HomeMy WebLinkAboutP&Z Minutes 2006-06-15 Regularl Minutes of a Regular Meeting Of the Friendswood Planning and Zoning Commission June 15, 2006 A regular meeting of the Friendswood Planning and Zoning Conunission was held Thursday, June 15, 2006, at 7:00 p.m. in the council chambers in city hall located at 910 S. Friendswood Drive, Friendswood, Texas. The following members were present: Bob Bertrand David Brakebill Kevin Holland Roy Klusendorf Sherry Weesner Diana Steelquist-Staff Planner John Olson-City Attorney With a quorum present, Conunissioners Van Riper and Gibson absent, Chairman Holland called the meeting to order to discuss the following: 1.Call to order at 7:00 p.m. 2.Communication from the public/conunittee liaisons. No one spoke at this time. 3.Consent Agenda: a.Approval of the 6-1-06 Regular meeting minutes. b.Approval of the final plat of the Kenneth Camp Subdivision (Fire Station #4) located at the intersection of Woodlawn and W. Heritage Drive Motion: Brakebill -to remove Item a. and to approve the consent agenda Item b. Second: Weesner Voted For: Unanimous Motion Carried Amended Motion: Weesner -to approve Item a. with the following revisions: Item 4 -Remove 'Jim Gibson made a motion and it was 2nd by Sherry Weesner'; Under Item 9 Add -The City Attorney stated that this change will not allow pools to be built in utility or other easements. And Commissioner Weesner felt a 5-foot set back was sufficient to protect foundations for fences or other structures and adjoining property; Change-Providing a smaller set back for pools on these lots seemed logical. Providing a smaller set back for pools would make pool construction on theses lots easier. Chairman Holland also changed 'that' to 'than' on page 3 of 4. Second: Klusendorf Voted For: Unanimous Page 1 of 4 06/15/06 P & Z Motion Carried 4.Consideration and possible action regarding the Commercial Site Plan for the Shell Station at 101 S. Friendswood Drive. Motion: Weesner -to approve with Staff comments Second: Brakebill Amended Motion: Weesner-to table the item Second: Holland Voted for: Unanimous Motion Carried After the original motion to approve with staff comments, Staff Planner, Diana Steelquist, stated that the staff recommendation was not to approve to site plan because of the garage bay issue, the other staff comments had been addressed. Commissioner Weesner asked Staff to explain where the requirements for driveway widths and spacing come from. The Staff Planner indicated that the requirements follow traffic industry standards as well as Texas Department of Transportation requirements and are located within the City's Design Criteria Manual. Modifications to the Design Criteria Manual are allowed with appropriate engineering justifications. Commissioner Bertrand expressed his concerns with the Design Criteria Manual and with a conditional approval for this site plan without the Community Overlay District (COD) being adopted by City Council. The City Attorney was also concerned about the timing of the approvals. Commissioner Weesner clarified that the proposed new structure was in conformance with all other Zoning Ordinance requirements and that the revised site plan indicated that the Commission was only reviewing the new garage bay structure. Commissioner Klusenforf was also concerned that even if the Council adopted the COD, the proposed garage bays would not be screened in compliance with the new ordinance. Chairman Holland and Commissioner Weesner both stated that the COD addressed Commissioner's Klusendorfs concern by clarifying that the screening requirement only affected garage bays facing the front of a development. This site plan has the bays facing the side. The consensus was to table the site plan until the Community Overlay District was in place. 5.Discussion and possible action regarding amending the Zoning Ordinance Permitted Use Table to allow accessory structures in non-residential zoning districts. Staff addressed the Commission regarding recent changes to the Zoning Ordinance which created a conflict on the Permitted Use Table (PUT) with regards to allowing accessory structures on commercial sites. Section 8,M states accessory structures are allowed for commercial use, but the PUT does not. Commissioner Weesner was concerned about a lack of set back and screening requirements for conunercial accessory structures. The City Attorney stated that these types of requirements should be specifically authorized for accessory structures under the Supplemental requirements of the Zoning Ordinance. In addition, he recommended that these requirements include information about what was not acceptable as the type, location and use of a commercial accessory structure. Page 2 of 4 06/15/06 P & Z I I l Commissioner Bertrand reasoned that the PUT should not include a line for access01y building use. An accessory building is not a type of use. Further, this area of the PUT is for residential uses not structures. He reasoned this should be in another area of the Zoning Ordinance. The City Attorney agreed that this line in the PUT should be removed and that regulations on accessory buildings and structures should be included in the Supplemental regulations of the Zoning Ordinance. The Commission requested Staff prepare a draft ordinance which would remove the reference to accesso1y uses in the PUT and add language to regulate them in Supplemental regulations. 6.Discussion and possible action regarding Specific Use Permit documentation requirements. As discussed at the last meeting, Staff provided an outline of requirements for a Sp ecific Use Permit which specifically eliminated the need for a final drainage and final utility plan. The SUP requirements will remain similar to the Commercial Site Plan requirements except they will not need detailed engineering drawings. The Commercial Site Plan requirements will now include the requirements for a building permit as outlined in Section 9, C. of the Zoning Ordinance with the additional need for detailed engineering drawings. These changes will make the SUP requirements not so onerous as those of a Commercial Site Plan as an SUP request may not be approved by the Co1mnission or Council following a Public Hearing. Chairman Holland recalled that the SUP for a residential lot on Quaker had incurred significant engineering costs before it was approved. Commissioner Be11rand was concerned that no specific language regarding the location of easements was shovm as a requirement for a Commercial Site plan. Commissioner Weesner noted that information regarding the proposed uses for a Specific Use Permit needed to be part of the requirements. Commissioner Bertrand also noted that the Galveston County Consolidated Drainage District may not be the only drainage district providing regional detention. In addition other private developments may have capacity to provide off-site detention. The references for off-site facilities needed to be expanded to allow for other off-site detention possibilities. The changes will be presented to the Coimnission at the next meeting in an ordinance format before recommending them to City Council. Motion: Weesner -to approve changes as discussed Second: Klusendorf Voted for: Unanimous 7.Communications from the Commission. Motion Carried Commissioner Weesner reported her attendance at the June 5, 2006 City Council meeting. She will forward her written repo11 to Staff for distribution to the other Commissioners. Commissioner Brakebill stated he would not be seeking re-appointment to the Commission and that he had enjoyed his time on the Commission. Conunissioner Klusendorf noted he would not be available to attend the Joint Public Hearing on July Page 3 of 4 06/15/06 P & Z 10th. Commissioner Bertrand thanked Commissioner Brakebill for his service. Bertrand also asked staff to provide clarification on the ordinance adoption process. 8.Reports. a.Council Liaison b.Staff -May 29, 2006 Sun Meadow HOA letter to Council Staff provided a copy of a May 29th letter from the Sun Meadow HOA to City Council. The letter expressed the HOA's continued concerns with development of the Golf Course. 9.Adjournment. The meeting adjourned at 8:05 p.m. Page 4 of 4 06/15/06 P & Z