HomeMy WebLinkAboutP&Z Minutes 2004-01-08 Regularr l I l l Minutes of a Regular Meeting of the Friendswood Planning and Zoning Commission January 8, 2004 A regular meeting of the Friendswood Planning and Zoning Commission was held Thmsday, January 8, 2004 at 7:00 p.m. in the city hall council chambers located at 910 S. Friendswood Drive, Friendswood, Texas. The following members were present: David Brakebill Tom Burke Jim Gibson Kevin Holland Steve Y eretsky Loren Smith-City Attorney Diana Steelquist-City Planner Cheri Skelton-Development Coordinator With a quorum present, Chairman Be1irand and Commissioner Brekke absent, Vice-Chairman Burke called the· meeting to order to discuss the following: Call to order: Regular Meeting: 1.Communications from the Commission Commissioner Brakebill stated that he attended the Galveston County Consolidated Drainage District (GCCDD) meeting in December. At the December meeting of the GCCDD, one of the discussions was the requirement of detention. The GCCDD requires detention for all sizes of project�. In addition, at that meeting, it was stated that the City of Friendswood is the flood plain manager and has the option of waiving that requirment in certain circumstances. Vice-Chairman Burke asked staff who for City of Friendswood is the Flood Plain Administrator.· Staff stated that the Flood Plain Administrator is City Manager, Mr. Cox. Acting Flood Plain Administrators are Mike Hodge, Dan Johnson and Randy Mason . Commissioner Holland stated he as well as other Commissioners attended the Planning & Zoning retreat. Commissioner Holland felt the retreat was very informative ·and he thank�d the City, city Staff and everyone who p.,uticipated for providing the oppo�nity. 2.Communications from the public 3. . No one from the public spoke at this time. Consent Agenda: Page 1 of 5 1/08/04 P & Z A.Approval of regular meeting minutes on December 4, 2003 B.Approval of regular meeting minutes on December 18, 2003 C.Approval of the Amended Plat of Friendswood Lakes Section Three Motion: Holland-to approve to Consent Agenda Second: Gibson Vice-Chairman Burke asked staff the nature of the Amendment to Consent Agenda Item "C". Staff stated that the ·Amendment is to add three-one foot reserves at the end of the streets. Voted For: Unanimous Motion Carried Tabled Items: 4.· Consideration and possible action regarding request to amend SUP # 96-5 for Melody 5. Plaza locate d at 300-320 E. Edgewood Dr. to add additional mixed commercial uses. Motion: Second: Holland-place item on the table for discussion. Yeretsky Commissioner Holland stated that since Chairman Bertrand was also interested in this agenda item he would like to resend his motion until Chairman Bertrand could attend or till the end the meeting to allow Chairman Bertrand time to arrive. Rescinded Motion: Second:· Holland-to put back on table for later discussion. Yeretsky Discussion and possible action to recommend changes to the Sign Ordina�ce regarding Reader Boards. Staff requested that the Sign Ordinance discussion be tabled. Motion: Holland-to table item Second: Gibson Voted For: Unanimous Motion to Table Carried Regular Items: 6.Consideration and possible action regarding the Preliminary Plat of Colonial Oaks Subdivision located off Lundy Lane. ·Motion:Holland-to approve Preliminary Plat with staff comments Page 2 of 5 1/08/04 P & Z . I ' 11 7. l Second: Brakebill Commiss�oner Holland asked Mr. Darnell if the 120-foot lots would be open ditch. Brian Darnell, general partner, stated that after researching the open ditches concept and in addition to speaking with citizens of the community, his organization at this time was consi dering changing the larger lots designed from open ditch to curb and gutter. Mr. Darnell stated that some citizens of the community considered the open ditch concept to haye safety issues with regards to children playing. In addition, the maintenance requirement that is needed on an open ditch is also an issue. Commissioner Holland stated that he was glad to know that Mr. Darnell had considered going to curb and guttei·. Vice-Chairman Burke stated that when the Conceptual �lan for this project was brought forth there was an issue with the lengths of the cul-de-sacs. Vice Chairman Burke asked how that issue had been resolved. Mr. Darnell stated that to resolve the length issue of the cul-de-sac, the