HomeMy WebLinkAboutP&Z Minutes 1974-01-17 RegularFPZC-1-17-74
January 17, 197�F
A regular meeting of the Friendswood Planning and Zoning Commission
was held at the Friendswood City'Hal1 on Thursday, January 17, 1974.
Chairman Bost presided. The meeting was called to order at 7s45 P,M.
C . C, Bost
Tracy Spears
Clyde Raney
Ken Fossler
Bob Phillips
Jim Shore
Leah North
R. A. Dudney, Dow Chemical, 3636 Richmond Ave., Houston, 77027
James R. Ansell, Att'y, 504 lst Hutchings -Sealy National Bank
Building, Galveston, Tex. 77550
James Gawlik, A.I.A., Architect, P.U. Box 1087, LaPorte, 77571
Tom and Robin Manison, Camp Manison, Friendswood, Tex.
Kitc.ia M. Beasley, 112 Winding Road, Friendswood, Tex.
Omar J. Holguin, 114 Winding Road, Friendswood, Tex.
Dr. Schuyler S. Hoff, Jr., 914 Mary's Ct., Friendswood, Tex.
Herman Runge, 912 Mary's Ct., Friendswood, Texas
R. E. Creamer, 910 Mary's Ct., Friendswood, Tex.
Roger Mills, 209 Sunnyview, Friendswood, Tex.
No minutes were available from the previous meeting.
a) School properties - Bost.
Chairman Bost reported that School Superintendent J. Ward had
informed him that the legal descriptions for all school
properties would be available at the next meeting of the
Planning and Zoning Commission.
b) National Investors' "Captain's Corner" Shopping Center ---All.
Several members reported that the hedge alongside National
Investors' "Captain's Corner" Shopping Center is dying.
Acting Secretary Shore was requested to phone the City
Manager and request that the maintenance agreement be enforced.
c) Re,zonl to C-1 - Wood -Whitaker tract -_Raney.
Passed second reading on January 7. Up for final reading on
January 21.
d) Rezoning to Specific Use - Autumn Hills Rest Home - Raney.
Passed second reading on January 7, Up for final reading on
January 21.
� FPZC-M-1-17-74
e) Amoco Pipeline - Raney.
A letter stating City's position had been written to Amoco by
City age C'c y Q-tt�Y H' ..J. A44., Attach
f) Illegal -Mobile Homes - Raney.
Letter sent by City Administrator Cline advising home owner of
City ordinances. Action to enforce is up to City Administration.
g) Greenbriar Subdivision, Section I - Bost.
Awaiting signature of Secretary of Planning and Zoning Commission.
No action.
a) Jim Gawlik. Waived his appointment. Asked to be placed on next
week's agenda at same time.
b) Simason's`Apa-rtments.
1) Presentation by W. R. Simpson, 208 Carey Lane, Friendswood.
2) Mr. Simpson stated that he had approval from Administrator
Cline on Certificate of Zoning Compliance but did not have
it in his possession. (Secretary's notes Mr. Fossler later
-questioned this procedure of granting Certificate prior to
Mr. Simpson's appearing before Planning and Zoning Commission.)
3) Raney has conferred with Mr. Ll,ewelyn of Exxon and is
satisfied that Mr. Simpson and Exxon have reached agreement
on the handling of the pipeline R-O-W. Mr. Simpson confirms
this. He has nothing in writing.
4) Bost reads Raney's comments (herewith attached). Attach
5) Discussion ensued as to whether Mr. Simpson has complied #2
with Zoning Ordinance and the direction of the Board of
Adjustment. Outcome was that Mr. Simpson complied with
Zoning Ordinance as of the time that Board of Adjustment
gave him their ruling. The directive of the Board of
Adjustment is considered to be outside the purview of the
Planning and Zoning Commission. Spears did not agree,
saying that Simpson had not met time requirements and this
should not be allowed to proceed.
b) A ruling on the distance requirement between the Exxon
pipeline and the closest building line is the responsibility
of the City Council, according to Raney, and should not
have a bearing on the Commission's actions. Acting
Secretary Shore was requested to send a memo to City Manager
Morgan on this subject.
