HomeMy WebLinkAboutP&Z Minutes 2006-01-05 Regular\
Minutes of a Regular Meeting
of the
Friendswood Planning and Zoning Commission
January 5, 2006
A regular meeting of the Friendswood Planning and Zoning Commission was held
Thursday, January 5, 2006, at 7:00 p.m. in the council chambers in city hall located at
910 S. Friendswood Drive, Friendswood, Texas. The following members were present:
Bob Bertrand
Jim Gibson
Kevin Holland
Roy Klusendorf
Sherry Weesner
David Smith-Council Liaison
Loren Smith-City Attorney
Diana Steelquist-Staff Planner
Cheri Skelton-Development Coordinator
With a quorum present, Commissioner Brakebill, and Commissioner Van Riper absent,
Chairman Holland called the meeting to order to discuss the following:
1.Call to order
2.Communications from the public
No one from the public spoke at this time.
3.Consent Agenda:
a.Approval of the 12-1-05 Special/Regular meeting minutes.
b.Approval of the 12-15-05 Regular meeting minutes.
Commissioner Weesner requested Item "B" be removed from the consent agenda
for discussion.
The vote for Item "A" of the consent agenda was then taken.
Voted For:
Weesner-approve Item "A" of the consent agenda.
Unanimous Motion Carried
Weesner-approve Item "B" of the consent agenda.
Commissioner Weesner stated on Item "B", page 4, item 8, the second sentence
should read:
She stated that CEDC is not as far along as Planning and Zoning may have
thought to make any decisions on land use for the Comprehensive Plan.
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Voted For: Unanimous Motion Carried
4.Discussion and possible action regarding the site plan requirement for gas stations
and auto repair facilities with the Entryway Overlay District (EOD) and
Downtown Overlay District (DOD).
Bertrand-remove from the table.
Voted For: Bertrand, Gibson, Holland, Klusendorf
Voted Against: Weesner Motion Carried
Commissioner Bertrand stated he understood the EOD/DOD ordinance language
to state bays are not to be visible from the EOD/DOD. Staff clarified the
ordinance only states bays cannot face the EOD/DOD, not that they could not be
seen. Commissioner Bertrand stated he thought the bays were not to be seen from
front or sides; only from the back.
Commissioner Gibson asked if this item could be postponed until the workshop is
held. Commissioner Weesner asked why a 5-foot Landscape Buffer is proposed
for gas stations and does the Landscape Buffer still work at 5-feet? Staff stated
the 5-foot Landscape Buffer would work and the Landscape Buffer starts at the
property line and moves into the property, so it would not be in the City right-of
way. Commissioner Weesner then asked if the 5-foot Landscape Buffer is
acceptable to use for gas stations, why not use the 5-foot Landscape Buffer for all
Conm1ission Bertrand stated when the EOD/DOD was established the intent was
to have a pleasing ingress/egress within the city and it did not matter the use.
Commissioner Bertrand also stated he felt it was inappropriate to only discuss gas
stations and not look at other uses. In addition, this does not take into account all
th� other overlay districts that might apply. Commissioner Weesner stated the
real issue that needs to be addressed is not just Landscape Buffers but all non
conforming issues. Commissioner Bertrand stated for conforming uses a property
should be allowed to redevelop as long as it does not go over 50 percent of the
current value. However, non-conforming uses if they want to expand would need
to be handled differently. Commissioner Gibson stated he liked the idea. Staff
then stated Main Street is seeking a way to allow businesses to redevelop rather
than looking at special exceptions. Commissioner Weesner stated another issue
that needs to be discussed is a requirement for shrubs in the Landscape Buffer, no
matter if parking is facing the EOD.
Voted For:
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Motion to Table Carried
5.Discussion regarding purposes and intent of Planned Unit Developments (PUD).Motion:
Voted For:
Weesner-pull from table for discussion
Unanimous Motion Carried
Staff presented a presentation that defined and provided requirements for the tlu·ee
types of Planned Unit Development (PUD) in Friendswood. Staff also explained
PUDs are freestanding zoning districts and not overlay districts. The tlu·ee types
of PUDs in Friendswood are the General PUD, PUD Mixed Use, and PUD
Cluster Home. REGULAR MEETING 6.Discussion and possible action regarding a modification to the sidewalk
statement adopted by Planning and Zoning on March 18, 2004.
Staff gave a brief history of the creation of the sidewalk statement and presented a
draft of a new sidewalk statement to the Commission. Chairman Holland
expressed concerns with the timing for the sidewalks to be required.
Commissioner Bertrand also expressed concerns with regards to sidewalks being
required when they are not on tracks adjacent to residential propeity.
Commissioner Bertrand asked Staff for a construction update on FM 2351. He
also asked since TxDot is closing the ditches is the street going to become curb
and gutter with sidewalks, because is what is being implied. Staff stated they
would inquire about the project and provide that information.
7.Conununications from the Commission
Chairman Holland request to see the Long Range Planning Power Point
presentation City Council had viewed. He also stated he has been told, opening
up the bridge on FM 2351 would not benefit east/west traffic flow.
Commissioner Bertrand asked if Staff could ask City Council about being more
flexible with meeting times because it can effect ones job. He also stated at times,
for workshops, he might not be able to be at the workshop but he could do a
conference call. City Attorney Smith stated he believes attendance by conference
call.is allowed in the open meetings act, but he will verify. Council Liaison Smith
stated he would take this information to Mayor and the City Manager to discuss
the way meetings are handled and to make sure next time Planning and Zoning is
considered when scheduling a meeting.
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a.Council Liaison
Council Liaison Smith stated the Long Range project is a work in process. It is
not a draft and is still evolving and is not to be seen a permanent. Council Liaison
Smith stated he hoped the Commission would be as candied as it has been this
meeting at the workshop with City Council on Monday.
Staff stated a Development Review Committee Report has been provided to the
With no further comment the meeting was adjourned at 9: 10 p.m.
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Development Coordinator
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