HomeMy WebLinkAboutP&Z Minutes 2004-01-05 Special[ ] [ l l Minutes of a Special Meeting of the Friendswo od Planning and Zoning Commission January 5, 2004 A special meeting of the "Friendswood Planning and Zoning Commission was held Monday, January 5, 2004, at 4:00 p.m. at the Friendswood Chamber of Commerce located at ll00A S. Friendswood Drive, Friendswood, Texas. The following members were present: Bob Be1irand David Brakebill Michele Brekke Tom Burke Jim Gibson Kevin Holland Steve Y eretsky Ron Cox-City Manager Tracy Goza-Council Liaison Mike Hodge -Director of CD and PW Dan Johnson -Deputy Director of CD Diana Steelquist -Planner Cheri Skelton-Develo pment Coordinatqr With a quorum present, Chairman Bertrand called the Planning & Zoning Retreat session to order to discuss the following: Call to order: 1.Planning retreat facilitated by the Management Connection. Facilitator Joe Gonzalez of the Management Connection established four essential goals for the retreat to be met before adjourning. Those goals were: 1.Establish a working philosophy of Planning & Zoning' s role within the Council's expectations and goals. · ,✓. 2.Define working relationships between Planning & Zoning, Council, Staff and other entities. 3.Establish short and long term goals. 4.Establish Next Steps to accomplish goals. After discussion amongst the Commissioners, it was determined that their current working philosophy is: 1.They have a Project-to-Project focus (more focused on issues/agenda at hand). 2.They look at laws and applications to determine case-by-case agenda items. 3.Commissioners feel they are more reactive than proactive. 4.The development process has improved over the past few years. 5.They would like the ability to do more proactive work and to make specific request from Council regarding perimeters. Page 1 of 4 1/5/04 P&Z In addition, it was dete1mined that the desired working philosophy of the Planning & Zoning Commission is as follows: 1.To have the ability to do more planning. 2.Be more proactive than reactive. 3.Be the central entity for groups (liaisons). Ask Council to implement an active liaison relationship between such committees as .ZBOA, CEDC,-CAB. 4.Help innovate to get around problems. 5.Have a communication plan. 6.Work for Win-Win situations. 7.Be balanced as a Commission. 8.Bring good ideas to Council. 9.Create a score card to dete1mine if goals are being met and are consistent with Council goals. 10.To have common vision and point of focus. 11.To advise, encourage and help. After discussions about current and desired working philosophy, the Commissioners identified the following as key components of the new working philosophy: 1.Focus on planning and be proactive. 2.Apply laws in a balanced way. 3.Be a resource/consultant to bring resolution to issues. 4.Set standards (planning view/vision) in guidelines, ordinances and regulations. 5.Bring issues as future agenda items. 6.The Commission will utilize Staff more to make recommendations for changes that Planning & Zoning will respond to and make changes as needed. Mr. Gonzalez asked the Commissioners' what they expected from others. The Commissioners' stated the following list of items that they expected: 1.To be educated. 2.To have effective communication. 3.To have the oppo1tunity for input/feed�ack. 4.To resolve spot issues. 5.For council to set a course direction. 6.Feedback should be received in more official form. 7.Vision, clear goals, objectives, measures provided to Planning & Zoning by Council.·8. Information rep01t to be shared committee to committee via email. 9.Staff needs to understand council vs. Planning & Zoning role. 10.Would like staff to be liaison to all groups with common information to share. Page 2 of 4 1/5/04 P&Z r i [ ! l J Mr. Gonzalez hen asked the Commissioners what they thought others expected from them.. The Commissioners felt the following list is what is expected from the Planning �nd Zoning Commission: 1.To provide information and knowledge. 2.Council should expect Planning & Zoning to define Commissioner's roles. 3.Staff expects Planning & Zoning to follow councils' direction. 4.To be prepared for meetings. 5.Come to Staff prior to meetings for information, clarification, and research. 6.Mutual respect. 7.Mutual building of trust. In conclusion, the Planning & Zoning Commissioners decided on several; short­ term (1-year) goals to be met. These goals are as follows: 1.Update and adopt Comprehensive Plan by Planning & Zoning. 2.Establish a mission statement for Planning & Zoning. 3.Develop and improve cross communication plan between all city committees, commissions, Council and staff. 4.Complete & adopt the Tree Ordinance by Planning & Zoning, (Separate construction site plan management procedures in Design Criteria Manual). 5.Develop feedback system/HOA input. 6.Improve Planning & Zoning Commissioner training. 7.Update Plat policy regarding sidewalks. 8.Update Sign Ordinance.. 9.Engage Planning & Zoning in EOD/DOD/Main street activities. 10.Convert Planning & Zoning to electronic format. 11.Funding for AP A training for Community Economic Development Committee & Council. 12.Joint retreat with Council and Planning & Zoning. Three groups were organized consisting of Commissioners and Staff; three-year (3-year) goals were established. These goals are as follows: 1.Refine Vision 20/20. 2.Rezone _open space (Buyout Lots). 3.Revise Lighting Ordinance (Dark Skies). 4.Tree City USA designation. 5.Capital Improvement Program Review. 6.Main Street Implementation Plan. 7.Ordinance Review To· insure successful implementation of the working philosophy, relation expectations_, and short and long term goals which were identified during the Page 3 of 4 1/5/04 P&Z retreat, a plan to provide a process for follow up and accountability was developed by the Staff and agreed to by the Commissioners. These follow up and accountability steps are as follows: 1.Staff will consolidate retreat notes and goals by January 22, 2004. 2.Staff presentation of retreat notes to Planning & Zoning by January 22, 2004. 3.Review goals quruierly with Planning & Zoning in March, June, September and December. 4.Planning & Zoning report on retreat to Council, Febmruy 2, 2004. 5.Planning & Zoning report on progress of goals to Council (Quarterly). 6.Continue to have retreats annually. Mr. Gonzalez went through the four goals that were established at the beginning of the retreat and stated that all of the retreat goals were met. In addition, Mr. Gonzalez thanked everyone for their hard work and stated that the short-te1m goals established by the Planning & Zoning Commissioners were great goals and that Planning & Zoning should accomplish a lot this year. 2.Adjournment. With no further comments, the special meeting adjourned at 8:15 p.m. f-!Jr A;_ 3:-u:/-oxJ Chei Skelton Development Coordinator Page 4 of 4 1/5/04 P&Z