HomeMy WebLinkAboutP&Z Minutes 2004-06-17 Regularl I Minutes of a Regular Meeting of the Friendswood Planning and Zoning Commission June 17, 2004 A regular meeting of the Friendswood Planning and Zoning Commission was held Thursday, June 17, 2004 at 7:00 p.m. in the city hall council chambers located at 910 S. Friendswood Drive, Friendswood, Texas. The following members were present: Bob Be1trand . David Brakebill Tom Burke Jim Gibson Roy Klusendorf Kevin Holland Sherry Weesner Loren Smith -City Attorney Diana Steelquist-Planner Rhonda Baker -CDD Secretary With a quomm present, Chaiiman Be1trand called the meeting to order to discuss the following: Call to order: Regular Meeting: 1.Communications from the Commission. Commissioner Holland congratulated Commissioner Burke and Chairman Bertrand on their re-appointment to the Planning and Zoning Commission. 2.Communications from the public. No one spoke from the public at this time. 3.Consent Agenda: Motion: Second: A.Approval of the 5-20-04 regular meeting minutes. B.Approval of the 6-7-04 special meeting minutes. Holland-to approve consent agenda Brakebill Chairman Bertrand stated on item A of the consent agenda the word change on page three needed to be made. Voted For: Unanimous Motion Carried 4.Consideration and possible action regarding Zone Classification change for prope1ty located at Woodland Trail at F.M. 2351-tract one and two out of lots 39 and 40, Hoidale and Coffman Subdivision, Galveston County, Texas, from: Single Family Residential (SFR), to Office Park District (OPD). Page 1 of 6 6/17/04 P& Z Chairman Bertrand stated that Mr. Rucker was concerned that he did not have an opportunity to address the comments and concerns at the public hearing. At that time, Chairman Bertrand explained to Mr. Rucker since the public hearing went so long, he would give him .the opp01tunity to speak when the item was before Planning and Zoning. Chairman Bertrand also stated that Mr. Rucker had a scheduling issue and contacted the city in writing.requesting the item be tabled so he may have the opportunity to address the publics concerns. The item will then be placed on the July 1, 2004 agenda for discussion at which time Mr. Rucker has stated he can attend that meeting. Commissioner Holland stated that some of the public involved in the item are clients of his company, so there might be a conflict of interest, therefore, he must absent himself from any discussion or consideration. Motion: Second: Motion: Brakebill-to approve Klusendorf Gibson-to table item Second: Klusendorf Voted For: Bertrand, Gibson, Klusendorf Voted Against: Brakebill, Weesner Recused: Burke, Holland Motion Carried 5.Consideration and possible action regarding Preliminary Plat of Oak Creek Forest Subdivision located at the end of Thomas Street. Motion: Second: Amended Motion: Second: Voted For: Holland-to approve Gibson Holland-to approve with Staff comments Gibson Unanimous Motion Carried Christian Offenburger, surveyor, addressed the Commission. Commissioner Holland asked what the applicant would do with the R.O.W. on Crawford. Commissioner Burke asked about the outfall of the drainage. The Developer will build a concrete cul-d-sac at the end of Thomas. The drainage plan is being revised to resolve the outfall problem as noted on the staff comments. Staff assured the Commission that all staff comments on the preliminary would be addressed prior to submittal of the final plat. 6.Consideration and possible action regarding Amending Zoning Ordinance/Building Code-Industrialized Housing and Buildings. Motion: Holland-to approve Page 2 of 6 6/17/04 P& Z Second: Voted For: Amended Motion: Second: Voted For: Burke Unanimous Holland-to approve with modification Burke Unanimous Motion Carried Motion Carried The Chairman noted that this item had been discussed previously as well as work shopped with the City Council. Commissioner Brakebill asked that the language in the recommended ordinance be modified to remove some duplication of stated requirements. The Chairman captioned for the public the role of Home Owners Associations who can also regulate Industrialized Housing within a subdivision. 7.Consideration and possible action regarding Amending Zoning Ordinance­ Revisions to the Permitted Use Table and Parking Requirements. Motion: Second: Voted For: Holland-to approve Gibson Unanimous Motion Carried The Chairman gave a brief history regarding the proposed amendments. He related that the changes to the parking requirements were a result of P&Z discussions regarding the parking required for an office park facility where the number of spaces required was inappropriate to the use. During those discussions, the Commission recommended that the parking requirements be taken out of the PUT and placed as guidelines in the Design Criteria Manual. The use of guidelines versus parking requirements allows the developer, Staff and the Commission to make reasonable judgments on the parking needed for each individual development. Changes to those guidelines are also more easily made to the Design Criteria Manual than to the Zoning Ordinance. The Chairman also stated that in addition to the parking issue the Commission had also recommended changes to the PUT to allow Use # 71399_0 All Other Amusement and Recreation Industries and Use# 44112 Used Car Sales, both with Specific Use Pe1mits, in certain zoning districts. These were additional changes to the PUT which were being considered. Commissioner Burke was in favor of the use of pai·king guidelines so long as the "to be decided' (TBD) category allows the City to have adequate parking with more open space, less imperious cover and less runoff. He wanted to remind everyone that the issue of parking and mini-warehouses still needed to be addressed. Commissioner Brakebill suggested that the list of uses be put in alpha order in the Design Criteria manual so that it is easier to read. Page 3 of 6 6/17/04 P& Z 8.Consideration and possible action regarding Amending Zoning Ordinance-Cluster Homes. Motion: Second: Amended Motion: Second: Voted For: Burke-to approve Gibson Gibson -to table Burke Unanimous Motion Carried Chairman Bertrand noted that John Hammond had spoken at the public hearing regarding the proposed changes. Staff summarized Mr. Hammond's comments as a request for an increase in