HomeMy WebLinkAboutZBOA Minutes 1975-01-23 Special MINUTES OF A SPECIAL MEETING OF THE FRIENDSWOOD January - Thursday 23 , 1975 Members Present: Bernice Box George Rummel Hal Taylor jtay Nelson Ed Dykes The Vice-Chairman and Chairman were Absent . Seceretar,y Bernice Box called the meeting to order. Mr. Ed StuQet and Mr. Gary Goff attended. Mr. Goff presented a copy of the temperary skating rink building and the location on 642 Friends- wood Drive. Part of Stonesthrow Shopping Center is to be used for parking. Times for the rink to be opened were discussed. Security and other rules in the rink were explained. Mr. Dykes made a motion to grant the Temporary Certificate of Zoning Com; liance; Mlr. Taylor second the motion. There was floor discussion. Mrs. Box called for a vote; four votes for; one obstintion; the motion carried, the certificate was granted . Lr. Nelson made a request for more information to be given members before meeting are to held , so we will be better informed and prepared. This will be brought toc-the attention of Mr. Kline. Yr. Taylor made a motion to adjorn; seconded by Mrs. Box. Respectfully submitted, Bernice Box, seceretary CITY OF FRIENDSWOOD 109 Willowick Avenue FRIENDSWOOD, TEXAS 77546 482 - 3323 PUBLIC r"!oTICE i'UI LLC HI'l . I;VG - Friendsvaood Board of lidjastment Thursday - Januaray 23, 1975 - 7: 30 p.m. Notice is hereby given that a public he8rirg will be held in the Friendswood City Hall for the j�arpose of hearing a rer,uest for cortific-ate of Zoning Comrli once. :it-quest made by: Mr. Edward `?tuart 624 South Fr&ends-vood Dr. Friendsvyood, Texas 77b46 Isa Bernice Box, secretary U-1t Friendsv,00d Board of Adjustment F Temporary Certificate of Zoning Compliance APPLICATION FOR ` (TO THE FRIENDSWOOD ZONING ORDINANCE NO. 132) To: The Friendswood Zoning Board of Adjustment I (we) the undersigned owner(s) of the following property �ie/ ✓IC �Md ocated at �p �Y� /`�/`/✓IDS�QO.D cripti n) (street address, if any) do hereby apply for a SPECIAL EXCEPTION to the Zoning Ordinance based on SECTION of the Ordinance as checked below. j SECTION 4: Where a district boundary line divides a lot which was l—! in single ownership at the time of passage of this ordinance, the Board of Adjustment may permit, as a special exception, the extension of the regulations for either portion of the lot not to exceed fifty feet be- yond the district line into the remaining portion of the lot. j SECTION 6: If no structural alterations are made, any non-conforming L! use of a structure, or structure and premises, may as a special exception be changed to another non-conforming use. SECTION 9: Temporary use of land for auction sales, automobile j parking, lots for special events, batching plants, carnivals or circuses, and construction buildings and years. Specific reason for requesting SPECIAL EXCEPTION is Signed-'-' Received (Date) By Board of Adjustment REAL ESTATE*INVESTMENTS John h. bakeR January 29 , 1975 City of Friendswood City Hall 109 Willowick Friendswood, Texas 77546 Attention: Mr. L. B. Cline Re: Application For A Special Exception Dear Mr. Cline: In accordance with your instruction, I have prepared my APPLICATION FOR A SPECIAL EXCEPTION seeking permission to place a 792 square foot Package Liquor Store in my strip center at F.M. 528 and Sunmeadow Boulevard. It is my understanding that I will be notified when this matter is scheduled for hearing. If additional information is necessary or deemed advantageous, please notify me. Thank you for your splendid assistance in this matter. Yours truly, JOHN H. BAKE INVESTMENTS/REAL ESTATE Johnny Baker Y JB/pb Enclosures 4545 Post Oak Place Drive,Suite 107,Houston,Texas 77027(713)626-7411 APPLICATION FOR A SPECIAL EXCEPTION (TO THE FRIENDSWOOD ZONING ORDINANCE NO. 132) To: The Friendswood Zoning Board of Adjustment I (we) the undersigned owner(s) of the following property 0. 582 acres (see exhibit attached) located at FM 528 and Sunmeadow Blvd. legal description) (street address, if any) do hereby apply for a SPECIAL EXCEPTION to the Zoning Ordinance based on SECTION 6 of the Ordinance as checked below. j SECTION 4: Where a district boundary line divides a lot which was 1! in single ownership at the time of passage of this ordinance, the Board of Adjustment may permit, as a special exception, the extension of the regulations for either portion of the lot not to exceed fifty feet be- yond the district line into the remaining portion of the lot. Ev{ SECTION 6: If no structural alterations are made, any non-conforming L=! use of a structure, or structure and premises, may as a special exception be changed to another non-conforming use. �-'j SECTION 9: Temporary use of land for auction sales, automobile u parking, lots for special events, batching plants, carnivals or circuses, and construction buildings and years. Specific reason for requesting SPECIAL EXCEPTION is because Applicant desires to make the necessary Tenant Improvements to 792 sq. ft. Package Liquor Store (for which he has already obtained a ease) in his 5173 sq. ft. Strip Shopping Center presently occupied only by a 7-11 convenience store. Signed: L John H. Baker, Owner Received (Date) By Board of Adjustment t` ,'w; , • :J J✓�SC Gam. J..:Ltf1-.1..