HomeMy WebLinkAbout08-06-2008 ZBOA Regular Meeting-Sunmeadow Drive Median 3456 ,7
* 8�0
Request for Variance ❑ Request r A peal N
Fee: $I00 Fee Paid (date): 4 �� ' CI]YSE RIETARYCC c;
Applicant's Name: B" RAIN HOMEEV"eles k5S6c• Phone: 281) - 641 ,
Property Address: 5UN ME'NDOW DR-We7 ►AIEDIAQ 211Z�Z6�
Legal Description of Property(attach certified metes & bounds):
Ser 4rrke.me'D S 1 Gi1J L-0 CA-T1 DIJ 6.AYOIR'f
Printed Name of Owner Address of Owner Date
Ej V71
Designated Representative SFco-FT40-Y Signature of Owner Date
APPEAL: From what order, requirement, decision or determination of the administrative official is the
appeal being requested?
VARIANCE: From what ordinance (number and section) is the variance being requested?
i�ppt'IJDIx Se'cT)vp 22,F OFF PREMtSC SIGflJS
(Variance request cannot be for the purpose of rezoning—see Appendix C—Zoning,Section II B)
Please state the grounds for the appeal/variance you are seeking:
T-r cuw S.EE b A. D
OG -o L�- / k l YYI�Can/ cG-o
Date &Time Received ity Official Date
Chairman Date
City of Friendswood
0-• ti TM 910 S. Friendswood Drive MIKE Mayor
>r •, Friendswood, Texas 77546
+� $
(281) 996-3270 Mayor Pro Tern
Fax: (281) 482-1634 Councilmembers
w City Manager
Affidavit of Public Posting MORADKABIRI
City Secretary
I, Melinda Welsh, hereby certify that the City of Friendswood Acquisition Guidelines for the Community
Development Block Grant Disaster Recovery (CDBG-DR) program were posted for a 30-day public
comment period on October 2, 2020; using the methods listed below.
- City of Friendswood website
- City of Friendswood Facebook posting
- City of Friendswood mass email to residents
The public comment period was further communicated to the public via the City Manager's Report to City
Council at the October 5, 2020, City Council Meeting. The Acquisition Guidelines were further posted in
the City Council agenda for the November 2, 2020, City Council meeting. After the conclusion of a City
Council meeting, the recorded meeting is further posted to the City's YouTube channel and streamed on
the municipal Comcast and AT&T U-verse channels.
Melinda Welsh,TRMC
City Secretary
City of Friendswood
SWORN TO AND SUBSCRIBED before me on the 61h day of November, 2020.
J���►��•�8,4 IONA)-
AUBREY HARBIN N ary Public, Sta e f Texas
_�4•' ��,?Notary Public, State of Texas ��
trz Comm. Expires 09-13-2024 _
Notary ID 12100889 commission expires:
>Government >Residents >Business >public Safety H—Do 1-
.e-h 0
Community Development Block Grant Disaster
Recovery (CDBG-DR)
Public Comment Period open
�a _ ....... i__,-ndesnes for the Commun�ty Development Brock Grant Disaster
Recovery ICDBG-CRl acqur,tons grant.This grant into acquire Flood prone properties at Frenchman's Creek as
well as on and near Oeepviood Drive.A public comment period is open as of October 2,2020 and will close at
S:OOpm on November 2.2020.public Comments may be made in writing to 910 5,Fr*ndswooci Dr.Fnendswood.
TX 77546(Attu;Fnendswood Office of Emergency Management)or via email:fsiditiendswood.om.Upon
completion of the public comment period,Council will consider a resolution in support of these housing guidelines
at the November 2.2020 Council meeting,For additional information or questions contact the Fnendswood Office
of Emergency Management at 281-996-3335.
A Sakti Larguaga
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Public Comment Period Open V Go to help Irdt IyiCDBG_DR to View City Friendsvrood Public Library
of FneodSwood Housing Guidelines for the Community Development BWCK
rouaoeo Giant Disaster Recovery(CDBG-DR)acquisitions grant This grant is to
s, y acquire flood prone properties at Frenchman s Creek as well as on and near
Deepwood Drive A public Comment period n open as of October 2.2020 ®City of Friendswood Parks d Re...
City of Friendswood and wit close at 5 OOpm on November 2 2020 Pubic Comments may be
Government O mace n wriodg to 910 S Friendswood Dr Fbendswood TX 77546(Attu
Fnendswcoo Office of Emergency Management)or via email
-'•'-'"'=Or s eccafnends'nood com Upon completion of the pubic comment period. City of Friendswood Economic D...
CouncOval consider a resoiutron in suppon of these housing guidelines at
Home the November 2 2020 Council meeting For additional information or
About questions contact the Fnendswooci Office of Emergency Management at
281.996-3335 Places=Fnendswood.Tesas•city Han
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r.Us: Espanol PorNguQs ierasx, ,1-
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Posts Facabook a 2020
�Lai O c<a„n„i�i p sham
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Ksrisaa Anne There are other areas and homes that 0oul0 be
"'!IIII considered
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[EXTERNAL]Public Comment Period Opens
City of Friendswood<6stserv@civicplus.com> F7 RwN � -�Fvmard •-
To 0Ste✓e.Simmons F WZ.202AE56PM
O FoRowUp.Completed on Monday,October 5,2020.
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Public Comment Period Open
This is a ink to the Comr in Development Block Grant Disaster Recovery acoulsitlons
grant Dade
This grant is to acquire flood-prone properties at Frenchman's Creek as well as on and
near Deepwood Drive.A public comment period is open as of October 2,2020 and will
close at 5 OOpm on November 2.2020.
Public Comments may be made in writing to 910 S.Fnendswood Dr.,Friendswooct.TX
77546(Attu Fnend%ood Omce of Emergency Management)or via email.