lot coverage based on the percentage of open space as well as reduction in lot set backs to 5 feet on the sides. Staff believes the increase in lot coverage is reasonable. Commissioner Weesner stated her understanding of Mr. Hammond's comments to be that he wanted a system in place where a developer could come in and negotiate with staff and the Commission variances to some of the development standards such as lot sizes, set backs and uses which could then be approved by the Commission with regards to a Planned Unit Development. Chairman Bertrand asked the City Attorney if it was ok to make modifications to the proposed changes to the Cluster Home Ordinance based on the comments received at the Public Hearing. The City Attorney felt the changes discussed would not require an additional hearing so long as the changes were not extensive. Changes to the matrix and setbacks_ would probably require a new public hearing. Commissioner Brakebill felt the changes to procedures requested by Friendswood Development might be in conflict with the direction Council wanted with regards to too much flexibility. Chanman Bertrand expressed the need to move forward with the current recommendation and then later address the ideas of Friendswood Development. There was much discussion regarding Commissioner Brakebill' s solution to Councilman Goza's comments on the Commission's discretion to increase the density based on overall acreage. Commissioner Holla nd asked that the item be work shopped again. He was not in agreement with the current proposal of allowing a density of 6 units per acre; the ordinance needs more work. Commissioner Weesner agreed that it should be done right the first time; she would like more clarification on Councilman Goza's issue. The Chairman agreed that getting it right the first time was important. Commissioners Burke and Gibson suggested tabling the item until the next meeting. Page 4 of 6 6/17/04 P& Z ! i 9.Consideration and possible action regarding Amending Zoning Ordinance­ Planned Unit Development -Mixed Use. Motion: Second: Amended Motion: Second: Voted For: Holland -to recommend approval of PUD -Mixed Use Gibson Holland -to recommend approval of PUD -Mixed Use with revisions: 1) change all references to parking requirements, 2) Pre-app and Conceptual plan are required, 3) applications must submit information in both drawings and in written documents, 4) remove 35% residential restriction, 5) lighting must meet or exceed city regulations, 6) street design must have more flexibility than is currently allowed under the Subdivi�ion ordinance and the Design Criteria Manual. Gibson Unanimous Motion Carried Chai1man Bertrand expressed concern that the deliberative process needed to ·review each PUD -Mixed Use application may take more than 30 days. Pruticularly with the proposed changes to the Pennitted Use Table (PUT) that allow almost all uses in a PUD -Mixed Use. He added that a detailed examination and review of the uses proposed with each application would need to be made by the Commission. Commissioner Burke noted that there were other proposed changes to the Permitted Use Table with regards to parking requirements. These changes should not be forgotten when preparing the Zoning Ordinance amendments on PUD­ Mixed Use. He also stated that due to the complexity of a PUD-Mixed Use project, a Development Review Committee (DRC) meeting and a Conceptual Plan presentation to the Commission need to be required as prut of the PUD­ Mixed Use process. He also recommended that each application should contain both written and illustrative documentation to aid in the understanding and consideration of the request. Burke also stressed that a Mixed Use development must have flexibility. For this reason, he recommended references to the Subdivision Ordinance and Design Criteria Manual be revised to allow the modification·of streets in a PUD-Mixed Use district. He suggested these modifications should be incorporated in the Design Standards submitted with each individual PUD-Mixed Use application. Several of the Commissioners were also concerned about lighting. They recommended that the lighting specifications in the ordinance needed to clearly indicate that the lighting standards proposed in each PUD should meet or exceed the current compliance requirements of the city lighting regulations. The issue of flexibility was again discussed with regards to the staff recommendation to limit residential use. Commissioner Burke stated that to be Page 5 of 6 6/17/04 P& Z tmly flexible, no limitation should be made. Some developments may need more than a 35% residential component in order to be viable. The Staff stated that the • purpose of the PUD-Mixed Use ordinance is to encourage economic development not residential development. Staff also contended that there already exists a residential market in Friendswood to support PUD-Mixed Use. 10.Discussion regarding the Conceptual Plan for the River Oaks at Friendswood a proposed Cluster Home Development locat ed in and around the Sun Meadow golf course. Glen Rau, land planner for the owner, addressed the Commission. Mr. Rau outlined a proposed cluster home development. Mr. Rau has seen the extensive list of comments provided by staff and feels that all of them can be addressed. Several Sun Meadow residents commented on the proposed development including Fay Roberson, Ed Sherril and Laura Higgins. There concerns included the density, safety of school children walking along the existing nruTow streets, increased traffic,· construction traffic, the loss of trees, increased risk for flooding and drainage issues as well as a reduction in home values and standard of living in the Sun Meadow area. 11.Staff Report Staff repmied on the upcoming dates for workshops and public hearings. A repmi on Development Review Committee meetings for June was also provided. A brief summary was given regarding the status of the Main Street Implementation plan. In response to a question from the Chair at the last meeting, staff repmied that the driveway for the retail center between Whataburger and Walgreen's was not complete. The developer and building depruiment are aware of the 35 ft. wide driveway requirement. 12.Adjournment \ ·, With no fuliher comment the meeting was adjourned at 10:45 p.m. Page 6 of 6 6/17/04 P& Z