HomeMy WebLinkAboutP&Z Minutes 2004-01-22 Regular[ 1 [ l l J Minutes of a Regular Meeting of the Friendswood Planning and Zoning Commission January 22, 2004 A regular meeting of the Friendswood Planning and Zoning Commission was held Thursday, January 22, 2004 at 7:00 p.m. in the city hall council chambers located at 910 S. Friendswood Drive, Friendswood, Texas. The following members were present: Bob Bertrand David Brakebill-7:07 p.m. Michele Brekke Tom Burke Jim Gibson Kevin Holland Loren Smith-City Attorney Mike Hodge-Director of CD & PW-7: 50 P.M. Diana Steelquist-City Planner Cheri Skelton-Development Coordinator With a quornm present, Commissioner Y eretsky absent, Chairman Be1trand called the meeting to order to discuss the following: Call to order: Regulai-Meeting: 1.Communications from the Commission Chairman Be1trand stated that he attended the Tree Preservation Sub-Committee meeting. A subdivision being developed cmTently has created some discussion at Council meetings. Chairman Be1trand would like to add to the Tree Preservation Sub-Committee meetings agenda a recommendation that the process of creating a tree ordinance be sped up so that the ordinance could possibly be adopted by May. Chairman Bertrand also apologized for not attending the January 8, 2004, Planning & Zoning meeting. Due to uncontrollable circumstances, he was not able to attend. Commissioner Holland asked staff for a copy of the minutes from the Tree Preservation Sub-Committee meeting. 2.Communications from the public No one spoke from the public at this time. 3.Consent Agenda: A B. C. Approval of special meeting minutes of December 15, 2003. Approval of special meeting minutes of January 5, 2004. Approval ofregular meeting minutes of January 8, 2004. Page 1 of7 1/22/04 P & Z Motion: Second: Holland-to approve the consent agenda Gibson Commissioner Burke stated that some changes needed to be made to item "B" and item "C" of the Consent Agenda. Consent Agenda item "B" changes are as follows: Item #5 under ctment working philosophy, should read: They would like the ability to do more proactive work and to make specific request of council to define parameters. Item #3 under desired philosophy of Planrung and Zoning, should read: Be the central entity for groups (liaisons). Ask Council to implement an active liaison relationship between such committees as ZBOA (Zoning Board of Adjustments), CEDC (Com munity Economic Development Committee), CAB (Community Appearance Board). Consent Agenda item "C" changes are as follows: Item #4 under Tabled Items the spelling of the word resci nded should be co1Tected. Item #7 under the discussion and possible action regarding the definition of tree clustering. The first paragraph should read: Vice-Chairman Burke asked Staff the status on the proposed revised BOD/DOD ordinance. Staff stated that the BOD/DOD ordi nance was being drafted for consideration. Additional modifications to item #7 are the last sentence of the third paragraph on page 3 should be deleted. Continuing modifications to item #7, the first paragraph on page 4 should read: Vice-Chairman Burke stated that it is to be the developer's responsibility to have the trees placed in such a way that the viability of each tree is not harmed. Item # 8 third paragraph on page 4 should include the sentence: The Planning & Zoning Commission chose to leave the following proposed roadways on the Major Thoroughfare plan: 1.Roadway connecting Melody Lane to FM 518. Page 2 of7 1/22/04 P & Z I: I I 2.Proposed East Loop Roadway. 3.The proposed extension of Falling Leaf. 4.The proposed extension of Greenbriar. 5.The proposed extension of Falcon Ridge to the proposed East Loop. 6.The proposed Brittany Bay. 7.The pro posed Grand Parkway. Amended Motion: Second: Voted For: Tabled Items: Holland-to approve with changes Gibson Unanimous Motion Carried 4.Discussion and possible ,:\Ction to recommend changes to the Sign Ordinance regarding Reader Boards. At this time electronic reader boards are not allowed in Friendswood. The Staff proposed to the Commission changes to the sign ordinance. The Commissioner determined that this item should be placed on as an agenda item for a workshop with Council and other interested parties. Commissioner Gibson stated that he felt like any applicant that wanted this type of sign should bring their request before the Commission so that the Commission could better understand why the applicant needs the electronic signage. Commissioner Burke agreed. During the discussion, the Commissioners asked staff to research the history behind the Walgreen's reader board and how it was approved. Regular Items: 5.Consideration and possible action regarding the Commercial Site plan for Southwest Bank located at Reserve "D" of the 518-528 Subdivision. Motion: Second: Holland-approve with staff comments Brakebill Paul Baros, representing Southwest Bank, addressed the Commission. Mr. Baros stated that Southwest Bank is establishing a branch in Friendswood, Texas. The bank will be for retail and commercial use. Mr. Baros stated that TXDot comments and Galveston County Consolidated Drainage District comments were minor. These comments have been resubmitted for approval. Commissioner Brekke stated that she was concerned about the build-up of traffic along FM 528 entering the bank. Page 3 of7 1/22/04 P & Z Mr. Baros explain ed that the design of the bank allowed for a five lane, five-car stack configuration. This configuration has always provided the bank with ample space and has not caused any issues as of yet. Mr. Baros also stated that he felt if traffic congestion ever became and issue then the bank would address it at that time. Commissioner Burke had a list comments, questions and concerns. The comments were: 1. The lan dscaping compared to the Site Plan did not match. 