Upon completion of the public comment period.City Council will consider a resolution in
support of these housing guidelines at the November 2,2020 Council meeting
For additional Information or questions,contact the Friendswood Office of Emergency
Management at 281-996-3335.
f snare on Faeebook *Share on Twine, [♦share via Email
Copyright 2020 City of Friendswood All Rights Reserved Pow.ey
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Jar,02 20 01:30p
The Friendswood Reporter News
P.O. Box 954
Friendswood, Texas 77546
State of Texas
Galveston, Brazoria and Harris Counties
1 hereby certify that the notice hereby appended was published in the
REPORTER NEWS, a newspaper of general circulation in Galveston,
Brazoria and Harris Counties, for / Issues as follow:
Ref: I— HO[/l/a/�
No. Date_& Z 30 -D
No. Date 20
No. Date 20
Subscribed and sworn before me this ZS day of
My Notary ID#4791620
Expires September 9,2Q22 Laura Ann mmons, Publisher;�..
Notary Public, State of Texas
Form 418B2
October 28,2020,REPORTER NEWS /
-000' I FI E b 5 281 - 485 - 7501
Published Oct.28.2020 Published Oct.21&28,2020
Public Service Announcement: NOTICE TO BIDDERS
J@ with the Fait Housing,It's the Law CITY OF PEARLAND,TEXAS
To promote fair housing practices,the City of Friendswood encourages poten Sealed Bids will be accepted until 2_00 p.m.Thursday.November 12.2020 and
e CO Ill Ill I S- read aloud into the public record for the following project:
tial homeowners and renters to be aware of their rights under the National Fair
permit by Housing Law.Title VIII of the civil Rights Act of 1968,as amended,prohibits dis- Pearland Parkway Traffic Improvements,Pearland Parkway Traffic Circle
O I i a - Cajun drnination against any person on the bans of race,color,religion,sex,disabil- Modifications,Intersection Improvements-Windward Bay/Broadway
ity,familial status or national origin in the sale or rental of units in the housing City of Pearland,Texas
807 Broad- market.For more information on fair housing or to report possible fair housing COP PN:TR19031TR1907YTR1803
discrimination,call the Texas Workforce commission at(888)452-4778 or(512) BID NO.:1021-02
I, Brazoria, 463-2642TTY.512.371-7473.
L L C are Pearland Parkway Roundabout Improvements(COP PN-TR1903):
Policy of Nondiscrimination on the Basis of Disability The project will entail the construction of a roundabout in the Pearland Parkway
n Haug. The City of Friendswood does not discriminate on the basis of disability in the and McHard Rd.intersection. It will include an additional lane along Pearland
admission or access to,or employment In,its federally assisted programs or Parkway as well as a driveway into the University of Houston Clear Lake
activities.The Chief Building Official has been designated to coordinate compli- Campus. Besides the proposed roadway construction,the project will entail the
EGALS ance with the nondiscrimination requirements contained in the Department of extenstion of an existing storm sewer system,relocation of illumination struc-
Housing and Urban Development's(HUD)regulation implementing Section 504 tures,relocation of an electric meter,demolition of 2 monument signs and the
(24 CRF Part 8). extension of existing sidewalks.
Citizen Participation&Grievance Procedures Notice Pearland Parkway Traffic Improvements(COP PN:TR1902):
ISSION The City of Friendswood has adopted a complaint and grievance procedures The project will entail the construction of intersection improvements for Pearland
KAS regarding its Community Development Block Grant - Disaster Recovery Parkway&Forest Park Lane/Summit Springs Lane,including construction of a
ONE 20-00004 Prografrts(CDBG-DR).Citizens may obtain a copy of these written procedures traffic signal and the extension of left turn bays. The project also includes instal-
at 1600 Whitaker Or Friendswood,TX,77546 during regular business hours. lation and testing of fiber optic cable via 4'ITS Multiduct along McHard Road&
2020,at 6:30 p.m.,the Citizens may also request the procedures be emailed to them by calling the Pearland Parkway from Old Alvin Road to Barry Rose Road/Hughes Road.
the City of Pearland,in Office of Emergency.Management at 281-996-3335 or by emailing
xfuct a joint public hear Intersection Improvements Windward Bay(TR1803):
eoc@friendswood.com./he wd.cem.These procedures outline the steps for a G-DRzen a ivi- The project will entail the construction of intersection improvements for
x;the public health goal low if she/he wishes to file a complaint or grievance about CDBG-DR activi• P 1 P
iistancingl to slow the Windward Bay Drive and Broadway Street including construction of a fully actu-
ties. ated traffic signal,extension and widening of existing eastbound and westbound
pest of Oanh Nguyen, 9 9 9
jeley,NAI Partners,rep left turn lanes, traffic signage, and pavement markings. The project also
if an amendment to the A person who has a complaint or,may x�about any services or activities with Includes installation and testing of fiber optic cable via 4"ITS Multiduct,commu-
tlan district comprised of respect to the CDBG-DR project,may during regular business hours submit nication ground boxes,and fiber markers along Broadway Street from Shadow
such complaint or grievance,in writing to the Frlendswood Office of Emergency
esidential outparcels,to Management at 1600 Whitaker Dr Friendswood,TX 77546,or may call 281- Creek High School to Windward Bay Drive. Fiber interconnect will be provided
feet of Broadway Street, to three traffic signals along Broadway Street(including Windward Bay Drive
996-3335.The City of Friendswood will make every effort to respond fully to signal).
such complaints within fifteen(15),work(ng days where practicable.
