HomeMy WebLinkAboutP&Z Minutes 2006-02-16 RegularMinutes of a Regular Meeting of the Friendswood Planning and Zoning Commission February 16, 2006 A regular meeting of the Friendswood Planning and Zoning Commission was held Thursday, February 16, 2006, at 7:00 p.m. in the council chambers in city hall located at 910 S. Friendswood Drive, Friendswood, Texas. The following members were present: John Olson-City Attorney Bob Bertrand-7: 15 p.m. Jim Gibson Kevin Holland Dan Johnson-Acting Director of C.D. Diana Steelquist-Staff Planner Sherry Weesner Cheri Skelton-Development Coordinator With a quorum present, Commissioner Brakebill, Commissioner Klusendorf, and Commissioner Van Riper absent, Chairman Holland called the meeting to order to discuss the following: 1.Call to order 2.Communication from the public/committee liaisons. No one from the public spoke at this time. 3.Consent Agenda: a.Minutes of the 2-2-06 Regular meeting. b.Minutes of the 2-9-06 Special meeting. c.Approval of the Final Plat of One Edgewood Place Motion: Second: Voted For: Weesner-to approve consent agenda Gibson Unanimous Order of agenda was changed. Motion Carried 4.Discussion and possible action regarding revisions to the Entryway Overlay District (EOD) and Downtown Overlay District (DOD). Motion: Second: Weesner-to approve Gibson Commissioner Weesner stated the new district should be named. After a few suggestions by the Commission, the Commission decided the new district would be called the Community Overlay District (COD). The decision made regarding the COD would combine the EOD and the DOD, in order to create one overlay district. Commissioner Weesner stated reduction to the setback requirements should be considered (i.e. front and Page 1 of 5 2/16/06 P & Z side). Commissioner Bertrand stated he preferred consistency with setbacks. Commissioner Bertrand expressed there should be no restrictions placed on having garage doors within an Industrial District. Commissioner Gibson stated garage bays should be screened and if they are not then they cannot face the street. Commissioner Weesner stated in Section 3, screening should be added. The City Attorney stated to the Commission items within a discussion can be separated and voted on separately. Amended Motion: Second: Voted For: Weesner: garage bays shall be screened or not face the street. Bertrand Unanimous Motion Carried Commissioner Bertrand stated the north end of Blackhawk shown on the Major Thoroughfare Plan (MTP) should be removed, and for the record the current residential portion of Blackhaw}s: (between FM 2351 and FM 528) should not be part of the MTP or overlay district. Staff explained the current residential portion of Blackhawk is not part of the MTP; also Blackhawk will be on the MTP but not in the overlay district. Amended -Motion: Second: Gibson-remove northside of Blackhawk (FM 2351) and do not include the residential portion of Blackhawk within the overlay. Bertrand Commissioner Weesner felt the northside of Blackhawk should stay in the MTP since it is a four-lane highway. The Commission also stated, the developer would build the southside of Blackhawk when one comes forward to develop the area. Voted For: Bertrand, Gibson, Holland Voted Against: Weesner Motion Carried 5.Consideration and possible action regarding the Commercial Site Plan for One Edgewood Place located at the intersection of FM 2351 and Woodland Trails, being Restrictive Reserve "B" of the Final Plat of One Edgewood Place. Motion: Second: Voted For: Bertrand-to approve with Staff comments Gibson Unanimous Motion Carried 6.Consideration and possible action regarding the Preliminary Plat of Stone Creek Section One located in the West Ranch development off of FM 518. Motion: Second: Voted For: Bertrand-approve with Staff comments Gibson Unanimous Page 2 of 5 2/16/06 P & Z Motion Carried 11 Chairman Holland and Commissioner Weesner stated the Preliminary Plats did not indicate the Planning and Zoning's most recent approved sidewalk statement. Staff explained the Commission had already approved the sidewalk statements for the project. Commissioner Weesner asked Staff to clarify the recommendation with regards to the pipeline comment. Staff stated that the title report indicated possibly additional pipelines, but the location is still in question. Commissioner Weesner stated research should be done to satisfy there are no pipelines and should be noted for the Final Plat. Amended­ Motion: Second: Voted For: Bertrand-to use the Planning and Zoning's most recently approved sidewalk statement and with Staff comments. Gibson Unanimous Motion Carried 7.Consideration and possible