HomeMy WebLinkAboutZBOA Minutes 1975-09-02 Regular MINUTES OF MEETING OF
September 2, 1975
Members Present Members Absent
Mr. George Rummel , Acting Chairman Mr. Bruce Foster, Chairman
Mr. William Taylor, Acting Secretary Mrs. Bernice Box, Secretary
Mr. Richard Yancey, Alternate Member
Mr. Ray Nelson, Alternate Member
The meeting convened at 7:30 p.m. on Tuesday, September 2, 1975.
The first order of business was to appoint Mr. Rummel and Mr. Taylor as
Acting Chairman and Acting Secretary, respectively, due to the absence of Mr.
Foster and Mrs. Box.
The purpose of the meeting was to review the request by Mr. and Mrs.
Ledford L. Hicks for a fe
nce height variance. As no one appeared before
9 pp fo e the
Board to object to this fence height variance, the primary area of discussion
by the Board centered around the setback distance of the fence from State
Highway 2351 and the safety of traffic entering and leaving the child day care
center under construction adjacent to the Hicks property.
Mr. Yancey made the motion that a variance be approved allowing a stan-
dard wooden fence up to eight feet high with a minimum setback distance of 30
feet from the Highway 2351 right-of-way line. The Highway 2351 right-of-way
line was defined to the Board as 50 feet either side of the center line of
said highway. Thus the minimum setback distance would be 80 feet from the
center line of Highway 2351 . This motion was seconded by Mr. Taylor.
Mr. Nelson requested an addendum to the above motion such that the mini-
mum setback distance be redefined as 50 feet from the present edge of the
p surface of Highway 2351 . Mr. Rummel seconded the addendum. Following
discussion of Mr. Nelson's addendum, the Acting Chairman called for a vote.
The Board failed to pass the addendum.
The Acting Chairman then requested a vote on Mr. Yancey' s motion. The
Board passed the motion unanimously.
Since no other business was presented to the Board, Mr. Yancey made a
motion that the meeting be adjourned. Mr. Rummel seconded. The meeting was
adjourned at approximately 8:40 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
William H. Taylor, Acting Secretary
WHT:mw Friendswood Board of Adjustment
cc: Bd. of Adj . File (c/o)
City of Friendswood
Mr. and Mrs. Hicks
Mr. H. E. Benson
Mr. E. 0. Zeitler
Each Board of Adj . member
109 Willowick Avenue
482 - 3323
PUBLIC H1 RING - Friendswood z"oning Board of :�d j u�tment
Tuesday - September ^ , 1975 - 7 :30 p.m.
Notice is hereby given that a public hearing will be held in
the Friends-wood City Hall for the purpose of hearing a
reuest for a fence height variance by:
Mr. and Mrs. Ledford L. Hicks
208 West Ed�zewood :gyve.
Friendswood, Texas
77 546
Bernice Box, Secretary
Friendswood Board of t;djustment
140 imperial Drive
Friendswood, Texas 7(546
6 October ly7j
City of Friendswood
Friendswood City Hall
109 Willowick
Friendswood, Texas '17546
To: The Honorable Ralph Lowe, Mayor
Chairman, Planning and Zoning Commission
Chairman, Board of Adjustment <�
Ref: Triangle of Land, Corner of Imperial Drive and Edgewood Drive
and Old Choate Road
The residents of Imperial Estates, Section I, have again seen
For Sale" si ns on the trian;ie of land at the entrance to our
addition. It is our understanding that this property is now zoned
R-1, Residential Single Family Dwelling, and we wish to go on record
that we would resist any effort to have this changed. This letter
is an effort to again inform you of our stronr- desire to keep this
property zoned residential and bears the signatures of the adjacent
property owners.
This property has been the topic of discussion at several
rec .nt meetings of imperial Estates Section I Civic Club and the City. .
The realtor, Mr. Murphy, has quoted a price of $6,000 for the property.
Our Civic Club has agreed that some compromise mi,;ht be negotiated
among, the City; Mr. Bost, the property owner; and the Civic Club to
purchase the trians;le of land at a more reasonable fi<,ure. The
property could be usea as a city park area; and the Civic Club would
consider installin,; equipment and maintaining the park.
It has been pointed out in our Civic Club meetinTs that in
official session, Mayor Lowe previously directed City Manager Jim Moran
to ne;otiate purchase of the property in question from Mr. Bost to
be used as a mini-park and the City has previously budgeted $2,000
for equipment to t)e placed in the parK. Neither of these proposals
has been pursued to completion by the City.
•Imperial Estates No. I Civic Club Page 2
The Civic Club officially requests the Mayor to reopen this
topic. This action will provide a badly needed organized play area
and, at the same time, provide the zoning protection desired by the
Imperial Estates Section I Subdivision.
Very truly yours,
John M. Kerr
Adjacent Property Owners:
Carl Frankie Janice Frankie
102 Imperial Drive 102 Imperial Drive
Jimmy D. Watson Shirley Watson
101 Imperial Drive 101 Imperial Drive
Carl .'Ho eFr� Betty Hopper
F/, Y
155 mperial Drive 155 Imperial Drive
1 JZingfElliott� Emma Elliott
154 Imperial Drive 15►+ Imperial Drive