HomeMy WebLinkAboutP&Z Minutes 2000-12-07 Regular\\
Minutes of a Regular Meeting
of the
Friendswood Planning and Zoning Commission
December 7, 2000
A regular meeting of the Friendswood Planning and Zoning Commission was held Thursday
December 7, 2000 at 7:00 p.m. in the City Hall Council Chambers located at 910 S.
Friendswood Drive, Friend swood, Texas.
Tom Burke
Niels Aalund
Zekie McVeigh
Frank Frankovich
Tom Samson
Mike Dominguez -City Planner
Diana Steelquist -CDD Coordinator
Mel Measeles -City Council Liaison
With a quorum present, Clark and Bertrand absent, the meeting was called to order by Chair
Burke to consider the following:
Call to Order:
1.Minutes for Approval:11/20/00 special meeting; 11/16/00 regular meeting.
Aalund -to approve
Vote for: Unanimous
Burke, Frankovich, McVeigh, Samson and Aalund voting
2.Communications from the public.
Motion Carried
City Council Liaison, Mel Measeles addressed the Commission regarding the Downtown
Overlay and Entry Overlay Districts. He has noted a trend in properties located in these
districts not being built to the standards required in the DOD and EOD ordinances. His
specific concerns were that sidewalks are not being put in place by new developments
occurring near Melody Lane, house next to the Walgreens and the Dry Cleaners on FM
2351 @ FM 518. The City Planner will review the site plans associated with those
Old business -tabled items:
3.Consideration and possible action regarding a specific use permit (SUP) -mixed use
commercial for Cowards Creek Office Park located at 1100 block of S. Friendswood
Drive, 4.733 acre tract, Galveston, County.
Vote for:
Frankovich -to recommend approval
Unanimous Motion Carried
Burke, Frankovich, Mc Veigh, Samson and Aalund voting
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Mr. George Berg man, owner of Cowards Creek Office Park, address.ed the Commission.
He has a prospective tenant that would be a school which would sell some of the items
made by the students. He wanted to know if this use was included in his SUP request or if
it could be added.
Chairman Burke had several questions regarding some of the uses requested. In particular,
he wan ted to know what types of uses were planned for #92 Justice, Public Order. Mr.
Bergman anticipated,_ it would be for office and court room and further that jail facilities
would not conform with the site plan on file with the city. Burke was also concerned about
use #824 regarding Vocational and Correspondence Schools. He thought the parking might
be inadequate to handle a high volume of students. Mr. Bergman explained they site had
adequate parking and the anticipated tenant was a correspondence school. Chairman Burke
wanted know more about use #805 Nursing and Personal Care. Mr. Bergman did not have a
tenant in mind but foresaw the use to be primarily of an office nature with perhaps some
type of outpatient care taking place.
Use# 7991 Physical fitness was withdrawn by the applicant.
It was suggested that use # 594 Misc. retail could be the permitted use number for a school
selling the products its students make.
Vote for:
New business:
Frankovich -to recommend approval with the following conditions:
l)Specify use for #92 to be for Office and court room only,
2)Use #805 to remain on application,
3)Delete #7991 Physical fitness facility,
4)Add use #594 to application.
Unanimous Motion Carried
Burke, Frankovich, Mc Veigh, Samson and Aalund voting
4.Co nsideration and possible action regarding amending the zoning ordinance by amending
size matrix requirements for business park, light industrial, and industrial zone districts.
Withdrawn as a previous recommendation was submitted with the proposed ordinance to
City Council.
5.Con sideration and possible action regarding zone classification changes for a total of
218.94 acres along W. Parkwood Avenue (FM 528) south from the American Rice Canal
to the Houston Lighting & Power easement and extending east to the city limits. Eleven
tracts to be rezoned from single family residential (SFR) to a mix of business park (BP) ,
and light industrial (LI) as follows:
a.14.290 acres out of tract 16, to business park (BP),
b.0.920 acres out of tract 4, to business park (BP),
c.1.769 acres out of tract 18, to business park (BP),
d.13.113 acres out of tract 7, to business park (BP),- 2 -12-7-00 P&Z
e.25.335 ac1·es out of tract 5, to business park (BP),
f. 0.165 acres out of tract 17, to business park (BP),
g.2.0 acres out of tract 6, to business park (BP),
h.54.896 acres out of tract 3, to light industrial (LI),
i. 0.296 acres out of tract 19, to light industrial (LI),
j. 79.856 acres out of tract 10, to light industrial (LI) and business park (BP),
k.26.300 acres out·of tract 8 to (LI) and (BP).
Vote for:
Aalund -to recommend approval
Unanimous Motion Carried
Burke, Frankovich, Mc Veigh, Samson and Aalund voting
Chair man Burke addressed some concerns brought up at the public hearing regarding
the infrastructure. He noted that no public infrastructure was in place in the other areas
zoned Light Industrial and that no development would likely take place there for quite
some time. Having water and sanitary service readily available in the city sponsored
rezoning area would help the area's development.
6. Consideration and possible action regarding a specific use permit (SUP) -mixed use
commercial to include banquet facility, florist, spa including water treatments,
membership gym with chi ldcare facilities, hair/beauty salon, office space, restaurant,
medical office and health services, retail sales related to other business on site, health
smoothie bar, coffee sh op, nutrition counseling, for property located at 313 E. Edgewood,
a tract of land out of Lot 4, Block 9, Friendswood Subdivision, Galveston County, Texas.
Vote for:
Vote for:
Samson -to recommend approval
Unanimous Motion Carried
Burke, Frankovich, McVeigh, Samson and Aalund voting
Samson -to recommend approval with the following conditions:
1)site plan to list hours of operation,
2)Ballard style outdoor lighting to be used,
3)Height restricted to thirty (30) feet for tower/cupola,
4)Trees are to be preserved where possible in the parking areas.
