HomeMy WebLinkAboutP&Z Minutes 2004-10-07 Regularl i Minutes of a Regular Meeting of the Friendswood Planning and Zoning Commission October 7, 2004 A regular meeting of the Friendswood Planning and Zoning Commission was held Thursday, October 7, 2004 at 7:00 p.m. in the city hall council chambers located at 910 S.Friendswood Driv e, Friendswood, Texas. The following members were present: Bob Be1trand David Brakebill Tom Burke Jim Gibson Kevin Holland Roy Klusendorf Sherry Weesner Loren Smith-City Attorney Dan Johnson-Deputy Director of CD Diana Steelquist-Planner Cheri Skelton-Development Coordinator With a quorum present, Chainnan Bertrand called the meeting to order to discuss the following: Call to order: Regular Meeting: 1.Consideration and possible action regarding the selection of chairman and vice­ chairman. Chairman Be1trand stated he was leaving as chairman but is pleased and honored to have been chai1man. He also stated that, as chairman, he had wished to have completed some goals such as the Tree Preservation Ordinance, Sign Ordinance, and he had wished to work on a-Sound Ordinance. He is pleased, however, to have been pait of the Whitcomb prope1ty and the West prope1ty and is excited about the changes they bring to Friendswood. He thanked members of Planning and Zoning, Staff, and City Council. He was especially thankful to former Mayor, Harold Whitaker, Mayor Brizendine, and most imp01tantly his wife. Commissioner Gibson nominated Commissi <?ner Holland for Chaiiman, seconded by Commissioner Weesner. Commissioner Burke nominated Commissioner Gibson for Chairman, seconded by Commissioner Brakebill. Commissioner Gibson declined the nomination. Voted For Commissioner Holland as Chairman-Bertrand, Brakebill, Gibson, Holland, Klusendorf, and W_eesner. Voted For Commissioner Gibson as Chahman-Burke Commissioner Holland-Chairman Page 1 of 7 10/7/04 P & Z Chairman Holland nominated Commissioner Gibson as Vice-Chairman, seconded by Commissioner Klusendorf. Commissioner Burke nominated Commissioner Brakebill, seconded by Commissioner Weesner. Commissioner Brakebill declined the nomination. Voted for Commissioner Gibson for Vice-Chairman-Bertrand, Brakebill, Burke, Gibson, Holland, Klusendorf, Weesner. Commission Gibson-Vice-Chahman 2.Communications from the Commission. Commissioner Bertrand stated he attended a meeting with all committees. Some important issues discussed were the city strategy, defining and understanding 80/20 concept, quicker ordinance development, and positive Commission images. He also stated Mayor Brizendine brought up issues such as better efforts of communication, be hard on issues and soft on people, and the city's vision 2020. Commissioner Bertrand reminded the Commission of a dinner to be held on October 19 th for all committees. He also stated that the Planning and Zoning Commission should consider a booth during the 4 th of July, so that the citizens can get better acquainted with the Commission. Commissioner Burke explained he and Copunissioner Bertrand has been working on the Tree Preservation Ordinance for the last four years. He stated he felt since Commissioner Bertrand has a lot of knowledge and information regarding all the years dedicated to this, he should continue to work with the sub-committee to get this ordinance in place. Commissioner Burke also stated he would like to have the electronic agenda process made an agenda item for discussion at a future meeting. In addition, Commissioner Burke added that he had attended the Galveston County Consolidated Drainage District (GCCDD) meeting. He explained that before he attended the meeting, he had written a letter to the GCCDD regarding tree preservation and construction of hike and bike trails. Commissioner Burke reported that it seems the GCCDD does not intend to do anything with regards to these issues. The GCCDD feels that these items are ordinance issues and they do not govern by ordinances. Commissioner Gibson thanked Commissioner Bertrand and Commissioner Burke for their leadership and congratulated Chairman Holland on his new position. He also stated that he was disturbed about the agenda being totally electronic and explained it was not always convenient to come to City Hall to go over the reading file. Commissioner Klusendorf thanked Commissioner Be1trand and Commissioner Burke. He also expressed desire to have paper copies of drawings. Page 2 of 7 10/7/04 P & Z I : l Commissioner Brakebill thanked Commissioner Be1trand and Commissioner Burke and congratulated Chaiiman Holland. Commissioner Weesner thanked Commissioner Bertrand and Commissioner Burke and congratulated Chairman Holland. She also agreed with other Commissioners that access to paper drawings should be discussed. She explained that getting to City Hall is not always possible and if a reading file is necessary, then consideration should be given to it being at a location such as the City Library that stays open later than City Hall. In addition, Commissioner Weesner asked