HomeMy WebLinkAboutP&Z Minutes 2006-07-06 Regularl Minutes of a Regular Meeting Of the Friendswood Planning and Zoning Commission July 6, 2006 A regular meeting of the Friendswood Planning and Zoning Commission was held Thursday, July 6, 2006, at 7:00 p.m. in the council chambers in city hall located at 910 S. Friendswood Drive, Friendswood, Texas. The following members were present: Bob Bertrand David Brakebill Kevin Holland Jim Gibson Diana Steelquist-Staff Planner John Olson-City Attorney 7:25 p.m. Rhonda Baker -Administrative Secretary Jim Hill -Council Liaison Roy Klusendorf Sherry Weesner Deidre Brown -CEDC Liaison With a quorum present, Commissioner Van Riper absent, Chairman Holland called the meeting to order to discuss the following: 1.Call to order 2.Communication from the public/committee liaisons. No one spoke at this time. 3.Consent Agenda: a.Approval of the 6-15-06 Regular meeting minutes. Motion: Bertrand -to approve the consent agenda Second: Brakebill Voted For: Unanimous Motion Carried 4.Consideration and possible action regarding the commercial site plan for Reserve "C" of the Crawford Business Park subdivision located off Winding Way near FM 528 for use as medical/professional office space. Motion: Bertrand -to approve the site plan with staff comments Second: Weesner Voted For: Unanimous Amended Motion Carried Motion: Weesner -to approve the site plan with additional note added on the site plan to read that the fencing requirement will conform to the Zoning Ordinance as either an opaque fence or vegetation. Second: Brakebill Voted For: Unanimous Page 1 of 4 07 /06/06 P & Z Motion Carried Commissioner Bertrand was concerned about possible noise issues as a result of the many air conditioning units shown on the site plan. Chairman Holland asked if the developer would be agreeable to using vegetation as a screen between the Church property and the commercial site. Conunissioner Gibson noted a typographical error on the site plan referencing the acreage and asked that it be corrected. 5.Discussion and possible action regarding accessory structures in non-residential zoning districts. The City Attorney arrived at this time. A lengthy discussion ensued regarding the definition of an accessory structure, what uses would be allowed for that accessory structure, and where they would be allowed and prohibited. The Commission was concerned that accessory structures and temporary buildings would be confused. They asked staff to look at those and add definitions of each. 6.Discussion and possible action regarding Specific Use Permit documentation requirements. The Conunission discussed the draft ordinance amendment as presented by staff. Concern was expressed that easements were not listed as being required to be shown on an SUP site plan. Staff Planner, Diana Steelquist, explained that these type of requirements will be required on the commercial site plan and building permit applications. A suggestion was made to add an item to the DRC checklist to inform SUP applicants that a zone change may be required for additional uses and/or structures. In addition, staff review checklists should be made available at the builder/developer forums. Motion: Weesner-to approve ordinance amendments as presented Second: Bertrand Voted For: Unanimous Motion Carried 7.Discussion and possible action regarding the commercial site plan approval process. Chairman Holland noted that recent City Council actions had included a request to eliminate Commission approval of Commercial Site plans. Although he was in agreement that the Staff was capable, he was also concerned that the current level of staffing was inadequate at this time. He asked the Council Liaison to report his concerns to the rest of the Council. The commission took a short break while photographs were uploaded and reconvened at 8:10 p.m. 8.Discussion and possible action regarding special exceptions for Gas Stations. Page 2 of 4 07 /06/06 P & Z I l Commissioner Weesner shared pictures of gas stations in the Friendswood area and in other cities that she had taken in order to address issues with the canopies and the driveways. She explained that of the fom1een Friendswood stations, one station has been removed and five stations are in shopping centers. She stated that several of the others are in compliance with current ordinances. She added that one has a garage bay issue, which will eventually be resolved by adopting the COD and several have driveway issues. Staff Planner, Diana Steelquist, explained that the driveway issues for any commercial use are already being addressed by modifying the Design Criteria Manual. Commissioner Weesner asked staff to verify whether our DCM requirements are in compliance with those of the Texas Department of Transportation. A discussion ensued regarding the difference between a driveway, giving access to the street and the drive space on a site. Commissioner Weesner stated that the three gas stations in the OBD are the ones with the main issues. It was suggested that a change be made to business requirements in the OBD only to address these specific problems. 9.Discussion and possible action regarding non-conforming uses and structures. A lengthy discussion ensued regarding separating non-conforming uses into non­ conformance of uses, lots and structures. Concerns addressed included the six-month limitation and how to regulate what portion of the fifty percent of repairs to a non­ conforming use are done each year. 10.Discussion regarding ordinance preparation procedures. Staff Planner, Diana Steelquist will e-mail City Attorney to ask him to prepare guidelines addressing ordinance preparation procedures. 11.Communications from the Commission. Commissioner Be11rand noted that his report on the 6-26-06 City Council meeting was available for review. Commissioner Klusendorf stated he had attended the Galveston County Consolidated Drainage District meeting at which the Kenneth Camp plat had been tabled. The District is requesting that the City utilize their regional detention facilities for this new fire station development. 12.Reports. a. Council Liaison Councilmember Hill had no comments. b.Staff Page 3 of 4 07 /06/06 P & Z Staff reported on the DRC's held in June. A quick listing was also made regarding topics for the July 10 th Workshop and Public Hearings items. A request has been made to meet in a workshop setting with the Commission to discuss Downtown streetscaping ideas for a new development being planned in the area. A special early meeting on July 20th will be planned for this discussion. 13.Adjournn1ent. With no further conunent the meeting was adjourned at 9: 17 p.m. Page 4 of 4 07 /06/06 P & Z