HomeMy WebLinkAboutP&Z Minutes 2000-08-03 Regularl
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Minutes of a Regular Meeting
of the
Friendswood Planning and Zoning Commission
August 3, 2000
A regular meeting of the Friendswood Planning and Zoning Commission was held Thursday August
3, 2000 at 7:00 p.m. in the City Hall Council Chambers located at 910 S. Friendswood Drive,
Friendswood, Texas. TI1e following members were present:
Burke 7:05 p.m.
Bertrand 7:05 p.m.
Finger -Chair
Dominguez -City Planner
Steelquist -Development Coordinator
Measeles -City Counsel Liaison
With a quorum present, the meeting was called to order by Chair Finger to consider the following:
Call to Order:
1.Minutes for Approval:
07 /20/00 regular meeting
Motion: Mc Veigh -to approve Second: Clark Vote for: Unanimous
Finger, Frankovich, McVeigh, and Clark voting
Communications from the public -None
Motion Carried
3.Consideration and possible action regarding the Preliminary Commercial Site Plan for
Friendswood Plaza, Section II
Vote for:
Clark -to take off the table
Unanimous Motion Carried
Mr. Davis Wilson, representing the applicant, addressed questions by the commissioners ·
regarding the location of the site du mpster and the use of visual barriers and screening.
Motion: Frankovich -to recommend approval with following condition: that the
preliminary site plan is approved only if the replat of Friendswood Plaza
Section II Reserve C is successful
Second: Clark
Vote for: Unanimous Motion Carried
Finger, Frankovich, McVeigh, and Clark voting
4.Consideration and possible action regarding the Final Commercial Site Plan for the
Albertson's Express Fuel Center
Mr. Burke and Mr. Bertrand arrived at this time.
Vote for:
Vote for:
Bw·ke -to recommend approval to City Council
Unanimous Motion Carried
Burke -to recommend approval to City Council with the conditions that
Albertson's provide a letter to the city stating that the restroom facilities for
the Fuel Center will be provided inside the main store and that sidewalks
will be shown on the site plan
Unanimous Motion Carried
Mr. Gregory Sowle, representing the owner, addressed the commission regarding restroom
facilities for the site plan. Chair Finger explained the site plan procedures which will be
followed after Ordinance No. T2000-23 is approved by City Council.
5.Consideration and possible action regarding amending zoning ordinance 84-15, as amended,
Commercial & Outdoor Sales
Vote for:
Vote for:
Bertrand -to recommend approval to City Council
Unanimous Motion Carried
Bertrand -to recommend approval to City Council with a revision to the
proposed ordinance by deleting section M. I. (g)(l) :
Burke Unanimous
A tent, shed or Ganopy 11s@d for th@ display of vshiGl@s,
whiGh are otherwise rngylatsd by provisions of th@ adeptoo
Standard BYilding: Cod@, as amendoo.
Motion Carried
Commissioner McVeigh had issues with used car lots which are not currently permitted in
the city.
Vote for:
Bertrand -to recommend approval to City Council with a revision to the
proposed ordinance by amending section M. 1. (b) by adding after the word
1 or in the case of developed site where improvements exist, until a
permit is issued.
Unanimous Motion Carried
Bertrand -to recommend approval to City Council with revision to proposed
ordinance by amending section M. 1. ( c) by adding after the word Council
the following and deleting the word 'and':
1 or in the case of developed site where improvements exist, until a
permit is issued. Such structures and parking areas and
08/03/00 P &Z
l Second: Vote for: Burke Unanimous Motion Carried Commissioner Burke discussed several issues were the public improvements may already be in place and suggested the ordinance reflect those possibilities. Amended Motion: Second: Vote for: Bertrand -to recommend approval to City Council with a revision to the proposed ordinance by amending section M. 1. (e) by inserting a period after the word business and deleting the following: and in no instance shall one or more of these accessory structures ex:ceed 25 percent of the sm1are footaee of the main building. and adding in the same place the following: The number and location of such structures are subject to a site plan review and approval by the City of Friendswood Community Development Department. Burke Unanimous Motion Carried Discussion took place regarding the possible abuse of the number of accessory storage buildings which might take place if using 25 percent of the main building as a guideline for the maximum allowable square footage. Concern was also expressed about the situating and placement of these accessory buildings. 6.Discussion regarding the Comprehensive Master Plan and update Proposed Land Use
Plan to reflect Vision 2020 and current needsCity Planner, Mike Dominguez, addressed the comm1ss10ners regarding the need for a revised and updated Comprehensive Master Plan. He also stated that the Planning and Zoning Commission would be needed in an advisory role for the CMP. Commissioner Burke expressed the idea that the revisions to the CMP be done by staff without the use of outside consultants. Burke also announced his resignation from his seat on the CMP committee. Commissioner Frankovich was concerned that the proposed budgeted amount for the consultant would not be enough. 7.Adjournment.�;it/� Community Development Coordinator 3
08/03/00 P &Z