HomeMy WebLinkAboutP&Z Minutes 2004-07-01 RegularI Minutes of a Regular Meeting of the Friendswood Planning and Zoning Commission July 1, 2004 A regular meeting of the Friendswood Planning and Zoning Commi ssion was held Thursday, July 1, 2004 at 7:00 p.m. in the city hall council chambers located at 910 S. Friendswood Drive, Friends wood, Texas. The following members were present: Bob Bertrand David Brakebill Jim Gibson Kevin Holland-7:05 Roy Klusendorf Sheny Weesner John Olson-City Attorney Dan Johnson-Deputy Director of CD Diana Steelquist-Planner With a quorum present, Commissioner Burke absent, Chainnan Bertrand called the meeting to order to discuss the following: Call to order: 1.Communications from the Commission. Chairman Bertrand stated that a joint retreat with City Council was conducted recently and was a great success. Chairman Be1trand also stated he had spoke to the Chaiiman of the Galveston County Consolidated Drainage District (GCCDD) and made a suggestion that the Planning and Zoning Committee have a joint workshop with the GCCDD board. Commissioner Weesner stated that at the last sign workshop, a quorum was not present, so the workshop could not take place; however. she feels that at this time it would be appropriate to have Staff draft a proposed ordinance that can be considered for approval at a future Planning and Zoning meeting. Commissioner Holland agreed. 2.Communications from the public. Catherine Hefenmaier, 706 Oak Drive Friendswood Texas addressed the Commission. She asked about Friendswood Development in general and if it is standard practice to have one meeting for any and all developments no matter the size. Chairman Bertrand stated that there are specific steps that a developer must take to develop a piece of property. He also stated that the public is welcome to come to any and all meetings; however, once the process has been legally .struted the input from the public will take place during the public heru-ing and agendas are posted. The City Attorney stated that it is not appropriate for the Planning and Page 1 of 5 7/1/04 P & Z Zoning Commission or City Council to receive testimony once the public hearing is closed whether it is in verbal or in written form. Tabled Items: 3.Consideration and possible action regarding Zone Classification change for property located at Woodland Trail at F.M. 2351-tract one and two out of lots 39 and 40, Hoidale and Coffman Subdivision, Galveston County, Texas, from: Single Family Residential (SFR), to Office Park District (OPD). (1 hour) Motion: Second: Motion: Second: Voted For: Brakebill-to approve Klusendorf Brakebill-to take item off table for discussion Klusen dorf Unanimous Motion Carried Chairman Bertrand stated that a letter was received regarding the Chair voting. He read the rules and procedures pointing out that he is required to vote on items on the agenda. Chaiiman Bertrand then gave a history regarding this item, such as types of information that had been gathered and submitted. He also listed out a variety of concerns that were brought fmih at the Public Hearing such as decrease in property values, increased traffic, flooding, and spot zoning. The majority of the Commission stated that their concerns were regarding increased traffic in a predominantly residential area. They also expressed concerns about the potentially negative impact on the existing residential development. Fmiher, they felt that, due to some of the uses permitted in OPD, that OPD might not be the appropriate zoning classification for this location. One commissioner fmiher stated that he felt that no public benefit would be obtained by this rezoning. The two dissenting opinions maintained that the two tracts would not make good residential sites and; therefore, should be rezoned to OPD as requested in order to fmiher the community's need for Economic Development. They stated that the designation of Office Park would ensure high quality and restrictive uses adjacent to the neighboring residential lots. Staff added to the discussion by identifying the surrounding development along FM 2351. The immediately adjacent tracts to the Nmih, South, and East are residential. Staff further stated that both tracts are located within the Entryway Overlay District and must comply with the corresponding ordinances, including screening, landscaping, signage, etc. Staff fu1iher added that developers of commercial tracts are encouraged to provide shared access and common driveways; while this practice is not feasible with single-family residential homes. Page 2 of 5 7/1/04 P & Z !I Voted For: Voted Against: Abstained: Regular items: Be1trand, Klusendorf Brakebill, Gibson, Weesner Holland Motion Failed 4.Consideration and possible action regarding Zone Classification change for 138.069 acres located at 3118 FM 528 from SFR to PUD-Mixed Use, known as the Whitcomb property and located along FM 528 and Clear Creek, Harris County, Texas. (1 