Unanimous Motion Carried
Burke, Frankovich, Mc Veigh, Samson and Aalund voting
A revised site plan was presented to the Commission indicating only Phase One of the
development which includes the spa portion. The applicants also revised their
application to delete specific use requests for a restaurant, coffee shop, florist and
banquet facility. Ms. Marilynn Alexander and her architect, George Harri addressed the
commission regarding issues brought up at the public hearing. The revised site plan
indicates the roof will be terra cotta in color and the walls will have a taupe stucco finish.
It was decided that by only developing Phase One, more trees can be kept on the site.
The one outside light is shown on a pole type str ucture with shielding for the front and
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sides of the property. An eight foot opaque fence is also now shown with a graduated
height from three feet up to eight from the FM 2351 frontage. On the revised site plan
presented to the Commi ssioners at the meeting, the trash dumpster was been moved
closer to FM 2351. The uncertain development status of Phase Two will save 26 trees on
the lot.
Commissioner Samson wanted to know what the height difference was between a 2 story
home and the proposed 35 foot tower. Mr. Hani explained the difference would be
between 5 to 7 feet.
The applicants have also asked Waste Management Systems to pick up the dumpster
during regular business hours. However, this is not a factor they can directly control. No
food preparation will done on site except for the smoothie bar. The applicants also
stressed that the structure would look like some homes which are currently built in
Friend swood and their structure would raise the bar for. commercial buildings. The
applicants also stated their goal was for an elite clientele with a focus on total body
wellness. It was not going to resemble a 24 hour gym or Bali's gym.
Commissioner Frankovich expressed concern about light emanating from inside the
tower and the proposed drainage for the site. He wanted to know if the building
elevations could be lowered.
Chairman Burke wanted to know when phase two of the development would take place.
Ms. Alexander anticipated it would be 2 ½ to 3 years before phase two could be
developed. Current construction for phase one should take about 3 to 4 months with
good weather conditions.
Chairman Burke also noted the pole type light would glare into the back of the lot. The
developer wanted to use Ballard type lights but could not get a photometric plan prepared
before the heming. Burke also wanted to know the anticipated hours of operation for the
spa. The applicants plan on hours from 9:00 am to 7:00 pm Monday to Ftiday, 10:00 am
to 4:00 pm Saturday and 1:00 pm to 5:00 pm Sunday.
Commissioner Frankovich expressed concern with additional noise for area residents and
requested the scale of the building be reduced.
Bill and Cookie Langdoc of 106 Royal Court stated that the phase one development
would still be in their line of sight from their home. They also felt the revised plan still
did not resemble a residential profile.
Dan Illrich of 121 Cherry Tree Lane expressed concern with increased traffic and
accident hazards which already exist on FM 2351. The applicant responded that they
have made a TXDot request for a median cut.
At this time Chairman Burke moved item 8 forward on the agenda for consideration.
8.Consideration and possible action regarding the preliminary plat of Timber Creek
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Ii t
Vote for:
Frankovich -to approve with staff conditions
Unanimous Motion Carried
Burke, Frankovich, McVeigh, Samson and Aalund voting
7.Discussion regarding the conceptual plan for Mary, Queen Catholic Church expansion.
Greg Turner, architect for the church, presented an expansion plan to incorporate 14 acres
into one platted tract. The site plans call for the construction of a family life center, the
demolition of an existing home at 702 Cedarwood, demolition and reconstruction of the
church sanctumy, demolition of the existing rectory and the renovating the house at 6
Queens Lane for use as the new rectory. A large detention pond would also be built behind
6 Queens Lane. A specific use permit will be requested following plat approval. Mary
McKinney also represented the applicant. The new facilities will have a brick veneer with
a metal roof. The applicants would like to discuss with staff the possibility of moving the
family life building's set backs closer to Queens Lane. The commissioners agreed that this
would result in a better site plan.
Commissioner Mc Veigh questioned the applicant regarding current easements in place for
area residents to access home site. The residents will still have access via easements
already in place along Queens Lane.
Clifton Black, 2 Queens Lane, addressed the commission regarding his concerns about
continued access and heavy traffic along Queens Lane. He also felt the proposed detention
pond would not be adequate for drainage as that area already floods frequently. He was
concerned about a decrease in his property value and the loss of trees in the area.
Thomas Branton, 209 Cedar Oaks had several concerns about the proposed expansion. He
was concerned about a noise issue, the loss of trees and vegetation, increased traffic, the
hours of operation for the family life center and any plans for further future development.
The applicant responded that the family life building would have windows only on the
north side of the building which faces away from Cedar Oak. It is also their intention to
preserve as much vegetation and trees as possible but it would depend on where drainage
swells were placed. Future site development may include an education building for Sunday
school use. They would like to move the family life building set back to 10 to 15 feet off
Queens Lane.
Commissioner Frankovich wanted to know if the church would grant a right-of-way in lieu
of an easement to connect to Cedar Oak Lane. Several residents also voiced the same
request and their concerns about drainage.
Chairman Burke excused himself from the dias at this time. Commissioner Frankovich acted as
9.Consideration and possible action regarding the preliminary plat of the Lowelands
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Vote for:
Aalund -to approve with staff conditions
Unanimous Motion Carried
Frankovich, Mc Veigh, Samson and Aalund voting
Mr. Chuck Davis represented the applicants and addressed the commission regarding
staff comments. The brick planter currently in the cul-de-sac will be removed. Also
CCDD will be requiring a 175 foot easement. Road dimensions will be on the final plat.
The meeting was adjourned at 9:45 p.m.
Diana Steelquist -
Community Development Coordinator -6 -12-7-00 P&Z