-es,being a portion of A non-mandatory Pre-Bid Conference will be held virtually at 10:30 a.m.on
Home Company as Equal Employment Opportunity Statement October 29.2020. To join by phone:1-408.418-9388 Access Code 126 868
y Plat Records,being The City of Friendswood does not discriminate on the basis of race,color,reli- 2604 Meeting Password AxG3cl fteW
fly.Presbytery of the gion,sex,sexual orientation,gender identity,or national origin.
der Brazoria County All bids should be submitted through the E-Bid system located on the City's web-
;of Brazoria County, Notice to Section 3 Residents and Business Interests site at: haps://Pearland.ionwave.net/Login.aspx. All interested Bidders are
The City of Friendswood has received Community Development Block Grant- advised to register as a'supplier"on the City's E-Bid System at the above web-
Disaster Recovery(CDBG_DR)funding for several construction projects.The site by clicking on"Supplier Registration"and completing a short registration
'earland,Texas. City of Friendswood invites individuals and businesses to certify themselves as questionnaire. Electronic Bid Documents, including Plans, Technical
Section 3 eligible by registering with the Friendswdod Building Official who is Specifications and Bid Forms are available for download after re Istration is
�ight and opportunity to P 9
the Section 3 coordinator.Section 3 residents must reside in a Public Housing roved b CityPurchasing office. No Ian fees or deposits are required for
�rmation,please contact unit or be a low or very-low income person residing m the area of CDBG-DR bid y 9 P P
Pe 9� bid documents obtained through the City's E-bid System.Questions regarding
funded project and be interested in seeking employment on CDBG-DR funded electronic bidding should be directed to City Purchasing Office at
projects.Businesses may be designated as Section 3 eligible If 51%or more of ebids@pearlandtx.gov.
the business Is owned by Section 3 residents,at least 30%of permanent,full-
time employees are or have been Section 3 residents in the past 3 years,or if Bid Documents are also available for review at the following plan houses:
assistance business commits to subcontract in excess of 25%of dollar award of all subcon-
tracts to Section 3 business concern.The City of Friendswood shall notify reg- Amtek Plan Room (713)956-0100
ility Assistance for istered Section 3 Residents and Business interests of employment and con- The Associated General Contractors of America,Inc. (713)334-7100
tractin opportunities related to the CDBG-DR funded projects. Associated Builders&Contractors of Greater Houston (713)523-6222
d by COVID-19. 9 PPo P,1
Dodge Reports (713)316.9411
ig agencies:United Registration and information is available at the City of Friendswood,910 S.
Army USA and Friendswood Dr.Friendswood,TX 77546 or by calling 281-996-3335. Bid Security, in the form of Cashier's Check, Certified Check,or Bid Band,
irris and Brazoria payable to the City of Pearland in the amount of 5%of the total base bid price,
must accompany each Bid proposal. See Instructions to Bidders for Bond sub-
„ „ %/1 C11 T i 1 f% A"r mittal information and Instructions.
Public Comment Period Open—This is a link to City of Friendswood Housing Guidelines for the
Community Development Block Grant Disaster Recovery (CDBG-DR) acquisitions grant. This grant is to
acquire flood prone properties at Frenchman's Creek as well as on and near Deepwood Drive.A public
comment period is open as of October 2, 2020 and will close at S:OOpm on November 2, 2020. Public
Comments may be made in writing to 910 S. Friendswood Dr., Friendswood, TX 77546 (Attn:
Friendswood Office of Emergency Management) or via email: eoc@friendswood.com. Upon completion
of the public comment period, Council will consider a resolution in support of these housing guidelines
at the November 2, 2020 Council meeting. For additional information or questions, contact the
Friendswood Office of Emergency Management at 281-996-3335.
Comments Received
Karissa Anne: There are other areas and homes that should be considered.
Eric and Amanda Pearson -304 Oak Drive
We are residents of Polly Ranch and have been for many years. We are opposed to the proposed city
park where Frenchmen's Creek in Polly Ranch now resides. We already have had numerous problems at
the small private Polly Ranch Park where non-residents were partying and trashing the park grounds.
The increased traffic in our area would also be a problem for the many residents who bike,jog and walk
(many pushing baby carriages) in our neighborhood streets which have no sidewalks. Traffic is bad
enough where automobiles cut thru Polly Ranch to avoid the traffic lights at FM 528 and FM 518.
Perhaps a better solution would be a flood mitigation project at Frenchmen's Creek similar to what is
being done where Imperial Estates was located. The recent rain from Tropical Storm Beta still flooded
Clear Creek enough to overflow its banks despite all the work done upstream from Polly Ranch.Those
Polly Ranch residents on Pine and portions of Oak Drive were very lucky not to get flooded again.
Thank you for listening to our genuine concerns.
Abigail Kasinger:This city needs more green space, and a significant amount of flood mitigation.This
seems like a great first step, and I look forward to seeing all that the city plans to do to prevent more
flooding. Thanks!
Cyndi Bohannon -2102 McKissick Dr
I would like to voice my strong objection to having a public park placed within the sub-division of Polly
Ranch. We understand that the property on which Frenchman's Creek currently stands is to become a
flood control project, but it does not need to become a public park. Polly Ranch does not have sidewalks
and already supports a high volume of walkers and bikers. Adding additional car traffic a public park
would attract to this sub-division is a public safety hazard. We already have trouble with speeding down
the straight lengths of Oak, Butler and Airline, we do not need additional traffic to exacerbate this
problem. I am sure that accommodations can be made with the HOA should no parking or access to the
creek be provided.
Cathy X Heaven: I have just read through the housing guidelines for the acquisition of my home in
Frenchman's Creek. As you can imagine, I have many questions and would like clarification.
May I suggest a 'town meeting' like we had in December 2018 when all this started?To include the City,
the Project Manager, and whomever else you deem necessary? I believe at one point you'd said this
would be our next step after choosing a Manager. (We can social distance if the space is big enough.)
I cannot help but think this would be in all our best interests. I'm sure my neighbors have as many if not
more questions than I do.
Thank you in advance for making this happen.
