HomeMy WebLinkAboutZBOA Minutes 1973-12-17 Regular MINUTES OF A MEETING OF THE FRIENDSWOOD
December 17, 1973
The following Board Members were present :
Mrs. Ivy Fossler, Chairman
Mr. Bruce Foster, Co-Chairman
Mr. George Rummel , Secretary
Mr. William E. Dykes
Mrs. Bernice Box
Mr. William H. Taylor
Absent: Mr. Jesse H. Williams
The meeting was brought to order by Mrs . Fossler at 7 :45 P .M.
Mrs. Fossler stated that the business to be acted upon was a variance in the set-back
restriction of a building to be used to repair school buses for the Friendswood
Independent School District on property owned by the School District. The location is
on the corner of Woodlawn and a private access road known as "FISD 1 . " This private
street divides the school property between the Junior High School and the Athletic
Several School Board members and employees of the School District were present to
present their case. They advised that the foundation was already in place and hook-
ups had been made to the building for water and sewer at an estimated expenditure of
$900.00 to $1000.00. The exact property line seems to be in doubt as this property
has not been surveyed for many years, but it is estimated that the foundation is
one (1 ) to two (2) feet from the Woodlawn Street right-of-way, which is in violation
of the building code. For some reason the Friendswood Planning Commission never re-
viewed the plat plan because of the way it was filed. 11r. Jones did approve the
building permit. The reasons given for locating the building so close to the Woodlawn
right-of-way were (1 ) best possible use of the land (2) there is a 2000 gallon gas
tank and pump at this location and in order to squeeze the building between this pump
and the Woodlawn right-of-way it had to be extended onto the easement.
Mrs . Leah North, a member of the Friendswood Planning Commission, filed a complaint
against this location for safety and aesthetic reasons. The building creates a
"blind corner" because of its closeness to Woodlawn, which could cause traffic
accidents. FISD 1 is a one way street at certain times of the day but can be, and is,
used for traffic going both way when these one way restriction periods do not apply.
The proximity of the building to Woodlawn sets it out about 25 feet closer to the
street than the Junior High Building, which will ruin the appearance of the property
and bring it too close to the homes across the street.
The school representatives said that the property facing this building is owned by
Mr. Floyd Brown. Mr. Brown had been consulted and had no objections to this location.
They also said that moving the building as suggested by Mr. Foster would cost con-
siderable money that the School Board did not have and also take up some land now
used as an athletic field. The safety factor was discussed at length and the school
Board of Adjustment Minutes
Meeting of December 17, 1973
Page 2
representatives said the danger of accidents could be overcome by (1 ) blocking the
private road "FISD 1 " off entirely to any traffic or (2) making this street one way
at all times with traffic to flow off of Woodlawn onto FISD 1 .
Motion was made by Rummel , seconded by Taylor, that the variance be granted. An amend-
ment to the motion was made by Foster, seconded by Box, that the School Board meet and
pass necessary regulations regarding traffic on FISD 1 to ensure that its use by
vehicles be such that accidents would not occur at this "blind corner".
The amendment was passed unanimously by the Board of Adjustment.
The Motion was passed unanimously by the Board of Adjustment.
A request was made to Dr. John Ward, who was present, that the Board of Adjustment be
advised of the action taken by the School Board. He agreed to do so.
Mrs. Fossler advised that the Board of Adjustment would meet on January 7, 1974 to
consider a request by Mr. Glines to operate a barber shop in his home, which is in a
residential location.
Meeting adjourned at 8:45 P.M.
R ectfully u m
George ummel ,7Se retary
Friendswood Board of Adjustment
cc: Ralph Lowe, Mayor
Jim Morgan, City Manager
Planning & Zoning Comm.
