HomeMy WebLinkAboutP&Z Minutes 2000-10-19 SpecialI 1 [ I l Minutes of a Special Meeting of the Friendswood Planning and Zoning Commission October 19, 2000 A special meeting of the Friendswood Planning and Zoning Commission was held Thursday October 19, 2000 at 5:30 p.m. in the Community Development Conference Area of Friendswood City Hall located at 910 S. Friendswood Drive, Friendswood, Texas. Niels Aalund Tom Burke Mark Clark Tom Samson Zekie Mc Veigh Ron Cox -City Manager Mike Hodge -CD Director Mike Dominguez -City Planner Diana Steelquist -CD Coordinator Kim Mickelson -City Attorney With a quorum present, Bertrand and Frankovich absent, Chairman Burke opened the discussion. 1.New Member Orientation A.Welcome And Overview A brief opening statement was made by Mr. Hodge welcoming the new commissioners. B.Responsibilities And Goals Of The Commission Mr. Measles was unable to attend. Mr. Cox spoke regarding the responsibilities of · the Planning & Zoning Commission and the relationship of the commission with the Mayor and City Council. C City Charter, Rules Of Conduct, Code Of Ethics, Zoning Ordinance And Subdivision Ordinance D. Kim Mickelson addressed the commission regarding the formation of the Planning & Zoning Commission, rules of conduct at meetings and city ordinances governing ethics of commission members. Outlines were provide to the attending commissioners on Texas laws governing the zoning ordinance and the subdivision ordinance of Friendswood. Review Of Platting And Zoning Processes, Responsibility Of City Staff Mike Dominguez addressed the commission regarding his staff functions as City Planner. He also discussed the subdivision development process for platting and the submittal and approval process for commercial site plans. Diana Steelquist addressed the com m1ss1on regarding her role in the development process regarding the acceptance and distribution of various applications. She also discussed the process and notification procedures for land use changes and specific use permit applications. E.Summary And Conclusion Mike Hodge summarized the development process and the role of commission in the development process. With no further discussion, the meeting was adjourned. Diana Steelquist Community Development Coordinator r Minutes of a Regular Meeting of the Friendswood Planning and Zoning Commission October 19, 2000 A regular meeting of the Friendswood Planning and Zoning Commission was held Thursday October 19, 2000 at 7:00 p.m. in the City Hall Council Chambers located at 910 S. Friendswood Drive, Friendswood, Texas. The following members were present: Niels Aalund Tom Burke Mark Clark Bob Bertrand Zekie Mc Veigh Tom Samson Mike Hodge -CD Director Mike Dominguez -City Planner Diana S teelquist -CD Coordinator Kim Mickelson -City Attorney With a quorum present, Frankovich abs ent, Chair Burke called the meeting to order at 7: 10 p.m. to consi der the following: Call to Order 1.Consideration and possible action regarding minutes for approval -10/5/00 regular meeting. Motion: Second: Vote for: Samson-to approve Aalund Unanimous 2.Communications from the public. None. Old business -tabled items: Motion Carried 3.Discussion regarding the conceptual plan of Fairleigh Business Addition. Mr. Eric Krynor addressed the commission for the developer. The purpose of the proposed rep lat is to remove lot lines in anticipation of future development. The developer is aware of the pipeline easement crossing the proposed plat. 4.Discussion regarding the conceptual plan of Melody Plaza, Section Two replat. 1 10/19/00 P&Z Mr. Eric Krynor addressed the commission for the developer. The purpose of the replat is to expand lot 2. Clear Creek Drainage District will review the plat and drainage plan prior to P &Z consideration. The developer is aware that the plat is located in the Entry Overlay district. The replat will not affect the SUP currently in place. New business: 5.Discussion regarding the conceptual plan of Timber Creek Village. Mr. Jeff Graves and Mr. Landis Kem representing the developer, Coastal Bend Property Development, addressed the commission. Chairman Burke would like to see plans for the proposed gate submitted with the PUD/SUP application. Also, the plat note no. 25 regarding access to adjacent properties should be removed from future submissions. Drainage for the development will be provided in the detention pond developed for use by other sections of the Forest Subdivision. Drainage from the curb and gutter streets will flow thru Reserve A of the proposed plat. 6.Discussion regarding the conceptual plan of the Lighthouse Addition. Ms. Janice Lowe, representing the developer, addressed the commission regarding the proposed plat. The developer is aware that the subdivision is located in the Entry Overlay district. The drainage plan will be presented with the plans for the commercial site development. The plat will be presented as a sh01t form application. 