HomeMy WebLinkAboutP&Z Minutes 2006-09-07 RegularI
Minutes of a Regular Meeting
Of the
Friendswood Planning and Zoning Commission
September 7, 2006
Minutes of a regular meeting of the Friendswood Planning and Zoning Commission held
Thursday, September 7, 2006, at 7:00 p.m. in the City Hall Council Chambers located at 910 S.
Friendswood Drive, Friendswood, Texas. The following was considered:
1.Call to orde1;
The meeting was called to order at 7:06 p.m. with the following present:
Jim Gibson
Sherry Weesner
Eugene Hammett
Kevin Holland
Diana Steelquist -Staff Planner
Mona Miller -Development Coordinator
Jim Hill -Council Liaison
Roy Klusendorf 7 :27 p.m.
Commissioners Bob Bertrand and Mark Van Riper were absent.
2.To receive public input, either oral or written regarding:
A.Final Park 518 Reserve "B" Replat and Addition located at the intersection of FM
518 and FM 528.
Dan King of Kandiland Daycare, I 04 Victoria, spoke in opposition. He stated that
the current condition of the detention area is unacceptable. He explained that it has
very high weeds and mosquitoes. Mr. King stated that he is considering installing a
6' wood fence due to complaints from his clients.
3.Communication from the public/committee liaisons.
4.Consent Agenda:
a.Approval of the 8-17-06 Regular meeting minutes.
b.Approval of the 8-21-06 Special meeting minutes.
Motion: Weesner -to remove August 21, 2006 minutes from consent agenda.
Second: Holland
Voted For: Unanimous
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Motion Carried
Motion: Holland -to approve the August 17, 2006 minutes as submitted.
Second: Gibson
Voted For: Unanimous Motion Carried
Commissioner Weesner expressed her disagreement with the way that Item #3 on the
August 21, 2006 minutes was written. She stated that it sounds like there was a
consensus of Council on the direction of the committee. She explained, however, that
she did not agree that there was a consensus, but that there were different comments and
opinions from several Councilmembers.
Chairperson Holland asked Commissioner Weesner to draft verbiage that she would be
comfortable with for this item. Conunissioner Weesner agreed.
Motion: Gibson -to table August 21, 2006 minutes
Second: Hammett
Voted For: Unanimous Motion Carried
5.Consideration and possible action regarding amending the Zoning Ordinance of the City
of Friendswood Appendix C, to allow certain special exceptions for gas stations located
within the Original Business District (OBD).
Commissioner Weesner explained that she is opposed to recommending these changes to
City Council for _three reasons: 1) These amendments will not bring the tlu-ee existing
stations into compliance, 2) The current marketing strategy for gas stations is for large
gas stations with many pumps and convenience stores and 3) She feels that these
amendments should be reconsidered after the downtown zoning has been decided.
Motion: Gibson -to recommendation to City Council the proposed amendments as
Second: Holland
Voted For: 3 to 1 (Weesner opposed) Motion Carried
6.Consideration and possible action regarding the Preliminary Plat of Stonecreek at West
Ranch, Section Two.
Commissioner Weesner explained that she did not receive any staff recommendation
letters. Ms. Steelquist read staff comments and stated that they do have preliminary
approval from the drainage district.
Motion: Weesner -to approve with staff conunents
Second: Holland
Conunissioner Weesner asked Jeff Anderson with Friendswood Development Company
about GCCDD Note #2 stating that the maintenance would be the responsibility of the
property owner. Commissioner Weesner asked who the property owner is.
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I ; Mr. Anderson explained that note is being changed to state that the management
company will maintain those areas.
Commissioner Weesner asked about GCCDD Note #5 regarding plantings in side lot
drainage easements. Mr. Anderson explained that the drainage district does not allow
anything to be planted in the 3' side drainage easements on each lot. Ms. Steelquist
stated that this is a standard drainage district plat note.
Amended Motion: Weesner -to approve with staff comments and the addition of stating
that the management company will maintain easements, reserves, etc.
Second: Gibson
Voted For: Unanimous Motion Carried
7.Consideration and possible action regarding the Preliminary Plat of Creekside at West
Ranch Section Two.
Motion: Weesner -to approve with staff comments and the addition of stating that the
management company will maintain easements, reserves, etc.
Second: Gibson
Voted For: Unanimous Motion Carried
8.Consideration and possible action regarding approval of a bond for the construction of
sidewalks within platted reserves in Creekside at West Ranch Section One, Stonecreek at
West Ranch Section One, Estates of West Ranch Section One.
Ms. Steelquist explained that the ordinance requires that sidewalks are installed prior to
Council's approval of the plat. In this subdivision, she added that there are extensive
sidewalks and trails throughout the reserves. The development is asking to provide a
bond to the City, instead of building the sidewalks now. She stated that they would like
to get all of their landscaping and sprinkler system in prior to installing the sidewalks.
Chairperson Holland asked Mr. Anderson about another agreement that they had made
with the City regarding sidewalks. Mr. Anderson explained that they have agreed to
install sidewalks within their property along one side of Bay Area in the Autumn Creek
subdivision. Commissioner Weesner questioned whether the sidewalk would be built on
both sides of Bay Area. Mr. Anderson said that their agreement with the City was only
for one side of the street. Chairperson Holland commended the developer for taking on
this responsibility.
Ms. Steelquist stated that the proposed bond amount has been figured at four dollars per
foot of sidewalk. Chairperson Holland mentioned that concrete and rebar prices are
increasing. He suggested setting the bond amount at five dollars per foot. Mr. Anderson
Motion: Hanunett -to approve with change to five dollars per foot of sidewalk on bond
Second: Weesner
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Voted For: Unanimous Motion Carried
Commissioner Klusendorf entered the meeting at 7:27 pm.
9.Consideration and possible action regarding Commercial Site Plan of Calvary Chapel
Ms. Steelquist explained that most of the comments from the September 5, 2006 memo
have been addressed with new drawings. She stated that even though the building
exceeds the normal allowed building height, the ordinance allows additional height for
stage towers and scenery lofts.
Motion: Gibson -to approve with staff comments
Second: Weesner
Voted For: Unanimous Motion Carried
10.Discussion and possible action regarding the Commercial Site Plan approval process.
Chairperson Holland explained that when the Commission considered staff approving
Commercial site plans previously, he was concerned about staffing levels. However,
now he believes that staff can handle this review themselves, without Planning and
Zoning's review. Commissioner Weesner stated that the process works fine just as it is.
She expressed concern for ·staff overlooking issues on the site plans that Planning and
Zoning might notice. Commissioner Klusendorf agreed with Commissioner Weesner's
Motion: Holland -to allow staff to review and approve commercial site plans only.
The motion failed due to lack of a second.
11.Communications from the Cornn1ission.
a.CAB report from Kevin Holland
Ms. Steelquist stated that Chairperson Holland provided an agenda and previous minutes
for the Community Appearance Board meeting that he attended.
a.Council Liaison
b.Staff -DRC report, Release of Right-of-Way to Dr. Larry Smith, Upcoming
American Planning Association Conference October 18-21, Liaison Schedule
Ms. Steelquist mentioned that a DRC report and the Liaison schedule is attached for
the Commission's review. She also informed the Commission of the upcoming Texas
AP A Conference in Corpus Christi in October. She encouraged any Commissioners
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who could attend to do so. In addition, Ms. Steelquist gave an update on the release
of Right of Way with Dr. Smith.
The meeting adjourned at 7:42 p.m.
OC}.ro� Mona Miller
Development Coordinator
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