HomeMy WebLinkAboutP&Z Minutes 2004-12-16 Regularf Minutes of a Regular Meeting ofthe Friendswood Planning and Zoning Commission December 16, 2004 A regular meeting of the Friendswood Planning and Zoning Commission was held Thursday, December 16, 2004 at 7:00 p.m. in the city hall council chambers located at 910 S. Friendswood Drive, Friendswood, Texas. The following members were present: Bob Bertrand David Brakebill Jim Gibson Kevin Holland Roy Klusendorf Mark Van Riper Sherry Weesner David Smith-Council Liaison Loren Smith-City Attorney Dan Johnson-Deputy Director CD Cheri Skelton-Development Coordinator With a quorum present, Chairman Holland called the meeting to order to discuss the following: Regular Meeting: 1.Call to order 2.Administer the Oath of Office for the appointment of new Commissioner. Oaths of Office were administered to Mark Van Riper. 3.Communications from the public. No one from the public spoke at this time. 4.Consent Agenda: Motion: Second: A.Approval of the 12-2-04 special meeting minutes. B.Approval of the 12-2-04 regular meeting minutes. C.Approval of the 12-6-04 joint public hearing minutes. D.Approval of the Final Plat of the Lakes of Falcon Ridge, Section Two. Brakebill-to approve consent agenda. Gibson Commissioner Gibson stated that item "A" of the consent agenda should be removed due to the date of the meeting being incorrect. It should have read" 12-6-04 Special meeting minutes". Amended Motion: Brakebill-approve consent agenda with removal ofltem "A" Page 1 of 6 12/16/04 P & Z Second: Voted For: Gibson Unanimous Motion Carried 5.Consideration and possible action regarding request for a Specific Use Permit­ Limousine Service, for property located at 626 S. Friendswood Drive (FM 518), Stones Throw Shopping Center, Lot 14, Block 3, Friendswood Subdivision, Galveston County, Texas. Motion: Second: Brakebill-to approve Gibson Commissioner Weesner requested from the City Attorney clarification regarding Specific Use Permits (SUP). Commissioner Weesner expressed concerns with the number of limousines allowed on the property in lieu of the number of spaces in the strip center. Staff stated the Commission could limit the. number of limousines and parking spaces within the SUP if they choose. Commissioner Bertrand stated the he was concerned that the Commission was trying to govern the business. He also stated that many SUP's do not have limits on them and he was concerned that it would look like the Commission was picking on this particular business; however, he did understand the need for limits. Amended Motion: Weesner-Limit the number of Limousines to two on the property at any point and time. Second: Gibson Voted For: Gibson, Holland, Klusendorf, Van Riper, Weesner Voted Against: Bertrand, Brakebill Motion Carried 6.Consideration and possible action re garding Zone Classification change for 2.1556 acres located at 2000 West Parkwood (FM 528), Reserve "B" of Windsong Subdivision, from Single Family Residential (SFR) Specific Use Permit-Church (SUP-Church) to: Neighborhood Commercial (NC). Motion: Second: Brakebill-to approve Bertrand Commissioner Bertrand stated that a number of people came forward at the public hearing and some of the concerns mentioned such as the road, seemed outside the scope of the zone change request. In addition, Neighborhood Commercial (NC) is as low impact as possible to a neighborhood. He stated he was in favor of the zone change. Commissioner Van Riper stated he was also in favor of the zone change considering the property location is a viable location for commercial development. Commissioner Gibson asked Staff if there were anything in the Design Criteria Manual for the road (Windsong) to be widened if the zone change were granted. Staff stated that there was nothing in the Design Criteria Manual for that and it would be something that Page 2 of 6 12/16/04 P & Z [ I l l would be looked at during the Site Plan process. Commissioner Holland asked if a curb and gutter street with sidewalks would then be required. Staff stated that cunently sidewalks are being required on open ditch commercial projects but did not feel that curb and gutter would be required. Commissioner Klusendorf state he was against the re-zoning due to the traffic/safety concerns he had. Commissioner Weesner read a statement of the reasons she was against the rezoning. The statement indicated of the following: 1.Traffic to and from this property would enter and exit off of Windsong. 