2.Dimension discrepancies on the West Side of the prope1ty existed, compared to the Landscapi ng Plan. 3.The Design Cr iteria Manual should be looked at to see if it is correct in regards to this site and if it applies. 4.TXDot requires 50' drive from KFC. Commissioner Burke's questions were as follows: 1.Does the building have mechanical equipment on the rooftop? Commissioner Burke's concerns were as follows: 1.The turning radius closest to the bank should be larger to allow bigger vehicles to maneuver. Can that radius be softened? 2.The first parking space near FM 528 seems to be a safety issue. The space should be taken out and reduce the island so that parking is not an issue. Mr. Baros addresse d each of Commissioner Burke's comments, questions and concerns. The comments Mr. Burke had with regards to the plans not matching and the dimension discrepancies was a mistake. The Site Plan is the coITect drawing and governs all other drawings regarding dimensions or layout. In regards to the TXDot, the design met their requirements and standards. Mr. Baros also expressed that he felt he had met all of the City's Design requirements. Mr. Baros stated that the mechanical equipment on the rooftop would not be seen from any ground position. Mr. Baros also stated that Mr. Burke's concerns were imp ortant and he would gladly soften the turning radius at the first bay closest to the bank and he would also take out the parking space near the entrance at FM 528 to create a safer parking area. Chairman Be1trand asked if it was possible to make a connection to the KFC parking lot. Mr. Baros stated that the KFC building sat further up on the prope1ty to FM 528 and did not line up with the parking lot of Southwest Bank. Commissioner Holland thanked Mr. Baros for bringing Southwest Ban1c to Friendswood. Page 4 of7 1/22/04 P & Z .. l l j Amended Motion: Second: Voted For: Holland-approve with Staff comments, verify the Design Criteria Manual is correct and if it is bei ng applied, soften radius closest to bank to 19 feet, delete parking space at front of prope1ty to left of entrance off of FM 528, strip access to handicap space. Brakebill Unanimous Motion Carried 6.Discussion and possible action regarding recommended changes to Cluste1· Home Developments -Density issues. Chairman Beitrand explained when the Cluster Home Development was work shopped with Council; Council felt there was a problem with regards to increased density that accompanied a Cluster Homes development. Planning & Zoning would like to give Council final approval as to what density is allo wed for a paiticular development; however, Chairman Be1trand felt that Council did not want to handle Cluster Home developments that way. Commissioner Burke stated that he felt Council is reflecting a long traditional belief that the City should maintain large lots. Commissioner Burke stated that if the Cluster Home Development were viewed as a 20-acre tract verses a 100-acre tract without considering the open space then it would not work. Data collected by the Open Space Task Force indicated that the citizens of Friendswood wanted a more open space concept. Chairman Be1trand stated that he felt the Cluster Home approach was a positive approach when dealing with the development of land that may be odd shaped or pa1tially located in the Flood. Way. Staff stated that there is a possible development of 200-acres in Friendswood that would like to develop as a Cluster Home development; however density is a concern with that large of a development. After continued discussion between Planning & Zoning Commissioners and Staff, it was decided that Staff would provide financial information regarding feasibility of 2.7 units per acre vs. 6 units per acre. In addition, Staff should collect any data from the Open Space Task force regarding densities. 7.Discussion and possible action regarding Industrialized housing. Staff presented the Commission with drafted ordinances from two other Cities regarding industrialized housing. It was Staff's recommendation that one of these ordi nances be used to create an ordinance for the City of Friendswood. Staff also recommended that the proposed ordinance include commercial business areas. Page 5 of7 1/22/04 P & Z The Commissioners want to review the proposed ordinance once Staff had drafted the ordinance for consideration. 8.Discussion and possible action regarding adoption of One Year Goals. The Commission reviewed the One Year Goals, which were established at the Planning & Zoning retreat. There was an item added to the Commissions' goals for the year. The listed goals are as follows: Motion: Second: 1.Update and adopt Comprehensiv e Plan by Planning & Zoning. 2.Establish a mission statement for Plan ning & Zoning. 3.Develop and improve cross communication plan between all city committees, commissions, Council and staff 4.Complete & adopt the Tree Ordinance by Planning & Zoning, (Separate constr uction site plan management procedures in Design Criteria Manual). 5.Develop feedback system/HOA input. 6.Improve Planning & Zoning Commissioner training. 7.Update Plat policy regarding sidewalks. 8.Update Sign Ordinance. 9.Engage Planning & Zoning in EOD/DOD/Main street activities. 10.Convert Planning & Zoning to electronic fo1mat. 11.Funding for AP A training for Community Economic Development Committee & Council. 12.Joint retreat with Council and Planning & Zoning. 13.Invitations extended to HOA's for attendance at Planning & Zoning meetings. Holland-to approve with changes Burke Voted For: Unanimous Motion Carried After the Commission revised the goals, Chairman Be1trand assigned a Commission member(s) to each goal as a project with a potential completion date. Page 6 of7 1/22/04 P & Z I ' I I l l 9.Staff Repo1t Staff gave no rep01t at this time. 10.Adjournment. With no fi.nther comments, the regular meeting adjourned at 10:04 p.m. (7�;-� C�i Skelton Development Co ordinator Page 7 of7 1/22/04 P & Z