HomeMy WebLinkAboutP&Z Minutes 2006-06-01 RegularI
Minutes of a Regular Meeting
Of the
Friendswood Planning and Zoning Commission
June 1, 2006
A regular meeting of the Friendswood Planning and Zoning Conunission was held Thursday,
June 1 2006, at 7:00 p.m. in the council chambers in city hall located at 910 S. Friendswood
Drive, Friendswood, Texas. The following members were present:
Jim Gibson
Kevin Holland
Roy Klusendorf
Mark Van Riper
Sheny Weesner
Diana Steelquist-Staff Planner
Rhonda Baker -Administrative Assistant
John Olson-City Attorney
With a quorum present, Commissioners Brakebill and Bertrand absent, Chairman Holland called
the meeting to order to discuss the following:
1.Call to order at 7:05 p.m.
2.Communication from the public/committee liaisons.
No one spoke at this time.
3.Consent Agenda:
a.Approval of the 5-18-06 Regular meeting minutes.
b.Approval of the final plat of the Collier Estates Subdivision located at 915
Falling Leaf Drive.
Motion: Weesner -to remove Item b. from the Consent Agenda
Second: Van Riper
Voted For: Unanimous Motion Carried
Motion: Jim Gibson -to approve the consent agenda item a.
Second: Sherry Weesner
Voted For: Unanimous Motion Carried
Motion: Weesner -to approve Item b., 5-18-06 minutes, with the following revisions:
The motion made under Item 5 should read "Further, the revised document
shall be subject to the review and approval of the City Attorney and City
Engineer prior to acceptance." And under Item 6, Commissioner
Weesner's comments should read "Commissioner Weesner confirmed
with Staff that there were no apparent safety issues with the redesign of
the parking and drive aisles and that the changes had been reviewed and
approved by the Staff responsible for looking at safety issues. "
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Second: Gibson
Voted For: Unanimous Motion Carried
4.Consideration and possible action regarding the vacating of the Forestwood
Subdivision, being 3.2895 acres recorded under Harris County Film Code 350061, and
being out of Reserve "A" Forest Creek, Volume 238, Page 50 H.C.M.R., Friendswood,
Harris County, Texas.
Motion: Sheny Weesner -to approve
Second: Kevin Holland
Voted For: Unanimous Motion Carried
Commissioner Weesner confirmed with Staff that the attached metes & bounds and
documentation clearly defined what area and subdivision was being vacated.
5.Consideration and possible action regarding the Final Plat of West Ranch Reserves
A&B located in the West Ranch Management District.
Motion: Sheny Weesner -to approve with staff comments
Second: Jim Gibson
Voted For: Unanimous Motion Can-ied
6.Consideration and possible action regarding the Final Plat of the Terra Bella Subdivision
located off W. Bay Area Blvd.
Motion: Jim Gibson -to approve with staff comments (sidewalks on Bay Area Blvd.
Second: Sherry Weesner
Voted For: Unanimous Motion Carried
Mr. Richard Duffy, developer, addressed the Commission. He stated his concerns that
sidewalks along the Bay Area Blvd. right-of-way would not be connected to any other
sidewalks and would require the removal of several trees. Conm1issioner Weesner noted
that sidewalks might be connected at a later date, particularly as a park was planned off
that side of Bay Area Blvd.
7.Consideration and possible action regarding the Preliminaiy Plat of the Kenneth Camp
Subdivision (Fire Station #4) located at the intersection of Woodlawn and W. Heritage
Motion: Sheny Weesner-to approve with staff comments
Second: Mark Van Riper
Voted For: Holland, Van Riper, Gibson, Weesner
Voted against: Klusendorf Motion Carried
Commissioner Klusendorf stated his concern that a large reserve on the plat was being
used for detention purposes. He be lieves regional detention should be used if it is
available. Staff noted that the costs for regional detention where higher than if on-site
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detention were provided for this development. The detention will not only serve the new
fire station but also the commercial tract being offered for sale by the City.
8.Discussion and possible action regarding Specific Use Permit and Commercial Site Plan
documentation requirements.
Commission Weesner would like staff to prepare a draft ordinance which would just
modify the documentation requirements for a Specific Use Permit. She reasoned that
Commercial Site Plans being reviewed by Staff and the Commission would already be at
the end of the development process and would need final drainage and utility plans.
9.Discussion and possible action regarding setbacks for accessory structures.
This topic relates to pools as accessory structures. Staff noted that there already exist
some specific performance measures related to the location of swimming pools in the
Zoning Ordinance. The Commission considered safety issues associated with pools
adjacent to utility easements and fences. Ms. Janis Lowe was asked to address the
Commission with her comments. Ms. Lowe understood that most pools would have a 3
to 4 foot'decking around the pool. Commissioner Weesner noted that there were more
residential lots in Friendswood which had smaller Garden Home or Cluster Home size lot
area, smaller than the traditional Single Family Residential lot. Providing a smaller set
back for pools on these lots seemed logical. Providing a smaller set back for pools would
make pool construction on theses lots easier. Commissioner Weesner felt a 5-foot set
back was sufficient to protect foundations for fences or other structures and adjoining
property. The City Attorney stated that this change will not allow pools to be built in
utility or other easements. The Commission requests that a memo be prepared and
forwarded to the Council requesting a joint public hearing.
Motion: Weesner-to\·equest a change to the Zoning Ordinance to allow a special
exception for the location of swimming pools in the required rear
yard to be as close as five feet from the rear lot line.
Second: Gibson
Vote for: Unanimous Motion Carried
10.Discussion and possible action regarding special exceptions for gas stations.
Staff provided a matrix of the 14 gas stations within the City limits. The matrix indicated
if the stations had canopies, if the canopies or other structures on the site met current set
back requirements, if driveways were in compliance, if landscaping was provided and if
it met requirements, the zoning districts involved and if there were garage bays on the
site. The matrix indicated possible resolutions to non-conforming issues for these gas
stations. Chairman Holland noted that the workshop with Council had indicated .their
desire to allow existing gas stations to redevelop. He proposed the following special
1)Canopies extend over building line to a 5' landscape buffer.
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2)Reduce landscape buffer to 5' and substitute shrubs in place of
trees and driveways, because of a tree's viability and they obstruct
3)Setbacks -reduce to 5' side and rear and front 25'; exclude canopy
as a structure for tractor-trailers.
4)Driveways -remove requirement of 50' between driveways
5)Remove width of driveway requirement
6)Distance to intersection -remove 125' requirement
7)Lot coverage -increase to allow up to 60% (Light Industrial)
Commissioner Weesner questioned where these special exceptions would be located -
Zoning Ordinance, Design Criteria, etc. The Commission directed staff to prepare a draft
ordinance for their review at the next regular meeting.
11.Communications from the Conm1ission.
Conm1issioner Weesner requested that all Commissioners read the June 5, 2006 City
Council agenda as she felt there were several items which pertained to the Conunission
on it. Since a quorum of Commissioners might also be present at the meeting, the
Commissioners requested that a meeting notice be posted so they could attend Monday's
Council meeting.
Conunissioner Gibson noted that he would not be at the next regular meeting due to
vacation plans.
a.Council Liaison
There was no liaison present to speak.
b.Staff -Liaison Schedule, DRC report
Staff reported that the Liaison schedule would soon be presented using an
Outlook calendar format which would be available on the FTP site. No DRC's
were held in May except for the bi-weekly scheduled meetings between Staff and
Friendswood Development Company to discuss West Ranch Development issues.
The meeting adjourned at 8:00 p.m.
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