hour) Motion: Second: Holland-recommended approval Brakebill This project is the first of its kind in Friendswood and has the following additional specifications required and approved by the Commission: 1) Master Plan showing the land use summary and densities; 2) Written document outlining the Development Standards and Guidelines for projects located within the development; 3) Zoning matrix outlining types of uses allowed within the development; and 4) Phasing statement. A review of the allowable commercial and retail uses was made with the applicant. The Commission' and the applicant agreed that the following listing was not consistent with the overall development plans for the mixed use project. Therefore, it is recommended that the following uses, taken from the 1997 NAICS Codes, be prohibited from development in this PUD: 481 Air Transpmtation 482 Rail Transportation 483 Water Transportation 484 Truck Transportation 486 Pipeline Transpo1tation 4884 Motor Vehicle towing 53113 Mini-warehouse Storage 7112 Spmts Teams, clubs, racetracks other spectator spmt� 8113 Welding Shops 8122 Death Care Services Utility service or storage yard or buildings (no NAICS number) Amended Motion: Second: Holland- to approve if the above listed uses were prohibited. Brakebill Page 3 of 5 7/1/04 P & Z The Commission is aware of the need for high quality, desirable economic development in the Community. However, it believes that the concerns of the citizens should also be addressed. Those issues expressed during the Public Hearing for this project included: flooding, noise, lighting, and pollution of the creek. The Commission has confidence that City Ordinances and design requirements, as well as the requirements of Hanis County Flood Control and the Corps of Engineers, will address the flooding concerns. The City Codes also have restrictions on excessive noise and lighting. Sounds from the proposed amphitheater can be engineered to· have decibel limits. The Open Space along Clear Creek will also act as a buffer to both noise and lighting. With the involvement of the Corps of Engineers for any development occmTing in the Creek, some of the pollution concerns will be addressed. Voted For: Unanimous Motion Carried 5.Discussion requested by the Home Owners Association of Field Creek Forest Subdivision regarding a possible zone change to PUD to create a private street, gated residential subdivision. (30 minutes) Since no representatives from the Field Creek Forest Subdivision were present, Chairman Be1trand stated that this item could be placed on another agenda. 6.Consideration and possible action regarding Amending Zoning Ordinance­ Cluster Homes. (45 minutes) Motion: Second: ·Motion: Second: Voted For: Voted Against: Holland-to approve Burke Gibson-remove from table for discussion. Klusendorf Bertrand, Gibson, Klusendorf, Weesner Brakebill, Holland Motion Carried Commissioner Weesner feels that golf courses should not be considered as "open space". Chairman Be1trand stated "open space" also means the viewable space. John Olsen, City Attorney, stated that a golf course is not a zoning classification. Commissioner Gibson stated that he felt that "open space" could be defin ed as no structme located on the pi·ope1ty. Commissioner Holland followed by stating that "open space" should be identified when the property is platted. Chairman Bertrand stated that each application must be looked at individually and that "open spac e" could mean that there is nothing on the prope1ty or it could be used for recreation purposes, such as a park. In addition, the City Attorney expressed the verbiage "reasonable" should be better defined with regards to adjusting density requirements. After lengthy discussion, the Commission felt too many questions still should be answered before a recommendation could be presented to City Council. Page 4 of 5 7/1/04 P & Z l I ! Voted Against: Unanimous 7.Discussion regarding joint retreat held June 22, 2004. Motion Carried Staff supplied notes from the joint retreat with City Council to the Commission and asked them to review the notes and make any comments. Chairman Be1trand stated he felt the Public Hearing process should allow the public to be better notified before a Public Hearing. He asked Staff to review the governance process regarding this. 8.Staff Report Staff stated that after receiving comments from the Commission, it was ready to move forward with writing a proposed sign ordinance. It is Staffs objective to clarify and make simpler the verbiage within the ordinance. Chairman Be1trand stated once the draft of the sign ordinance is prepared he would like Staff to send a copy to the . Community App earance Board (CAB) and the Community Economic Development Committee (CEDC) so they can review the proposed ordinance and make comments. 9.Adjournment. With no further comment the meeting was adjourned at 9:55 p.m. C�ri Skelton Development 'Coordinator Page 5 of 5 7/1/04 P & Z