action regarding the Preliminary Plat of West Ranch Estates Section One located in the West Ranch development off of FM 518. Motion: Second: Bertrand-to approve with Staff comments using the newly adopted sidewalk statement. Weesner Chairman Holland-asked about the 50-foot right-of-way on the Preliminary Plat. City Attorney Olson stated a second access point is required because the block length is over the allowed distance and there are more lots in this section than allowed without providing a second access point. Commissioner Bertrand clarified that Reserve "D" currently shown on the Plat would not be a Reserve, but would be a right-of-way. City Attorney Olson stated some stage in the future the tie in might be required. Commissioner Be1trand clarified with Staff that the right-of-way would require sidewalks. Staff stated the right-of-way would require sidewalks along the property that would become a street. The sidewalks would be placed by the developer along the property where they would be required if a street were being developed to tie into Rancho Viejo. Trey Weaver, representative of Friendswood Development stated that the company is not in favor of the tie-in into Rancho Viejo. Voted For: Amended Motion: Second: Unanimous Motion Carried Be1trand-to approve with Staff comments, approved newly adopted P & Z sidewalk statement, the strip of land between Block 2, Lot 16 and Block 3, Lot 1, will have sidewalks placed across the right-of-way in order to connect the sidewalk, and will remain connected until at a later day the roadway is constructed. Weesner Page 3 of 5 2/16/06 P & Z Voted For: Unanimous Motion Carried 8. Consideration and possible action regarding the Preliminary Plat of Restricted Reserves A & B located in the West Ranch development off of FM 518. Motion: Second: Voted For: Bertrand-approve with Staff comments and P & Z approved sidewalk statement. Weesner Unanimous Motion Carried 9.Consideration and possible action regarding the Preliminary Plat of Creekside Section One located in the West Ranch development off of FM 518. Motion: Second: Voted For: Gibson-approve with Staff comments and P & Z approved sidewalk statement. Bertrand Unanimous Motion Carried 10.Discussion and presentation by the City Attorney regarding Open Meeting Basics. City Attorney Olson discussed open meeting requirements and cautioned the Commission from having any communications outside of a public meeting. He added that new state laws would shortly require all new Councils, Boards and Commissions to undergo formal training on Open Meetings. It would be offered after the May election. 11.Discussion and presentation by the City Attorney regarding election ethics for Commissioners. City Attorney Olson provided a handout on the City Code of Ethics that outlined City and State laws, City Charter provisions and general standards of conduct. He stated that should any Conunissioner wish to endorse a political party or candidate, he or she must do so as an individual, and not represent himself or herself, as a Commissioner. 12.Discussion and possible action regarding modifications to the Original Business District. Although the Staff had prepared a draft document to discuss possible changes to the Original Business District (OBD), which would allow special exceptions to setbacks, height, lot coverage and landscaping, the Commission felt the Main Street Zoning committee was working in a timely maimer to address re-development in the downtown area and should be allowed to continue their work. 13.Discussion and possible action regarding non-conforming uses and structures. Page 4 of 5 2/16/06 P & Z Staff clarified the issues to be researched. The City Attorney asked that Staff review with him any proposal to change how these things are defined and under what circumstances they should be allowed to re-develop. Staff will bring this item back to the Commission for more discussion at a future meeting. 14.Discussion and possible action regarding the Comprehensive Plan Vision and future Land Use Plan. Commissioner Gibson asked if there were any additional comments on the draft document on the Comprehensive Land Plan and Vision. Without any comments, they would continue to move forward with their work and were asking for a joint meeting with Community Economic Development Committee (CEDC). 15.Communications from the Commission There was no communication from the Commission at this time. 16.Reports. a.Council Liaison No report given at this time. b.Staff There was no Staff repo1t provided at this time. 17.Adjournment. With no fmther comment the meeting was adjourned at 8:58 p.m. Page 5 of 5 2/16/06 P & Z