Anna Slaton -113 Oak Drive
I am very concerned with The plan by out for Frenchmans Creek located in the private neighborhood of
Polly Ranch. Polly Ranch already been affected poorly by the traffic caused by the Virgant property built
near of 518 and 528(Chick Fil A). The west ranch development also caused a major increase of traffic for
Polly Ranch, as many West Ranch residents cut through Polly Ranch to bypass the long lines at the light
located at 518 and 528. Polly Ranch is a small quiet neighborhood with a private HOA managed park. We
are completely against the Frenchmans Creek property turning into a city of Friendswood Community
Park which would bring even more traffic through the neighborhood. Polly Ranch has no sidewalk, so
more traffic is more hazardous for neighbors who walk, run and bike in our neighborhood. Polly Ranch
would like to discuss different options available if Frenchmans Creek is bought out. Could Polly Ranch
HOA Acquire Private Rights to the property and be responsible for maintenance of the property. Can
Frenchmans Creek property become Private Open Space to be maintained by Polly Ranch HOA? Could
Polly ranch HOA purchase easement rights? Please contact me to discuss options available for Polly
Donald A. Dickson—2004 McKissick Drive
Image from written comments:
My comments on the use of the Frenchman's Creek property are as
• I support the acquisition of the property outlined on page 13 of
the City of Friendswood CDBG-DR Hurricane Harvey
Acquisition Guidelines dated September 11,2020 for the
purpose of improving the floodway.
• I do not support converting the area into a park. I live in Polly
Ranch and our private park sees endless trespassing by
individuals who do not live in Polly Ranch.A Frenchman's
Creek Park will only act to exacerbate the problem,not to
mention providing a nuisance to the remaining residents of
Frenchman's Creek and surrounding Polly Ranch neighbors.
Also,Frenchman's Creek is only two lots away from our
private park.
• I support a green space for the Frenchman's Creek property
and planned flood control structures.
Public Comment Period Open—This is a link to City of Friendswood Housing Guidelines for the
Community Development Block Grant Disaster Recovery (CDBG-DR) acquisitions grant. This grant is to
acquire flood prone properties at Frenchman's Creek as well as on and near Deepwood Drive. A public
comment period is open as of October 2, 2020 and will close at 5:00pm on November 2, 2020. Public
Comments may be made in writing to 910 S. Friendswood Dr., Friendswood,TX 77546 (Attn:
Friendswood Office of Emergency Management) or via email: eoc@friendswood.com. Upon completion
of the public comment period, Council will consider a resolution in support of these housing guidelines
at the November 2, 2020 Council meeting. For additional information or questions, contact the
Friendswood Office of Emergency Management at 281-996-3335.
Comments Received
Karissa Anne:There are other areas and homes that should be considered.
Eric and Amanda Pearson - 304 Oak Drive
We are residents of Polly Ranch and have been for many years. We are opposed to the proposed city
park where Frenchmen's Creek in Polly Ranch now resides. We already have had numerous problems at
the small private Polly Ranch Park where non-residents were partying and trashing the park grounds.
The increased traffic in our area would also be a problem for the many residents who bike,jog and walk
(many pushing baby carriages) in our neighborhood streets which have no sidewalks.Traffic is bad
enough where automobiles cut thru Polly Ranch to avoid the traffic lights at FM 528 and FM 518.
Perhaps a better solution would be a flood mitigation project at Frenchmen's Creek similar to what is
being done where Imperial Estates was located. The recent rain from Tropical Storm Beta still flooded
Clear Creek enough to overflow its banks despite all the work done upstream from Polly Ranch.Those
Polly Ranch residents on Pine and portions of Oak Drive were very lucky not to get flooded again.
Thank you for listening to our genuine concerns.
Abigail Kasinger:This city needs more green space, and a significant amount of flood mitigation.This
seems like a great first step, and I look forward to seeing all that the city plans to do to prevent more
flooding. Thanks!
Cyndi Bohannon -2102 McKissick Dr
I would like to voice my strong objection to having a public park placed within the sub-division of Polly
Ranch. We understand that the property on which Frenchman's Creek currently stands is to become a
flood control project, but it does not need to become a public park. Polly Ranch does not have sidewalks
and already supports a high volume of walkers and bikers. Adding additional car traffic a public park
would attract to this sub-division is a public safety hazard. We already have trouble with speeding down
the straight lengths of Oak, Butler and Airline, we do not need additional traffic to exacerbate this
problem. I am sure that accommodations can be made with the HOA should no parking or access to the
creek be provided.
Cathy X Heaven: I have just read through the housing guidelines for the acquisition of my home in
Frenchman's Creek. As you can imagine, I have many questions and would like clarification.
May I suggest a 'town meeting' like we had in December 2018 when all this started?To include the City,
the Project Manager, and whomever else you deem necessary? I believe at one point you'd said this
would be our next step after choosing a Manager. (We can social distance if the space is big enough.)
I cannot help but think this would be in all our best interests. I'm sure my neighbors have as many if not
more questions than I do.
Thank you in advance for making this happen.
Anna Slaton -113 Oak Drive
I am very concerned with The plan by out for Frenchmans Creek located in the private neighborhood of
Polly Ranch. Polly Ranch already been affected poorly by the traffic caused by the Virgant property built
near of 518 and 528(Chick Fil A).The west ranch development also caused a major increase of traffic for
Polly Ranch, as many West Ranch residents cut through Polly Ranch to bypass the long lines at the light
located at 518 and 528. Polly Ranch is a small quiet neighborhood with a private HOA managed park. We
are completely against the Frenchmans Creek property turning into a city of Friendswood Community
Park which would bring even more traffic through the neighborhood. Polly Ranch has no sidewalk, so
more traffic is more hazardous for neighbors who walk, run and bike in our neighborhood. Polly Ranch
would like to discuss different options available if Frenchmans Creek is bought out. Could Polly Ranch
HOA Acquire Private Rights to the property and be responsible for maintenance of the property. Can
Frenchmans Creek property become Private Open Space to be maintained by Polly Ranch HOA? Could
Polly ranch HOA purchase easement rights? Please contact me to discuss options available for Polly
Donald A. Dickson—2004 McKissick Drive
Image from written comments:
My comments on the use of the Frenchman's Creek property are as
• 1 support the acquisition of the property outlined on page 13 of
the City of Friendswood CDBG-DR Hurricane Harvey
Acquisition Guidelines dated September 11,2020 for the
purpose of improving the floodway.