2.The traffic ingress/egress from Windsong onto FM 528 is already difficult due to the traffic light to the east and the school to the west. 3.The types of businesses allowed in Neighborhood Commercial (NC) are not appropriate in a residential neighborhood using a residential street for access. 4.Nejghborhood Commercial (NC) limits the office use to only 60 percent of the structure. 5.The homeowners would experience a loss in property value. 6.Concerns for safety, increase in noise, light pollution, and traffic issues. Commissioner Weesner did however give a suggest that the property owner create a Planned Unit Development (PUD) with limited possible uses and a Site Plan to minimize the impact of the commercial business on the neighborhood and other citizens of the city. Voted For: Bertrand, Brakebill, Gibson, Holland, Van Riper Voted Against: Klusendorf, Weesner Motion Carried 7.Conceptual Plan discussion regarding Largo Friendswood Subdivision located adjacent to Friendswood Lakes along FM 528. John Garner with Municipal Engineering and engineer for the project addressed the Commission. Mr. Garner stated that this is a Boyfsil tract next to Friendswood Lakes Subdivision, which he and the developer have had several meetings about developing. Mr. Garner stated that the prope1ty would remain in Mr. Bofysil's name. Chai rman Holland asked if the "Commercial Reserve" indicated on the Conceptual Plan would be platted at the same time as the part indicated as Single Family Residential. Mr. Banas, developer of the property, stated that the "Commercial Reserve" would be developed at the same time as the residential. Chairma n Holland then asked for comments from the Commission. Commission Weesner expressed concern with regards to the pipeline and the distance from the single-family lots. After further review of the Conceptual Plan with regards to the pipeline easement width, it was determined the Conceptual Plan indicated the wrong easement width. Commissioner Be1trand stated that there are a number of ponds shown on the Conceptual Plan. He asked Mr. Gamer if the ponds were wet and if so then the developer should coordinate with Staff to provide a safety access to the pond. Commissioner Be1trand asked if Mr. Garner would contact the Fire Marshall's office to Page 3 of 6 12/16/04 P & Z determine the city's needs if access to the ponds were needed. Commissioner Gibson agreed with Commissioner Bertrand with regards to access to the ponds. Commissioner Gibson also requested that the developer reconsider single family residential along Friendswood Lakes Boulevard (future Brittany Bay) to allow for commercial. 8.Consideration and possible action regarding the revision of the Master Drainage section of the Comprehensive Plan. Motion: Second: Gibson-to approve Bertrand Staff stated that this plan has been reviewed with consideration of Tropical Storm Allison. Staff also stated the main purpose of this plan is taking the study conducted by Claunch and Miller in 1993, and. incorporating it in the city's current Comprehensive Plan. Our cutTent Comprehensive Plan took 20 of the 200 worse flooding areas within the City of Friendswood and showed a summary of those areas. The goal with the revision to this section of the Comprehensive Plan is to show which twelve areas have been addressed and what areas are left to be addressed. Some of the Commi ssioners felt very strongly that an ongoing list of areas should be created. It was felt that the 8 currently remaining items should not be specified within the Comprehensive Plan. It was suggested the verbiage should be created so as to indicate an ongoing list exists of problem drainage areas. This will allow the areas with drainage problems to be added to the list as needed without revising the Master Drainage Section of the Comprehensive Plan every time. Commissioner Be11rand, asked in addition to a list being kept of problem drainage areas, that a yearly report should go to City Council that prioritizes that list of drainage problem areas, and what steps have been taken to mitigate for those d1;ainage problems. Commissioner Bertrand stated he understood that the Comprehensive Plan is not revised but every so many years, in this case 10 years. He felt that singling out the 8 remaining drainage areas on the list developed by the consultant is unfair to the people in the areas who