Staff to prepare a short lecture on how the city gets tax revenue and how it collects. She also asked Staff to work on gathering information for such items as Texas Coastland rules and how they apply to the City of Friendswood; the city's 80/20 vision with regards tax revenue, and real information on how land is designated. Commissioner Weesner wanted to make the Commission aware of newspaper aiticles she had read with regards to items that will eventually be before the Commission. One was with regards to Cluster Home developments and fire spreading easily if homes are allowed to be built six feet apart. The other is with regards to the Tree Preservation Ordinance and requiring a variety of trees to be planted since disease spreads easily when several trees of the same species ai·e planted. Chairman Holland thanked everyone for his new position. He also thanked Commissioner Bertrand and Burke for their motivation and hard work. He also stated that if possible he would like to have Commissioner Be1trand continue on the Tree Preservation Committee. 3.Communications from the public. Ed Sherill, #5 Windsong addressed the Commission. Mr. Sherill expressed his concerns regai·ding a roadway or emergency exit that could be constructed between Windsong Subdivision and Sun Meadow Sub division. Mr. Sherill stated he does not want the interconnectivity between the two subdivisions. He also stated that if his request does not go through and the roadway is put it place then curb and gutter street should be required to be constructed through the entire subdivision by the developer. 4.Consent Agenda: A.Approval of the 9-13-04 public heai-ing meeting minutes. B.Approval of the 9-16-04 regulai· meeting minutes. Motion: Second: Be1trand-to approve Brakebill Commissioner Weesner asked for each item of the consent agenda to be taken off for discussion. Page 3 of 7 10/7/04 P & Z Commissioner Weesner stated that Item "B" of the consent agenda, page 4, item 6 motion refers to her by her first name and should be by her last name. Commissioner Burke also stated within Item "B" of the consent agenda, page 1, Item 1, the second sentence should read: He also stated that GCCDD was in agreement on attending a workshop with Planning and Zoning with regards to regional detention. Amended Motion: Second: Voted For: Weesner-to approve Item "B" with changes Gibson Unanimous Motion Carried Commissioner Weesner stated that Item "A" of the consent agenda, page 1, iteml, third sentence should read: The property had always been designated by the developer to be for commercial use and had been constructed within a master plan when the development of Friendswood Lakes Subdivision began. Amended Motion: Second: Voted For: Tabled Items: Weesner-to approve Item "A" with changes Brakebill Unanimous Motion Carried 5.Consideration and possible action regarding Zone Classification change for prope1ty located along the 3900 Block of West Bay Area Boulevard. A.From Single Family Residential (SFR) to Multifamily Residential-Garden Home District (MFR-GHD), Tract 2, 45.8541 acre tract, John Dickinson Survey Abstract 15, Harris County, TX. B.From Multi-Family Residential-Garden Home District (MFR-GHD), to Planned Unit Development-Cluster Home (PUD-Cluster Home), Tract 2, 45.8541 acre tract, John Dickinson Survey Abstract 15, Harris County, TX. Motion: Second: Voted For: Be1trand-to take item off table. Weesner Unanimous Motion Carried This item was tabled at the last meeting in order to ask the City Attorney if a hike and bike trail can be required of the developer in order for approval. The City Page 4 of? 10/7/04 P & Z I I Attorney stated that the construction of the hike and bike trail or access to the property couldn't be made a requirement for approval. Some Commissioners still expressed that it would be beneficial to tie-in the hike/bike trail system along Clear Creek proposed by the adjacent development in the West Ranch. Dick Duffy, 8584 Katy Freeway, addressed the Commission regarding his project. Mr. Duffy presented a new Site Plan clearly identifying the privacy gates to the development, fencing, landscape buffer and the emergency access will be installed. The Commission also expressed the need for access to the detention pond for safety reasons. Mr. Duffy stated that enough access would be provided for safety vehicles. The Commission believes that, due to the amount of area located in wetlands and or the flood way, the proposed land plan using a cluster home design is logical and efficient. Motion: Second: Voted For: Regular Meeting: Gibson-to approve zone classification change Weesner Unanimous 6.Consideration and possible action regarding the Commercial Site Plan for Calvary Chapel Church located at 1409 S. Friendswood Dr. Motion: Second: Weesner-to approve Gibson Commissioner Be1trand asked Staff if it was the intent with the request if approved to bring the front of the property into compliance with the Entryway Overlay District (EOD) requirements including the sign? Staff