planner Page 5 of 5 3/11/04 P & Z