are cmTently experiencing drainage problems. Not recognizing all areas that have flooding because they are not on the city's list is offensive. Voted For: Brakebill, Gibson, Holland, Klusendorf, Van Riper Voted Against: Be11rand, Weesner Motion Carried 9.Discussion and possible action regarding amendments to the Sign Ordinance. Motion: Second: Amended Motion: Brakebill-to approve Gibson Weesner-to remove item The Amended Motion died for lack of a second. Page 4 of 6 12/16/04 P & Z l Commissioner Weesner stated she had expected a memo from City Council indicating what changes they wanted to the proposed revision of the Sign Ordinance. Staff explained a memo would not come from City Council. Instead Staff listed five items that City Council requested Planning and Zoning reconsider. Those items are as follows: 1.To not require notarization of sign pe1mit request. 2.To not require a fee and permit for garage sale signs. 3.Consider lowering the time a sign is allowed to change from 45 seconds. 4.Reconsider not allowing a sign to blink , flash, scroll or be animated.5.Reconsider not allowing a sign to have multiple colors. Concerns from several Commissioners were with regards to the amount of time a sign changes and the ability of scrolling, flashing, or blinking of a sign. After discussion of each of the above listed items, the following changes were made to the recommendation to City Council. 1.Sign permits request will not be required to be notarized. 2.A fee will not be assessed or a permit required to have a garage sale sign. 3.No change-remained 45 seconds for allowing text change. 4.No change-signs are still not allowed to blink, flash, scroll or be animated. 5.Colors may only change every 45 seconds with the text change. Voted For: Brak ebill, Gibson, Holland, Klusendorf, Van Riper, Weesner Voted Against: Bertrand Motion Carried 10.Communications from the Commission Chairman Holland welcomed Mark Van Riper as a new Planning and Zoning Commissioner. Commissioner Bertrand stated there was an error in the minutes that were approved earlier in the meeting. The 12-2-04 regular meeting minutes when he was discussing the retreat goals and self-examination, Commissioner Bertrand explained the last sentence should be read: "He also explained he would like to see more focus put forth on the quality of the goal rather than the quantity of the goal." Commissioner Gibson stated he attended the Main Street Committee meeting. He explained that there were two critical issues for this project. The first is drainage issues and the second is what governmental funding is available for the project. Commissioner Gibson stated that zoning issues must be addressed, but will be at a later date. Commissioner K.lusendorf stated he attended the December City Council meeting. During the meeting the second reading for the West Ranch was on the agenda, but was table. Commissioner Klusendorf also stated the owner of the Shell Station at the corner of Page 5 of 6 12/16/04 P & Z FM 518 and FM 23 51 addressed the City Council. The owner of the Shell Station had stated that he felt he was mislead by Staff. He appealed to the City Council for assistance in order to renovate and add onto his property. Commissioner Weesner requested that either at the retreat or a future meeting the Permitted Use Table be discussed. Chairman Holland then wished the Commissioners a Happy New Year. 11.Repo1is a.Council Liaison Council Liaison Smith stood at the podium to address the Commission. He wished the Commission a happy holiday and welcomed Commissioner Van Riper. He also stated as a new liaison he has a greater appreciation for what the Planning and Zoning Commission does. He thanked the Commission for the Mayor and City Council for the volunteer time that each of the Commissioners give the city. b.Staff Staff reported in the near future the Commission would review a three prui-training module on pre parin g a Comprehensive Plan. Each module is 1 ½ hours long. In addition Staff stated the retreat would be scheduled for the Commission after the City Council retreat. Staff also reminded the Commission of a Joint Public Hearing and Workshop taking place on January 3, 2005. The workshop would be over Si gns and the Joint Public Hearing would be over Cluster Homes, Sign Ordinance, and a rezoning request. 12.Adjournment With no further comment the meeting was adjourned at 9:27 p.m. Page 6 of 6 12/16/04 P & Z