HomeMy WebLinkAboutP&Z Minutes 2006-05-18 RegularI
Minutes of a Regular Meeting
of the
Friendswood Planning and Zoning Commission
May 18, 2006
A regular meeting of the Friendswood Planning and Zoning Commission was held Thursday,
May 18, 2006, at 7:00 p.m. in the council chambers in city hall located at 910 S. Friendswood
Drive, Friendswood, Texas. The following members were present:
Diana Steelquist-Staff Planner Jim Gibson
Kevin Holland
Roy Klusendorf
Mark Van Riper
Sherry Weesner
Dan Johnson -Director of Community Development
John Olson-City Attorney
With a quorum present, Commissioners Brakebill and Bertrand absent, Chairman Holland called
the meeting to order to discuss the following:
1.Call to order
2.Communication from the public/committee liaisons.
a.Don Seyfert to address Commission regarding vacating of Slone Subdivision
b.Janis Lowe to address Conm1ission regarding setbacks for swimming pools
During Communications from the Public, Mr. Don Seyfert addressed the
Commission regarding the vacating of the Slone Subdivision. Mr. Seyfert
expressed his concern that the vacating document was not clear on the area and
subdivision being vacated. He requested the Commission table the upcoming
item. Mr. Jolm Hammond, of Friendswood Development, also addressed the
Commission and suggested that more detail be added to the vacating document
such as the recorded volume and page of the plat. The City Attorney agreed that
more information should be provided. Janis Lowe also addressed the
Commission regarding the set back requirements for swimming pools. She asked
that this issue be re-evaluated by the Commission. The Commission will add this
item to it's 2006 to do list. Mike Sharp and Billy Gooble also addressed the
Commission regarding the vacating of the Slone Subdivision. However, both
stated that their issues may have been resolved by earlier comments.
Tabled Items:
3.Consideration and possible action regarding the approval of the 4-6-06 Regular meeting
Voted For:
Regular Items:
Weesner-to remove from-table and approve
4.Consent Agenda:
a.Approval of the 4-17-06 Special meeting minutes.
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Motion Carried
b.Approval of the 4-20-06 Regular meeting minutes.
c.Approval of the Final Plat of the Monte Bello Subdivision located at Woodlawn
and Shadowbend
Voted For:
Voted For:
Weesner-to approve the consent agenda
Unanimous Motion Carried
Van Riper-to remove Item b. and revise with the following: "Chairman
Holland expressed concerns regarding construction of a structure on a
capped well and requested the well be located on the plat. Commissioner
Van Riper stated he knew the extent soil samples were taken when
capping a well. He stated he felt comfortable with the request."
Unanimous Motion Carried
5.Consideration and possible action regarding the vacating of the Slone Subdivision out of
the B.W. Camp Rice Farms in the John Dickinson League in Galveston County, Texas
and located north of FM 518, so as to conve11 a certain 224.70 acre tract,1.5678 acre
tract, 2.2553 acre tract and a 2.4367 acre tract totaling 230.96 acres as described by metes
and bounds to acreage tracts as same existed before such property was platted, subdivided
and recorded.
Voted For:
Gibson-to approve
Klusendorf Motion Withdrawn
Holland -to approve the vacating instrument with additional information
to be added including providing the recording information from the
Galveston County Map Records being Volume 13, Page 91 recorded on
April 12, 1922. Further, the revised document shall be subject to the
review and approval of the City Attorney and City Engineer prior to
Unanimous Motion Canied
The Commission discussed at some length the request and where the Slone Subdivision
was located. Based on conunents received from the public and the City Attorney, the
consensus was to add more information to the vacating document which would clarify the
area being vacated.
6.Consideration and possible action regarding the Commercial Site Plan for Kroger's
Signature located at 151 N. Friendswood Drive.
Weesner-to approve
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Voted For: Unanimous Motion Carried
Commissioner Weesner confirmed with Staff that there were no apparent safety issues
with the redesign of the parking and drive aisles and that the changes had been reviewed
and approved by the Staff responsible for looking at safety issues.
7.Consideration and possible action regarding extension of Preliminary Plat approval for
the Boone Subdivision.
Voted For:
Holland -to approve
Unanimous Motion Carried
8.Consideration and possible action regarding the Final Plat of Creekside at West Ranch
Section One located north of FM 518 in the West Ranch Management District.
Gibson -to approve with Staff comments
Van Riper Motion Withdrawn
Motion: Weesner -to approve with a listing of all Staff requirements for a final plat
and Staff conditions including Ordinance requirements for Open Space.
Van Riper Second:
Voted For: Unanimous Motion Carried
Commissioner Weesner expressed her concerns that all requirements for a final plat had
been received. Paiiicularly she wanted to know if a lighting plan had been reviewed and
if the Open Space/Green Space requirements had been met. The Commission also
discussed the right-of-way in the Estates Section of the development. Staff clarified that
per agreement, the pavement would not be built by the developer and that the road
extension would only be put in place if needed in the future. Plat notes were in place
clarifying this issue. The City Attorney suggested that a list be provided of all the
outstanding items needed to file the final plat be included in the minutes.
Final Plat requirements:
Section III k. (3.) (f.) 2. The developer shall be required to provide and install all
traffic signage and signalization determined by the City to be necessary because
of the construction of the proposed subdivision.
Section V. a. (3.) All public infrastructure improvements within all of the area of
any subdivision or portion thereof given final approval, by the Commission, shall
be inspected and accepted by the City before the plat is filed of record.
9.Consideration and possible action regarding the Final Plat of West Ranch Estates
Section One located north of FM 518 in the West Ranch Management District.
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Voted For:
Weesner -to approve with a listing of all Staff requirements for a final plat
and Staff conditions including Ordinance requirements for Open Space.
Unanimous Motion Carried
The Commission wanted to use the same conditional approval criteria for each West
Ranch plat being approved.
10.Consideration and possible action regarding the Final Plat of Stonecreek at West Ranch
Section One located north of FM 518 in the West Ranch Management District.
Motion: Weesner -to approve with a listing of all Staff requirements for a final plat
and Staff conditions including Ordinance requirements for Open Space.
Voted For:
Van Riper
11.Conmrnnications from the Conunission.
Motion Carried
During Communications from the Commission, Commissioner Weesner noted that her
written reports on attendance at City Council and CAB meetings had been provided.
Conm1issioner Klusendorf noted his attendance at the Drainage District, as did Chairman
a.Council Liaison
There was no Council Liaison present to give a report.
b.Staff -Liaison Schedule, DRC report, Specific Use Permit (SUP) and
Conm1ercial Site Plan documentation requirements, update on River Oaks@
Friendswood project
Staff gave updates on site plan approval document requirements and the River Oaks
@ Friendswood project. The Commission would like to have more discussion on site
plan approval documents.
The meeting adjourned at 7:55 p.m.
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