Board of Adjustment (All Members)
9219 Katy Frwy, Suite 174 /Houston, Texas 77024/467-2213
January 8, 1974
City of Friendswood Board of Adjustments
Mrs. Ivy Fossler, Chairman
109 Willowick
Friendswood, Texas 77546
Subject: Proposed addition to Friendswood Arms Nursing Home,
Autumn Hills Convalescent Centers, Inc. , Friendswood,
In compliance with Ordinance 174, we request the following variances ;� 0
be granted concerning the above named project: y
1 . A variance to reduce the front building line of �+
the proposed new addition from 25 feet to 15 feet
6 inches.
2. A variance to reduce the required off-street
parking to a total of eighteen (18) cars in lieu
of that required by the zoning ordinances and that
an additional nine (9) nonconforming parking spaces
be provided on Quaker Drive.
Enclosed is a copy of a letter from the Planning and Zoning Commission
which might be helpful in further explaining the need of this action.
Upon approval of these variances, the nursing home will dedicate a
sixty (60) foot easement on the northwestern extremity of the project
as indicated on the enclosed survey.
Ron L. Pohlmeyer
Vice-President and Gen al Manager
4 griendswood
Mr. W.R. Simpson
208 Carey bane
Dear Sir: Your request for a building permit to build apartments. on the
rner of Winding Way and FM 528 (patr of lots 54,55 Voss S/D) zoned C-1
s been denied for reason listed below,
1-Failure to meet requirments as set forth by Board of Adjuster t,
Note - See minutes dated Sept. 6, 1973.
Thank You.
L.B.C 1 ine
27ning Administrator
January 18, 1974
The Board of Adjustment, City of Friendswood, Texas , will meet on
Monday, February 4, 1974, to hear an appeal by Autumn Hills Convalescent Cen-
ters on two variances: (1 ) to reduce the front building line of their
proposed new addition (2) to reduce the off-street parking on their property
on Quaker Drive. The meeting will convene at 7:30 P.M. at the Frien swood
Public Library.
/s/George Rummel , Secretar
Friendswood Board of Adjustment
cc: Members, Board of Adjustment
Ron L. Pohlmeyer, Vice President
and General Manager
Autumn Hills Convalescent Centers
February 4, 1974
The following Board Members were present:
Mr. Bruce Foster, Co-Chairman
Mr. George W. Rummel , Secretary
Mr. William H. Taylor
Mrs. Bernice Box
Mr. Ray Nelson
Those absent were:
Mrs. Ivy Fossler, Chairman
Mr. William E. Dykes
Persons present representing Autumn Hill Convalescent Center were:
Mr. Ron L. Pohlmeyer, Vice
Pres. and Gen. Manager
Victor T. Cauble, Contractor
Mrs. Patricia A. Beem, Administrator
Mrs. Tracy Richmond, Director of
David C. Strickler, Architect
The meeting was brought to order by Mr. Foster.
Mr. Foster stated that the purpose of the meeting was to act on two (2) variances
in a proposed addition to Friendswood Arms Nursing Home, which is owned by Autumn
Hills Convalescent Centers, Inc. These variances are as follows : (1 ) to reduce
the front building line of the proposed new addition from 25 feet to 15 feet 6
inches. (2) to reduce the required off-street parking to a total of eighteen (18)
cars in lieu of that required by the zoning ordinances and that an additional
nine (9) nonconforming parking spaces be provided on Quaker Drive.
Mr. Foster read a letter dated November 26, 1973, written by Mrs. Leah North of the
Planning and Zoning Commission, to Mr. David Strickler, Architect (copy attached) .
This letter stated that action taken by P&ZC in their last meeting which approved
these variances was not within the jurisdiction of P&Z. She suggested Mr. Stickler
request a meeting of the Board of Adjustment to consider these variances.
Because the City Council had taken action to rezone the property where this building
is to be constructed, from "residential " to "special use", and, because several
meetings had been held by the P&ZC to approve the plot plan; we requested Mr. Clyde
Raney of the P&ZC to attend our meeting and give us background information on their
actions. Mr. Raney told us that in exchange for deeding to the City of Friendswood
a 60 foot right-of-way on the southwest portion of the Autumn Hills property on
Heritage Drive, they (Autumn Hills) could use part of the City street on Quaker Drive
for parking. The condition for this is included in the City Ordinance #208 as
Friendswood Board of Adjustment Meeting
February 4, 1974
Page 2
"Condition 3 - A drainage culvert shall be installed, covered and blacktopped on
Quaker Drive according to the City Engineers specifications . The entire cost of
the culvert and blacktop
v a op is to be borne by the Autumn Hills Corporation. "
This parking area on City property has the same affect as if the property was owned
by Autumn Hills and for all practical purposes is an extension to the 15 feet 6
inches owned by them.