7) Phillips moved, Fossler seconded, that the Planning and
Zoning Commission recommend approval of Mr. Simpson's
apartment project plans insofar as these plans having met
the requirments of the Zoning Ordinance as it was written as
of September 24, 1974 (date of letter from Board of
Adjustment to Simpson).
MOTION PASSED, 4-1; Spears against, Raney abstaining.
a) Dow pipeline - Request to rezone for specific use.
1) Presentation by R. A. Dudney, Dow Chemical
3636 Richmond Ave, Houston, Tex ?7027
James R. Ansell, 504 lst Hutchings -Sealy
National Bank Building, Galveston, 77550.
2) Lengthy discussion ensued between property owners, mainly
from Village Green, and Mr. Dudney. Clyde Raney was
present, remainder of Commission having withdrawn to City
Manager's office to discuss subdivision status.
3) No specific action taken regarding zoning change. Dow
representatives were requested to:
a) Submit a proposal of adjustment of pipeline to meet
City needs as to water, sewers, streets, etc., at
Dow's expense.
b) Determine distances from dwellings to pipeline (not
easement) along proposed pipeline route.
They were also informed that from time of application of
zoning change request to final action could take as long as
twelve weeks or longer. The Dow representatives stated that
this posed no problems.
4) Dow representatives will confer with City administration as
to citizens to be notified and cost of application. Date
for hearing will be set later.
b) Woodlawn Herita e office complex
1) Presentation by James Gartrell, Jr.
P. 0. Box 382
La Marque, Texas
Ray Utley, for Clint Hackney
2) Gartrell presented: a) Two sets of plans
Action b) Application for zoning change
(No fee was paid.)
3) Discussion followed. Phillips requested that developers
give some thought to a form of sign control. They agreed to
do so. Gartrell stated that a 2J foot easement for
utilities was granted along Heritage to match the National
Investors' easement. He plans to apply for building permit
prior to zoning change so as to be ready if and when change
is approved. No objections were raised as far as plans
were concerned.
4) No action taken.
a) Greenbriar Section II
1) Presentation by, James Gartrell, Jr.
2) Gartrell stated that right-of-way is granted on plat so as to
eliminate offset on Castlewood. Utility Superintendent Toon,'
who was present, stated that he had no objection but that the City
budget will not allow the street and/or utilities to be moved
in the near future, The A ting Secretary was requested to write
a letter to the City Council advising them of the dedication of
the Right-of-way.
3) No action taken. Subject will be placed on agenda for next week.
b) Heritage Estates, Section II. Not on agenda. No action requested or
taken. Mr. Gartrell left two copies of plat. Requested to be
placed on agenda next week.
1) Chairman Bost ..announced at 10:15 that Commission was going into
closed session to discuss questions regarding personnel.
2) Interview. with Robert Atkinson, consulting engineer, followed.
Mr. Atkinson presented program for establishing new master plan
(zoning, streets, drainage, etc.) for City, based on previous
studies and reflecting current situation. (Program herewith
attached as part of minutes.)
3) Chairman Bost announced at 11s40 that Commission was returning
to "open" meeting status.
4) MOT10N WAS MADE by Spears, seconded by Raney, that the
Commission retain Robert Atkinson as a consultant to the
Planning and Zoning Commission and to implement generally
the program as outlined in the attachment, with tha attachment
serving as a basis for salary and program goals.
MOTION PASSED unanimously, Fossler abstaining.
Chairman Bost will discuss this matter with City Manager
Morgan and will inform the City administration of the
At 12s00 Fossler moved, Raney seconded, to adjourn;. Motion passed
' ng Secretary
` Approved iy alob &I'l-YGt-w (d l ` 7y�,
Attachments: 1) Raney's comments on Simpson's project.
2) Copy of memo to City Manager concerning Simpson/Exxon
pipeline distance requirement.
3) Plans for Woodlawn/Heritage office
4) Application for zoning change for
5) Plat for Heritage Estates, Section
6) Copy of letter to City Council res
7) Atkinson's planning proposal.
woodlawn/Heritage complex.
Greenbriar II R-O-W .