• I do not support converting the area into a park.I live in Polly
Ranch and our private park sees endless trespassing by
individuals who do not live in Polly Ranch. A Frenchman's
Creek Park will only act to exacerbate the problem,not to
mention providing a nuisance to the remaining residents of
Frenchman's Creek and surrounding Polly Ranch neighbors.
Also,Frenchman's Creek is only two lots away from our
private park.
• I support a green space for the Frenchman's Creek property
and planned flood control structures.
CenterPoint. CenterPoint Energy
1111 Louisiana Street
Energy Houston,TX 77002-5231
March 4, 2021 P.O.Box 2628
Houston,TX 77252-2628
g345 �]
MAR 2021
Mayor and City Council z ClCIrySECOFFRIREoswooa Cz
City of Friendswood ' ;�r�,
Delivered by Certified Mail
Re: CenterPoint Energy 2021 Annual GRIP Adjustment for the Texas Coast Division
Dear Madam or Sir:
CenterPoint Energy Resources Corp., d/b/a CenterPoint Energy Entex and CenterPoint
Energy Texas Gas ("CenterPoint" or the"Company"), files the tariffs and supporting documents,
in electronic form, with the City of Friendswood ("City") consistent with Section 7.7101 of the
Railroad Commission of Texas("Commission")Gas Services Division Rules and Section 104.301
of the Texas Utilities Code to establish the annual gas reliability infrastructure program("GRIP")
interim rate adjustment("IRA")for the Company's Texas Coast Division,which includes the City.
The proposed IRA will affect rates for natural gas service customers located in the City.
Simultaneously with this filing,CenterPoint makes the same GRIP filing with the Commission for
customers located in the City's environs and cities of the Texas Coast Division that have ceded
original jurisdiction to the Commission.
CenterPoint consistently supplies its customers in the Texas Coast Division with safe and
dependable natural gas service by prudently investing in additions and upgrades to its delivery
system. The-Company will continue to prudently invest in its infrastructure in order to improve
its natural gas service to its customers and to anticipate and meet their needs under all operating
conditions. The GRIP program enables a gas utility such as CenterPoint to begin recovery of its
incremental capital investment in the system, subject to a prudence review in its next rate case.
This reduces regulatory lag and incentivized needed investment. Consistent with Section 104.301
of the Texas Utilities Code and Commission precedent, the City's review of this GRIP filing is
limited to a ministerial review to ensure compliance with the GRIP statute.
Pursuant to applicable law,the proposed IRA will become effective on May 3,2021,unless
the City suspends that date for a period of no longer than forty-five(45) days. The approved IRA
will be applied to the monthly customer charge and will remain in effect until superseded by the
earlier of(1)the effective date of the Company's next annual GRIP adjustment for the Texas Coast
Division; or (2) the issuance of a final order in a rate setting proceeding for the Texas Coast
City of Friendswood
March 4, 2021
Page 2
As detailed in the attached schedules and supporting material, the Company invested
$45,065,113 in its Texas Coast Division in calendar year 2020, and the applicable IRA is:
Current 2021 Interim
Rate Customer Rate Adjusted Increase
Schedule Charge Adjustment' Charge Per Bill
R-2096-I-GRIP 2021; $17.77 $0.88 $18.65 $0.88
R-2096-U-GRIP 2021 per customer per customer per customer per customer
Residential per month per month per month per month
GSS-2096-I-GRIP 2021; $21.48 $1.36 $22.84 $1.36
GSS-2096-U-GRIP 2021
General Service per customer per customer per customer per customer
Small per month per month per month per month
GSLV-627-I-GRIP 2021; $262.84 $33.15 $295.99 $33.15
GSLV-627-U-GRIP 2021
General Service per customer per customer per customer per customer
e Volume per month per month per month per month
LarAlong with and in support of the proposed IRA, CenterPoint includes the following:
(a) An earnings monitoring report showing the Company's earnings for the Texas
Coast Division during the 2020 calendar year (under the "Earnings Monitoring
Report" section of the enclosed filing).
(b) An Interim Rate Adjustment Application containing accounting schedules and
project reports for the GRIP Adjustment Period including a description of(i)the
projects undertaken during the GRIP Adjustment Period (ii) the investment to
provide utility service in the Texas Coast Division, which were both completed
and placed in service during the GRIP Adjustment Period, (iii) the Company's
prior utility investments in the Texas Coast Division that were either retired or
abandoned during the GRIP Adjustment Period, and (iv) the cost, need and
customers benefited by those investments and retirements located in IRAs 12, 13,
14 and 15 which are voluminous and are being provided in electronic form only.
(c) The Company's calculations of the GRIP Adjustment amount to go into effect on
the later of the Planned Effective Date or the end of any suspension period
' On December 22,2017,the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017(the"TCJA")was signed into law. The TCJA
reduced the federal corporate income tax rate from 35%to 21%. The Company has calculated the GRIP Adjustment
using the 35%federal corporate income tax rate approved in GUD No. 10567.The Company has also calculated and
is seeking approval of the GRIP Adjustment using the 21%federal corporate income tax rate under the Tax Cuts and
Jobs Act of 2017. The Proposed 2021 Interim Rate Adjustment in the table above has been calculated using the
reduced corporate income tax rate of 21%.
City of Friendswood
March 4,2021
Page 3
imposed (under the "Interim Rate Adjustment Application" section of the
enclosed filing). The Company has calculated the GRIP Adjustment using the
35% federal corporate income tax rate approved in GUD No. 10567. The
Company has also calculated and is seeking approval of the GRIP Adjustment
using the 21%federal corporate income tax rate under the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act
of 2017.
(d) Affidavits by Kristie Colvin, Brian K. Gower and Tal R. Centers, Jr. (under the
"Affidavits" section of the enclosed filing).
• Ms. Colvin's affidavit verifies (i) that the Texas Coast Division's
books and records are kept in accordance with the rules of the
Commission and(ii) that the reports enclosed accurately reflect the
Texas Coast Division's books and records related to the information
in those reports.