Mr. Raney said that PUC looked with favor on the reduced off-street parking because
the number of visitors who could be expected to come to a Senior Citizens Home at
any one time would not require more parking spaces. If more parking is needed in
the future it can be provided, but several beautiful trees now on the property would
have to be cut down to do so.
Motion was made by Rummel , seconded by Taylor that because of the above reasons both
these variances be approved. Motion carried unanimously.
Mrs. Box then brought before the Board that the road known as FISD I on the Junior
High School property was still being used by automobile traffic. This road was
supposed to be locked off entirely to all traffic as on of the conditions to a
variance given the Friendswood Independent School District in our meeting of Decem-
ber 17, 1973. Mr. Foster is to look into this matter.
Respectfully submitted,
George W. Rummel , cretary
Friendswood Board of Adjustment
• r�' .
o` . 4 t
9219 Katy Frwy, Suite 174/Houston, Texas 77024/467-2213
February 4, 1974
Mr. James C. Morgan
City Manager
City of Friendswood
109 Willowick
Friendswood, Texas 77546
Dear Mr. Morgan:
This will acknowledge your letter of January 22, informing me
that the ordinance changing the Autumn Hills property has been
approved, contingent upon fulfilling one additional condition
set forth in the ordinance, i.e. , deeding the City of Friendswood
a 60-foot right-of-way on the southwest portion of the Autumn
Hills property on Heritage Drive.
I am agreeable to doing this and have asked the surveyor to pro-
vide a metes and bounds description to enable us to complete a
right-of-way deed in favor of the City.
As soon as this information is available, the deed will be fur-
nished to you.
Yours very trul ,
Robert E. Gay, President
February 20, 1974
John F. Ward, Superintendent
Friendswood Independent School District
302 Laurel Drive
Friendswood, Texas 77546
Dear Sir:
Attached find the minutes of the February 4, 1974, meeting
of the Friendswood Board of Adjustment. Your attention is
called to the last paragraph which reports that the closing
of F. I.S.D. No. 1, as voted December 18, 1973, by the Board
of Trustees, has not been accomplished. More effective
measures should be taken in order that compliance with the
conditions imposed on the granted variance are satisfied.
B. C. Foster, Co-Chairman
Friendswood Board of Adjustment
cc: Mr. George W. Rummel
Mr. William H. Taylor
Mrs. Bernice Box
Mr. Roy Nelson
Mrs. Ivy Fossler
Mr. William E. Dykes
Mr. Dick Warren, President,
Board of Trustees
♦s. 1Y•
i r`
Fred McAllister Chris Perner
` 18222 Barbuda In. 506 Fairdale Rd.
Nassau Bay, Tex Friendswood, Tex
February 22, 1974
Mrs. Ivy Fossler
Board of Adjustments
City of Friendswood
Friendswood, Texas
Dear Mrs. Fosslers
Reference is made to our telephone conversation of February 22,
19740 in which you outlined the method by which to meet with
the Friendswood Board of Adjustments.
We represent the group which is putting the movie theatre in the
Friendswood Captains' Corner Shopping center. We met with the
Friendswood Zoning Commission thursday evening February 21, 19741,
tq request their approval of a theatre marquee sign size of 8x10
feet. They favorable recommended the size and requested us to
contact and present our varience to your Hoard.
We respectfully request a hearing with the Board of Adjustment.
In our conversation you suggested Monday March ].i, 1974 due to
the rules of open hearings. Please schedule us for that date.
Yours truly,
Fred McAllister Chris Perner
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