HomeMy WebLinkAboutZBOA Minutes 1974-03-12 Regular MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF THE
March 12, 1974
The following Board members were present:
Mr. Bruce Foster - Co-Chairman
Mr. George Rummel, Secretary
Mr. William H. Taylor
Mrs. Bernice Box
Members absent were: Mrs. Ivy Fossler
Mr. William Dykes
Mr. Ray Nelson
The meeting was called to order by Mr. Foster.
The case to be heard was a variance on a marquee sign for the new theatre at
Captains Corner Shopping Center. The theatre group, called Seven-Tex Internation-
al, Inc. , was represented by Mr. Fred McAllister, President and Mr. Chris Perner,
Vice President.
The only regulation in our zoning ordinance no. 174 regarding size of signs is in-
cluded under C-1, paragraph 4, permitted uses, page 39, "sign business, illumi-
nated or non-illuminated, not to exceed 50 square feet in area and 25 feet in
height which directs attention to a commodity or service conducted, sold, or
offered upon the same lot."
Messrs. McAllister and Perner brought to the meeting two sketches of a new sign
they propose erecting on the Captains Corner property. These sketches are included
as part of these minutes. The proposed sign is 8 by 10 feet or 80 square feet in
area, which exceeds the 50 square feet maximum in the regulation. They stated that
a sign this large was minimal to advertise the movies and include information on
what pictures are showing at each of the two theatres. Professional sign builders
claim that letters must be at least 8 inches high to be read. One sketch shows a
comparison of an existing sign advertising the Captains Corner Shopping Center with
the proposed sign for the movies. The existing sign exceeds the regulation for
height and size.
Mr. Taylor made a motion that because of the special use of this movie sign that a
variance be granted allowing it to be erected 8 by 10 feet in size. Seconded by
Rummel. Motion carried unanimously.
Mr. Taylor made a motion that our Board request the P&ZC, and/or City Council, to
draw up a definitive regulation on signs. The present regulation is vague and in-
complete. Seconded and carried unanimously.
Meeting adjourned.
Res e tfully sub e
el ,
George W. Rumm , res dent
Friendswood Board of Adjustment
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Friendswood Zoning Board of Adjustment
will hold a hearing on Tuesday evening, March 12, 1974, at 7:30 p.m.
r at the Friendswood City Hall , to consider a variance on the size of a
theatre marquee sign at the Captains Corner Shopping Center.
Mrs. Ivy Fossler, Chairman
Board of Adjustment
To be published in the Friendswood Journal Feb. 28 or March 7.
cit y o
March 19, 1974
Mr. Chris Perner, Vice President
Seven Tex International, Inc.
506 Fairdale Road
Friendswood, Texas 77546
Dear Mr, Perner:
This letter will confirm action taken by the Friendswood Board of
Adjustment at our meeting on March 12, 1974.
Based on the sketches and facts presented at this meeting, the
Board approved a variance in the marquee movie sign to be erected
at Captains Corner Shopping Center. This sign is to advertise the
movies and advise the public what pictures are being shown at each
of the two movies. The sign approved by the Board, per the sketch
submitted by you and Mr. McAllister, is 8 by 10 feet in size or 80
square feet in area.
_ This letter will serve as your notice of the approval.
Very truly yours,
George Rummel, Secretary
Friendswood Board of Adjustment
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Fred McAllister Chris Perner
18222 Barbuda In. 506 Fairdale Rd.
Nassau Bay, Tex Friendswood, Tex
February 22, 1974
Mrs. Ivy Fossler
Board of Adjustments
City of Friendswood
Friendswood, Texas
Dear Mrs. Fossler:
Reference is made to our telephone conversation of February 22,
1974, in which you outlined the method by which to meet with
the Friendswood Board of Adjustments.
We represent the group which is putting the movie theatre in the
Friendswood Captains• Corner Shopping center. We met with the
Friendswood Zoning Commission thwrsday evening February 21, 1974,
° t9 request their approval of a theatre marquee sign size of 8x10
feet. They favorable recommended the size and requested us to
contact and present our varience to your Board.
We respectfully request a hearing with the Board of Adjustment.
111 In our conversation you suggested Monday March 11, 1974 due to
the rules of open hearings. Please schedule us for that date.
Yours truly,
Fred McAllister Chris Perner
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