• Mr. Gower's affidavit verifies the notice of the GRIP filing through
customer bill inserts.
• Mr. Centers' affidavit concerns the reimbursement of relocation
In addition,the source documentation and workpapers supporting the data and calculations
contained in the foregoing reports is maintained in CenterPoint's electronic databases which are
available for review. To schedule an opportunity to review the electronic databases or any hard
copy project files related to the new investment or retirements, please contact me at (713) 207-
Notice of this proceeding will be provided to affected customers in the Texas Coast
Division by bill insert or by separate mailing within 45 days after the date of this filing in
accordance with the applicable law.
Please accept for filing the above-mentioned tariffs,filing package and enclosures. Instead
of a binder with a hard copy of the filing, the Company has provided the equivalent in electronic
form in the folder called Electronic Copy of Filing.
Although only the incorporated tariffs are applicable to the City, the Company has also
included in its filing package both incorporated and unincorporated tariffs.
There have been no changes to the IRA forms since the Company's last filing, other than
adding a column on IRA-18 and IRA-19 to show `Allocated Original Cost'.
If the City takes any action regarding this filing, please send signed documents, such as,
ordinances,resolutions and minutes to the following address:
City of Friendswood
March 4,2021
Page 4
Keith L. Wall
1111 Louisiana Street
CNP Tower 19t'Floor
Houston, Texas 77002
Please do not hesitate to contact me with any questions you may have regarding this filing.
Keith L. Wall
Director of Regulatory Affairs
cc: Mr. Tal Centers
Mr. Sam Chang
Ms. Gracy Rodriguez
Personally appeared before the undersigned, a Notary Public within and for said
County and State. Buzz Crainer, Representative for Brenda Miller Ferp'erson, Publisher of the
Friendswood Journal, a newspaper of general circulation in the County of Galveston, State of Texas.
Who being duly sworn, states under oath that the report of Legal Notice, a true copy of
Which is hereto annexed was published in said newspapers in its issue(s) of March 14, 2013.
Publisher's Representative
Sworn to arld s ribed before me this day of Apr/ 2013.
Notary ub s�
My commission expires on Of 16
Notary Public,Stc 0 of Texas
My Commission Expires
^'F May 21, 2G'6
and why the member would be affected; and explain how the interests the group seeks to protect are
relevant to the group's purpose.
Following the close of all applicable comment and request periods,the Executive Director will forward the
application and any requests for reconsideration or for a contested case hearing to the TCEQ Commissioners
for their consideration at a scheduled Commission meeting.
The Commission will only grant a contested case hearing on disputed issues of fact that are relevant and
material to the Commission's decision on the application. Further,the Commission will only grant a hearing
on issues that were raised in timely filed comments that were not subsequently withdrawn.TCEQ may acl
on an application to renew a permit for discharge of wastewater without providing an opportunity for
a contested case hearing if certain criteria are met.
MAILING LIST.If you submit public comments,a request for a contested case hearing or a reconsideration
of the Executive Director's decision,you will be added to the mailing list for this specific application tc
receive future public notices mailed by the Office of the Chief Clerk, In addition,you may request to be placed
on:(1)the permanent mailing list for a specific applicant name and permit number;and/or'(2)the mailing list
for a specific county. If you wish to be placed on the permanent and/or the county mailing list,clearly specify
which list(s)and send your request to TCEQ Office of the Chief Clerk at the address below.
AGENCY CONTACTS AND INFORMATION. All written public comments and requests must be
submitted to the Office of the Chief Clerk,MC 105,TCEQ,P.O.Box 13087,Austin,TX 78711-3087.II
you need more information about this permit application or the permitting process,please call TCEQ Public
Education Program,Toll Free,at 1-800-687-4040. Si desea informacion en Espafiol,puede Ilamar al 1-800-
687-4040. General information about TCEQ can be found at our web site at www.tceq.texasgov.
Further information may also be obtained from Metton America,Inc.at the address stated above or by calling
Ms.Gwen McNeill at(281)479-8078.
Issuance Date:February 28,2013
'LegalI I LegalI I egal Notices
The following vacant property has accumulation or growth of high grass, weeds,
rubbish,carrion filth,brush and debris and/or stagnant water.These violations must
be removed or remedied from entire property. If you are the owner or know how to
contact the owner,please call the Pasadena Health Department at 713-475-5529.
1. 0 N Chalres; Lts 4.&21 B Blk 47 Olson#32-32
2. 901 Willow;Lt 40 Pasadena Heights Sec 1 #43-65
3. 0 Wafer;Tr 24B E Pt of W'/z of Lt 24 Warren Acres U/R#43-112
4. 1621 Camille;Lt 20 Bik 12 Revelon Terrace#43-420
5. 2406 McNay;Lt 73&E 14 Ft of Lt 74 Blk fi Pasadena#44-11
6. 1011 Satsuma;Lt 33 Satsuma Place Sec 1 #44-141-1:33
7. 100&Satsuma;Lt 32 Satsuma Place Sec 1 #44-14Lt32
S. 2407 Raymond;Lt 20 Blk 6 Red Bluff Terrace Sec 1 #44-30
9. 2503 Harris;Lt 87 Blk 5 East Pasadena#44-62
10. 1201 South; Lts 113 114 115 116 162 163 164& 165 Satsuma Heights#44-91
11. 0 Red Bluff;Tr 40 Satsuma El Porvenir Sec 2#44-160
12. 2619 Preston;Tr 18A Satsuma Gardens#44-570
13. 624 Main;Tr 13 Jackson Place Sec 4#42-25
Legal Notices - Legal NoticesLEGAL
Notice—Section 3 NOTICE TO CREDITORS Advertising
k Contracting Opportunities Notice is hereby given that original Letters
Testamentary for the Estate of HAROLD
The City of Friendswood has up- JOSEPH MAGEE,Deceased,were issued To Place.Your
on February 18, 2013, in Docket No.
coming construction projects that 419,203,pending in Probate Court No. NOTICE
will be subject to Section 3 re- 3 of Harris County,Texas,to JERRY D.
