June 27 , 1978
SUBJECT: A request by L. L. Anderson, Sr. to build a two-car
garage on his property at 406 Linda Lane , Whitehall
Subdivision , Friendswood , so that one corner of this
garage would be three feet ( 31 ) from the easement
instead of five ( 51 ) . See map attached for location
of proposed garage.
REGULAR MEMBERS PRESENT : Bruce Foster, Chairman
George Rummel , Secretary
Ray Nelson
William Dykes
ALTERNATE : Mrs . Elvia Salyer, Alternate , was delegated by the
Chairman to serve as a voting member in the absence
of Regular Member W. H. Taylor.
The meeting was called to order by Chairman Foster at 7 : 10 p.m.
in the City Council room. The only person present representing
the Andersons was Mrs . Mary Anderson , Sr. All of the Board
Members had a layout drawn by Mrs . Anderson ' s son showing how
they would like to locate the garage.
Mrs . Anderson explained that the only reason for requesting
permission to locate one corner of the two-car garage as shown
in the layout was to make it easier to get in and out of same .
The distance from the main house patio , which is roofed over, to
the nearest corner of the garage is only eight ( 8) feet. By
moving the garage over two ( 2 ) feet on to the property line and
putting it at an angle as shown , cars can gain access to and be
backed out of the garage with ease. There is no fence or building
on the lot adjacent to the proposed garage and Mrs. Anderson said
her neighbor on the adjoining lot had no objection to the garage
being built as proposed.
Mr. George Calk , Friendswood Building Inspector, was present at
the meeting. He said that in the Whitehall-Annalea development ,
the present Friendswood zoning for distances between houses and
from easements did not apply. The reason for this is that this
area was platted and recorded in 1964 before the subdivision was
annexed by Friendswood.
After a short discussion , Motion was made by Dykes , seconded by
Salyer, that a variance be granted to the Andersons to build
their garage as requested with the following provisos :
1) That a letter be sent to Mr. Foster , Chairman of the Board
of Adjustment , by the persons owning the property adjacent
to where the garage would be built , saying that they have no
objection to this variance. This letter must be notarized
for signatures .
2 ) That the corner of the garage encroaching on the property
line must be at least three (3 ) feet from the property
Motion passed unanimously by all Regular Members and Alternate .
Motion to adjourn made by Dykes , seconded by Salyer , and passed
eorge W. Rummel , Secretary
Board of Adjustment