„U.:�O'L ' ' J�. �. 13ox .rs36 • 0.5 C:u ! the tract or parcol of lend kno= as a 0.532 ..cry Sloan ,:r_-vcy, :.bLtract Iio� 18 J C;,lveston C;,:::-;y, bcinC ou'- of Lnd a part of that ccWtain tract. of 1,r u .doz- cri:. :c► conVofod to Sari; _ oar Dovolo.�.o:�b C:.x::;.n;; by dc;,l dz tcC. Octobar 20, 16GII, rocar3cd in Voluao 1899, PaSa 15�0 in tho L'.•. . �•u\iVi.13 0l' l.z1VCi`.JtCi� COu%ty, ` oxas, and L,�id 0.58{0. LC 'o 1--c,0H boing r,.ora particul.:rly doccr"bcd by rc:toa and bounds no follows: Cv: rCt;l c G at tha Southor�st corno: of said r2A T 3. lyine in tho viasterly rjS4t-of-.:ay line of Stato IiiZhway F.i1. I:o. 528; 8 dog. 22 min. 41 soe. Dust, clop" and with the '�; `ii.,otorly ri5. it--uf-uuy lino of Stato Hi'j;h%juy i?.U. No. 528, a distance 02 1339,10 :Coot to un iron rod for eornar end tho PLt:C:: 0; i3 GIiI;+IT:G o+ tho tract horoin describod; T ",::, North 8 doe. 22 min. 41 sec. I:aut, coatinuln,, alone said ritnt--of-way lino, a distance of 13D.0 fast to an iron rod for cornor; Itiorth 81 dug. 35 iAn. 34 sac. Wast, a distance of 135.0 J�:ot to a point for corner,sat in an Last line of a 30 foot wide utility oasa.!l at; THENCE South 8 dog. 20 min. 26 sec* ast, along the East line of said utility casement, a distance of 30.0 feat to a point for corner; 10E North 81 deg. 29 min. 34 sec. 'iest, along a South lino of said utility aaoemant, a distance of 67.86 feet to a point for CvIu3'1'; THy.CF, :out11 8 deg. 20 min. 26 sec. Nest, along rn East line of said utility casa=at, a distance of 105.0 feat to a point for coraar; `t'rl i,C.: ow� 1, 81 dog- S9 rrin. 34 sue. 1:ast, a distance of 202.77 feet to tIe i'1-4CL: OF I:EGMNING of the tract heraby describEd. CCU'L A IUII G 0.58c Acres (25,344-23 sq.ft.) of land, more or lass. :tC3/lvll 3/157j 171Y ' X 4, CI t I n i ' 1 • II �r- GAL, CO•, ?EX Tr,7<, /1!/vr� 5/oon ,Serve/ , sfrgc Ala. Co v!7 T"Y 7r:?C,'7 5 ��lci auk of vn c/ ci of 7'h474 70'rc�c o{/crrlc/ c%s<r.'hec�c%S %��ICr .� conveyed �o .7vr/�e�c%� eve/oo�e�� lee 4i2 ko/vrl)e /f 99, ��ye /9�, /117 �"7e c%ec/repo.-ds c{ C o/✓e��v�L Coin/y, �eXa�s . 1-2 re�allr fog �^I So 61'39'34' a 202.-1-1 ------ —=— 'n 4.KOV F�YG, 4Ta.1ca'JO FH/.1G6 Ir I d � tL1I' rY d Aar.` ou io yyio _ (�� lO4L.71.D a+. a O ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ 17 O 0 O ..O an'toua' .t .f I.G .?F.•I.G' C� Div I.o ZR PM /2q 'IV m I 51'iN ac+c P.��tati GnT n F— tr ►t+w. _. .+o1NTt -Jtv'Silca .. R I I I c Bo' UTILITY �fe-mp r- 1 1 4"woE- Nvr - fRi 4 p // 1 T 3n-o 17 a; CC LEGAL ''�f�tla"''i,`1J „ �u¢vrr, A I ycn�i I''10 ztavrv, *Yv� CRY OF FRIENQSWOOD 109 Willowick Avenue FRIENDSWOOD, TEXAS 77546 482 . 3323 PUBLIC NOTICE PUBLIC HEARING - Friendswood Zoning Board of Adjustment Tuesday - Febuanq 4, 1975 - 7:30 p. m. Notice is hereby given that a public hearing will be held in the Friendswood City Hall for the purpose of hearing a request for a Temporary Certificate of Zoning Compliance by: Jaycees of Friendswood One day Circus on Floyd N. Brown jr. property 201 S. Friendswood give Friendswood , Texas 77546 Bernice Box, Secretary Friendswood Board of Adjustment APPLICATION FOR A SPECIAL EXCEPTION (TO THE FRIENDSWOOD ZONING ORDINANCE NO. 174: To: The Friendswood Zoning Board of Adjustment I (we) the undersigned owner(s) of the following property NW2 of SW2 of SE 2 lot 2 Blk2, Friendswood S?Dlocated at 201 S. Friendswood Dr. legal description) (street address, if any) do hereby apply for a SPECIAL EXCEPTION to the Zoning Ordinance based on SECTION 9 7/b of the Ordinance as checked below. 1 I SECTION 4: Where a district boundary line divides a lot which was 1—! in single ownership at the time of passage of this ordinance, the Board of Adjustment may permit, as a special exception, the extension of the regulations for either portion of the lot not to exceed fifty feet be- yond the district line into the remaining portion of the lot. E j SECTION 6: If no structural alterations are made, any non-conforming l! use of a structure, or structure and premises, may as a special exception be changed to another non-conforming use. rM SECTION 9: Temporary use of land for auction sales, automobile parking, lots for special events, batching plants, carnivals or circuses, and construction buildings and years. Specific reason for requesting SPECIAL EXCEPTION is one day Circus Signed: ' �yf Sponsored by JnynPPs of Rriendswood Received (Date) By Board of Adjustment