quirements. Section 3 businesses GARNER, Independent Executor. All TO
are invited to be included in the persons having claims against said Estate
p City's list of certified Section 3 are hereby required to present the same CREDITORS
to said Independent Executor,within the time and in the manner prescribed by law,
Business Concerns so they can be contact
notified about specific Section 3 at the address shown below.The residence 281-378-1025
bid opportunities. For more infor- of the Independent Executor is in Brazoria le alsehcnonline.com
mation, go to www.friendswood. County, Texas. The post office address 9
is:c/o Clark T.Askins,Askins&Askins,
coin and select Business Services/ NousTON
Development Process. P.C.,P.O.Box 1218,La Porte,TX 77572, ® COMMUNITY
4S ,
IjI '
City of l j'/y.t en dS w0 o d Councilmembers
910 South Friendswood Drive JIM BARR
Friendswood, Texas 77546-4856 LESLIE REID
_ — (281)996-3270 BILL HOLBERT
Fax: (281)482-1634 ANDYRIVERA
Interim City Manager
City Secretary
August 8, 2008
To: Zoning Board of Adjustment Members
From: Melinda Welsh
Deputy City Secretary/Staff Liaison
Subject: Zoning Board of Adjustment Meeting
There will be a regular Zoning Board of Adjustment meeting this month. It is scheduled for
Tuesday, August 26, 2008 at 7:00 PM, City Hall Council Chambers, 910 S. Friendswood Drive,
Friendswood, Texas,for the following:
1. Seeking a variance for property located at Sun Meadow Drive median. Lot 13, Block 2
Northfield Estates, a subdivision in Galveston County, Texas of required twenty-five
(25) foot rear yard setback of Appendix C —Zoning, Section 7.Q.3., Regulations Matrix
Residential Districts of the Friendswood City Code to allow a newly constructed home
already constructed beyond the rear yard and setback line.
Meeting notices, agenda packets and other information will be mailed to you the Thursday
before the meeting. Please use the back parking area for all meetings.
Thank you,
Melinda Welsh
Deputy City Secretary
cc: Deloris McKenzie, City Secretary
John Olson, City Attorney
Bobby Gervais, City Attorney
Frank Manigold,Deputy Director Inspections/Code Enforcement/Planning& Zoning
/ r
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`- City Limits
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Disdaimer The City of Friendsv, `0 representation or warranty as to the accuracy of this map and its information c _✓s fitness for use ser of this map product accepts the same AS IS,
WITH ALL FAULTS and assumes +:: .�;rsCdity for the use thereof,and further agrees to not hold the City of Friendswood a, from any damage .> or liability arising from any use of the map product.
Indepen:? �f all information ccr: DJ on this map should be obtained by the end
City of Friendswood
9Friendswood,Texas 77546e F r i e n d s w o o d G I S Mapping
www.oi.friendswood.br.us 1 "equals 102
8- 94 ryFiri} ,£.
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241 ? yea
IV \ . Parcels
h= City Limits
Disclaimer The City of Fnendswood makes no representation or warranty as to the r --uracy of this map and is information nor to its fitness for use. Any user of this map product accepts the same AS IS,
WITH ALL FAULTS,and assumes all responsibility nor the use thereof,and further agrees to not hold the City of Fnendswood liable from any damage.loss,or liability arising from any use of the map product.
Independent verification of all information contained on this map should be obtained by the end user
City of Friendswood
9Fr South Friend Drive F r i e n d s wo o d G I S Mapping
Friendswood,Texasxas 754 76
www.ci.friendswood.tx.us 1 "equals 102
City of F�iendswood Councilmembers
910 South Friendswood Drive Jo IM ILL
Friendswood, Texas 77546-4856 LESLIE REID
(281) 996-3270 ANDYRIVERA
Fax: (281) 482-1634 City Manager
Date: December 14, 2007 City Secretary
To: Zoning Board of Adjustment Members
Cc: Deloris McKenzie, City Secretary
Bo McDaniel, City Manager
Les McMahen, Interim Director of Community Development
Frank Manigold, Building Official
Bobby Gervais, City Attorney
John Olson, City Attorney
From: Melinda Welsh
Deputy City Secretary and ZBOA Staff Liaison
Please note on your 2008 calendar the meeting dates and the deadline for receiving applications
regarding the Zoning Board of Adjustment. The deadline to receive applications with completed
documentation and fee is usually at noon (12:00 PM) the first Tuesday of the month, unless there
is a holiday that conflicts with the meeting date.
January 2 (Wednesday) 22
February 5 26
March 4 25
April 1 22
May 6 27
June 3 24
July 1 22
August 5 26
September 2 23
October 7 28
November 4 25
December Nov. 25 16
Please do not hesitate to call me if you have any question regarding the above dates.
Thank you,
Melinda Welsh
Deputy City Secretary
Section 11. The board of adjustment--Powers and duties.
The board of adjustment shall have the following powers and duties:
A. Administrative review. To hear and decide appeals where it is alleged there is error in
any order, requirement, decision, or determination made by an administrative official in
the enforcement of this ordinance. The board shall apply the following standards in
deciding the appeal:
1. That there is a reasonable difference of interpretation as to the specific intent of
the zoning regulations or zoning map.
2. That the resulting interpretation will not grant a special privilege to one
property inconsistent with other properties or uses similarly situated.
3. The decision of the board must be such as will be in the best interest of the
community and consistent with the spirit and interest of the city's zoning laws.
B. Variance; conditions governing applications; authority and limitations. To authorize
upon appeal in specific cases, such variance from the terms of this ordinance as will not
be contrary to the public interest where, owing to special conditions, a literal enforcement
of the provisions of this ordinance would result in unnecessary hardship, and so that the
spirit of the ordinance shall be observed and substantial justice done. In exercising such
powers of variance, the board may, in conformity with the provisions of this ordinance,
reverse or affirm,wholly or partly, or may modify the order, requirement, decision, or
determination appealed from and make such order, requirement, decision, or
determination as ought to be made, and to that end the board shall have all the powers of
the officer from whom the appeal is taken.
