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Minutes of a Public Hearing/Regular Meeting
of the
Friendswood Planning and Zoning Commission
February 19, 2004
A public hearing/regular meeting of the Friendswood Planning and Zoning Commission was
held Thursd ay, February 19, 2004 at 7:00 p.m. in the city hall council chambers located at 910 S.
Friendswood Drive, Friendswood, Texas. The following members were present:
Bob Be1i rand
David Brakebill
Michele Brekke
Tom Burke
Jim Gibson
John Olsen-City Attorney
Diana Steelquist-City Planner
Cheri Skelton-Development Coordinator
Tracy Goza-Council Liaison
With a quorum present, Commissioner Y eretsky and Commissioner Holland absent, Chairman
Bertrand called the meeting to order to discuss the following:
Call to order:
Public Hearing:
1.To receive public input, either oral or written regarding
A.Re-plat ofHHH Addition located at 242 & 260 Whispering Pines.
B.Re-plat of Shea1· PleasUI·e Subdivision located at 902 & 904 S. Friendswood Dr.
Item A of the Public Hearing regarding the Re-plat ofHHH Addition.
Janis Lowe, 401 Forest Comi, addressed the Commission. Ms. Lowe represents Edwin
Han-is regarding this Re-plat. In December, the Commission approved the Plat of HHH
Addition. Since that time, a gas line has been discovered on the prope1iy. In order to
avoid the gas line on the prope1iy, the prope1ty line was moved by 10 feet.
Item B of the Public Hearing regarding the Re-plat of Shear Pleasure Subdivision.
Staff stated that in order to expand his business, Mr. Gage recently purchased addition al
prope1ty from the City of Friend swood.
No one spoke for or against the Re-plats.
Regular Meeting:
2.Communications from the Commission
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Chairman Bertrand stated that significant progress was made at the tree preservation
meeting. The Planning & Zoning Commission should expect the tree ordinance to be
coming soon for the Commission's review.
3.Communications from the public
Ron Hindt, 3700 FM 528, addressed the Commission. Mr. Hindt, is the pastor of Calvary
Chapel in Friendswood. He addressed the Commission regarding the use of digital
signage. Calvary Chapel is going to be remodeling and adding on to their church. In
addition to the remodeling, the church would like to purchase a digital sign so that
information regarding their fundraisers, services and etc. may be seen. Mr. Hindt feels
that a digital sign would be more attractive than having the banners that normally are
bought to put up. Mr. Hindt would like to see Friendswood move into the next
millennium by allowing the usage of digital signage.
4.Consent Agenda:
A.Approval of the 1-22-04 regular meeting minutes.
B.Approval of the Re-plat of HHH Addition located at 242 & 260 Whispering
C.Approval of the Re-plat of Shear Pleasm·e Subdivision located at 902 & 904
S.Friendswood Dr.
Gibson-remove items "B" and "C" of the consent agenda as separate items
for discussion.
Voted For: Unanimous Motion Carried
Brekke-to approve consent agenda item "A"
Commissioner Burke stated that a few con-ections should be made as follows:
Page 3, item 4, third paragraph, should read:
Commissioner Gibson stated that he felt like any applicant that wanted
this type of sign should bring their request before the Commission so that
the Commission could better understand why the applicant needs the
electronic signage. Commissioner Burke agreed.
Page 4, under Commissioner Burke's concerns, item 1, should read:
The turning radius closest to the bank should be larger to allow bigger
vehicles to maneuver. Can that radius be softened?
Brekke-approve minutes with changes
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Voted For:
Unanimous Motion Carried
Brakebill-approve item "B" of the consent agenda with Staff comments
Voted For: Unanimous Motion Carried
Motion: Brekke-to approve item "C" of the consent agenda.
Second: Gibson
Voted For: Be1trand, Brakebill, Brekke, and Gibson
Commissioner Burke recused himself from voting. Motion Carried
5.Consideration and possible action regarding the Commercial Site Plan for Shear
Pleasure located at 904 S. Friendswood Dr.