streets were redesigned to connect instead. Mr. Darnell thanked Staff for all their hard work and quick responses with regards to this project. Voted For: Unanimous Motion Carried Discussion.and possible action regarding defining "tree clustering" for use in the revised EOD/DOD ordinances. Motion: Second: Holland-to discuss the tree clustering Brakebill Vice-Chairman Burke asked Staff the status on the proposed revised EOD/DOD ordinance. Staff stated that the proposed EOD/DOD ordinance revision was being . drafted for consideration. Staff stated that a definition of tree clustering is needed. Vice Chairman Burke stated that he did not know how much more of a definition was needed. He also stated that he thought the concept of the tree clustering was that there was no reduction in the requirement unless achieved by other means in the ordinance, such as existing trees. The species of the trees· must still meet the proper criteria. Commissioner Gibson stated that he agreed that the number of trees required ananged in an aesthetic optimum way�should meet all the criteria. Page 3 of 5 1/08/04 P & Z I Vice-Chairman Burke stated that it is to be the developer's responsibility to have the trees placed in such a way that the viability of each tree is not haimed. Commissioner Y eretsky askeo when is the tree clustering considered, and what happens if the tree dies later. Vice-Chairman Burke stated at the time of Site Plan approval, the tree clustering is considered. Provisions are in place to protect the replacement of the tree if it dies. Motion: Holland-to approve the definition of tree clustering: clustering cannot reduce the number of required trees, and trees cannot be clustered such as to lessen the survival rate of other trees. Second: Brakebill Voted For: Unanimous Motion Carried 8.Discussion and possible action regai·ding revisions to the City of Friendswood Comprehensive Plan -Major Thoroughfare Plan. Staff presented to the Commission proposed changes to the current Major Thoroughfare Plan. These proposed changes will be implemented with the Comprehensive Plan once revised. The Commissioner's discussed each of Staffs proposed changes. The proposed changes are as follows: 1.Addition and deletion of verbiage within the Major Thoroughfare Plan. 2.Deletion of some traffic linkage ai·eas in the community. 3.For the Major Thoroughfare Plan graphics to include areas beyond the corporate limits. After discussion of the proposed changes, the Commission decided that only minor changes to the Thoroughfare Plan needed to be made. The changes included the verbiage changes proposed by staff and the paitial deletion of a linkage road at the n01th end of Friendswood. The Planning & Zoning Commission chose to leave the following proposed roadways on the Major Thoroughfare plan: 1.Roadway connecting Melody Lane to FM 518. 2.Proposed East Loop Roadway. 3.The proposed extension of Falling Leaf. 4.The proposed extension of Greenbriar. 5.The proposed extension of Falcon Ridge to the proposed East Loop. 6.The proposed Brittany Bay 7.The proposed Grand Parkway Page 4 of 5 1/08/04 P & Z ! 1 l l -Motion: Second: Voted For: . Holland-to approve the updated Thoroughfare Plan with the revisions including language as discussed.' Gibson Unanimous Motion Carried 9.Consideration and possible action regarding request to amend SUP # 96-5 for Melody Plaza located at 300-320 E. Edgewood Dr. to add additional mixed commercial uses. Motion: Second: Holland-take item off the table and approve. Gibson Commissioner Gibson stated that it seems Staff has done a lot of work preparing the new table. It seems that the matrix is the same but includes extended uses. Staff stated that the real concern was that Mr. O'Farrell be allowed "exercise and fitness" without permitted use# 71 (Alis, Entertainment & Recreation). The other provision Mr. _O'FaITell agreed to was reducing the amount ofretail space to forty percent (40 %). Vice Chairman Burke stated that the recommendation of the Specific Use Permit (SUP) would go to Council with all of the uses listed. Staff-stated that the hopes of the new matrix would resolve Chairman Bertrand's earlier concerns. Voted For: Unanimous Motion Carried 10.Adjournment. With no fmiher comments, the regular meeting adjourned at 8:15 p.m. (!, -fM 4., -. ,i,J h 2Ch i Skelton Pevelop�ent Coordinator Page 5 of 5 1/08/04 P & Z