In granting any variance, the board of adjustment may describe appropriate conditions
and safeguards in conformity with this ordinance. Violations of such conditions and
safeguards,when made a part of the terms under which the variance is granted, shall be
deemed a violation of this ordinance.
Under no circumstances shall the board of adjustment grant a variance to allow a use not
permissible under the terms of this ordinance in the district involved, or any use,
expressly or impliedly, prohibited by the terms of this ordinance in said district.
C. Special exceptions. To hear and decide special exceptions to the terms of this
ordinance upon which the board is required to pass under this ordinance.
1. Authority and Scope. The board shall have the power to grant temporary and
permanent special exceptions from the city's zoning ordinance.
2. Permanent Special Exceptions. A permanent special exception may be granted
only for the following reasons:
a. Interpretive Authority. If a definition or term of the City's zoning ordinance
is ambiguous or contrary to common understanding, the board would clarify the
definition or term based on the common definition or understanding of the term.
(Example: An attached garage is normally understood to mean one where there
are one or more common walls and a roof structure between the garage and the
main property building. A board determination may be that roof structures alone
are not considered walls so one or more buildings with a breezeway between them
may not be considered as "attached"). No additional special exception shall be
granted based on the board's initially interpreted definition.
b. De Minimus Exception. The board may grant a special exception for very
small exceptions to the zoning ordinance, where the spirit of the Code is met and
there is an overriding benefit to the applicant with no detriment to the surrounding
neighbors or the City. (An example would be a where a 9.5 foot setback for
building would be allowed where a 10 foot setback is required, to allow the
property owner to save an oak tree.)
C. Medical Necessity. The board may grant a special exception to the above
cited portions of the zoning ordinance if a medical necessity is proven, or to meet
the requirements of the Americans with Disabilities Act. For medical reasons or
necessity, the reason for the special exception must be related to the medical
condition and be supported by a letter from the applicant's physician defining the
physical limitations of the applicant.
d. No other permanent special exception based on the board's decision or
determination in one case regarding structures may be granted for other cases
without the proper board determination on the subsequent cases.
e. A permanent special exception shall have no expiration date.
3. Temporary Special Exceptions. A temporary special exception, not to exceed
ninety (90) days in term, may be granted by the board to allow for the construction of
non-complying structures for reasons in addition to ambiguous definitions or terms,
medical reasons/necessity, or De Minimus circumstances. In order for a request for a
temporary special exception to be brought before the board, there needs to be 1)a finding
by the City's building official that an issue of non-compliance with the City's zoning
ordinance would exist by virtue of applicant's construction; and 2)there are demonstrated
significant reasons why immediate action cannot reasonably be taken by the applicant to
achieve compliance with the City's zoning ordinance. No other temporary special
exception based on the board's decision or determination in one case regarding structures
may be granted for other cases without the proper board determination on the subsequent
4. Requirements. Temporary or permanent special exceptions may be granted only
after the following items have been addressed.
a. The City's building official has denied the applicant a permit or permits
based on non-compliance with the City's zoning ordinance; and
b. The applicant has made a written request for a special exception in
accordance with section 211.010, Texas Local Government Code and Appendix
C, Section 10(B)of the Code of Ordinances; and
C. The applicant's request is based on ambiguous definitions or terms,
medical reasons or necessity or ADA compliance, or other special De Minimus
circumstances, and that there are demonstrated significant economic reasons why
action cannot be taken by the applicant to achieve compliance with the City's
zoning ordinance; and
d. There has been notice and a public hearing as required Appendix C,
Section 10(C)of the Code of Ordinances; and
e. The applicant agrees to accept reasonable conditions or actions that the
board may suggest to mitigate potential issues with or objections to the
applicant's request; however, the board cannot require such conditions or actions
to be accepted in return for a favorable decision by the board, rather the case must
be otherwise decided on its merits. (An example is installing additional property
drainage as a condition for side setback relief); and
f. In no case shall the board be authorized to grant permanent special
exceptions or temporary special exceptions that would in effect allow a violation
of the City's Health Code, Life Safety Code or Fire Safety Code; and
g. Under no circumstances shall the board grant a request for a special
exception that would have the effect of allowing a use not permissible under the
terms of the zoning ordinance in the district involved, or any use, expressly or
impliedly,prohibited by the terms of the zoning ordinance in the subject district.
5. Finding. A special exception shall not be granted unless the board shall make a
determination that the granting of the special exception will not adversely affect the
public interest. In making its determination, the board shall duly consider, where
applicable,the following:
a. The most appropriate use of the land and conservation and stabilization of
property values;
b. Adequate open spaces for light and air and required yards and other open
C. Congestion of public streets, including ingress and egress to property with
particular reference to automotive and pedestrian safety and convenience, traffic flow and
control,and access in case of fire or catastrophe;
d. Off-street parking, loading and service areas where required;
e. Economic, noise, dust, heat, glare, or odor effects of the special exception
on surrounding properties or the City;
f. Utilities, with reference to locations, availability, adequacy and
g. Screens and buffers with reference to type, dimensions, character, and
h. General compatibility with surrounding properties and general welfare of
the persons residing and working in the area;
i. Whether, at the public hearing, there are objections from the surrounding
and affected property owners and whether the objections, if any, can be or have been
j. For the medical necessity exception, whether the medical condition is
proven and the requested exception reasonably relates to the medical condition;
k. For the De Minimus exception, whether there is an overriding benefit to
the applicant with no detriment to the surrounding neighbors or the City; and
1. The spirit of The City Code is met.
D. Vote required: appeals; variances; special exceptions. The concurring vote of four
members of the board shall be necessary to reverse any order, requirements, decision, or
determination of an administrative official, or to effect any variation in the application of
this ordinance, or to decide in favor of the applicant on any matter or special exception
upon which it is required to pass or decide under this ordinance.