7.Consideration and possible action regarding the preliminary plat for the Lowelands. At this time Chairman Burke excused himself from the dias. Vice-chairman Clark assumed the duties of chairman for the remainder of the meeting. Mr. Burk e addres sed the commission as the developer for the Lowelands. Mr. Burke stated that the following l 0/16/00 staff comments would be addressed on the final plat: Items a., c., f., g., i., j., m., o., and p. Mr. Burke also stated that item b. regarding lot 5 would be addressed with a plat note stating lot S's owner would not be allowed to build in the easement area. Mr. Burke took issue with the following 10/16/00 staff comments and asked that they be deleted or modified. They are as follows: Item d. 1. • geometric requirements to horizontal curves of roadway. Mr. Burke stated that he had agreed to widen the road by two feet and to do testing of the pavement showing that it meets or exceeds city paving standards for public streets. He also emphasized that this was a private lane and not a city collector street. He is concerned that the straightening of the roadway will require the destruction of 170 to 180 trees. He also believes the curves add to the safety of the street in slowing traffic. Item d. 2. · 1000 ft. length of road way requirement of July 20, 2000 subdiv ision modification. Mr. Burke stated that at the meeting in which the modification was granted, the distance of 1,000 ft. given by his representative was inaccurate. 2 10/19/00 P&Z f 11 [ Items d. 3. & 4. - turning radius at the gate and entry way widths. Mr. Burke explained that the turning radius requested by the 7 /20/00 subdivision modification would make the entry way greater than 70 ft. His solution was to not to close the entry gates at any time. The street will remain private but will no longer be gated. Mr. Burke also questioned any existing policies on entry widths citing Parkwood Village, the Park, and Autumn Creek, Section Nine as having varying requirements. Item e. -separation ofreverse curves by 100 feet. Item h. -10 ft. easements along rear lot lines and side lot lines. Item k -traffic signalization; Item l -requested clarification on number oflots effected by Park Ordinance; Item n. -disallowance of garage apartments. Motion: Second: Bertrand -to approve the Preliminary Plat Samson Commissioner Bertrand questioned staff regarding the issues of radius and curves. He asked for clarification as to where these items are listed in Friendswood Ordinances. Mr. Dominguez answered that these specifications could be found in the City's Design Criteria. Safety concerns were expressed by Tom Samson and Bob Bertrand regarding possible blind spots due to the curves of the street. Mr. Burke stated that the H.O.A. would have insurance in place and no motorized recreational vehicles would be allowed per H.O.A. restrictions. Street lighting will also be provided although lights will not be mounted on poles. Commissioner Clark expressed concern over the loss of trees to the community should the road way be straightened. The city attorney recommended review of the subdivision modi fication granted on July 20, 2000 regarding any latitude in some of the issues raised by staff. Mr. Burke related that staff's original recommendation was to rezone to a P.U.D. but was later counseled to request a subdiv ision modification. Commissioner Bertrand requested clarification on P.U.D. zoning and was read the definition by the City Attorney. Amended Motion: Second: Vote for: Bertrand -to table consideration until the applicant and staff can review staff comments. Aalund Unanimous 3 10/19/00 P&Z Motion Carried Commissioner Bertrand would also like a report on the safety issues raised during discussion from staff. With no further comment the meeting was adjourned. " Diana Steelquist Community Development Coordinator 4 10/19/00 P&Z