stated the new portion that the prope1ty would be in compliance with the crnTent ordinance requirements; the existing building is not being changed so no changes have been requested. Commissioner Bertrand stated that he felt the plan was one plan and not two and he would like to see the whole property come into compliance. Commissioner Burke asked if permission by the pipeline has given for the paving within their easement. Jim Weaver, Demar Engineering, representative for Calvary Chapel Church addressed the Commission. Mr. Weaver stated that the pipeline had given permission and he explained that not all of the pipeline easement would be paving. Commissioner Bmke asked if Mr. Weaver understood that the paving would be the only thing being given approval, and not the proposed futme building shown on the plans. Mr. Weaver stated he understood that from Staff. Commissioner Burke continued to say that the site, by virtue of the EOD, has non-conforming issues, such as setbacks and landscaping buffers, and must be brought up to conformance for approval. Staff stated that the property is two separate tracts and the new p01tion is being brought up to Page 5 of 7 10/7/04 P & Z compliance with the EOD. The existing tract was not required to come into compliance; however, new landscaping along the front of the existing tract was provided by Staff's request. Mr. Weaver stated that Staff requested the landscaping be extended along the existing property. Staff stated that when the building was to be built then the property must be platted and come into compliance. Commissioner Weesner stated that the existing property is cunently legal non-conforming. She asked Staff if there are additional non-conforming issues other than the sign and the landscaping buffer. Staff stated possibly a rear landscaping buffer and landscaping buffer along Blackhawk. Some Commissioners felt that the prope1ty should be considered as one and not two pieces of property and should be brought up to EOD requirements. Commissioner Bertrand stated that he would like for the City Attorney to provided clarification on this prope1ty whether it should be considered one piece of prope1ty or two. Commissioner Bertrand also felt a legal interpretation is needed to determine at what threshold a prope1ty owner is required to bring their property up to confmmance when it is a legal non-conforming use. Amended Motion: Gibson-to table item for legal advice Second: Weesner Voted For: Be1trand, Brakebill, Burke, Gibson, Holland, and Weesner Voted Against: Klusendorf Motion to Table Carried 7.Consideration and possible action regarding the amending of Commercial Site Plan for Friendswood Retail Center located at corner of FM 528 and FM 518. Prior to the meeting, the applicant requested for this item to be removed from the agenda. 8.Discussion regarding Conceptual Plan for commercial property reserves located on FM 528 at Friendswood Lakes Subdivision. Mitch Mitchell, Altair Development, addressed the Commission._ Mr. Mitchell presented visuals of the proposed project and gave a history of his intentions for the development which dated back to the late 1990's. He stated that he did not yet have any tenants lined up for the property. Mr. Mitchell's intention is to rezone the prope1ty from Single Family Residential (SFR) to Community Shopping Center (CSC). He also asked the Commissioners for their input on the proposed project. The Commissioners seemed very receptive to the development, but asked Mr. Mitchell to take into consideration making the project pedestrian friendly by adding walk ways for those who live within the Friendswood Lakes Subdivision. Commissioner Burke stated he felt that Mr. Mitchell should rezone the property to a Planned Unit Development (PUD) since it has not been determined what type of tenants will occupy the property. Mr. Mitchell stated that he and his business prutner felt the CSC zone was the proper zone at this time. Page 6 of 7 10/7/04 P & Z 9.Rep01ts A.Staff Staff repo1ted on the city spon sored rezoning land swap that took place between the City of Friendswood and League City. Staff stated that it was time to move forward with the rezoning of 50 to 60 acres of prope1ty acquired from that transaction. Staff also explained that cost had been the reason for the delay. The zoning being considered is from Single Family Residential (SFR) to Community Shopping Center (CSC) and Business Park (BP). Staff stated that the paperless agenda does need to be an upcoming agenda item for discussion. Staff also announced a workshop on Cluster Homes will be on October 21, 2004. This workshop may also include the Comprehensive Land Use Plan and the Sign Ordinance. Staff stated a training CD could be purchased for the Commission. At the retreat held on October 7, 2004, Vision 2020 was discussed as a guiding document for the city. B. Liaisons No one spoke at this time. 10.Adjournment With no further comment the meeting was adjourned at 9:50 p.m. ordinator Page 7 of7 10/7/04 P & Z