Brakebill-to approve with staff comments
Tom Burke, 613 Penny Lane, addressed the Comm ission. Mr. Burke.represented Daniel
Gage who cun-ently owns Shear Pleasure. Mr. Burke stated that Mr. Gage would like to
expand his business and recently bought additional prope1ty from the City of Friendswood
to do so.
Chairman Be1trand asked if additional parking was going in. Mr. Burke stated that the
additional parking would be for employees.
Commissioner Brakebill stated that it appeared that the parking lot would have a
bottleneck effect for traffic going in and coming out. Mr. Burke stated that signage will be
installed that indicated in that area employee parking only, one way.
Commissioner Gibson asked if all of Staff comments had been addressed. Mr. Burke
stated that he would like some clarification regarding Staff comments with reference to the
trees and utility comment. St aff stated that the identity of the proposed trees at the front of
the prope1ty would be needed as well as a note to cap and plug the proposed abandoned
sanitary sewer. Mr. Burke stated that was fine, he would take care of those issues.
Commissioner Brakebill asked if the detention pond would accommodate the expansion of
Mr. Gage's business. Mr. Burke stated that the drainage district approved the cunent
detention with the future expansion included in the calculations at that time. Mr. Gage
designed his business with consideration of the newly purchased prope1ty for expansion at
a later date.
6.Consideration and possible action regarding request to Amend Appendix C of the
Friendswood City Code, Same being Friendswood, Texas Zoning Ordinance No. 84-15, by
amending Section 7., R -Entryway Overlay District and Section 7.5 -Downtown
Overlay District.
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Burke-to recommend approval to amend Appendix C of the Friendswood
City Code of the BOD/DOD.
Issues were addressed during the discussion including consistency with the placement of
the residential visual bmTier along both the BOD and the DOD. The Commission
recommends a change to ten (10) feet along both Overlays again for consistency. The
Commission also recommends a definition be added for h·ee clustering. At the request of
Staff, the Commission also wishes to clarify in the revisions that only monument style
signs are allowed in the Overlay districts. As presently written, there was some question
regarding the monument sign requirement.
Voted For:
Burke-to approve with revised changes.
Unanimous Motion Carried
7.Consideration and possible action regarding request to Amend Appendix C of the
Friendswood City Code, Same being Friendswood, Texas Zoning Ordinance No. 84-15, by
amending Section 7., P., Permitted Use Table to add use_# 713990 All Other Amusement
and Recreation Industries with a Specific Use Pe1mit in the Industrial and Light Industrial
zoning districts and amend use # 44112 Used Car Sales to allow, with a Specific Use
Permit, the used car sales in the Community Shopping Center, Orig inal Business District
and Planned Unit Development zoning districts.
Voted For:
Burke-to recommend approval to amend Appendix C of the Friendswo od
City Code of the Pe1mitted Use Table.
Unanimous Motion Carried
8.Discussion and possible action regarding Industrialized Housing.
Staff requested this item be tabled.
Voted For:
Brakebill-table item
Unanimous Motion to Table Carried
Staff rep01ted the Army Corp of Engineers would make a presentation on the Clear Creek
Study project on February 24, 2004, from 5:30 p.m.-9:00 p.m. at the Friendswood High
School cafeteria.
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Staff rep01ted that the sign ordinance is being reviewed and Staff will prepare a
recommendation memo to P & Z. The workshop will most likely be held in early March.
Staff is also scheduling a joint workshop with City Council, CAB, CEDC, and Main Street to discuss mixed use development and two prop osed developments, one on the Whitcomb prope1ty and the second off FM2351 and Beamer. Tentative dates are March 4, 2004 or March 11, 2004.
With no fu1ther comments, the regular meeting adjourned at 8:00 p.m.
�A.I· Siu 1.itD,ChriSkelton Development Coordinator
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