HomeMy WebLinkAboutP&Z Minutes 2006-04-20 RegularI i l Minutes of a Regular Meeting of the Friendswood Planning and Zoning Commission April 20, 2006 A regular meeting of the Friendswood Planning and Zoning Commission was held Thursday, April 20, 2006, at 7:00 p.m. in the council chambers in city hall located at 910 S. Friendswood Drive, Friendswood, Texas. The following members were present: Bob Bertrand Jim Gibson Kevin Holland Roy Klusendorf Mark Van Riper Sherry Weesner Allison Holland-City Attorney Diana Steelquist-Staff Plam1er Cheri Skelton-Development Coordinator With a quorum present, Commissioner Brakebill absent, Chairman Holland called the meeting to order to discuss the following: 1.Call to order 2.Communication from the public/committee liaisons. No one from the public or committee liaison spoke at this time. 3.Consent Agenda: a.Minutes of the 4-06-06 Regular meeting. Motion: Second: Amended Motion: Second: Voted For: Gibson-to approve Holland Weesner-to table Klusendorf Unanimous Motion to Table Carried 4.Consideration and possible action regarding zone classification change for property located off Moore Road, being a 3 .283 acre tract out of Lot 57 and Lot 58 of the Section 22 of the I&GNRR Company Survey, Abstract Number 616, City of Friendswood, Galveston County, Texas, From: Ordinance No. 81-8 SUP-oil well To: Single Family Residential (SFR). Motion: Second: Gibson-to approve Klusendorf Page 1 of 4 4/20/06 P & Z Voted For: Unanimous Motion Carried Ji1mny Thompson with Claunch & Miller, representing the applicant, addressed the Commission. Mr. Thompson stated the well (located between Lots 8 & 9 of the proposed development of Sterling Ridge Estates) has been abandoned and plugged. He stated documentation has been provided to Staff indicating the Rail Road Commission acceptance of the abandonment. In addition soil samples have been taken and were ok. Chairman Holland expressed concerns regarding construction of a structure on a capped well and requested the well be located on the plat. Commissioner Van Riper stated he knew the extent soil samples were taken when capping a well. He stated he felt comfortable with the request. 5.Consideration and possible action regarding zone classification change for 2.398 acres out of Lot 5-1 and 5-2, Block 11, Friendswood Subdivision, Sarah McKissick League, Abstract No. 151, City of Friendswood, Galveston County, Texas From: S_ingle Family Residential (SFR), To: Planned Unit Development (PUD)-Specific Use Permit (SUP)­ Residential. Property located at the end of Quaker Bend Drive. Motion: Second: Voted For: Gibson-to approve Van Riper Unanimous Motion Carried Conm1issioner Gibson provided the Commission the conm1ents made at the public hearing. He stated while no one was really opposed, the concerns seemed to be drainage and emergency access. One comment was also if there was a better way of doing this other than a PUD/ SUP. City Attorney Holland stated this PUD/ SUP should be taken into serious consideration by Planning and Zoning. Lisa Walker, 421 Forest Pines Court addressed the Commission. Mrs. Walker stated the drainage is being recalculated since a Letter of Map Amendment (LOMA) has been approved by FEM.A. Mrs. Walker also asked the Commission to consider since a PUD/ SUP requires the development to be built as approved; does she need to take into account if she ever wants a pool on the prope11y? Staff stated the PUD/ SUP ordinance should be written so as to only allow one home on each lot. Commissioner Bertrand stated he would vote in favor of the zone change, but did not know if the PUD/ SUP would require a new approval if the site changed from what is approved. City Attorney Holland stated the PUD/ SUP could be approved to allow accessory structures in the future by labeling the area around the home as reserved for a pool or other accessmy structures normally used in SFR's. Amended Motion: Weesner-to approve allowing only one home on each lot and 20-foot building setback from the edge of the current ingress/egress. Page 2 of 4 4/20/06 P & Z Second: Klusendorf Voted For: None Voted Against:Bertrand, Gibson, Holland, Klusendorf, Van Riper, Weesner Motion Failed Amended Motion: Second: Voted For: Bertrand-to approve the request contingent the applicant providing a Site Plan that is corrected with the additional setback, including a reserve area and limiting each lot to only one residential structure. Weesner Unanimous Motion Carried 6.Consideration and possible action regarding amendment to the Zoning Ordinance, being Appendix C of the City Code regarding exemptions to Section 8, M -Commercial Activities and Outdoor Sales for temporary structures. Motion: Second: Voted For: Bertrand-to approve Van Riper Unanimous Motion Carried 7.Consideration and possible action regarding the Preliminary Plat of Sterling Ridge Estates located at the corner of Mandale Road and Moore Road. Motion: Second: Voted For: Weesner-approve with Staff comments Bertrand Unanimous .. ' Motion Carried Mr. Jimmy Thompson, engineer, addressed the Commission. Mr. Thompson presented an exhibit of the preliminary plat which indicated the location of the plugged oil well between lots 8 and 9. 8.Communications from the Commission. Commissioner Weesner reported on her attendance at the Drainage District and City Council meetings. She also suggested the Commission review the recently completed Comprehensive Plan from the City of Angleton. Chairman Holland reported his attendance at the City of Pearland's Platting procedures meeting. Commissioner Van Riper stated he had visited with Todd Yeager, City IT Supervisor, regarding the ftp site and discussed with him some options for a more centralized web portal using Microsoft Outlook. Commissioner Bertrand added that he could assist the city with this process via a demonstration of Microsoft Sharepoint. 9.Reports. a.Council Liaison Page 3 of 4 4/20/06 P & Z No one was available to report at this time. b.Staff -Liaison Schedule Staff stated the Council Liaison schedule was provided to the Commission as requested at the last meeting. Staff also reported on progress on issues identified at the last meeting. Staff is also reviewing the SUP and Commercial site plan submittal process in an attempt to streamline and remove areas of redundancy. A copy of the memo prepared by City Attorney Alison Holland will also be distributed on Monday regarding election ethics. The GIS work has been outsourced and staff hopes to have new maps and data available soon. Lastly, staff reported that the Development Coordinator, Cheri Skelton, will be leaving employment with the City of Friendswood to start her own development assistance business. 10.Adjournment With no further comment, the meeting was adjourned at 8:04 pm. Page 4 of 4 4/20/06 P & Z