HomeMy WebLinkAboutZBOA Minutes 1975-02-26 Regular MINUTES OF A MEETING OF THE FRIENDS'NOOD
FEBRUARY 26 , 1975
The following Board members were present:
Bruce Foster , Chairman
George Rommel
Hal Taylor
Bernice Box, Secretary
Richard Yancey, Alter.
Ray Nelson, Alter.
Ivy Fossiler , Co-Chairman
Ed Dykes
The meeting was called to order late , 7 : 45 p.m. waiting for
all members to arrive.
Yx. Foster asked for show of hands of people in the audi-
ance speaking for the special exception being considered,
and show of hands speaking against No one was there to
speak against the application.
Mr. Foster explained to the audiance that the Board of
Adjustment was not ruling on the issue of wet or dry
in the city. This special exception is ruled upon under
Ordance #174, section #11 , paragraph 1 and 2 , pages 25 and
26. The Special exception hearing was called for in the
Ordance #174, Cl (Business) district, paragraph #4, page 37.
The ;'Liquor license had been applied for and recieved by
Mr.and Mrs. J. H. Dobbs and Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Miller ,
lessees of the proposed Package Store.
A new resident to Friendswood did not completely understand
so Mr. Foster and Mr. Rummel explained our basis again for
the ruling to heard. Any objections from the audience were
called for again. There were none.
Mr. Rummel made a motion: To grant the special exception
for the Package Store to be opened at the location shown
on the platt submitted by 1,11r. Baker , owner of the building
and property at the southwest corner of Sunmeadow and Parkwood
Ave. Mr. Taylor seconded the motion. Any further disscussion
was colled for . lMr. Ray Nelson arrived late and brought
up the question of allowing a Package Store in a completely
new area. He asked for a justification to the definition
of Special Exception on page 7 , #`28 of the Ordance. The
business met all the requirements of the definition and the
Boardmembers felt it had a right qualify any ba�siness brought
before them. Beer and wine is already being sold adjacent
to the store space next door at the Seven-Eleven. The
special exception in no way is setting a precident for the
rest of the city of Friends,vood.
A vote was called for: Five votes for , the motion carried.
Memo: Future board meetings are to be on nearest Tuesday,
from date application is received.
l Mr. Taylor made a motion to
Y adorn, Mr. Yancey seconded.
Meeting adjorned.
ctf ally submitted ,
ce Box, Se�ry
Friendswood Board of Adjustment
Copies to:
L. E. Miller
J. H. Dabbs
John H. Baker
109 Willowick Avenue
482 - 3323
PUBLIC HE`-.RING - Friendswood mooning Board of `d j ustment
Wednesday- February 26 , 1975 - 7: 30 p.m.
Notice is hereby tD
given that a public hearing will be held in
the Friendswood City Hall for the purpose of hearing a re-;uest
for a special exception by
Mr. John H. Baker
4545 post oak Place Drive
Houston, Texas 77OL7
For the purpose of placing a 792 sq. ft . Package Li~uor Store
next to the corner of F. L1. 528 and Sunmeado q Boulevard.
This is the buildins that houses the 7-11 store .
Bernice Box, Secretary
Friendswood ,Board of ,'Adjustment
July 28 , 1975
Mlemo to Board Members:
Ivy Fossiler has been dropped for the Board of Adjustment
by the members of the City Council. The Council and i;�Iayor
also appoir_ted Ray Nelson as a regular member.
This still leaves our records in doubt about Mr. 'Richard
Yancey. I had heard tht-t they might have to moire out of
Friendswood until their new home was completed. If anyone
knows please contacted me .
Also the City Ylanager needs a little prodding about the
skating rink not being moved by the deadline of July 23.
Mr. TDTorgan inquired as to the correct date and hasn' t
seemed to have acted on it.
Resreetf ully submitted,
Bernice Box, Secretary
Friendswood Board of ;adjustment
109 Willowick Avenue
482 . 3323
Aug. 19 , 1975
' Gent lemon:
This request was made by phone to me from birs. Hicks
on Aug. 16, 1975. Mrs. Hicks has an extra large setback
on her front yard. She would like to put a high privacy
fence between her house and the new day care center on
the right of her. She did not state how far infront of
the house she planned on taking the fence. She talked
about a height of six feet. The builders of the center
have infringed on her property several times. Such as
using her water and hose without asking while she is
away from home and et o.
Please make a note of this meeting on your calendars as
I will not be able to call you on the phone to remihd
each of you. Sept.l, 1975 I will be in the Clear Lake
Hospital for tests and surgery.
Also if you can drop by the property for a look, Pars. Hicks
has several problems there that may affect your decisions
or help your understanding of the outcome of the tPenceibeing
there or not.
Thank you and sincerely yours ,
To: Mayor Lowe and Councilmen Date: August 27 , 1975
From: Bernice Box
Subject: Board. of .`:dju :tment
The following terms of these Board of _;justment members
will expire on September 2, 1975, and leave the Board without
a quorum;
Bruce Foster
Bernice Box
Ray Nelson
<':11 are i:,terested in remaining on the Board.
I would also lime to remind you of the tvlo vacant alternate
Please take the apr�ropriate action to fill these positions.
Perferably at the coucil' s next meeting on September 8 , 1975.
Please notify George Rummel of Bruce Foster of your action.