HomeMy WebLinkAboutP&Z Minutes 2006-04-06 Regular[ I
Minutes of a Regular Meeting
of the
Friendswood Planning and Zoning Commission
April 6, 2006
A regular meeting of the Friendswood Planning and Zoning Commission was held Thursday,
April 6, 2006, at 7 :00 p.m. in the public safety building located at 109 E. Willowick,
Friendswood, Texas. The following members were present:
Bob Bertrand
David Brakebill
Alison Holland-City Attorney
Diana Steelquist-Staff Planner
Jim Gibson 7:05 pm
Kevin Holland
Rhonda Baker -Administrative Secretmy
Roy Klusendorf
Sherry Weesner
Mark Van Riper 7:06·pm
With a quorum present, Chairman Holland called the meeting to order to discuss the following:
1.Call to order
2.Communication from the public/committee liaisons.
No one spoke at this time.
3.Consent Agenda:
a.Minutes of the 2-16-06 Regular meeting.
Voted For:
Weesner-to approve consent agenda
Commissioners Gibson and Van Riper arrived at this time.
Motion Carried
4.Discussion and possible action regarding the Heritage Tree Ordinance.
Voted For:
Bertrand-to recommend approval of the draft ordinance to City Council
Unanimous Motion Carried
The Commission unanimously approved the draft ordinance as provided by the Tree
Preservation Super Sub-Committee. Staff clarified that the Conunission wanted to
recommend Council move forward with a Joint Public Hearing as soon as possible.
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5.Discussion and possible action regarding non-conforming uses and structures.
Staff presented a draft document which simplified the definitions and application of the
non-conforming regulations of the Zoning Ordinance. It also provided for the re
development of a non-conforming structure by up to 50%. The City Attorney provided
two examples of other cities non-conforming use and structure regulations, which the
Commission would like to review in more detail. There was also discussion regarding
whether the Community was in agreement with allowing re-development of non
conforming uses/structures. The Commission believes a workshop with Council should
be scheduled to discuss this issue.
6.Discussion and possible action regarding modifications to the Original Business
Staff presented some proposed changes to the Original Business District (OBD); the
proposal was not discussed in detail as the Main Street group was also working on similar
revisions. Staff noted however, that the OBD changes included recommendations to the
Permitted Use Table which should also be considered when reviewing the
reconunendations for Main Street Zoning. These included the permitting of residential
uses. Chairman Holland asked that Staffs OBD changes be given to the Main Street
Zoning Committee for their review.
7.Discussion regarding progress of Main Street Zoning Committee.
Staff reported that the Main Street Zoning Committee had completed the majority of its
task and had prepared a list of recommended zoning changes for Main Street. These
recommendations, such as zero set backs and additional height limits, have been given to
the City Attorney for review and preparation into a draft ordinance. The Main Street
Zoning Committee will meet with the City Attorney to review the document before
presenting it to P&Z or Council.
8.Discussion and possible action regarding revISions to the sign ordinance for the
placement of monument signs in pedestrian areas and requirements for the time limits on
temporary political signs.
The Commission reviewed the regulations on temporary political signs and the placement
of monument signs in pedestrian areas. The City Attorney recommended no changes be
made to the language on political signs, although Staff had wanted to add a time limit to
when signs could first be posted. The Commission believes the issue regarding the
placement of monument signs in pedestrian areas should be visited when more
information is available regarding Main Street Zoning.
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I I 9.Discussion and possible action regarding staff recommendations on minimum width for
access easements.
This item was on the 2005 to do list for the Commission. There was some discussion as
to what the item was referencing and it was determined that it involved the access to
drainage areas. Particularly in situations were a wet pond was involved. The
Commission asked Staff to review with the Fire Marshal what kind of area was required
for emergency rescues and bring back some recommendations which could be included in
the Design Criteria Manual.
10.Discussion with City Attorney regarding Election Ethics, Open Meetings and new state
laws governing vesting of development projects.
The City Attorney provided copies Ordinance 2006-02 and outlined its prov1s10ns
regarding the Conunissioners obligations to not endorse political candidates as
Commissioners, but rather as private citizens. She also cautioned the use of email and
gave examples of when it was not appropriate to communicate using this medium. For
the vesting discussion, a copy of recent state law changes was provided. Staff has
recommended that the Subdivision Ordinance be modified to not require a Development
Review Committee meeting, rather to make it a highly recommended suggestion and not
when vesting would occur. Staff will prepare· some draft lartguage for the Subdivision
Ordinance and present it at an upcoming meeting. 1 ,; , .. • • '
11.Communications from the Commission.
a.Notes from Commissioner Weesner on 3-6-06 City Council meeting.
b.Update on Comprehensive Plan
Commissioner Weesner reported on attending the last tlu-ee City Council meetings. Her
notes where provided in the electronic agenda packet. She also repo11ed on the status of
the Comprehensive Plan. The subconm1ittee will be requesting more information from
Commissioner Brakebill repo11ed his attendance at the Main Street Zoning Subcommittee
a.Council Liaison
The Council Liaison was not present.
b.Staff -February and March DRC reports; upcoming Joint Public Hearing
schedule; Report on 3-28-06 Zoning Board of Adjustment meeting; Repo11 on
Texas APA-HGAC Training.
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Staff Planner noted that the February and March DRC reports had been included in the
electronic agenda packets. She also noted that there would be three items on the
upcoming April 17th Joint Public Hearing, two rezoning requests and an amendment to
the Zoning Ordinance. On 3-28-06 Zoning Board of Adjustment denied a request to
change the front set backs on two lots in the Briar Bend Subdivision. The Staff planner
also reported on her attendance at the Texas AP A Commissioner training offered at
HGAC in March. As this training was poorly attended by Commissioners, she asked if it
might be better attended if held on a weekend. Most Commissioners agreed that the day
of the week mattered and also suggested a Web-based seminar.
With not further comment, the meeting was adjourned at 8: 33 pm.
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